Europäisches Patentamt *EP000829404B1* (19) European Patent Office Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 829 404 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: B60T 13/66, B60T 17/22 of the grant of the patent: 14.05.2003 Bulletin 2003/20 (21) Application number: 97115898.5 (22) Date of filing: 12.09.1997 (54) Locomotive brake control unit with dynamic brake interlock Lokomotive- Bremssteuereinheit mit dynamischer Bremsverriegelung Ensemble de commande de frein d’une locomotive muni de verrouillage dynamique de freinage (84) Designated Contracting States: • Root, Kevin B. DE FR GB IT SE Black River, New York 13612 (US) (30) Priority: 13.09.1996 US 26039 P (74) Representative: Specht, Peter, Dipl.-Phys. et al Loesenbeck, Stracke, Loesenbeck, (43) Date of publication of application: Patentanwälte, 18.03.1998 Bulletin 1998/12 Jöllenbecker Strasse 164 33613 Bielefeld (DE) (73) Proprietor: New York Air Brake Corporation Watertown, New York 13601 (US) (56) References cited: US-A- 5 048 569 US-A- 5 137 455 (72) Inventors: US-A- 5 172 316 US-A- 5 301 717 • Newton, Ronald O. Adams, New York 13605 (US) Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 0 829 404 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 0 829 404 B1 2 Description auxiliary reservoir in response to the actuating, or 13-pipe. The dead-in-tow triple valve also includes a BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION double check valve which provides the higher value of the 16-pipe or brake signal pipe and the independent [0001] The present invention relates generally to 5 application release pipe, or 20-pipe as the triple valve computer controlled railroad locomotive brake equip- or back-up brake signal to the 16 portion of the main ment and more specifically to a locomotive brake control manifold. unit with dynamic brake interlocks. [0006] Depending upon whether a resetting or non- [0002] The availability of computer controlled railroad resetting dynamic brake interlock is required, a second brake equipment includes the CCB equipment available 10 dynamic brake interlock valve is provided in the dead- from New York Air Brake Corporation. The CCB loco- in-tow triple valve. For the resetting dynamic brake in- motive brake control equipment is described in U.S. Pat- terlock, the magnetic valve disconnects the 16-pipe con- ent 5,172,316. The numbers used throughout this appli- nection to the double check valve, which provide the tri- cation correspond to that used in this patent for sake of ple valve output or back-up brake signal to the manifold. clarity and consistency. 15 For the non-resetting in the dynamic brake interlock, an [0003] With the addition of electropneumatic braking electromagnetic valve provides a 16-pipe signal as the and other electric subsections, there has been a prolif- control input for the bailoff pilot valve to the double check eration of new on board locomotive subsystems. Since valve having its other input from the 13-pipe. This bailoff the interconnection of these various subsystems have valve is connected to the auxiliary reservoir to bleed the been added one by one, it has increased the complexity 20 auxiliary reservoir and a back-up brake signal reservoir of their interconnection and their weight. The manifold connected to the dead-in-tow triple valve through oper- is complex and wiring must be connected to each of the ation of the triple valve. A brake signal or 16 reservoir individual electrical valves and transducers. There are is bled using the electropneumatic controls or the port thirty-four line replaceable units mounted to the CCB of the back-up brake signal. For both types of dynamic manifold. To provide dynamic braking, the manifold 25 brake interlock, the first dynamic valve was to discon- would have to be modified to include a dynamic braking nect the emergency operation of the brake during inter- unit. The location of the modification will depend upon lock. whether a resetting or non-resetting dynamic brake re- [0007] Thus, there exists a need for a locomotive sponse was desired. Adaptor plates were used to incor- brake control system capable of being operated with porate the dynamic brake interlock valves to the mani- 30 setting or non-resetting dynamic brake interlocks and fold and the separate dead-in-tow valves. without dynamic brake interlocks without modification of [0004] Dynamic brake interlock is where the locomo- the manifold. tive brakes application resulting from the automatic [0008] A locomotive brake control unit, according to brake handle or train braking is disabled or released dur- the present invention, includes a manifold having a ing dynamic braking. In a resetting dynamic brake inter- 35 brake cylinder module for controlling pressure at the lock, the automatic brake application is reapplied once brake cylinder port in response to at least train braking the dynamic braking is terminated. In a non-resetting dy- signals and first and second ports on the control unit for namic brake interlock, the automatic brake application receiving electropneumatic resetting and non-resetting is released and is not reapplied after the termination of dynamic brake interlocks respectively to control the train the dynamic brake. This protocol is defined by the end 40 braking signals during dynamic braking, if an interlock user and their preference for dynamic brake operation. module is present in one of the interlock ports. The first [0005] A typical example of prior art devices is the port on the control unit for the resetting interlock pre- CCB I available from New York Air Brake Corporation. vents the brake cylinder from applying the brakes during The main manifold includes a first dynamic interlock dynamic braking in response to train braking signals and valve connected between the main reservoir and a pilot 45 permits the brake cylinder module to reapply the brakes valve which provides one of the inputs to a double check after dynamic braking in response to a train braking sig- valve whose output is the control signal for the brake nal present before, during and after the dynamic brak- cylinder relay. The pilot valve is piloted by the actuating ing. The second port on the control unit for a non-reset- pipe known as the 13-pipe. The other input to the double ting dynamic brake interlock module prevents the brake check valve is the automatic or train brake signal. A sep- 50 cylinder from applying the brakes during dynamic brak- arate dead-in-tow triple valve not mounted on the man- ing in response to train braking signals and also pre- ifold, provides a triple valve or back-up brake signal to vents the brake cylinder module from reapplying the the manifold for a brake cylinder control and is connect- brakes after the dynamic braking in response to train ed to the independent application and release pipe, or braking signals present before, during and after the dy- the 20-pipe, the brake pipe and the actuating pipe, or 55 namic braking. The brake cylinder' module controls 13-pipe. The dead-in-tow triple valve structure includes pressure at the brake cylinder port during dynamic brak- a triple valve which controls an auxiliary reservoir as a ing in response to train braking signals and absence of function of the brake pipe. A pilot valve also controls the dynamic brake interlock modules in neither of the first 2 3 EP 0 829 404 B1 4 or second ports. of the bailoff valve and the EP brake signal and selects [0009] The manifold includes an independent brake one of the inputs as an output which is the train brake port and the brake cylinder module controls pressure at signal connected to the first select valve. A train brake the brake cylinder port also in response to pressure at signal reservoir port is connected to the output of the the independent brake port including during dynamic 5 second select valve. braking. The brake cylinder module includes the relay [0013] A resetting electropneumatic dynamic brake valve having a control input and a select valve for se- interlock valve is connected between the train brake sig- lecting the higher pressure of the train braking signals nal and the first select valve. During dynamic brake in- and the independent brake port pressure as a control terlock, it disconnects the train brake signal from the first port for the relay. The first or resetting dynamic interlock 10 select valve and therefore only the independent brake brake port is on the brake cylinder module between the signal controls the brake relay valve. For non-resetting train braking signal and the select valve. a dynamic brake interlock, a third select valve is provid- [0010] The manifold also includes an actuating port ed having a pair of inputs connected respectfully to the and the brake cylinder module overrides the train brak- actuating port and a dynamic brake interlock signal and ing signal to release the brakes in response to pressure 15 having an output which is the larger of the two inputs. at the actuating port. A control reservoir is connected to This output is connected to the control input of the bailoff the manifold and the pressure of the control reservoir is valve. A non-resetting electrodynamic brake interlock the train braking signal.
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