NOAA TR NMFS CIRC-375 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-375 V U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Marine Biologicsl La' LIBRARY NOV 1 6 1973 Woods Hol«, Mass. New Polychaeta from Beaufort, with a Key to All Species Recorded from North Carolina JOHN H. DAY SEAHLE, WA JULY 1973 : NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quan- tity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, develop- ment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyses, and publishes statistics on various pha.ses of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC series continues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publica- tions that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in economics studies and from management investigations appear in the Circular series. NOAA Technical Reports NMFS CIRC are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the ma- rine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from NOAA Publications Section, Rock- ville, Md. 20852. Recent Circulars are 315. SjTiopsis of biological data on the chum salmon, 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Lab- Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792. By Rich- oratory, Auke Bay, Alaska. By Bureau of Com- ard G. Bakkala. March 1970, iii + 89 pp., 15 mercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 6 figs. figs., 51 tables. 339. Salmon research at Ice Harbor Dam. By Wesley 319. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Great Lakes J. Ebel. April 1970, 6 pp., 4 figs. Fishery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan. By Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. March 1970, 340. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Technological Laboratory, Gloucester, Massachusetts. 8 pp., 7 figs. By Bu- reau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 8 figs. 330. EASTROPAC Atlas: Vols. 4, 2. Catalog No. 1 49.4:330/ (vol.) 11 vols. ($4.75 each). Avail- Fisheries able from the Superintendent of Documents, 341. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Washington, D.C. 20402. Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. By the Lab- oratory staff. August 1970, iii 24 pp., 11 figs., 331. Guidelines for the processing of hot-smoked chub. -f- 16 tables. By H. L. Seagran, J. T. Graikoski, and J. A. Emerson. January 1970, iv + 23 pp., 8 figs., 342. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 2 tables. Biological Laboratory, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. 332. Pacific hake. (12 articles by 20 authors.) March August 1970, iii + 22 pp.," 20 figs.. 8 tables. 1970, iii 4- 152 pp., 72 figs., 47 tables. 343. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 333. Recommended practices for vessel sanitation and Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas, fiscal fish handling. By Edgar W. Bowman and Alfred year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August Larsen. March 1970, iv -|- 27 pp., 6 figs. 1970, iii -I- 39 pp., 28 figs., 9 tables. 335. Progress report of the Bureau of Commerpial 344. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Tropical Atlan- Fisheries Center for Estuarine and Menhaden tic Biological Laboratory progress in research Research, Pesticide Field Station, Gulf Breeze, 1965-69, Miami, Florida." By Ann Weeks. Oc- the Laboratory staff. Fla., fiscal year 1969. By tober 1970, iv -I- 65 pp., 53 figs. August 1970, iii + 33 pp., 29 figs., 12 tables. 346. Sportsman's guide to handling, smoking, and pre- 336. The northern fur seal. By Ralph C. Baker, Ford serving Great Lakes coho salmon. By Shearon Wilke, and C. Howard Baltzo. April 1970, iii + Dudley, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran, and Paul 19 pp., 13 figs. M. Earl. September 1970, iii + 28 pp., 15 figs. 337. Program of Division of Economic Research, 347. Synopsis of biological data on Pacific ocean perch, Bureau of Commerecial Fisheries, fiscal year Sebnstodes alutus. By Richard L. Major and 1969. By Division of Economic Research. April Herbert H. Shippen. December 1970, iii -|- 38 31 figs., 11 tables. 1970, iii -I- 29 pp., 12 figs., 7 tables. pp., Continued on inside back cover. .^VT ftTMOSp^^. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Peter Peterson, Secretary Nonn G. NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator "'""-^^^^^^ NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES sER\licE Laboratory LIBRARY NOV 1 6 1973 Woods Hole, Mass. NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-375 New Polychaeta from Beaufort, with a Key to All Species Recorded from North Carolina JOHN H. DAY SEATTLE, WA JULY 1973 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Govenimt-nt Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20-402 • SI. 25 The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. Xo reference shall be made to XMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that XMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this XMFS publication. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Family Aphroditidae 4 Key to genera and sjjecies 4 Ldctnidiiicc filiroi-iiis Kinberg, 1855 4 Ajili )'(i(Iitii sp 4 Aph )()(/( II ill s]i 4 Family Polynoidae 4 Key to genera and species 4 Dricschia pclliicida Moore, li)0:} 6 Lepidoiiotiis siihlcris Verrill, IST.i 6 Li'pidiiiKitiis foridhilis Webster, 1879 6 Lcpiila nifti-ia com ni>'iif<(ilis Webster, 1879 6 LcpidnxtJicina .sp 6 Suhadytc pvUncida (Ehlers, 1864) 6 AiitiiKK'lla sarsi (Malmgren, 1865) 7 Harmathoe ( H( riiiadidii ) (icdiiclhu (Verrill, 1881) 7 Gattijdiia cin-dsd (Pallas, 1766) 7 HaniKitlidc inihricatd (Linnaeus, 1767) 7 Hdrnidthof aciilcufd Andrews, 1891 7 Harnidtlidc trinidcnldtd (Treadwell, 1924) 7 HdriHdthdv sp. A 7 HdrDiothdc sp. B 9 Family Poiyodontidae 9 Key to genera and species 9 Poljjdddiitts liipiiid (Stim])son, 1856) 9 Eupdntlialis kiiilii )(/! (Mcintosh, 1876) 9 Family Sigalionidae 10 Key to genera and .species 10 Pholdf DiiiiKfd (Fabricius, 1780) 10 Sigalidii dvoiicdld Verrill, 1879 10 L< diiivd hjistficis Ehlers, 1874 11 Ps(U)utiidijcv ctciiiddplidrd new species 11 Sthciielais boa (Johnston, 18;W) 12 Sthciielais limicola (Ehlers, 1864) 12 Stheiielais sp 12 Sthoicldis aiidciila new species 12 Family Palmyridae 14 Key to genera and species 14 Blia irai/ia goodei Web.ster, 1884 14 PdlecDiotus heteroscta Hartman, 1945 14 Family Pisionidae 14 Pixidiiv rvniotd (Southern, 1914) 14 Family Amphinomidae 15 Key to genera and species 15 Clihicitt viridis Schmarda, 1861 15 Hipponoe gaudichaiuli Audouin and Milne-Edwards, 1830 16 Amphinome rostrata (Pallas, 1776) 16 Paramphinome pulchella (Sar.s, 1872) 16 Pseudeurythoe ambigua (Monro, 1933) 16 iii Family Phyllodocidae 16 Key to genera and species 16 Liigia ivrira Uschai<()V. li)58 18 Eteone lactea Claparede. 1868 19 Eteoue heteropoda Hartman, 1951 19 Protnniystidrs bldenlata Langerlians, 1879 19 Hesio)ium elo)igata (Soutiiern, 1914) 19 Eiilalia (Ptc)-firirrHs) n/ncroro-os Grube, 1860 20 Eiilnllo (Einnidu ) sanf/idiwa (Oersted, 1843) 20 Exialia biUiieuta (Johnston, 1840) 20 Eiilalia riridifi (Linnaeus, 1767) 20 Paimiaifis kosfciioisis (Malmgren, 1867) 20 f'lnvnaitis apecioxa (Webster, 1880) 22 Pliilllodocc (Ncrcipln/llajfrai/ilis Webster, 1879 22 Plii/llodocc (Gcuctijllix) rantaiira (Marenzeller. 1879) 22 Pliilllodocc (Aiialtidcs) tmicosa Oersted, 1843 22 Plii/llodocc ( AiKiilidcs) f/i-niiilaiidica Oersted, 1848 22 Plii/llodocc (Aiiaitidcs) l()Hf/ij)cs Kinberg, 1866 2'-> Phijllodocc (Aiiiiitidcs) niadcirciisis Langerhans, 1880 2."> Phijllndocc (Aiiiiitidcs) (irciKic Webster. 1880 23 Pln/llndocc ( AiKiitidcs) paiianiciisis Treadwell, 1917 24 Family Pilargidae 24 Key to genera and species 24 Siganihra hassi ( Hai'tman. 1945) 24 Si/iii Iniis ulhiiii (Langerhans, 1881) 24 Family Hesionidae 25 Key to genera and species 25 Gjiptis riitutii Webster and Benedict, 1887 25 Opliindroniiis i)l)sciiriis (Verrill, 1873) 25 Ncrimi/ra punctata (Miiller, 1776) 25 ParaliisioiK lutrola (Webster, 1880) 25 Family Syllidae 26 Key to gent'ra and sjiecies 26 Tyj/jiiiiii'si/llla zchra (Grube, 1860) 28 SilUii< (Hapl(isnllis) spoiH/icola (Grube, 1855) 29 SuUis (jracilis (Irube, 1840 29 Sijllix ( Ijihui rhaiisia ) f( rnii/iiia Langerhans, 1881 29 Sjillis ( Laiii/crliaiisia ) coniiila Rathke, 1843 29 S!iUi^(T!ipoi<!iUi^) lijialiiia (Jrube, 1863 29 Si/IUk (Ti/posjill is) ri fiiilalu cai-dliinu new sul)species 30
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