NASA Technical Memorandum 82992 : NASA-TM-82992 19830017354 ! Free-Piston Stirling Hydraulic Engine and Drive System for Automobiles Donald G. Beremand, Jack G. Slaby, Ralph C. Nussle, and David Miao Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio LIBRARV COpy November 1982 LANGLEY RESEI\RCI-<Ct'.NTER LIBRARY, NASA HAMPTON,. VIRGINIA NI\S/\ i 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . NF00341 "1 ·-I-... ·""""j~ oc ·nnl...... · .LiA,-'·/-..;·-ll.d- n-,I:Ion-. 83r·~J25625~~ .' L~~"':} 0;...:". ~r J "'IT s '·:1H..:Jt'1 - 11·! - O::"'::J =iL_. Ilfo-l("-1 .Ar·" T r Trr,\· nr... r·, It.... ii'.IT E -1421 ~3·. r~AS· \}j~lLLH~":> I r .I c.u _·L~t,rLVI'fCJ~ i 7::-,IITTi. r·-I- ...... i .. __ ...... ....i .... _ •• l .. _ A ...... _ .. _ ..... __ .....i ....i. .... ~ ....... _ •.• _':...;-. .L. ...... ·._., ......... ..:- .... k· .. 1 .... _: '-...i I f L& J t , L I f II!::; . f LYUf cHl r f \., t:'II=-;'llt:' diP"": Uf f.';,n;:'··!:;):blt"Hi IV: ·.dUlVHltllJllt:'~ .,' _ /,1 ITi i_ r.. r-. n .,,-~i ..· ..... r.,\ i i r·. ,- ... f.ii h'~·I-·f r-. n r·. ."'11 .... u TAr.. t"";,; ~_·Ht,.i In= U. U. J ·D'~L"D~' v_ ~. ,_. L./-l':lV..:J.;:iLC" C\. __ . \...,..,,' . U.l.J·:lt1V, U. '-'-"or-.rl. A...J ....... .;_ ._ .... __ ....... _ . i ...... r·';_· ...... ,;..:..., .... _ .... _i.... : j, ....:._+ __ . \:..t..fr\r z r-H.lm I I j f ~ l f d t f VI f. ~LeW f 0 . ~e~t:dr _Lt I lrt"Lllt'f,· .-·Ar.. I ir- Ar,-,. Itnii" ,"·'r... .ti ,:JHr. f1'''..J H{.:,.r~.~ i'ir HC'l. [)ectr.. tfcirri, _t4i Crl .. , 25-::::Q Oct •. 1982 "~J':.... 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L. iile, calciJiated fuel eCOI,i)ffiY for an automoti\je.~free·pistc'rL.'S.tl r.l 11,9 t"r:/draul'i"c erl9trfe arid dr i ve s··istem us 1119 ,a prleumat le. accumul atci[ tuj tr, ttl€-_ fuel eCCfflorrri cff t!otr, a cOi1\leritJcf llal' 198E} spar~.. tgrll t lCf'f erI9i.r,e.. in .ar, __ X bc!d:r! class ·vefricle. arId tne estlmated fuel eCC!fIC·ffiY of· a.·t984·~s-paf~... 19r.ltic'fI 'verIicle S;JSteffi are. cOffiParedo Trier reStllts srlc£Ui:.triat.~·tr,e-, free· p·iS·tCif, Stiri irig:···r(;ldraul"ic s:r!stem._w1 tr, d t~jjCf speed ttarIsmtssiclli has -2.ccf mt,lf.ed fuel ecorfclm~Y ;learl';}. ttvice trfat of trEe 1980 spar},.,·jgniti.on._er,9irfe 21·.5- • II- ..- ...... __ .,. versus 10.9 km/liter (50.7 versus c:..;.} .. Q HH-U::i) ____ i, ........ :.... .. lloOA ~Trfe fiJe 1 eC{)rICim'jl .j ffiPfc·'vement CI \h2r II It:'" .1 :::JO"i ;::-;tJdf f\ +k ..... r-""' ... 1'" __ ....... ....i .... _ •• 1; __•• _+ __ percerft. Trie fue i. eeOIIOm;} 'Ser~sl t i v-i t;}. 01_ lllt:.:Jllf '.IllY ily.ur·dULlt...l' ~Y~lt'Hf ~'.--./' .~·Er"!lTER;~PAGE ...,- .~. 'r[''':'. _.,.,... DISPLA\' s';/stem luejgrit, llumber cff trarfsmisstor, sr,i fts, accumulate,! pressure rati Cr __ .,.J ...... _ .... ; ........... -. _ ... ,... __ ..... _ _-_a .... ,; i'" _ ..... _,... ••• _ ~ ... ,,;... •• .; ... _ ......... ,,_+_ L-.. ..... _i,; __ ..... _ or.. ..a_ •• '·Jet JtJ Hld"'- IiHUIH t..!f t'~~:Hlf·t"f dU"':;'~oLL' df Y f'J'w-'Wt:'f, f .t::"-iU I f. C'Hfe"Jlt.b, Vi at\.! ff~ t'J ft::f ~y reC()Ver~}~ arfd -·;/3r;;1119 -verfi cl e perfc,rmarrce _.reGutrements_ are· ce,rls·i d~red. ·Ar! 1mpc!rtarft f 1fldi !!9 i~. ·trfat a mul t i speed._ tr afIsmi S5! ofi; is" riot· reqUl c.eo .. TrH2·. pe·ffalt·;l for a Sif:9ie speed 'versus a two speed trarIsmissic·fl '.1S. abc,iJ-t a :12 dffJP eCOf,()ffiY percerit i'f cClmbirfed. fiJel . to 1-9.EJ i:.. ffi-/il:ter ~(44.7.mpg).·....... __ ........_Ttiis' : ..... _ .... :_,...J is '_ ... .; i i .. ...... _,..._ ... ..... ...... _.- ;:, l I II d bEJ· per ce,l t I tHf-If---_ '....... 'VetHC'r i l tuei· er....:,.t-.. ...'f - IVHfi',......... t,.fver -- lllePf I.JJel. leu 1984 spark j9n1tion vehicle. FREE-PISTON STIRLING HYDRAULIC ENGINE AND DRIVE SYSTEM FOR AUTOMOBILES Donald G. Beremand, Jack G. Slaby, Ralph C. Nussle, and David Miao National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 SUMMARY This analytical study compares the computer-simulated fuel economy for a free-piston Stirling hydraulic engine and drive system using a pneumatic accu­ mulator with the fuel economy of a conventional 1980 spark-ignition engine (three speed, automatic transmission) both in the same X-body class vehicle. The free-piston Stirling fuel economy was also compared with the estimated fuel economy of a 1984 spark-ignition vehicle system. The hot-start fuel economy comparisons were made for urban, highway, and combined Federal driving cycles. The free-piston Stirling hydraulic engine and drive system consists of a free-piston Stirling engine operating in an on-off mode and generating hydraulic power directly by means of an integrated hydraulic converter device, a hydraulic accumulator which serves as an energy buffer, a variable-displace­ ment hydraulic motor-pump unit, a hydraulic sump, and an optimal two-speed transmission. The hydraulic accumulator and motor-pump unit also allow the efficient recovery and utilization of the vehicle braking energy. A baseline system was selected for this study and sensitivities to various system parameters and design variations were investigated. A 272-kg (600-lb) hydraulic system weight penalty was calculated for the baseline system. This was added to the 1361-kg (3000-lb) inertia weight of an X-body vehicle to yield a 1633-kg (3600-lb) inertia weight vehicle. For this 1633-kg (3600-lb) vehi­ cle, the engine was sized at 39 kW (52 hp) with an average efficiency (engine hydraulic output to fuel input) of 43 percent. The engine size was based on maintaining a speed of 88.5 km/hr (55 mph), while climbing a 5-percent grade with no power being withdrawn from the accumulator. The size of the variable­ displacement motor-pump was determined by the most severe of the following vehicle performance (acceleration) requirements: (1) 0 to 96.5 km/hr (0 to 60 mph) in 15 sec (2) Standstill to 30.5 m (100 ft) in 4.5 sec (3) 80.5 to 113 km/hr (50 to 70 mph) in 10.5 sec The most severe of these was traversing 30.5 m (100 ft) in 4.5 sec, which re­ quired an 81-cm3/rev (4.9-in3/rev) displacement motor-pump for the base- line case. The accumulator was sized to provide the kinetic energy neces~ary to accel~rate the vehicle from standstill to 113 km/hr (70 mph) - 0.068 m (2.41 ft ) for the 1633-kg (3600-lb) baseline system, assuming an ideal gas. The results of the study show that the baseline free-piston Stirling hy­ draulic engine and drive system (with one transmission shift), even though several hundred pounds heavier than the conventional spark-ignition X-body vehicle system, will have a combined fuel economy about 81 percent better than that for a 1984 spark-ignition engine in the X-body class vehicle while giving equal or better performance (21.5 km/liter versus 11.9 km/liter; 50.7 mpg ver­ sus 28.0 mpg). This combined fuel economy is nearly twice that of the 1980 spark-ignition engine in an X-body vehicle (21.7 km/liter versus 10.9 km/liter; 50.7 mpg versus 25.6 mpg). As stated above, the baseline case included a 272-kg (600-lb) weight pen­ alty for the hydraulic system. This was based on use of a spherical steel accumulator and sump but could be reduced to about 193 kg (425 lb) by using a material with a higher stress/density ratio such as an aluminum fiberglass composite or titanium. The following significant sensitivity results were obtained in this study: (1) The combined-cycle fuel economy penalty for each 45.4 kg (100 lb) of additional system weight was less than 1.5 percent. (2) Eliminating the single gearshift utilized in the baseline case reduced the combined driving-cycle fuel economy by only 12 percent. (3) Decreasing the maximum hydraulic pressure from 34.5 to 27.6 MPa (5000 to 4000 psi) gained about 2 percent in fuel economy, yielded a small 12.2-kg (27-lb) increase in hydraulic system weight~ and increased ac umulator and sump volumes by 25 percent - 0.0683 to 0.0854 m~ (2.41 to 3.02 ft 1).
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