f FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1966 Arente Dailr Net Prem Run The Westher PAGE EIGHTEEN For Um Week Ended Fereeast sf V. S. Wiathw iianrt|[(Bt?r lEttftttng l|fralb fa m a rr 99, 196S VartoMs rtenMnem 9cdcF Mto W edlter, Hayes Ave., The Women’s Fellowship of Thomas L. Eltkidge, Wapping; toolght, low hi 99s; seme ctondi- Boy Scout Troop 120 and Hospital Notes Mrs. A^nea Pospiail, 42 Cam­ v411e; and Mrs. Grace Rialey and 14,145 neee, eemUmaed mOd tMWfVWp Cub Scout Pack 120, both of St. the Presbyterian Church will daughter, 112 Highltmd St. JHanrlfPBtpr lEuptittig bridge St.; Abraham M. Elkin, About Town Jam es' Church, will attend have Project Night Monday at BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A INSULATION high oroond 4*. 8 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. VislUng hours are 2 to 8 p.ni. 41 Hartlan<r Rd.; Charles E. •t Onnlatloa Mass in a body Sunday at 8 to all areas excepting matern­ Johnson Jr., Storrs; Mrs. Min­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Don­ Manche»ter-^A City of Village Charm l<*r»nk 8. Raflfa, son of Mr. a.m. at the church. Scouts are ity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. nie A. Albasi, RFD 1, Box 332; ald KrarM, 76 West St.; a son and Mrs. Frank RAffa of 127 requested to meet in front of Manchester Assembly, Order W. H. ENGLAND of Rainbow for Girls, will meet and 6:80 to 8 p.m. and private Mrs. Sperance Prue|^, 26 Ham­ to Mr. land Mrs. Frederick C harter Onk St., has been the church in full uniform at Hughes, ^ Elizabeth Dr.; a son YOU LXXXIV, NO. 108 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1965 (Cleesllled Adverttelng on Page 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS named to the Dean’-s list at Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Ma- | rooms where they are 10 a.m. mond’St. Rockville ;■ Miss Carol 7:45. After Mass, a communion to 8 p.m. Vlsitora are requested S, Bowman, Rt. 44A, Coventry; and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. LU M IER C O . Avon Old Farm s School, Avon, breakfast wil]| be served a t St. sonic Temple. Officers are re-' minded to wear short white not to smoke In patients* rooms. Mrs. Rose Schmitz, Colchester; Benoit A M ta , 26 Bodwell Rd., for the period ending at mid­ James’ School hall. Atty. L. No more than two visitors at East Hartford; and a son to Mr. 1 “At the Green** 849-82011 year. dresses. Jaseph K. LeFebvre, French Paul Sullivan will be guest one time per patient. Rd., Bolton; Mrs. Gloria T. and Mrs. Andrew Cagnetta, 426 speaker. Hospital notes W. Middle Tpke. Events Steamers, cherry stone clams The Manche.ster Christian Wutech, 98 Ridge St.; David J. and clam chowder will be Youth Council will sponsor its Chapman Court, Order of annual youth week rally Sun­ Patients Today: 2B2 Judge Shea, 64, Dies served tonight from 7 to 9 at the Elk's Club on Bissell St. Amarantli. will meet tonight at day from 4 to 7:30 p.m. at ADMITTED YESTE21DAY: In State Dr. King Wants Talk The event is open to members, 7:45 at the Masonic Temple. North Methodist Church. There Mrs.' Patricia Aldrich, Vernon their wdvee and guests. Them will be a potluck at 6:30. will be a box lunch social. Rd., Bolton; Albert Reichle, Mrs. Herbert Urweider in Soda will be sold. All interest­ Broad Brook; Harry Jack- Emanuel Lutheran Church charge of the supper. Omfters ed young people are Invited. son, 82 Cushman QlC; Mrs. After Lengthy Illness Girl Killed, will have a reception for new will wear eolored gowns. Re­ members Sunday a t 7 p.m. in freshments will be served after Leo A. Fontaine, son of Mr. Wilma Hawkins, Wapplng; Hy­ man Lehrman, 105 G arth Rd.; Five Injured Luther Hall. _ the meeting. and Mrs. Arthur F. Fontaine of With President Soon KM Haynes St., was recently Mrs. Mary Perron, Lathrop De Cormier Judge William J. Shea, The VFW will .spon.sor a Sea­ awarded a meritorious promo­ Dr., Coventry; James Tedford, On Turnpike Watson Rd., Vernon; Kathy {umociate justice of the SELMA, Ala. (A P)-^D r.flslatlon on the right to vote King announced that he would'^isshed by State Judge James A. food Night tonight from 6 to tion to private first cla.ss upon Connecticut Supreme Court King said at a news conference. speak Monday in Montgomery Hare who has banned demon­ midnight aN th e po.st home, Tedford, Watson Rd., Vernon; graduation from recruit train­ Series Speaker Mrs. Bertha Vona.sek. West of Errors, died yesterday nATtlFN lA P l__A I*)- Luther King Jr., "I feel the need for a constitu­ while Negroes opened a regis­ strations around the courthouaa. cocktails, lobster dinners and ing. Fontaine enlisted in the UAKJbN (AF) - - A 15-1 spent five days in jail tional amendment guaranteeing tration drive on Tuesday. He Then 475 young Negroes, moat cherry stone clams and chow­ The Rev. Joseph Zezzo of Willington; Delbert Carter, 237 Motors says, at his Manchester home af­ year-old girl was killed and v.__ U.S, Marine Corp.s in October. Hartford will speak at a series Oak St.; Mrs. Catherine Cal­ here, wants to talk with the right to vote.” also planned forays into other of them high school pupils, der will be served to mem­ ter a long illneas. He ’was 64 five other teen-agers were Bearded and a little hoarse, Alabama counties. staged a demoiwtration at tha bers and their guests. of four meetings, beginning kins, 195 Spruce St.; Kenneth President Johnson about Mrs. Harry Mahoney, VFW , Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m., at Irish, 85 Durant St.; Mrs. years old. injured, one critically, more civil rights legislation King traveled to nearby Marion King said that continued dem- courthouse and were arrested. Auxiliary patriotic instructor, Center Congregational Church EMith Stead. Wapping; Mrs. shortly before' midnight Friday night and spoke at a onstra.tions which brought 549 Most of them remained in Jail. Miss Maryanne Kovalcek of His death ended a court as a result of an Alabama I and Mrs. Raymond Hagenow, ; and continuing each Sunday at Mary Golden, Wapping; Ed­ "Qualify is always fhe besf career which began in 1938 Friday when the car in church rally. King was married arrests In Selma Friday were King said that demonstrations 50 Oliver Rd. will participate in I president, presented last night: the same time. The title of his ward McBride, Wapping; An­ campaign which has near the west Alabama town "a real possibility.” Negroes would be stopped if the reg­ Beloit College's 10th annual j a 50-star flag and flag etl- series is "Jesus—The Prophet gelo A. Pugliese, 953 Main when he served the Man- which they were riding brought more than 3,000 nearly 11 years ago. demonstrated after Registrar istrars would function mors Green Lake Conference this I quettes to Cadette Girl Scout ' of Nazareth.” The sessions are St.; Mrs. Lois S, Aliezi, 81 value. Prove if fa yourself chesW town court. He was went out of control on the arrests within three weeks. "We are going all out In Ala­ Chairman V.B, Atkina Sr. re­ than two days a month and if weekend at American Assem­ I Troop 622 of South Methodist sponsored by the adult educa­ Bissell St.; and Sperry Horway Connecticut Turnpike, bam a,” he told the church fused to pledge daily operation local authorities would allow bly Camp. Green Lake. Wis, active in civic affairs and King was released from Jail ; Church. Margaret Conley ac­ tion committee of the church. Jr., Glastonbury. had served in the General struck a utility pole and meeting. "We are going to get of the board. Sheriff James G. Negroes to walk or march to the The retreat will provide means cepted the flag for the troop. ^ The public is invited. Regis­ ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. wifh one of fhese fine aufo- Friday under 4200 bond and an­ this right to vote even If it is Clark first arrested 74 Negro courthouse without arrests. / for a "philosophical get-togeth­ Color guards were Marcia Me- ; trations will be accepted at the Rose Ridolfi, 26 Flower St., Assembly. In his youth he overturned. nounced he was trying to get an nece.ssary to fill up all the Jails adults who went to the Dallas King left Jail shortly after 15 er” for faculty and students. Callum and Pauline Beaulieu, j first meeting. and Monica L. Hilliman, Ware­ was a notable athlete. Suits Police saldtthe youths, appointment Jlonday with the of Alabama. Alabama will be County courthouse with peti­ congressmen from northern and while Carol Seaton was the flag j The speaker is executive di­ house Point. mobiles foday." 12ie neiWB ot hie death p.ll 15 p-id 16-years - old, were President. King planned to re­ the major target for 1985.” tions for the regristrars to begin western states arrived in Sebna. St. Christopher’s Mothers bearer. Mrs. .Toseph Belliveau is j rector of the Christian Ac­ DISCHARGED YESTER­ hmigtit ftnih eulogies from heading back to their homes In turn to Atlanta today and go to Protests have been staged accepting the names of appli­ They talked with King after his Circle will meet tonight at 8:30 leader. She is assisted by Mrs. tivities Council. Hartford, a DAY: Mrs. Grace Keiderling, Judge John HkmUton King, Stamford after visiting a coffee Washington Sunday night.
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