V O L U M E X C I HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1939 NUMBER 27 Seven Negroes G. T, ATCHLEY NAMED THANKSGIVING SERVICES DEPUTY SURROGATE Mrs. J. M. Maxwell IN BAPTIST CHURCH Peddie School Buys Ask $197,000 in George T. Atchley, 27-year-old Penn­ Dies at Manasquan The annual union Thanksgiving ser­ ington Borough clerk and treasurer of vice of Protestant churches will be held the Mercer County Young Republican Walter C. Black Farm Assault Suits Club,_ was sworn in as deputy surro­ In Her 100th Year Thursday morning at 10 o'clock in the gate immediately following his appoint­ First Baptist Church. The Rev.- Stan­ Start Damage Actions Against Nine Widow of Presbyterian Minister—Bom Men in Federal Court at Newark— ment by .Surrogate Albert H. Rees. ley K. Ganibell, pa'stor of the First 4 4 A C R E S Mercer Common Pleas Judge Turp At-W yckoff’s Mills — Organized Presbyterian Church, will conduct the Defendeuits Are oii Probation. Wyckoff Association of New Jersey. administered the oath,'assisted by Coun­ service. The Baptist choir will furnish ty Clerk Charles P. Hutchinson. The seven Negro potato pickers, one Mrs. Gertrude Appleget Wyckoff. Part of Plan For Development of “Peddie Atchley was recommended for ap­ the music. of them a woman, who were stripped widow of the Rev. James McClusky and beaten on the Dey farm near Cran- pointment to the $4,500 a year job by of Tomorrow.” - Eventually Will Be the executive committee of the Mercer Maxwell, D. 0., died early Sunday, No­ bury on. August 11 by white men, filed vember 19. 1939, at the residence of Baby and Parents County Republican Committee. Added To The Nine-Hole Golf Course. damage suits in the United States Dis­ Mrs. Carrie Vogel, 15 Marcellus Ave­ ------------------ — -------------------------------------------- ^ -------------- trict Court at Newark last Thursday nue, Manasquan, where she had made The 44-acre farm of Mr. and Mrs. against the nine men tlicy allege were Injured In Auto her home for some time. She was 99 Walter C. Black has been purchased the attackers. The suits total $197,000. Farmers to Hear years old. by the Peddie School, according to the The nine defendants are now on pro­ Crash At Deans Talks About Use Mrs. Maxwell had suffered a heart at­ announcement of Daniel I. Messier, bation imposed when they were ar­ tack and had been confined to her bed Family in New Brunswick Hospital— business manager of the .school, for the raigned before Judge Adrian Lyon at for more than a week. About ten years Two Others Hurt—Victims Found New Brunswick. They are Howard O f Fertilizers ago she fractured a hip and later injured Lying in Road, board of corporators. Wiley, Herman Meyer, .Jr.. Henry the same limb. She had so far recov­ Institute Next Tuesday at Hightstown The tract was acquired as ]jart of Kisert, James Quinn, Raymond McDuf­ ered from the accidents that she was Five persons, including a 7-montha- the plan for developing the “Peddie of Grange Hall—Morning Session Open fie, Benjamin Javetl, Lawrence E. able to walk about the house and veran­ old baby and its mother and father, Tomorrow.” It will eventually be add­ At Ten—Dealers Cooperating. Ward and Kenneth Applegate, all of da without the aid of a cane. were injured in an accident near Deans ed to the nine-hole golf course, which Cranbury, a n d Thomas Strelbski of By A. C. McLEAN For a number of years she had been Monday afternoon. lies one-quarter mile south of the 148- Hightstown. (County Agricultural Agent) deprived of her hearing as the result Injured in one car were Arthur Fer- acre campus, thus giving golfers an op­ Two of the complainants, Jacob Pres­ There seems to be much intereit in of a head injury caused by a fall and monti, 23, of 58 Augusta Street, South portunity to i)lay 18 holes. ton and his wife. Frances, both 23, not the Fertilizer Institute which is to be of late her sight had failed gradually River; his wife, Alice, and infant son, No immediate plans have been made only were beaten and stripped by the held at Hightstown Tuesday, Novem­ until she hd been able to ready only Robert, who were riding in a car owned for the improvement of the tract. The gang but were daubed with white paint ber 28. Remember that this program messages written with heavy black cray­ by DeAngelis Brothers Motor Compa­ present 9-hole greens compare favorably and abandoned about a mile from their will start promptl yat 10 A. M. There on. ny, N ew Brunswick. Fermonti w a .■> with other courses in New Jersey. Mr. shack. They seek $85,000 damages while will be an interesting full-day’s meeting But with the years there has been no driving on George's road away from and Mrs. Black will continue for a time the other defendants demand $22,500 for farmers who arc interested in the change in the wonderful mental facul­ New Brunswick, in th e direction of to live in the home on York road. each. up-to-date use of fertilizers. ties the charm of her conversational Cranbury. A few mnoths ago Peddie purchased Besides the Prestons, whose address The first on the program is Dr. E. gift for which her host of relatives and In a car owned and driven by Michael the Mattie B. Ely three-acre tract, was given only as Georgia, the com­ A. Harvey who will tell what fertilizers other friends are thankful. Her mem­ Demorco, 42, of 611 Fourth Avenue, which has a 5(X)-foot frontage on Etra plainants are William Morton, 0. D. are made of, dealing principally on fer­ ory and her knowledge of the times of Elizabeth, he and Pasquale Demorco, road. The houses were remodelled and Streeter, Louis Streeter and James Jor­ tilizer materials, tie will be followed other days as she knew them and of the 30, of the same address, were injured. are occupied by members of the facul­ dan, all of Florida, and Monroe Holmes by Dr. Jacob JofFe who will tell what years before which she learned from the The Demorco car was traveling in the ty. of Pennsylvania. happens to fertilizers when they get older people and her art in writing or direction of New Brunswick, and the The school authorities arc planning They were among several thousand in the soil. This may be enlightening speaking in imparting this knowledge collision apparently was head on, ac­ to build the “Sports Building of T o­ cording to investigating Trooper Jarvis who annally come up from the south to many in the use of different ma­ will be treasured long in the memory Mils G. Thelma Davison morrow.” This proposed building was Wood, who is to renew inquiry into in the summer to fill temporary jobs as terials. of those who were privileged to know (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. described in The Gazette last week. the accident. Michael Demorco was pickers in the potato fields of Middle­ At 11:45 there will be a quiz such her. Especially important in State, lo­ Davison, whose engagement to John Upon the completion of this structure taken to St. Peter’s hospital, the other sex, Monmouth and Mercer Counties. as the True and False, on the use of cal and family traditions are some of Forman, Jr., was recently announced. the present gym will be converted into victims to Middlesex hospital. a New England Colonial chapel. Driving into the fields shortly before fertilizers. Prizes will be offered, as her contributions which have appeared in print as follows: “In Memoriam, Rev. Mrs. Fermonti and her baby were midnight August 11, the gang of white well as door prizes. Promptly at 2 NAVY TEAM COMES TO James M. Maxwell, D. D., 'November found lying in the middle of the road YM CA GROUP men roused the field hands, smashed P. M. Dr. Victor Tiedjens will discuss PALMER STADIUM SATURDAY 13. 1903,” “Account of the e>(ploits in by Aire Koning of Flemington, a pass­ windows in their shacks and drove them fertilizers for vegetables and at 3 P. M. ACTIVITIES the W ar of the American Revolution erby, who notified police. The Navy football team, accom])anied into the fields. Dr. William H. Martin, director of the Experiment Station, will discuss fer­ and his later life at the old homestead Fermonti sustained a concussion of by the^ vociferous corjis of midship­ State police investigated and the nine One of the interesting sights in tilizers for potatoes, fertilizer standards in Monmouth County of Captain David the brain and a lacerated forehead. men, will come to Palmer Stadium on were arrested. They have 20 days in Saturday to seek its first victory over Hightstown is enacted each Monday and the quick soil tests. Baird” (her grandfather), “Old Store Mrs. Fermonti received a sprained and 'J'hursday nights at the high school which to file answers to the complaints. Princeton since 1931. Last year’ s game, Bill Recalls Days of Prosperous Near­ ankle, abrasions of the forehead and when the eight Y. M. A. groups with Attorneys f o r th e Negroes^ believe The ladies of the Hightstown Grange played in Baltimore, resultecl in a 13- C. by Farms.” bruises of the face and the baby was a total membership of over 150 boys others were implicated and during trial will provide a cafeteria luncheon for to-I3 tie, one of the seven deadlocked An article on “ Freehold and her life scratched and bruised.
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