1-TENNESSEE TOWN & CITY/JULY 28, 2008 www.TML1.org 6,250 subscribers www.TML1.org Volume 59, Number 13 July 28, 2008 Policy Day set for Sept. 11 VW chooses Chattanooga for new plant TML Legislative Policy committees are free to work their Committees will meet on Thurs- will and there is no guarantee a Volkswagen day, Sept. 11, beginning at 10 previous policy initiative will re- Group of America, a.m., in the TML building located ceive a favorable recommenda- Inc. announced plans at 226 Capitol Boulevard in Nash- tion this year. to build a U.S. auto- ville. This meeting will begin the Guidance for Submissions motive production fa- process by which TML’s legisla- There is no restriction on the cility in Chattanooga, tive priorities are established for number, type, or content of the where it will produce the first session of the 106th Gen- submissions. However, it might a car designed spe- eral Assembly that begins in Janu- be helpful to consider three broad cifically for the North ary 2009. categories: “Non-Controversial,” American consumer As in past years, there will be “Here and Now,” and “Over-the- and invest $1 billion four policy committees: Finance Horizon” when considering is- in the economy. The and General Administration; Pub- sues for consideration. announcement is an lic Safety; Utilities, Environment Only those initiatives spon- important element of and Transportation; and Eco- sored by a city/town and submit- the company’s over- nomic and Community Develop- ted, in writing, to TML by August all U.S. strategy of ment. The four policy committees 22 will be considered by the policy connecting with its will meet simultaneously. committees. A city may either customers, increas- Once all committees have send their policy initiative directly ing its competitive- concluded their work, all partici- to TML or submit their initiative ness and tripling its pants will come together for lunch to TML via their MTAS consult- U.S. customer base in and a program. TML will make ant. If submitting it through the next decade. Gov. Phil Bredesen and Commissioner Matt Kisber join Volkswagen executives to every effort to adjourn the meeting MTAS, no policy submissions “The U.S. mar- announce plans for a a new automotive production facility in Chattanooga. before the afternoon rush hour will be accepted after August 15. ket is an important commences. A detailed schedule Any proposals prepared after Au- part of our volume strategy and we sedan designed specifically for the Volkswagen and Chattanooga-area will be provided at a later date. gust 15 must be submitted directly are now very resolutely accessing North American market. Production organizations are partnering to dis- Previous Submittals to TML by the August 22 dead- that market,” said Prof. Martin is scheduled to begin in early 2011. tribute two saplings for every tree Any Board-approved TML line. Winterkorn, CEO of Volkswagen With the new plant, Volkswagen displaced by the project. The new policy initiatives that were pend- Each submission must in- AG. “Volkswagen will be extremely will bring about 2,000 direct jobs to trees will be planted by local school ing at the adjournment of the clude a summary of the problem, a active there. This plant represents a the area, and will add a significant children. 105th General Assembly in June description of the proposed rem- milestone in Volkswagen’s growth number of jobs in related sectors. With the new plant, will automatically carry over and edy, and a statement of the antici- strategy. We will be selling 800,000 “I’m enormously pleased by the Volkswagen will bring about 2,000 will be among the submissions pated benefits to municipalities of Volkswagens in the U.S. by 2018, announcement from Volkswagen direct jobs to the area, and will add a considered by the respective pursuing the proposed action. and this new site will play a key role. Group of America and grateful for significant number of jobs in related policy committees. However, the See POLICY on Page 4 This, along with our growth strat- the company’s investment in Chatta- sectors. It is expected that these jobs egy, is a prerequisite for the eco- nooga and in the people of Tennes- will come from the tri-state area, nomic success of the company in the see,” said Tennessee Gov. Phil pulling from the labor force of Ten- dollar region. We look forward to Bredesen. “I believe Volkswagen nessee as well as Georgia and Ala- establishing an important mainstay chose Tennessee because of our bama. for ourselves when we become the shared values, our commitment to Volkswagen of America re- biggest European carmaker there.” innovation and our strong respect for ceived an attractive, comprehensive The company will build the fa- the environment. This project will package of incentives for the new cility in the Enterprise South Indus- have a significant impact on the facility from Gov. Bredesen’s office trial Park, located 12 miles northeast economy of Tennessee and the re- and the Tennessee Department of of downtown Chattanooga. The gion for decades to come.” Economic and Community Devel- 1,350-acre site is 100 percent owned Environmental responsibility is opment. The statutory incentives are by the city of Chattanooga and a core value of the Volkswagen tied to job creation and capital in- Hamilton County and is certified as Group. The company’s focus on sus- vestment. Additional support in- an industrial megasite by the Ten- tainable mobility and environmen- cludes assistance for public infra- nessee Valley Authority. Enterprise tally responsible manufacturing are structure and job training, each de- South is adjacent to Interstate 75. right in line with Chattanooga’s signed to ensure the local economy Initial production capacity for the strong environmental commitment. best leverages Volkswagen’s invest- facility is anticipated to be 150,000 As an expression of this shared com- ment to benefit the local work force vehicles, including a new midsize mitment, the state of Tennessee, and ensure the facility’s success. TML spotlights new board members BY VICTORIA SOUTH TML Communication Coordinator The Tennessee Municipal League’s recently elected 2008- 2009 board of directors is a diverse group comprised of urban mayors, The TML Legislative Policy Committee meetings will meet Sept. 11. eight district directors, and six at- to establish priorities for the 106th General Assembly. Deadline to large directors, past TML presi- submit city-sponsored initiatives is Aug. 22. dents, along with the chairmen of the Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund and the TML Risk Management New safety requirements for Pool. The eight district directors rep- resenting their section of the state highway, emergency workers were nominated and elected during As a result of a 2006 rulemaking ited to, police, fire, EMS, utility, district caucuses. Betsy Crossley, Betsy Crossley Shirley Fox-Rogers (23 CFR 634) by the Federal High- media, and tow operators exposed to Brentwood Commissioner, joins the way Administration (FHWA), ef- risks of moving roadway traffic or TML Board for the first time as the fective Nov. 24, 2008, all workers construction equipment” must com- District 6 Director. Cindy Ogle, and most public safety officers ply with the rule. Gatlinburg City Manager, returns to working in the right-of-way of a fed- This means law enforcement the board to represent District 2. eral-aid highway will be required to will still be required to wear the The eight at-large directors wear certified high-visibility safety required level of reflective garment were nominated by a six-member apparel. when directing traffic, investigating committee composed of municipal The rule is intended to increase crashes, and handling lane closures, officials statewide and elected to a worker visibility and reduce worker obstructed roadways, and disasters. one-year term by a majority vote of fatalities due to traffic accidents. Concerns were raised during the the entire membership. Covington The high visibility clothing must comment period about the possibil- Mayor David Gordon was elected to meet ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 Class 2 ity of material that complied with the the board for his first full term. or 3 requirements to ensure both day requirements being hazardous if Shirley Fox Rogers, LaFollette and nighttime visibility. worn by firefighters working around Councilmember, and David May Jr., The rule does provide an excep- heat and flame. FHWA explained in Cleveland Councilmember, return David Gordon tion for police officers who are “en- their final rule that standards were to the board to serve another term as Kevin Helms gaged in law enforcement activities, being discussed between ANSI and an At-Large Director. Kevin Helms, such as traffic stops and pursuit and fire personnel, and therefore regula- newly elected president of the Ten- apprehension of suspects.” tions may be changed at a later date nessee City Management Associa- However, “all persons at a traf- for fire personnel. tion, also serves as a voting member fic incident scene or within a traffic To view the Final Rule, visit on the TML Board. control zone, including, but not lim- http://edocket.access. Having served eight years in public office, first as Planning Com- missioner, and now current City State gears up for third Commissioner and representative for the Brentwood Planning Com- mission, Betsy Crossley’s primary sales tax holiday Aug. 1 interests lie in economic and resi- Tennessee is preparing for its dential redevelopment along with third annual sales tax holiday that green space and historic preserva- begins August 1. The holiday tion. Crossley received her M.S. de- gives back-to-school shoppers the David May Cindy Cameron Ogle opportunity to buy certain cloth- gree in Microbiology and was later ing, school and art supplies, and awarded Teacher of the Year at Mt.
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