Department of Energy WBS # Nevada Operations Office 11(A" CD P O. Box 98518 0tz Las Vegas, NV 89193-8518 co 0)co I. DEC 0 7 1988 Paul T. Prestholt Site Representative U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1050 E. Flamingo Road, Suite 319 Las Vegas, NV 89119 SITE CHARACTERIZATION PLAN (SCP) REFERENCE LIST A copy of the most recent reference list for the SCP is enclosed in accordance with your recent request. Please contact David C. Dobson of my office at 794-7940 if you have any questions. Maxwell B. Blanchard, Director Regulatory & Site Evaluation Division \..- YMP:DCD-914 Yucca Mountain Project Office Enclosure: SCP Reference List cc w/o encl: M. A. Glora, SAIC, Las Vegas, NV J. L. Younker, SAIC, Las Vegas, NV M. D. Voegele, SAIC, Las Vegas, NV M. L. Brown, SAIC, Las Vegas, NV D. C. Dobson, YMP, NV E. L. Wilmot, YMP, NV Received w/Ltr Dated. /. y MIJ/J270 7/2 DECEMrER, 1988 43-NOV-1988 REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER 1 co 0 Adler, H. H., 1974. 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"Introduction to Geologic Ore Deposit Modeling," Mining Enaineering, Vol. 36, No. 12, pp. 1631-1636. Bailey, E. H., 1964. "Mercury," Mineral and Water Resources of Nevada, U.S. Geological Survey and Nevada Bureau of Mines 88th Congress, 2nd Session, Document No. 87, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Bailey, E. H., and M. C. Blake, 1969. "Late Mesozoic Tectonic Development of Western California," Geotectonics, pp. 148-154. Bailey, E. H., and D. A. Phoenix, 1944. Quicksilver Deposits in Nevada, University of Nevada Bulletin, Geology & Mining Series 41, Vol. 38, No. 5, Reno, Nev._ Bakun, W. H., and W. B. Joyner, 1984. "The ML Scale in Central California," Bulletin Seismological Society of America, Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 1827-1843. Ball, S. H., 1907. A Geologic Reconnaissance in Southwestern Nevada and Eastern California, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 308, Reprinted as Ball, S. H., 1983. 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"Fractal Geometry of Two-Dimensional Fracture Ne:wicr: - Yucca Mountain, Southwestern Nevada," in Proceedings of the :ntz-1a- Symposium on Fundamentals of Rock Joints, Bjorkliden, Sweden, S--::embe: 3_-20, 1985, 0. Stephansson (ed.), pp. 77-84. Bateman, A. M., 1950. Economic Mineral Deposits, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Bates, R. L., 1975. 'Introduction," Industrial Minerals and Rocks, S. J. Lefond (ed.), 4th Edition, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, pp. 3-7. Bath, G. D., and C. E. Jahren, 1984. Interpretations of Magnetic Anomalies at a Poter.:-'--l Reposi::rv Site Located in the Yucca Mountain Area, Nevada Test Sict_ USGS-CiF.-84-120, Open-File Report, U.S. Geological Survey. Bath, G. D., C. E. Jahr-en, J. G. Rosenbaum, and M. J. Baldwin, 1983. "Magnetic :nvestigations," Geoloaic and Geophysical Investigations of Climax Stock Intrusive, Nevada, USGS-OFR-83-377, Open-File Report, U.S. Geological Survey, pp. 40-77. Bayer, K. C., 1973a. Seismic Data Report Southern Nevada Region December 22, 1971-December 31, 1972, Technical Memorandum ERL-ESL-24, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Earth Science Laboratories, Las Vegas, Nev. Bayer, K. C., 1973b. A Preliminary Seismicity Study of the Southern Nevada Region Quarterly Report January-March 1973, NVO-746-12, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Earth Science Laboratories, Las Vegas, Nev. Bayer, K. C., 1974. A Preliminary Seismicity Study of the Southern Nevada Region Qua'rterly Report. April-June 1973, NVO-474-1, U.S. Geological Survey. Bayer, K. C., R. R. Mallis, and K. W. King, 1972. Earthquakes Recorded by a Seismograph Network Located in the Southern Nevada Region, January 1 to December 22, 1971, NVO-746-TM-3, U.S. Department of Commerce, Earth Sciences Laboratories, Las Vegas, Nev. Beck, P. J., 1970. The Southern Nevada-Utah Border Earthquakes, August to December, 1966, Master's thesis, University of Utah, 62 p. 1R-3 "BEST AVAILABLE COPY"' DECEMPFER, 1988 23-NOv-1988 Bedinger, M. S., K. A. Sargent, and W. H. Langer (eds.), 1984. Studies of. Geology and Hvdroloav in the Basin and Range Province, Southwestern United States, for Isolation of Hiah-Level Radioactive Waste, Characterization of the Death Valley Region, Nevada and California, USGS-OFR-84-743, Open-File Report, U.S. Geological Survey. Bell, E. J., and L. T. Larson, 1982. Overview of Enerav and Mineral Resources for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storaae Investiaations, Nevada Test Site, Nve County, Nevada, NVO-250, Nevada Operations Office, U.S. Department of Energy, Las Vegas, Nev. Bell, E. J., and D. B. 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