132 - SPIRULA nr. 341 (2004) Tijdschriftartikelen Journal papers W. Faber Artikelen over mariene weekdieren in andere tijdschriften. Buikpotigen en tweekleppigen in redactionele per familie alfabetische volgorde. [] opmerkingen. about marine molluscs in other in Papers magazines. Gastropods and bivalves per family alfabetical order. [] editorialnotes. - REGIONAL / REGIONAAL ciones Zool. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat & Atlantic.... Zootaxa No. 723: 1 -6. * BASSO, D. & F. BRUSONI, 2004. - The mol- AntropologiaXIII(202): 1-15. luscan assemblage of a transitional environ- BARLEEIDAE * ment: the Mediterranean maërl from the POLYPLACOPHORA (Class) See under Rissoidae. * Elba Island (Tuscan Archipelago, LATYSHEV, N.A., A.S. KHARDIN, S.P. KASYANOV M.B. 2004. A Thyrrhenian Sea). - Boll. Malac. 40(1-4): & IVANOVA, - BUCCINIDAE * & 37-45. study on the feeding ecology of chitons ILANO, A.S., K. FUJINAGA S. NAKAO, * - CAPELO, J.C., J. BUITRAGO & J. GUTIÉRREZ, using analysis ofgut contents and fatty acid 2004. Mating, development and effects of Los - in 2004 [2002], - maco-moluscos litorales markers. J. Moll. Stud. 70(2): 225-230. female size onoffspring number and size * de las ensenadas de Ocumare, Chuao, Cepe SCHWABE, E., 2004. - The Polyplacophora the neogastropod Buccinum isaotakii (Kira, y Uricao, Estado Aragua, Venezuela. - collected during the First International 1959). - J. Moll. Stud. 70(2): 277-282. * Mem. Fundación La Salie de Ciencias Nat- Marine Biodiversity Workshop for Rodri- MONSECOUR, D. & K. MONSECOUR, 2004. - - Hist. On the of Colubraria obscura urales No. 158: 29-42. gues (Indian Ocean). J. Nat. 38(23- identity * GEMERT, L. VAN, 2004. - Mariene micro- 24): 3143-3173. (Reeve, 1844). [met Nederlandse samenvat- * - - - Gloria uit van Poreè Kroatië. De M.J. & B. 2004. Maris 40-45. schelpen gruis , VENDRASCO, RUNNEGAR, ting] 43(2-3): Kreukel 40(4-5): 51-58. Late Cambrian and early Ordovician stem * R. VON V. A. chitons from Utah and Missouri. - J. CALYPTRAEIDAE LOZOUET, P., COSEL, HEROS, group * LE GOFF, PH. MEASTRATI, J.-L. MENOU, S. Paleont. 78(4): 675-689. COLLIN, R., 2004. - Phylogenetic Effects, SCHIAPARELLI & J. TRONDLE, 2004. - the Loss of Complex Characters, and the L'Atelier Rapa 2002 (Polynésie Franpaise). GASTROPODA Evolution of Development in Calyptraeid - / [with extended English abstract] GENERAL ALGEMEEN Gastropods. - Evolution 58(7): 1488-1502. * - XenophoraNo.107: 17-30. KIEL, S., 2004. Shell structures of select- * MIFSUD, C., 2004. - More notes on Living ed gastropods ffom hydrothermal vents and CANCELLARIIDAE * - Mediterranean Marine Mollusca from deeps. - Malacologia46(l): 169-183. LACROCE, L. & G. REPETTO, 2004. Vali- Malta. - La Conchiglia36(311): 25-32. dita specifica di Trigonostoma parvotrian- * 2004. - SCARABINO, F. & J.C. ZAFFARONI, - ANABATHRIDAE gula Sacco, 1894. Boll. Malac. 40(1-4): * Faunistic of 2004. - 15-24. status twenty species of mol- SANTOS, F.N. & R.S. ABSALAO, for luscs cited Uruguayan waters, [in Span- First record of the genus Pisinna Mon- ish - with English abstract] Comunica- terosato, 1878 from the southwest - 133 SPIRULA nr. 341 (2004) CERITHIIDAE with comments on the type species, new 370. * * CECALUPO, A., 2004. - SU Cerithium vulga- records of known species ( ) - Novapex MERLE, D., 2004. - La sculpture spirale des tum mazaravallense Cecalupo, 2003: n.306, 5(2-3): 57-68. Vokesimurex. [with English text] - * 60. - La 2004. - in 108: 22-24. pags. 26-30, Conchiglia 36(310): KOKSHOORN, B., Wentletraps XenophoraNo. * 26. The Netherlands. - Vita Malacologica No. MORTON, B., 2004. - Predator-prey interac- * GEMERT, L. VAN, 2004. - De Cerithiidae 2: 63-65. tions between Lepsiella vinosa and Xenos- van de Rode Zee en in het bijzonder die troleus inconstans in the southwest Aus- EULIMIDAE - J. van de kust tussen Hurghada en Port Safa- tralian marsh. Moll. Stud. 70(2): 237- * ga.. - De Kreukel 40(7-10): 97-111. ENGL, W., 2004. - Antarctic Mollusks Part 245. * 5. Revision of the Antarctic Eulimidae NIJLAND, R., 2004. - The dog whelk, CERITHIOPSIDAE - La Conchiglia 36(310): 11-18. Nucella lapillus, in The Netherlands, in * * 2004. - of Ceri- its Ooster- COLLIN, R., Development - SKOGLUND, C., 2004. New distributional particular occurrence in the from del - thiopsis gemmulosum Bocas records for Panamic Province Eulimidae. schelde and the Grevelingen. - Vita Mala- Torro, Panama. - Caribbean J. Sci. 40(2): The Festivus 36(8): 94-98. cologica No. 2: 68. * 192-197. PASCOE, P.L., A.N. Jha & D.R. Dixon, FASCIOLARIIDAE 2004. - Variation ofkaryotype composition CIMIDAE * CALLOMON, P. & M.A. SNYDER, 2004. - On and genome size in some muricid gas- * J. VAN & R.G. LINDEN, DER, MOOLENBEEK, Some Fusinus from Japan, with Type tropods from the northern hemisphere. - J. 2004. - A of the Graphis survey species Selections.-Venus 63(1-2): 13-27. Moll. Stud. 70(4): 389-398. from the West Indies and * Bermuda, ROLAN, E., J. GUERRA-VARELA, I. COLSON, Nederlandse - Glo- [met samenvatting] HALIOTIDAE T.N. HUGUES & E. ROLAN-ALVAREZ, 2004. ria Maris 43(2-3): 1-3, pis. 1-2. * PICKERY, R. & G. VERBINNEN, 2004. - Red - Morphological and genetic analysis of Sea Molluscs Part 18: Family Haliotidae. - two sympatic morphs of the Dogwhelk COLUBRARIIDAE Gloria Maris 43(4): 20-31. Nucella lapillus from Galicia ( northwest- * See under Buccinidae. em Spain).-J. Moll. Stud. 70(2): 179-185. CONIDAE HYDROBIIDAE NASSARIIDAE * ALFONSO, C.M.L. & M. JIMÉNEZ-TENORIO, * * DE FRANCESCO, C.G. & F.I. ISLA, 2004. - DEKKER, H., 2004. - The netted dog whelk - 2004. Conus cuneolus Reeve, 1843 and The life cycle and growth ofHeleobia aus- and its sibling, Nassarius reticulatus and N. related species in Sal Island, Cape Verde tralis (d'Orbigny, 1835) and H. conexa nitidus,, in The Netherlands. - Vita Malaco- - Archipelago. VisayaNo. 1: 31-43. (Gaillard, 1974) in Mar Chiquita coastal logica No. 2: 69-70. * lagoon (Argentina). - J. Moll. Stud. 70(2): KOOL, H.H., 2004. — Nassarius olomea 173-178. Kay, 1979, revalidated. - Basteria 68(1-3): 21-24. LAMELLARIIDAE * B. & K. - MORTON, CHAN, 2004. The pop- * J. & E. - GOUD, GITTENBERGER, 2004. Live ulation dynamics of Nassarius festivus on in Vita Lamellaria The Netherlands. - three environmentally different beaches in Malacologica No. 2: 60. Hong Kong. - J. Moll. Stud. 70(4): 329- 339. MARGINELLIDAE * GRACIA, A. & F. BOYER, 2004. - Distribu- NATICIDAE Variations of Conus cuneolus from Rabo de * tion of Volvarina hennequini Boyer, 2001 MIENIS, H.K., 2004. - A first record of Junco. - Visaya No. 1: 41. in the Western Caribbean Sea - Neverita josephinia front the Red Sea. - De Novapex 5(2-3): 79-84. Kreukel 40(4-5): 67. * MELAUN, CH., J. SAUER & F. LORENZ, 2004. - Convergent or related? Considera- MITRIDAE NERITIDAE tions on certain Conidae from South Africa, * * ROBIN, A. & J.C. MARTIN, 2004. - Mitridae EICHHORST, Th. E. & B.D. NEVILLE, 2004. - Arabia and Australia. La Conchiglia et Costellariidae. - Xenophora No. 107: pis. - A review of the subgenus Linnerita Ver- 36(310): 27-32. with M. 19-22; No. 108: pis 23-24. meij, 1984, the designation of a new * TOUITOU, D., 2004. - Variations locales and Nerita species a redescription of (Lin- Conus - chez pennaceus.. Xenophora MURICIDAE nerita) vitiensis Hombron & Jaquinot, No.107: 10-11. * CARCIA, E.F., 2004. - A range extension 1854, from American Samoa, Fiji and Van- for uatu.-La 43-58. CYPRAEIDAE Coralliophila (Pseudomurex) parva Conchiglia 36(311): * - - * - E.A. Smith, 1877. The Festivus 36(10): SYMONDS, M., 2004. The Nerita of South IZAWA, N. & K. MATSUOKA, 2004. Cata- 127. Africa. - Mollusc World No. 5: 10-12. logue of shell collection by Mr. Hiroshi * DELEMARRE, J.-L., 2004. - Un nouvel Takakuwa donated to Toyohashi Museum arrivant les cötes des de Loire OLIVIDAE of Natural History 2. Gastropoda (Part 5) sur Pays et * du Morbihan : Ocinebrellus inornatus. LHAUMET, G., 2004. — Agaronia griseoalba family Cypraeidae. [in Japanese] - Misc. [with English text] - Xenophora No. 107: (Von Martens, 1897). [in French and Eng- Report Toyoashi Mus. Nat. Hist. No. 15: 1- 13-14. lish] No. 107: 16. 22. -Xenophora * * * GARRIGUES, B., 2004. - De 1'identité de NIELSEN, S.N., 2004. - The Olivab- FEHSE, D., 2004. - News on Siphocypraea genus Homolocantha lamberti (Poirier, 1883). - cillaria in the Miocene of Chile: rediscov- philemoni Fehse, 1997 from the Plio-Pleis- No.107: - The Nau- Xenophora 35-37. ery of e senior tocene of Florida, USA. - La Conchiglia synonym * - 2004. Les Vokesimurex tilus 88-92. 36(310): 41-49. GARRIGUES, B., 118(2): * du Nouveau Monde, [with English text] - MEYER, C.P., 2004. - Toward comprehen- Xenophora No. 108: 7-20. PATELLIDAE siveness: increased molecular sampling * - * HOUART, R., 2004. A review of the TITSELAAR, F.F.L.M., 2004. - Limpets in within Cypraeidae and its phylogenetic genus Eratimene Iredale, 1929 from Australia. - the province of Zeeland. - Vita Malacolo- implications. - Malacologia 46(1): 127- Moll. Res. 24(2): 103-113. gica No. 2: 54-56.. 156. * * K.OWALEWSK.1, M., 2004. - Drill holes pro- ZIJDERVELD, F. VAN & R. GRONERT, 2004. - EPITONIIDAE duced by the predatory gastropos Nucella Vestiging van schaalhoorns op de dammen * 2004. - On the lamellosa: and de Flondsbossche- Pettener Zee- FABIAN, E., genus palaeobiological ecological voor en J. - De Cycloscala Dall, 1889 in the Indo-Pacifïc, implications. - Moll. Stud. 70(4): 359- wering. Kreukel 40(4-5): 60-62. 134 SPIRULA - nr. 341 (2004) PYRAMIDELLIDAE 3272. MANZANELLIDAE * * MIFSUD, C., 2004. - On the status of Kejdo- CARDIIDAE LA PERNA, R., 2004. - Nucinella alibrandi * nia
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