Grosse Pointe ~ws Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Thursday, May 26, 1983 30 cents 42 Pages Vol 44 - No. 21 Long may MADD seeking she wave The grounds of the War Memorial will be the location of menlbers, will lakeside Memorial Day Ser- vices at 11 a.m. Monday, May 3D, honoring those who gave their lives in World Wars I and II the Korean War and Viet Earth mirth monitor courts N~m. The program will include the raising and half masting of They're really mto dirt over colors, presentation of the Gold By Tom Greenwood who's already been through what on Roslyn Road Seems that they're experiencing" Star Honor Roll, a concert per- about 15 years ago George Til North and South stude-nto; at- formed by the Detroit Com- ton and a neighbor decided to tending senior proms this year MADD believes there are many munity Music School's pro~es- Jointly purchase a yard of top- will find sometlung extra in the people out there needIng theIr sional brass ensemble, placmg soil and spread It over theIr pockets of their rented tuxedos or help. According to their mforma- of wreaths, volley, taps and yards 10 their corsage boxes. tion approxImately three persons echo. Portions of the ceremony die ~aily 10 MIchigan 1D alcohol will be conducted by the VFW They'll be receiving cards from While domg so, a few neigh- related accidents; in the nation as Post 393, American Legion Post bors drifted over to help, and the Wayne County chapter of a whole, one person is killed every 303, the U.S. Marine Corps, Boy the next thing you know It turn- MADD (Mothers Against Drunk 23 mmutes In such crashes Scout Troop 156, Girl Scout ed into an informal male coffee Drivers) urging them not to drink Troop 125 and Brownie Troop' and drive at prom and graduatIon klatsch. Recogmzlng a good One out of every two Ameri- 972. The invocation will be by thing when he saw It, George time. cans will be mvolved in an alcohol Reverend John S. Burkhart of related accident in their lIfetime, decided to have a dirty party St. Clare de Montefalco and MADD which has established a yet only one of every 2,000 drunk every year, mmus the dirt the benediction by Reverend branch 'organization in the drivers is ever arrested, and the Accordmg to Mrs. Tilton, the Pointes, is getting aggressive .in Edward A.M. Cobden Jr., of chance of receiving a severe pen- Christ Church. The Woods male only entourage gathers Its drive for members and Its alty is mathematically msigmfi- fIght against drunks who maim Beautification and Historical early in the a.m. on Memorial cant. Day, Fourth of July and Labor and kill. commissions will sponsor a "Death caused by a drunk driv- "Display Your Flag" Memorial Day for coffee, cake and some "MADD bas grown so fast serious "lie swapping." er is 'the only socially accepted Day Observance Monday from throughout Michigan that the form of homicide," said Sue Lan- 10 to 10:30 a.m. at the Veterans The wives have had a few Wayne County chapter is estab- dis, vice-president of the Wayne Memorial Parkway Circle of lishing a separate sub-group for parties of their own, but aren't County chapter of MADD. Honor at Vernier and Mack. quite as intense about it. Mrs. the eastside, including all the The program includes an in- Tilton said the parties have Pointes East Detroit, St. Clair Sue and her husband Lee, pres- vocation by Reverend Stanton been f:juch a hit that neighbors Shores ~nd Harper Woods," said ident of the chapter, lost their Wilson, associate minister of who've moved away have made Debbi Gryn, vice-president of the youngest son to a drunk driver 10 the Grosse Pointe Woods Pres- an effort to come back just to eastside branch organization. October, 1981. The 20-year-old byterian Church and a welcome attend. driver served four months of a six address by G. Bruce Feigner, "Each county is allowed only month sentence in the Detroit By the way, in case of bad one chapter, and Wayn.e County.is retiring principal at Grosse House of Corrections, five years of Pointe North High SChool. The weather the men just move" so big we had to establish four dif- probation, lost his drivers license Music Makers of the Grosse their lawn chairs into George's ferent regions to handle the large for two years and had to attend an Pointe Men's Club under the di- garage, or that of neighbor numbers of persons interested in alcohol awareness program. Tom Clark The first party of MADD We held a meeting a week rection of Frank Seydler will 1983 is scheduled for this com- ago attended by 50 persons. In "It was a good, fair sentence A provide music for the cere. mony. The public should bring ing Monday morning. that group, abou~ 30 had bE:en vic- stiff one," said Ms. Landis. tims of drunk drlvers, havmg lost lawn chairs. In case of rain, the One lump or two? someone in an alcohol related ac- "We got information from Cal- program will be held in the CIdent." ifornia, where MADD originated, council chambers of the Woods Halloween IV on how to start our own chapter Municipal Building, 20025 Mrs Gryn got involved with Currently, there are 10 active Mack. In a rare display of unan- MADD for two reasons: first as chapters in Michigan with six imity, members of the Park the mother of four little boys who more on line. Many of our mem- Council voted Monday night to will be adult drivers someday and bers are victims. One woman lost suggest limiting hours of trick- as a emergency room nurse her father, mother, brother, twin Joint venture picking up steant or-treating for up coming Hal- sister, niece and her own child in "The problem WIth my sons will loweens to between the hours of drunk driving accidents. Since she resolutions in ~arch and April 6 lI,nd 8 p.m. CnlP up some.day in the future/, By Mike Andrzejczyk up a prelImmary 11st of possibili- she said. "They'll drive, they'll was divorced at the time, she was OffIcials from the Pointes and ties, City Manager Thomas expressing interest in the MAC left without anyone. Completely The ldea of limiting the probably drink and will be on the Harper Woods have put together a Kressbach said. study. MAC, a non-profit, private alone." hours, thus -providing more road with drunk drivers I want to working group to discuss the pos- corporation affiliated WIth the After the group has decided safety for the klddies, was teach them right now. sibility of sharing certain services Southeastern Michigan Council of brought before the council by Besides actively recruiting which services offer the citl€s the members, MADD is also begin- between the six citles Governments, is helping to fund Diane Marston, of Balfour "As a nurse, so many times I've best pOSSIbility of cost-savings, similar studies for five other ning to closely monitor the courts Road. Ms. Marston, who first had to tell parents 'I'm sorry, he The working group, made up of improved efficiency or offer a new, community coalitions. presented the request to the was D.O.A. at the emergency involved with drunk dnvmg cases. cIty managers from Harper necessary service, the request will council last April, said she room.' The E.R. is an excellent The purpose of the mOnItoring is Woods, the Woods, Shores, Park be fbrwarded to Metropolitan Cooperative projects could be in checked with PTO's at Maire, place to refer victims for help; to to determine if prosecuting attor- and City, along WIth Farms Police Corporatlon, he added. any of a number of areas, Kress- Pierce, Defer and Chnstian let them know someone cares (Continued on Page 2A) Chief Robert Ferber, has drawn Councils in the SIX CIties passed bach said. The Joint projects in- Day schools and all said it was clude central dispatch and prison- a "'good" idea. While there er transportation, tornado warn- were no probl~s in the Park :~;: ing systems or emergency pre- last year, there have been in- ~'* paredness plans, a specialized stances in the past where kids Closings, salaries , equipment pool, gun range and were mugged for their candy. ~ jomt training programs for city employes, he added. Incidentlally, absent from In reviewmg the projects, the Monday's night's meeting were dominate campaign working group tried to look at the Councilmen Tony Spada and By Joanne Goulecbe solidated based on the knowledge interests of ea~ community and Roger McNeill. I have gained in 11h years on the find ways to prioritize" those ThIS week the News continues citizens adVisory group and listen- most desired by the communitieS", Mea Culpa its interviews with the candIdates ing to the mput sessions. When he Kressbach said. for the ,June 13 Board of Educa- (Dr. Brummel) fust announced Looks like Monsignor tion election. In last week's issue, After the project or projectS are Francis X. Canfield got his his plan, I liked the basis of it, the News pnnted interviews with although at that time, I had some selected, a detailed study request cassock in a sling last week. incumbent Dorothy Kennel candi- wil be forwarded to MAC, he said. Accordmg to Farms police re- reservations The more input ses- dates Frank Stellingwerf and sions I go to and see the problems Although a decision may be made ports, the monsignor was walk- Sharon Fasher.
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