f "W- *=• tt * •.- w-.r.--. 8ATURDAY, JULY 38, JBmul|(pBtrr Cvraittg llnralh Tha Waathar color, aad appnroatly Imporvtoua to •IV.U. Woaffea ordinary laaoctletdaa." Shower ta Given About Town When atoppod on or owattad G m>1 Remedy tor Hot Snauncr Day BiNtaar r . Wood of 44 HonroM Heard Along Main Street d<nm, Ita hard epat protacta It For Mis* Snow nod will prttldi at tho otvan at from all but tha moot aevaro blowa, aantlnnei warm' Mright. bo oxplaiaa, and attampta to dia- tbo • oad Id a. ta. aonrlcM tomor* And on Somo of Maneke$ter^$ Side StreetB, Too Mlaa Dorothy L. BMer of 9 t row denriag naff eaalir. low at OiaUr Church, rornwrly lodge It faom Under jrouag ahooU Manekoeier^’' A Cily of Village Charm orgaalat at Coaeordia laitharan are to no avail. WatharaU atraat waa honored with Ohunh. Mr. Wood haa boon con- ^atlMr day and wa thought wa re­ nrat aa triad a apray-typa in- a ahofrar Saturday night at tkla Uaulac hlo atndlao at Booton Oon> Wa racaivad a rathar indignant membered it, too. But when we ■acttcida, douOag hia vagataMaa home of Mrs. B. A. RtchardaWi VOL. LXXL NO. 254 ANwOOng aa Faga M) HA^fCHESTERi CONN., MONDAY. JULY 28. 1H2 awyatory of Muaie wh^a a atudant la tu r a Uttla whlla ago from a triad to place tha yaar of tha fire, and tha unwanted paat tai Ubarnl (TWELVt PAGES) P R IC E F IV E qunntitlaa, Tha Inaact thrived upon of Holyoka. Maaa. About » ralS- a t MaHtfoao Oonaja. WoUaaton, paraon who claima ha naa a ean> tha reaulta ware, revealing. Uvoo and frianda from WaatnOf. dldata for tha "maanaat paraon'of Wa aakad aeveral people, and It. The VagauMaa only wilted. Maaa. Ha la a m tnber of tho Amar> South Hadley aad Booteo. Maaia', loaa Ouild of OrganMa. tha yaar*’ award. recelvad aeveral anawera, moat of Next ba acted on tha advtaa -of Tba candidata la a woman whO, them different. One peraona aald frianda and uaad a pewdar, aprin- Upper Montclair and HnHlnavIlHi, Mra. Wallaca Robh of tha. whan aoma pUylng chlldran Oed- It' waa In IM t, anoUtar aald a klcd from a parforatad can. Thla N. J., Watharsflold, YlOlaon aOI Wkllthall Apaftmanta haa ratum> dantally threw a ball Into har "eoupla of ycara ago," atUI an­ only aarvad to maka hia gardan Maachoster, Oonn^ ware prsaant. od altar a vacation apant in tha yard, took tha ball to tha polica other recalled that It waa'^ahput look like a Sour bin. atation inataad of giving it back "five or alx yaara ago." Wa heard A t night the RockvlUa man Tha hostaaa who waa aaaiatsd bgr would lie in bod and UaUn to tha Mra. John Richardaon of Boatoo. to UiD kuts. all kinda of aaawara before wa Mra Fiad Richardson and' Mrs. Mlw Maitea Brookitifa of Watt- The writer goaa on to atata finally chaekad to find tha actual gnaahlng tooth and ruatia of homy S. Senator Brien McMahon, 48, Die^ Jamaa SUlUvan of Heiyoko 'aad adaator road la apanding paK of that tha woman haa a wandering date. wlnga aa tha bug and iU eompan- dog that la a nulaance to tha Mra C. S. Roberta Jr., of- Mari- harv aaatlo atn ato u ro f Naw York Some of tha anawera referred to Iona would gnaw through graon ebastar, used a color schama at nalghborhood. another fire, tha one that da- •talka In hia garden. yallow aad bhia. Wall, now, wa don't know that atroyed tha U T, Wood garage on One hot morning tha man view­ thla woman would win any ^aaell atraat. Onrf paraon awore ed tha wracknga of his garden. ARar tba brida-to-be had opanad MM. w n u an r . n y h a and har gifta the hostaaa aarvad a buf­ vouag BOB, David, ata planning to "maanaat" award. Thera are tha Spruce atraat blaaa happened Where once there had been pro­ two aldea to every atory and wa after tha Wood fire. Another waa fusion of growth, now was only n fet auppar, a fsatura of whkdi wan kava by alrplana on Aug, • to a ahowar cake in tha pravnllia|r Jota liaotanaat flynn, who la an don't know hara. juat aa confidant that it waa the brown waaU with an occasional One haa to be careful Ih avalu- other way around. new aUm poking forth, not yot at­ color schema. Had Key Role in Nation’s Atom Prograid nWnir of tha ragular V. fl. Army, otlng motivaa In any altuation, So If you want to have aoma fun, tacked by the bugs. MIm Snow la tba flanoa of C atatlaBad la Oarmainy. Prior to har but aapaelally where children are Sumner Roberta df 19 Academy auffriaga Mra. flynn waa Mlaa ]uat check. Aak your frianda. And Daapalnng, tba man dacldad to concerned. Some parenta are la* if tha Spruea atraat fire provaa glyo up his try.at gardening and ■treat, whose marriaca win taka Jaaa Mabal RobtnaoB, RN„ daugh* about keeping their youngatara Tdaca at S o’clock on October 11, a t tar of Mr. aad Mra Albert J. ltob> too aaay a quaaUon, try aoma proeaadad to Unr down n seal out of tha yarda of thair neigh* oUw avanU of the paat few yean. crow uaad to frighten birds. ’the OsnUr CongragatlanAl Suecumbi at 4 6 laoea of N lUdga atraat. bora, and Beamingly hoatlla acta shown on Tuesday morning at 9 Good cool water is tba beat ram-, ,wlth tha winter months, and the Church. Alum inum Unionl^"/’**^ ^oW«|Four Dead, Aak. for anampla, whan the new Thla proved to ba tha turning o’clock. Movloo on Wsdnosday, sdy for a hot summer'a day and upkeep of tha cars, whan Man- by thaaa "groueby" nalghbora arp town charter waa adopted, what point in hia campaign. Uttla ly aomatimaa actually a protaat Tburadagr, and Friday could b# tha Job of washing tha family car cnaatar’a attracUva car laundry Dedicated year tha fire hit the B. J, hoU Uttla, tha apnrrowB, aUriinga, and shown on Friday at 9 o'clock. ia walcomsd by Manchaatar fam- cloaes bacauaa of lea and snow, 3 agalnat thaaa "don't care’’ par- Mllding on Main atraat, whan the infrequent erowa roturaad to the' Hunted in DO YOU KNOW? anta who let tha kida rua wild. A trial could bo mads of this and tlias aa aa honest way of cooling becomes a task for tha corner Threatens Walkout yard. Hiay came to faaat on tho laaa CnOad Par aad A couple for aaampla, who Bowara and Varplanck achoola a it wna aatiafactory it could ba off. Tho boot aquatic spot for gasoline atation. Of maybe no LAND SURVEYING ware computed, etc. heavy bug population and avan cAUnubd but if it wasn't satis­ car washing, with cool clau* one, except Old Man Wintdr and Praaiptly At No Bx> takaa grMt cara and pride In hav* brought up tlMlr roaorva. Tha fal­ Ing a wall'groomad yard la in­ let ua caution our raadara, factory, it always could ba water and Maded broaaaa, aoams Jack F ro ^ apanda any Uma a t all Edwrord L Dovit, Jr. Pittsburgh, July 28—(A’)—A strike threat in the aluminum Line Squall Dont bat on tha anawera. Not un- low aayo na aaw birds thara that to bo tha shallow pool a t the cor­ washing the car unUI spring To Curb clined to taka a dim view of ollminatsd. Industry put a new roadblock today in the path of America’s WaaUagtaa, July M—(/P)—• c S lL ^ 9I14 , th at la, you’re abaolutaly must ba dItUnt ralativaa invited Hoping thla lattar will ba takan ner of Oak Orova, Highland aad comas and there la a chance to Baglatarod laafl a nreay r youngatara who dig up the lawna to tho meal. I- Autumn atraata. U Fiaatar Band economy as the nation’s stael mills gained ^eed in their drive Thoaa waddlag bella wea’t be Salam, M«m., July 28-K^ Washington. July 28—(AV-Sen. Brian McMahon.’ 48, <a ru n PHARMACY and ronip In tha b ^ a a . Any PoatUva, unlaaa you have tho facU into conaidaration, I remain, takd a ride to the favorite cooling In hand. Otherwlaa; wa think It took only three days, tha A faithful movia lover Thla typical scans dtaappaara and carwashlng spot. IM.1919 to recover from a 65-day walkout. Contract negotiations riugtag far M JSa CouaeetiMit —A brief, violent line squall Ckmnacticut Dairiocrat with a passion for paaca and a 1 ^ parent who a« Ua Junior taking Itoekvilla gardanar rovaalad. for batwaan tha CIO Uiiitsd Staal-^' wamau la 39, large Nutmeg part In auch ahananlgana ahould yo^l find it a rathar axpanalva with hurricana wind guats up rola in tha nation’s atomic energy prognun, dlad todairw paatima. tha birds to conauma tha insacU woricara and the Aluminum Oom- oemmunitlee nxlsee they ’ go m him know, i|uickly and flmily, and restore the gardan to n nor­ Stars Baura hole In tha canter of tha ' living conversation, ha nonchalantly DMy of America broke -off in to 85 milea an hour amashed cancer. Death came at 11:10 a. m„ withinembanirf ] £ MO RITS OP that it ian’t tha right thing to do. The Store Houra committee of room carpet. flipped tha lighter out the wUutow huabuud-huuMag la ether plaeea. through this famad old sea­ famUy a t hia badalda In Georgs-^ mal appaaranea.
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