THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOKOF CONTEMPORARY ITALY History, politics, society Edited by Andrea Mammone, Ercole Giap Parini, and Giuseppe A. Veltri R~~~;!;"~~~"P LONDON AND NEW YORK First published 2015 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 ThirdAvenue, NewYork, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Fmncis Group, (ln itiforma business © 2015 Andrea Mammone, Ercole Giap Parini, and Giuseppe A. Veltri The right of Andrea Mammone, Ercole Giap Parini, and Giuseppe A. Veltri to be identified as the authors of the edltorial material, and of the contributors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sectiom 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All nghts reserved. No part of this book may be repdnted or reproduced ar utilised in any farm or by any electronic, mechanical, ar other means, now known ar hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, ar in any infonnation storage ar retrieval system, without permission in writing [ram the publishers. Trademark /tofife; Product or corporare names may be trademarks ar registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Libra/)' Cafa!ogl/ing in P"blication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Pubficatio/l Data The Routledge handbook of contemporary Italy; history, politics, society I edited by Andrea Mammone, Ercole Giap Parini and Giuseppe A. Veltri. pages cm IncIudes bibliographical references and ind=. ISBN 978~0~415~60417-8 (aIk:. paper) - ISBN 978~ 1 ~315-70997-0 (aIk:. paper) 1. Italy - History - Handbooks, manuaIs, etc. 2. Italy­ Politics and government - Handbooks, manuais, etc. 3. Italy - Sociallife and customs - Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Mammone, Andrea. II. Parini, Ercole Giap, 1968- III. Veltri, Giuseppe A. DG417.R682014 945.092 - dc23 2014042156 ISBN, 978-0-41S-60417-8 (hbk) ISBN, 978-1-315-70997-0 (ebk) Typeset in Bembo and Stone Sam by Florence Production Ltd, Stoodleigh, Devon, UK J;j .....MIX '..., FSC ......-IIIIfIHIIIÇONI Printed and bound in Great Britain by - FSC- C013066 TJ International Ltd., Padstow, ComwaH CONTENTS List of figures viii List of tab/es ix List of contributors x Introduction: notes on Italy in recent decades and the Handbook 1 Andrea Mammone, Ercole Giap Parini, and Giuseppe A. Veltri PARTI Old and new tensions in contemporary Italian society 11 1 The 'Southern Question' ... again 13 lain Chambers 2 Pratelli d'ltalia: differences and similarities in social values between Italian macro-regions 23 Giuseppe A. Veltri 3 From manpower to brain drain? Emigration and the Italian state, between past and present 37 Guido Tintori and Michele Colucci 4 Racism, immigration and new identities in Italy 49 Carl Levy 5 Role and perceptions of women in contemporary Italy 64 Elisabetta Ruspini v Contents 6 New generation at a crossroads: decline or change? Young people in Italy and their transfonnation since the nineties 77 Gianluca Argentin 7 Mafias, ltaly and beyond 89 Breole Giap Parini PART II Democratic life and institutions 101 8 lnstitutions and the political system in ltaly: a siory of fuilure 103 Martin J. Buli 9 The missing renewal of the ruling class 115 Luea Verziehelli 10 Media and democracy 127 Cinzia Padovani 11 No longer pro-European? Politieisation and contestation of Europe in ltaly 136 Nieolô Cont; 12 Religion and the state 145 Donatella Loprieno PART III Politics 155 13 Genius loa: the geography ofItalian politics 157 John Agnew 14 The political right 169 Francesco Raniolo and Marco Tarchi 15 From communism to centre-left: analysis of an unprecedented political trajectory 181 Mare Lazar and Lilia Giugni 16 From the Democrazia Cristiana to the archipelago of Catholic and centrist parties 194 Mark Donovan 17 The fluctuating fortunes of the Lega Nord 204 Anna Cento Buli vi Contents 18 Magistrates going into politics: Antonio Di Pietro and Italy ofValues 215 James L. Newell 19 Social movement campaigns fiom global justice activism to Movimento Cinque Stelle 225 Maria Pabbri and Mario Viani PARTIV Italian welfare and economy 237 20 Welfàre, Itillan style: from Bismarckian beginnings to crisis and reforro 239 Julia Lynch and Peter Ceretti 21 Clientelism 252 Jean-Louis Briquet 22 The impact of political calculus on lhe reforro of institutions and growth: old and new examples 262 Leone Leonida, Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti and Pietro Navarra 23 Itillan firms 273 Alessandro Giovannini and Raoul Minetti 24 The banking system and savings a11ocation in Italy 285 Alfonsina lona, Leone Leonida and Vamiano Bruno Silipo PARTV Memories 293 25 Cinema and public memory 295 Paolo Jedlowski 26 The Risorgimento in contemporary Italy: history, politics and memory during lhe nationaljubilees (1911-1961-2011) 305 Annarita Gori 27 The 'spaces' of anti-Fascism in lta1y today 316 Philip Cooke 28 Italy's colonial past 327 Roberta Pergher Index 339 vii FIGURES 9.1 New MPs and semor MPs in the Lower Chamber, 1948-2013 118 9.2 Mean age of Italian MPs (Lower Chamber and Senate, all MPs and new MP,), 1948-2013 119 9.3 MPs changing parliamentary groups and monthly average number of change" 1987-2013 122 274 23.1 lndustry, value added (current US$) 23.2 Share of OECD industrial production 274 23.3 A snapshot of the Italian productive system 275 II 281 23.4 Innovation projects by size of furo viii TABLES 2.1 Multilevel variance components ana1ysis for each cultural set by macro-regians 27 2.2 Means and standard deviations of econornic conservatism indicators across macro-regions 28 2.3 Means and standard deviations of authoritarianism indicators across macro-reglOllS 30 2.4 Mean seares of three items measuring attitudes towards democracy across macro-régions 31 2.5 PCP: rotated two-factor solution 31 2.6 Means and standard deviations of generalized trust items across macro-regiam 32 9.1 ProfIle Df Julian mínisters. Fiest and Second Republic compared 119 14.1 Main centre-right parties in Italian general elections, 1994--2013: percentage of vote 171 15.1 Election results for the Chamber ofDeputies 187 15.2 PCI, PDS and DS membership 187 20.1 Italian social spending, poverty and inequality in comparative perspective 241 23.1 Size structure of Italian firms 276 23.2 Italian groups with at least 10,000 employees 277 23.3 Family-owned furns ln Europe 278 23.4 Managerial structure ln Italian ftrms 279 23.5 Shareholder structure of listed companies 279 ix ~~~~----~~~~~------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTORS Editors Andrea Mammone is Lecturer in Modem European History at Royal Holloway, University ofLondon, UK. Ercole Giap Parini, Associate Professor in Sociology at the Università della Calabria, Italy. Giuseppe A. Veltri, Lecturer in Social Psychology of Communication, University ofLeicester, UIC. Contribntors John Agnew, Distinguished Professor of Geography at ueLA, USA. Gianluca Argentin, Researcher in Sociology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuare, MiJano. Jean-Louis Briquet, Research Professor in Polities at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (CESSP), CNRS-EHESS_Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. MartinJ. BulI, Professor ofPohtics at the University ofSalford, UIC. Anna Cento Bull, Professor of Italian History and Polities at the University of Bath, UK. Peter Ceretti, MSc in Politiçal Economy of Europe fram the London School of Econornics and PoliticaI Science, UK. lain Chambers, Professor of Cultural and Postcolonial Studies at the Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale," Italy. Michele Colucci, researcher at the Istituto di studi sulle società deI Mediterraneo, CNR, Naples, [taly. Nicolo Cond, Associate Professor of Political Science at the Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Philip Cooke, Professor of Italian History at the University of Strathclyde, UK. x Contributors Mario Diani, Professor ofSociology at the Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy and Research Professor of Social Sciences at ICREA at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Mark Donovan, Serrior Lecturer in Politics at CardiffUniversity, UK. Maria Fabbri, researcher at the Sociolab, Florence, Italy. Alessandro Giovannini, PhD researcher in Economics at Sciences Po, Paris, France. Lilia Giugni, PhD candidate in Policics at the U niversity of Cambridge, UK. Annarita Gori, postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto da Ciências Sociais, University ofLisbon, Portugal. Alfonsina lona, Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance at "the Urriversità di Messina and Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance at Queen Mary, University of London, UK. Paolo Jedlowski, Professor of Sociology at the Università della Calabria, Italy. Mare Lazar, Professor of History and Political Sociology at Sciences Po, Paris, France and President of the School of Govemment at Luiss Guido Carli, Rome, Italy. Leone Leonida, Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance at the Università di Messina and Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance at Queen Mary, University of London, UK. Carl Levy, Professor ofPolitics at Goldsmiths, University ofLondon, UK. Donatella Loprieno, Assistant Professor ofPublic Law at the Università della Calabria, Italy. Julia Lynch. Associate Professor ofPolitical Science at the University ofPennsylvania, USA. Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti, Assistant Professor of Public Economics at the Università di Messina, Italy. Raoul Minetti, Professor ofEconomics at Michigan State University, USA. Pietro Navarra,
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