THE SYRACUSE HERALD. FRIDAY' EVENING, MARCH 13, 1918. w ROCHESTER CENTRALS TRIUMPH "PETZ" RZYlfOLDB BIOKS TO OVER ALL-STARS IN FAST OOAOH SYRACUSE UKIVXS8ITT CONTEST BY 22-17 SCORE ALL THE NEWS IN THE SPORTING WORLD FOOTBALL ELEVEN NEXT FALL REYNOLDS WILL BODffi TO REMAIN CARR WILL Roller How Teams Will Line-up To-night in Gym WITH CUT BALL SQUAD SYRACUSE PENN AGllN BE COACH . Macon, Tex.. March 1G.—Ping Bodle Coach Low Carr of the Syracuie uni- Skates Cronauter, Left Forward Right Guard, Ramont will remain with the Yankees regard- versity baseball team .will-make'a cut. GENUINE WINSLOW Dolley, Right Forward Left Guard) Martin less of whether or not George Burns In his squad In a short, time. At pres- OF HILL ELEVEN reports to Connie Mack. This was the ent ho lias too many moil trying out Schwarzer, Center Center, Davis assertion of Manager Miller Iluggins for Infield and outlield poisltiotis to Marcus, Right Guard Left Forward, Sweeney •• to-day. Ho says Bodle has no strings handle comfortably in th« ffynv Thet-a attached to him." Word received from is plenty of material which tho coacli Barsha, Left Guard Right Forward, Stannard "Pete" Signs Contract to Dcrrill Pratt indicates that lie lias can determine us hopeless now nnU come to terms. ' He will report here who-only hinder tho work of tho rest Referee, Tom Thorp of Columbia. Umpire, Carl Reed of Saturday. • '. • • of tho men. - «" Wesleyan. Time of periods, twenty minutes. ' Work Under O'N'eill For. the present battery. candidates. > Redmond's Son Seek* Seat, will be left intact until they can bcjrtil - " Next Fall. work outdoors and .until'.tho many London, 'March 15. — Capt. William soro amin become well enough so that Nearly 3,000 Expected to See Important Con- Bcdmond lias become a candidate Coach Carr 'can determine Uieir real for the Parliamentary scat for Wa- M-orth. Thp team's Greatest need nt "Bill" Horr Is Expected to terford, made vacant by the death of present is experienced battery men. test—Tom Thorp and Carl Reed his father, John Redmond, the Na- Barsha and Schwarzer will report for 'Sign Up in Near . tionalist leader. He Is opposed by the backstop position after to-night':) Will Be Officials. Dr. White, Sinn Feiner. came. Barsha caught on the fresh- man team last year and Schwarzcr wa» $2.50 Future. second string catcher on the varsltv which was offered to him by the ath- squad last spring. However, it Is not T-Tas all the better features for letic governing board of the university tho receiving end of tho battery that this pleasant pastime. Steel "With both teams primed for the clash, tho basketball quintets ot Syra- was not satisfactory and that ho also is the bigscst problem, but there arj ball bearing?, cones, cannot cuse university and the University of Pennsylvania will battle for honors C. TV. P. ("Pole") Reynolds, who did not want to worK another season a half dozen men trying out 1'or th4 tighten and no danger of losing in the Archbold gymnasium at S o'clock to-night. coached the 'Syracuse' university foot- under O'Neill.. It was said that ho bearings. Adjustable, of course. n mound position. Both teams have wonderful records on the court this season. Tin Xew Tori:. March,!,".—The largest) April 12. Memphis.. Tenn., Cincinnati j *" ' ff ">" and who recently thought that he should be the man in Columbia Cast Holler Skate 75c that ho would not return solo charge. Syracusans have won sixteen straight games and have not suffered a de- number of ante-season iuterie.iguc (X.) vs. Detroit (A.). Ia s ' , - -- It vas learned to-day that "Buck" Kansas City, .. Mo., March 13.— ri.-,.:n Hollow Steel Roller feat. The Quakers have woji sixteen out of eighteen games and have al- games over scheduled for decision" by Auril 12, Chattanooga. Tenn., Xcw <™ach oof thee eleveeevenn nexnextt fallfall,, hahass Although the prospects of a match be- Skate .51.50 major louguo clubs is planned by the Turk (N.. ) vs. Cleveland (A.). had' a chang' e of - mind, for he has O'Neill was anxious to have John iiiB made between Champion Jess Wil- ready won the championship of the Intercollegiate league. The two teams April 12. Brooklyn, N. Y., Brooklyn .signed up to worlc under Advisory ("Chick") Meehan, .former Syracuse Union H' ware Ball Bearing which have defeated Penn this season arc Syracuse and Princeton, the various baseball teams nov.- in training (X.) vs. Xcw .York (A.). quarterback, return to coach the backs Lird and Fred . Fulton are no nearer Skato $2.35 for the pennant races of ISIS. Close April 13. Brooklyn.-N. T., Brooklyn Coach Prank J. ("Buck") O'Neill on and ends next fall, but that Jtcelwn than they were after yesterday's con- Orange band winning after a hard fought battle at Philadelphia the last to sixty such contests Have been an- (X.) T.I. New York (A.). the hill next season. will probably not be able to get'a' fur- ference between Col. J. C. Miller of tho Winslow Fall Nickel Ball •week in January while Princeton won from the Pcnnsylvanians last week nounced, ami it is likely that several Several weeks ago Revnolds declared lough from the naval authorities to 101 Ranch, who rms-'Willarcl under cot,, Bearing Skate .S3.0O April 13. Lexington, Ky., Xew York come back here next season. trapt to fight July 4th, and. Mike Co • at Princeton. 'Earlier in the season the Red and Blue five handed the others be added to the already (X.) vs. Cleveland (A.). that he was through with football on "Bill" Horr has not vet signed .his llnj. Fulton's manager, it is probablii Princetonians a beating:. lengthy srhodulc before the clubs com- April 1". Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati the hill. It was reported at that time contract to bo line coach, but it -is another conference will ho held unleM Dlete thei.- journeys through tho South (X.) vs. Detroit (A). that Reynolds objected to coaching an- QUAKERS OUT FOR REVENGE. April 13, I'h'iladelphia, Ta., Philadel- expected that he will soon put his John Collins is willing to accept the term* Spaldmg & Co. and Southwest. phia (X.) vs. Philadelphia (A.). other season because the contract liancoclv on a contract. 10.offered for i''ulton's end. The Quakers have come to this city to get revenge for the defeat in Based upon the experience of past April 14, Baltimore. Sid., Philadel- 109-113 W. JEFFERSON ST. years, it is not likely that all of these SYRACUSE. January iby Bddie Bollard's basket tossers and Coach Lon Jourdet has in- phia (X.) vs. Philadelphia (A.). formed the supporters of the Ked and Blue quintet tbat the Syracusans contests will be played, as tho records April 1-t, Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati of recent seasons sho\v that not more (X.) vs. Detroit (A.). will be downed to-night. Jourdet will have his strongest team on- the floor itl 50 cent f t, _am6s ar-anged April 15, Brooklyn. X. T., Brooklyn in Stannard and Sweeney at the forward positions, Davis at center and'aro completed, rain and windstorms (X.) vs. New York (A.). IM-M-P Martin and Ramont playing tho tvro guard positions. - This combination frequently causing tho,teams to aban- 'Opening game of interclub series. NONE MORE PERFECT has proved to be an excellent one and the Quaker coach iecls that with don 'such exhibitions while en route. these five men traveling at top speed they -n-ni show'jihe Syracusans some That the clubs find these games ex-| CLOTHES speedy l>asketiball. trcmely helpful in defraying a portion j of the large expenses incidental to the j This year's Penn team is probably the best balanced team that has Southern training trips is shown by the represented old Penn in numerous ^-ears that the Red and Blue forces fact that more teams are scheduled TWEENFDLTON have either been leading the Intercollegiate league or making the leaders for these contests tha-n ever before. hustle to keep jn top. Last year the Quakers had .two stars in Captain While a large majority of the games IS WINNER HERE McKichol and Lou Martin, but the other members ot the aggregation failed win lie played while the squads arc to hold the pace set by that precious pair, with the result that Lon , traveling, a. few such interleave strug- Jburdct's charges had to be content with third place. |glcs will be" staged in big league parks I preliminary to the opening of the regu- OVER ALL-STARS "With Martin, who is captain of the team, as tho only regular back 'lar league season. Philadelphia. Brook- Then. Let Winner of This from last season, it would seem at first thought that the Quakers would lyn, St. Louis and Cincinnati will see have had a hard time ot it in the quest for victories this season, but such one or more such contests. There are Mill Clash With Jess a surmise does not take into account that Coach Jourdet has available tho but three games between teams in the Centrals Triumph in Fast five members of last year's freshman five, an aggregation that was con- same league in the entire list, and these Willard. will be played very curly during the sidered by basketball experts to be the best frosh team that had repre- training trips so that they will have Contest by 22-17 sented the Intercollegiate league colleges. As expected, the players in little bearing, from a comparative question, as soon as they were eligible for the first team, made the players standpoint, upon the work of the teams Score.
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