International Masters NRW 2018 Am 06.10.2018 H+87

International Masters NRW 2018 Am 06.10.2018 H+87

International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H+87 Draw Sheet 41 Firinci , B B Bulanovic , Ivan 106 GER , Kobra Bielefeld 167 GER , Polizei Sv Georgsmarienhütte E.v. 167 /B 106 /R 609 631 610 167 El Hainouni , Bouazza Langer , Marek 244 GER , Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v. R R GER , Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelb 1. Bouazza El Hainouni (Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v., GER) 2. Ivan Bulanovic (Polizei Sv Georgsmarienhütte E.v., GER) 3. Firinci (Kobra Bielefeld, GER) 3. Marek Langer (Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelbaden, GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H-54 Draw Sheet 306 293 Hoang , Toni Drosdzol , Leon 306 324 GER , Team Tusa GER , Tkd Gladbeck 1. Leon Drosdzol (Tkd Gladbeck, GER) 2. Toni Hoang (Team Tusa, GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H-58 Draw Sheet 196 Achnine , Aymen El Boujjoufi , Nasser 202 NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven 196 202 301 302 328 Winkel , Felix Mueller , Alexander 65 GER , Tkd Kerpen E.v. 196 202 GER , Landeskader Htu 303 305 243 Kilic , Baris Bayram , Hamza 92 GER , Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelb GER , Olympic Taekwondo Club Bonn E.v. 243 92 196 196 202 316 331 317 9 Franzke , Marvin Torky , Purya 178 GER , Bsv Jitae Stadthagen E.v. GER , Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v. 9 178 1. Aymen Achnine (Taekwondo Eindhoven, NED) 2. Nasser El Boujjoufi (Taekwondo Eindhoven, NED) 304 3. Mohammad Kazem Ehsas (Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v., GER) 306 166 Ehsas , Mohammad Kazem 166 178 Khademi , Amir 298 3. Purya Torky (Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v., GER) GER , Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v. GER , Tg Biberach 166 298 Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H-63 Draw Sheet 198 Achnine , Soufiane B B Bahr , Mohammad Sina 31 NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven GER , Kangaroosports E. V. 198 /B 68 /B 307 308 37 Walizada , Nasibullah Zazai , Sami 68 198 GER , Kangaroosports E. V. R 198 /B 68 /R R GER , Landeskader Htu 318 332 319 239 Cakar , Semi B B Heine , Daniel 10 GER , Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelb GER , Bsv Jitae Stadthagen E.v. 239 /R 1. Soufiane Achnine (Taekwondo Eindhoven, NED) 10 /R R 2. Sami Zazai (Landeskader Htu, GER) R 3. Semi Cakar (Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelbaden, GER) 3. Daniel Heine (Bsv Jitae Stadthagen E.v., GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H-68 Draw Sheet 124 Mohammad , Ali B B Winkel , Ben 327 GER , S.c.samurai Berlin E.v. GER , Tkd Kerpen E.v. 124 /B 327 /B 508 509 28 De Romree , Quentin Van Den Bersselaar , Stan 207 124 FRA , Hagwon Tkd Montauban R 124 /B 39 /R R NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven 520 531 521 221 Hauke , Andre B B Ahmadi , Amr 39 GER , Taekwondo Herringen E.v. GER , Kobra Bielefeld 221 /R 1. Ali Mohammad (S.c.samurai Berlin E.v., GER) 39 /R R 2. Amr Ahmadi (Kobra Bielefeld, GER) R 3. Andre Hauke (Taekwondo Herringen E.v., GER) 3. Ben Winkel (Tkd Kerpen E.v., GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H-74 Draw Sheet 205 Rob , Luke B B Cisse , Mory 230 NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven NED , Taekwondo Oude Luttikhuis 205 /B 42 /B 501 503 182 Yosufi , Ahmadullah Leigh , Marlick 42 205 GER , Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v. R 205 /B 172 /R R GER , Kobra Bielefeld 516 529 517 18 Lorengel , Vadim B B Muhammadi , Omid 66 GER , Budo Arts Hansu E. V. Hannover GER , Landeskader Htu 502 504 18 /R 172 /R 25 Ruehmann , Dennis 1. Luke Rob (Taekwondo Eindhoven, NED) Mkaddem , Youssef 172 GER , Ftc Kumgang Garbsen R 2. Youssef Mkaddem (Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v., GER) R GER , Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v. 3. Vadim Lorengel (Budo Arts Hansu E. V. Hannover, GER) 3. Marlick Leigh (Kobra Bielefeld, GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H-80 Draw Sheet 96 Ounis , Abdallah B B Kaempf , Andy 62 GER , Olympic Taekwondo Club Bonn E.v. GER , Landeskader Htu 96 /B 104 /B 505 507 110 Zydat , Lukas Berngardt , Edgar 104 40 GER , Polizei Sv Georgsmarienhütte E.v. R 40 /B 104 /R R GER , Polizei Sv Georgsmarienhütte E.v. 518 530 519 40 Aksu , Tuna B B Schlott , Nils 98 GER , Kobra Bielefeld GER , Olympic Taekwondo Luenen E. V. 506 40 /R 98 /R 201 El Baroud , Hamza 1. Tuna Aksu (Kobra Bielefeld, GER) NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven R 2. Edgar Berngardt (Polizei Sv Georgsmarienhütte E.v., GER) R 3. Abdallah Ounis (Olympic Taekwondo Club Bonn E.v., GER) 3. Nils Schlott (Olympic Taekwondo Luenen E. V., GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 H-87 Draw Sheet 268 268 Zonderop , Bryan Berngardt , Julian 105 624 NED , Taekwondoschool De Tombe GER , Polizei Sv Georgsmarienhütte E.v. 1. Bryan Zonderop (Taekwondoschool De Tombe, NED) 2. Julian Berngardt (Polizei Sv Georgsmarienhütte E.v., GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 D+73 Draw Sheet 13 Ranck , Mara B B Di Sinno , Sarah 165 GER , Bsv Jitae Stadthagen E.v. 165 GER , Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v. 13 /B 165 /R 611 632 183 Bateman , Charlotte GBR , Storm Taekwondo R R 1. Sarah Di Sinno (Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v., GER) 2. Mara Ranck (Bsv Jitae Stadthagen E.v., GER) 3. Charlotte Bateman (Storm Taekwondo, GBR) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 D-53 Draw Sheet 59 Heuschkel , Sophie B B Mahler , Julia 271 GER , Landeskader Htu 59 GER , Taifun E.v Leipzig 59 /B 271 /R 312 335 288 Bauer , Caroline GER , Team Tusa R R 1. Sophie Heuschkel (Landeskader Htu, GER) 2. Julia Mahler (Taifun E.v Leipzig, GER) 3. Caroline Bauer (Team Tusa, GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 D-57 Draw Sheet 366 248 Stremel , Marina Darow , Ann Christin 366 429 GER , Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelb GER , 1. Gelnhäuser Tkd Club 1. Ann Christin Darow (1. Gelnhäuser Tkd Club, GER) 2. Marina Stremel (Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelbaden, GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 D-62 Draw Sheet 153 Engel , Jacqueline B B Uebele , Dilara 99 GER , Songokus Taekwondo E.v. GER , Olympic Taekwondo Luenen E. V. 80 /B 99 /B 409 80 Stein , Helene 305 GER , Landeskader Sachsen R 118 /B 305 /R R 421 432 422 118 Basar , Dilara B B Dindic , Halida 305 GER , S.c.samurai Berlin E.v. GER , Tkd Gladbeck 118 /R 1. Halida Dindic (Tkd Gladbeck, GER) 305 /R R 2. Dilara Basar (S.c.samurai Berlin E.v., GER) R 3. Helene Stein (Landeskader Sachsen, GER) 3. Dilara Uebele (Olympic Taekwondo Luenen E. V., GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 D-67 Draw Sheet 330 Klenzendorf , Anna B B Abbink , Marjolijn 228 GER , Tkd Luedenscheid NED , Taekwondo Oude Luttikhuis 337 /B 143 /B 407 408 337 Nitsa , Despina Schein , Michelle 143 280 GER , Tsv Dachau R 337 /B 280 /R R GER , Saarland 419 431 420 15 Blake Rath , Robyn B B Seele , Lisa Marie 280 GER , Budo Arts Hansu E. V. Hannover GER , Tangun Hambur G E. V. 15 /R 1. Lisa Marie Seele (Tangun Hambur G E. V., GER) 280 /R R 2. Despina Nitsa (Tsv Dachau, GER) R 3. Robyn Blake Rath (Budo Arts Hansu E. V. Hannover, GER) 3. Michelle Schein (Saarland, GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 D-73 Draw Sheet 89 Eder , Michele B B Rob , Janneke 204 GER , Mtv NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven 216 /B 204 /B 604 605 216 Celik , Sena Tsouflidou , Agapi 179 289 GER , Taekwondo Herringen E.v. R 216 /B 289 /R R GER , Sportwerk Duesseldorf E.v. 618 628 619 317 Huetzen , Hanna B B Bierstedt , Lucie Lauren 289 GER , Tkd Kerpen E.v. GER , Team Tusa 317 /R 1. Lucie Lauren Bierstedt (Team Tusa, GER) 289 /R R 2. Sena Celik (Taekwondo Herringen E.v., GER) R 3. Hanna Huetzen (Tkd Kerpen E.v., GER) 3. Janneke Rob (Taekwondo Eindhoven, NED) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 J Am+78 Draw Sheet 24 Emec , Deniz B B Weber , Julien Pascal 160 GER , Ftc Kumgang Garbsen 160 GER , Sporting Taekwondo 348 /B 160 /R 612 633 348 Freitag , Nick GER , Tv Becketal R R 1. Julien Pascal Weber (Sporting Taekwondo, GER) 2. Nick Freitag (Tv Becketal, GER) 3. Deniz Emec (Ftc Kumgang Garbsen, GER) Deltapool Competition Management Systems, Hamburg (Germany) Copyright by Hamid Rahimi 1994 - 2018 International Masters NRW 2018 am 06.10.2018 J Am-48 Draw Sheet 199 Amine Batah , Mohamed B B Rotgang , Roman 86 NED , Taekwondo Eindhoven 199 GER , Leopard Lengerich 199 /B 86 /R 113 134 114 247 Seegers , Tim Yilmaz , Kaan Nedim 316 GER , Taekwondo Trainingszentrum Mittelb R R GER , Tkd Gladbeck 1.

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