בס”ד CELEBRATING 67 YEARS Panorama THE NEWSLETTER OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR Volume 67, Issue 1 FURTHERANCE OF JEWISH EDUCATION Fall 2007/5768 DINNER DATE Sunday, November 18, 2007 incensed at the exclusion of dren’s Hospitals include Phoenix Chil- Jewish children from the hos- dren’s Hospital, Arkansas Children’s TOY CAMPAIGN pital’s recreation activities that Hospital, Miller Children’s Hospital, he returned with a cartload of Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, GOES NATIONAL toys to cheer up the young- Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital, oys for Hospitalized Children, a divi- sters. During the following Miami Children’s Hospital, Chris Evert Tsion of NCJFE, has expanded na- years he spearheaded the campaign Children’s Hospital, Joe DiMaggio tionwide. to bring gifts to hospitalized children all Children’s Hospital, Boston Children’s Since its formation in 1953 the program over New York. Hospital, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, has primarily served institutions in the In the seventeen years since Rabbi Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Min- New York tri-state area. The expan- Hecht’s passing, Toys for Hospital- nesota, University of Minnesota Chil- sion will add eighty-six of the country’s ized Children has given out upwards of dren’s Hospital, Gillette Children’s Hos- Children’s Hospitals, which serve over 20,000 toys and gifts annually to ailing pital and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. twenty-thousand of the most seriously ill children and seniors in nursing homes. NCFJE Chairman Rabbi Shea Hecht youngsters. The program also arranges parties for said, “We are grateful to all of the do- Toys for Hospitalized Children was children in hospitals and seniors in ex- nors who give us the opportunity to founded by the late Rabbi Jacob J. tended care residences. help these children and expand on my Hecht, obm. Rabbi Hecht, while visiting Some of this year’s newly added Chil- father’s dream of giving toys to sick chil- a patient in a New York hospital, was so dren everywhere.” n THANK YOU CAMP EMUNAH by Jill Lerner sent Chana to camp I this summer with great trepidation. After all, she had a horrific year at school and was known as a hard-to-handle child. Why would she be any different at camp? I was forthright with the camp I dreaded disappointing Chana, as her as I explained Chana’s self-esteem was at an all-time low due past experience. to school and the constant negativity. Address service requested service Address I was told repeatedly that Chana was PERMIT NO. 1235 NO. PERMIT Brooklyn, NY 11213 NY Brooklyn, Continue on page 3 BROOKLYN, NY BROOKLYN, PAID 824 Eastern Parkway Eastern 824 U.S. POSTAGE U.S. Furtherance of Jewish Education Jewish of Furtherance NON-PROFIT ORG. NON-PROFIT National Committee for for Committee National PANORAMA |1| expressed their en- NCFJE thusiasm for the new 824 Eastern Pkwy. A NEW CAMPUS site’s beauty and con- Brooklyn, NY 11213 1-800-33-NCFJE venience. Children (718) 735-0200 FOR CHAI TOts enjoyed face-painting Fax (718) 735-4455 s the waiting list for Chai Tots and exploring the fea- A Preschool continued to grow, tures of the new center. OFFICERS Charles Kupferman a need for new and larger facili- The new center adds two classes Founding Executive Neil Kupferman ties became imperative. Thanks to Chai Tots. Plans for another Vice President Milton Kramer to Charles and Ruth Kupferman day-care room to open early 2008 Rabbi Jacob J. Shmuel Raskin this expansion was finally accom- are already underway. Hecht, o.b.m. Dr. Steven A. Rubel plished. Jerry Wartski HON. PRESIDENTS “Chai Tots is famous for offering Herbert B. Weiss Just in time for the 2007 school Hon. Joseph Fisch a home-away-from-home atmo- year, a ceremonial ribbon-cutting Milton E. Kramer ALTERNATE sphere and the best, professional Charles Kupferman TRUSTEE marked the grand opening of the care,” said Mrs. Hecht. “We view J. James Plesser Steven Mukamal, Esq. Kupferman Chai Tots Center and each of these children as a pre- its pristine, new playground do- CHAIRMAN SECRETARY nated by Greg & Abby Murjani of EXECUTIVE Scott Kupferman COMMITTEE Brooklyn. Chai Tots is famous DIRECTOR Rabbi Sholem B. Hecht OF DEVELOPMENT “We are so grateful for the wonder- for offering a BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rabbi Faivel Rimler ful partnership that was created home-away-from- Rabbi Shloma L. between Chai Tots and the Kup- DIRECTOR, CAMP Abramowitz home atmosphere EMUNAH ferman family, enabling us to edu- Rabbi Shea Hecht Rebbetzin Chave Hecht cate Jewish children in the heritage and the best, and traditions of their ancestors,” professional care NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR said Mrs. Sarah Hecht, Director FURTHERANCE OF JEWISH EDUCATION CHAIRMAN ADVISORY BOARD cious gem that we are privi- CHAIRMAN Joe Lovece Jr. leged to nurture in a warm ADVISORY BOARD David Mintz and stimulating environ- Rabbi Shimon Hecht William Newman ment.” Richard A. Parkoff ADVISORY BOARD Arnold S. Paster Chai Tots, is in its eighteenth Charles Alpert Abe Podolsky year of operation under Sam Baitner Stewart Rahr the auspices of Chabad of Dr. Mozzafar Bakhchi Benzion Raskin Alex Berkovitch Brownstone Brooklyn, a divi- Shmuel Raskin Edward Berkowitz sion of NCFJE. n Ira L. Rennert Joseph Bistritzky Faige Rubinfeld Eli Blachman Joseph Rubinfeld Murray Bresky Howard Rubenstein Dr. Laura Buchsbaum Dr. Jeffrey A. Sachs Benson Chanowitz Irving Schatz Irving & Estelle Cohen Steven Schwartz Irwin Cohen, Esq. Jack P. Schleifer Ronnie Domb of Chai Tots Dovid Smetana Sam Domb Preschool. Stanley Smith Mel Dubin Irving Seidman, Esq. The state-of- Mendel Duchman Benny Shabtai the-art cen- Mitchell Feldman Lori Shabtai Morris Gad ter, with its Bruce A. Solomon Harold Gold brand new Dovi Sperlin Arnold Goldstein, Esq. furniture and Fran Spilke Nosson Hecht Stanley Wasserman toys captured Benjamin Hirsch Aaron Weingarten the imagina- Adam Katz Scott Weingarten tions of adults Jason Katz David Weprin and children alike. Parents real difference was the way the THANK YOU CAMP EMUNAH camp was run, and by whom. Continued from page 1 A day passed with no calls disruptive, uncooperative, and down- from the camp. I was cau- right chutzpadik. Sadly, I fell into the trap tiously happy. The next day I of reiterating this rhetoric at home, caus- called the nurse, who informed ing a strain in my relationship with my only me that Chana appeared child. happy and content. I contin- Amazingly, the camp director said she ued to call every day for the would accept Chana anyway! I could not first week, and received only believe it when her words came over the good reports. “What was hap- phone. Chana was ecstatic! She assured pening?” I thought. Where did me that she would succeed in camp and the trouble go? Where was the behave just fine. I hoped she was right. anguish? Trying to be upbeat, I drove Chana to No, there was no trouble. No, I did not the camp. The atmosphere there was need to pick her up immediately. Yes, she charged with excitement. The energy of was doing just fine. My gratitude to G-d the opening day allowed me to forget knew no bounds. I truly felt as though I my pessimistic viewpoint. Chana, on the was witnessing a miracle. When Chana other hand, wanted to jump right into the finally called, it was not with the expected commotion! She and I had just begun misery, but to tell me she had been se- opening her bags when she saw girls lected as “Camper of the Week…” jumping on a trampoline, and ran over to On visiting day, I joyfully entered the join the fun. campgrounds. After spending a lovely I hope that Chana, burgeoned by the Back home, I found myself jumping ev- day with Chana and witnessing first-hand summer success, will continue to make ery time the telephone rang. Over the the happy, contented, enthusiastic child strides with pride and understanding of past school year I had been called sev- I had been hearing about, I met the di- her innate goodness and self-worth. I, eral times in the middle of the day be- rectors to whom I expressed my utmost as her parent, must see to it that she is cause of Chana’s tantrums. This history thanks. Thankfully, the camp personnel provided with the elements she needs to set the stage for being a nervous wreck possess the ability to see the individual grow up healthy in mind and body. The at each ring. child with her strengths and needs and lessons I learned from my daughter’s I should have known that things were dif- work on her level to achieve a spectacu- camp experience have been truly em- ferent at camp. After all, the academic lar end result. powering. Thank you, thank you, thank stressors were absent, the schedule re- This summer has been a life changing you, Camp Emunah, for setting us on the laxed, the environment peaceful. But the event for both my daughter and me. right path. n potatoes, carrots and THANKSGIVING GIVEAWAY rice from the NCFJE foodbank will be given to his Thanksgiving will mark the third Rabbi Chanoch help create a complete Thanksgiving Tyear that Mr. Joe Lovece Jr. of North Hecht with meal. Star Contracting and NCFJE have Joe Lovece pooled their resources to help spread Mr. Lovece is a man dedicated to im- the true spirit of Thanksgiving and build proving race relations and eradicating a harmonious community. poverty. He has taken many humanitar- The devoted staff at NCFJE headquar- ian trips to impoverished countries in ters will once again distribute thou- Africa towards this end.
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