A ••jSFSW* & ! ' ••:•••• £* "**" /' ' ^ " U&& ™f "TV^ —' -i-'—:—- • ^^- ^ Mr«uw»'CT ".w*»w*:. www- VOLUME 60 NUMBER 4 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, GLENWObD HILLS, ERIE, PA 16546 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24,1986 President Terms Gro wth Essen tial By Matthew 1. Clark The Brie Catholic Diocese, owner of St. The option of construction would in- Mark's Seminary, has turned down Mer- volve an expansion of existing /structure cy h u r s t ' s offer of $2 million for the, rather * than constructing an entirely new building, leaving the college's Board of building.* ^ **/ f Trustees with some important decisions to "We would expand the cafeteria toward make. § i <%. j ^ the Grotto, but not into the Grotto," stated Among them are the possibility of stay- Dr.i Garvey. "We're, presently discussing ing at St. Mark's or new construction on this with trustees,, faculty, and an architect, campus. 1 i however, we do hope to maintain our "The problem with staying at St. Mark's presence at St. Mark's for some time to is that there's no room for expansion," said come," he added. i Mercyhurst President Dr. William P. Just how long would that be? Garvey. "The diocese needs more office "We'd like a minimum of a 10-year lease space and they believe it (St. Mark's) could for the Music and MCI programs," ex- be converted to serve that need,'* he said. plained Dr. Garvey. ** > ^ln order to serve the diocese's needs ef- He stated that the St. Mark's situation is fectively, the Diocese claims they would also an emotional issue for the diocese. have to occupy much of the building. "Many 1 diocesan priests have been "They need 40 percent of the building educated there, it was Bishop Gannon's for office space." said Dr. Garvey, in- great dream to build it, and all of these dicating that this would not leave enough things make it an emotional issue. To give space for Mercyhurst's future needs. fv up the seminary's presence there is to "There's no future space available; we perhaps admit that seminary formation is have no room to grow, " he said. Jr in an irreversible decline . t h a t it's never go- Another option available to Mercyhurst ing to come back, and they're not willing to is building on campus. accept that,'' he suggested.(• * * ''We're thinking of moving the Hotel *\ Dr. Garvey indicated that a short term Restaurant Management program back to resolution of? the situation would be campus and leaving the Music Department unlikely. St. Mark's Seminary lv and the Mercyhurst Career Institute there. "There appears to be no short term We would continue to rent half the building resolvement at this time. If the diocese and * w o u l d give up half the gym and doesn't change their mind before we break continued. "We're disappointed butj we Board of Trustees on a decision either to cafeteria," he said. ground, then it's unlikely that we'll be able understand their position and we appreciate continue the status quo at St. Mark's or t o I "We have to protect the HRM program to afford tSt. Mark's for some time to their willingness to let us continue, there," build on campus. because of the number of students involv- come," he said. ^ he said. ' ' W e have to act on this by the first of the ed," he added. :i r , .; "We appreciate what they've done," he Quick action will have to be taken by the year. The present laws are very favorable, and interest rates are very attractive right now," explained Dr. Garvey. \ "We hope to resolve thisf by the Diocese Says No To Purchase Offer December Board Meeting," he concluded. Construction, > if needed, would begin By Janlne Adolphson facilitates 18 college age seminarians''while priesthood. during the next six to eight months. fcSjIn 1983, Mercyhurst College expanded its 22 young men have moved to major It wiU also make a fine facility for the facilities to include the St. Mark's Seminary seminaries and seven have been ordained location of diocesan offices. The placement Complex. This was made possible with a deacons. The building wilt also be utilized will be compatible and enhance the five year lease agreement between Mer- to expand diocesan offices. Remaining Seminary Formation«Program at St. cyhurst and the Diocese of Erie. ^ space at St. Mark's will be offered to Mer- Mark's. f | •-?• Now in the-fourth year of its five year cyhurst for lease. This would probably be less space than what the college currently Speice feels that the current problems of lease, Mercyhurst must decide on renewing joint occupancy are an "assault on the in- fiSSIDE the current lease or relocating its School of has available to it. The college departments at St. Mark's tegrity of the Seminaryfc Foundation 5 P r o - Music, Hotel-Restaurant Management gram. An incompatibility exists that needs Department and Mercyhurst Career In- |are growing, therefore remaining at St. Mark's is not feasible and leaves Mer- to be addressed now,-even before the ter- stitute since plans to purchase St. Mark's mination of the existent lease." Monte|Ca|lo Seminary have fallen through. cyhurst }n the quandary of finding a facility for the School of Music, Hotel-Restaurant He also anticipates full cooperation from The Diocese, after much deliberation, Mercyhurst, in solving these problems. Night. t . | g i | p ^ 2 has decided not to accept Mercyhurst's pro- Management' Department and the Mer- cyhurst Career Institute. Mercyhurst, according to Speice, to date, posal of $2 million for St. Mark's has been wonderful but acknowledges that , Seminary. £ Father Larry Speice, director of Voca- 3 tions and the Seminarian Formation Pro- the two parties need to find a resolution. Election| 86. | . | p g | [ "Money was not the main consideration gram, feds that "the Diocese has made a "The decline in religious vocations is one in the negotiation,** said Frank Hakel, Ad- wise decision." His points of concern are of the biggest issues felt by the Diocese," Personality ministrative Coordinator for the Diocese. that the building has been a Seminary since continued Speice. o'Many seminaries are .Selling the building would mean having it was built in 1960. It carries a nostalgia to closed." he concluded. The diocese fully in-1 to find and acquire alternative accomoda- the priests in the diocese who studied there, tends to keep St. Mark's seminary opened, Profile £1 & & p g7. tions for the Seminary Formation and serves as .a facility for the spiritual leaving Mercyhurst to find alternatives to Program. "^• *\ growth of' young men preparing for the this situation. The seminary, built in I960, currently PAGE 2 Stye fHcrcfai OCTOBER 24,1986 In Egan Speaker Series •I Nee Discusses Coupon Fraud ' On Oct. 28, 1986, the Egan country, and that encouraged him Security Administration." * Scholars' program will be presen- to write another paper. The seminar he has planned for ting John Nee, who will be giving In large cities such as Detroit, the Mercyhurst community will a seminar entitled "Coupon Chicago, Miami and New York, try to show the enormity of Fraud: Who Gets Clipped? millions of dollars in coupon coupon fraud as well as who's in- Nee teaches Criminal Justice fraud occur every year. Nee volved. Nee wishes to "expose to here at Mercyhurst and originally believes t hat J the middle Eastern a very active criminal activity of did a paper on commercial criminals are controlling the which few are aware." Currently, counterfeiting which was publish- racket. Nee is working on a paper dealing ed late last year. The paper Coupon fraud has many faces. with product diversion. His ,*v* --^^WBWWWIWWPv discussed the counterfeit It can be anything from printing knowledge of the various types of The cards are shuffled for SAC's Monte Carlo Night duplicating of such popular and phony coupons yourself to the white collar crime is as diverse as expensive items as Izod polo shirts store's own cashiers slipping his background in others forms of and Gucci watches and bags. The coupons into their cash drawers crime. i Takej A Gamble On paper was presented to the and keeping the money reimburs- All are welcome and invited to Academy of Criminal Justice. ed from the coupons. the seminar which will be held in After the paper's completion, Nee's coupon fraud paper will the * faculty dining & room. The Monte Carlo Night Nee discovered the enormity of be published in the December presentation will begin at 4:30 by Kelly Moore" with fake money. coupon fraud that occurred in this 1986 issue of the "Journal of p.m. Have you always wanted to go At the end of the night, when to Las Vegas and gamble all your all the games are stopped, prizes money away? SAC is giving are auctioned off and you are able Tickets Take Up Meeting everyone a chance tonight at 8:00 to pay with the fake money. >• by Jennifer Singer The two machines on campus now when they host "Monte Carlo This year's chairperson, Tracy given by the Student Government Night" in the Back Porch Cafe. Wasson, pointed out that it is just On Oct. 19,1986 Michael Kelly, for the most helpful represen- are always selling out, especially President of Mercyhurst College over the weekend when the There will be various games to a fun time for everyone. SAC has tative has been renamed. It is now play such as blackjack, 21, and sponsored this event in the past, Student Government, called'the called the Sally Schrader Award.
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