CO~SOLIUA T~I) L~U~X a TO§ Vul3lica TIO~§

CO~SOLIUA T~I) L~U~X a TO§ Vul3lica TIO~§

CO~SOLIUA T~I) l~U~X of A TO§ VUl3LICA TIO~§ SUPPLEMENT TO THEATRE ORGAN DECEMBER 1972 ATOS MISCELLANEOUS Year Issue Page Report of Charter Meeting . .... (T) 1955 Fall 4 Incorporation of ATOS ............... (T) 195 7 Win. 19 COMPILED BY LLOYD E. KLOS Constitution and By-Laws . 1961 Fall 6 Spr. 22 This index refers to major items which have appeared in Tenth Anniversary Meeting in New York . 1965 Twelfth Anniversary Festival in New York . 1967 Feb. 3 THE TIBIA from 1955-1958; THE BOMBARDE from 1964- Fourteenth Anniversary Festival in New York 1969 Apr. 10 1966, and THEATRE ORGAN from 1959-1971. Subject headings are as follows: BIOGRAPHICAL ATOS Conventions Playing Instruction Blair, Harry (Part 1) . 1971 Oct. 9 ATOS Miscellaneous Record Lists Blair, Harry (Part 2) . 1971 Dec. 17 Biographical Record Reviews Bohr, Ray . 1960 Sum. 9 Bollington , Al (Part 1) . (B) 196 5 May 3 Book Reviews Stop Lists Bollington, Al (Part 2) ............... (B) 196 5 Sum. 12 Historical Technical Bray, Larry . 1959 Win. 5 Horne and Studio Organs Theatre Interiors (picture series) Bru bacher, Ray . 1971 Aug. 43 Miscellaneous Tours of Installations Carter, Gaylord . l 96 7 Oct. 5 June 22 Wurlitzer Shipment List Cronin, Francis . 1971 Obituaries Del Castillo, Lloyd . 1970 Oct. 16 Organs (Other than home Diamond, Rose . 1969 Aug. 6 and studio inst.) Dixon, Reginal d . 1959 Win. 10 Doner, Mel . 1961 Fall 3 No attempt has been made to list the thousands of small Dunstedter , Eddie . 1963 Fal l 4 items such as Vox Pops, Concert Reviews, Chapter News, Erwin, Lee . 1970 Feb. 8 Nuggets, etc. Farney, Gus . 1959 Win. 7 Feibel, Fred . 1971 Oct. 16 Abbreviations used: Fenelon, Tony . 1969 Dec. 40 Foort, Reginald . 1960 Win. 8 (B) = Bornbarde Magazine Spr. = Spring Forster, Paul (Part 1) . 1967 Feb. 20 (T) = Tibia Magazine Sum.= Summer Forster, Paul (Part 2) . 196 7 Apr. 40 Supp.= Supplement to Magazine Win.= Winter Glen, Irma . 1971 Aug. 8 Grierson, Tom . 1959 Win. 12 Notes: Haines, Chauncey . 1971 Apr. 15 Hollywood Cavalcade began in the Bornbarde, December 1964. Hanson, Eddie .................... (T) 1957 Sum. 9 Herrick, Dean . 196 8 Oct. 10 Nuggets From the Golden Days began August 1967. Herth, Milt . 196 7 Feb. 32 John Muri's column began April 1969. Higgins, Esther . 1 964 Spr. 10 Dinny's Colyurn (Del Castillo) began August 1971. Hope-Jones, Robert (Part 1) ............ (T) 1955 Fall 6 Hope-Jones, Robert (Part 2) ............ (T) 1956 Sum. 4 ATOS CONVENTIONS Year Issue Page Hope-Jones, Robert (Part 3) . (T) 1956 Fall 5 Hull, Dick . 1965 Win. 12 1958 Fairfield, Cal. 1959 Spr. 5 Koch, Herbie ..................... (T) 1956 Fall 8 1960 Salt Lake City, Utah . 1960 Spr. 5 Leaf, Ann ....................... (T) 1958 Sum. 10 1961 Richmond, Va. 1961 Sum. 14 Leibert, Dick . 196 8 Apr. 30 196 2 Los Angeles, Cal. .. 196 2 Fall 13 Leigh, Leonard . 1959 Sum. 5 196 2 Hershey, Pa. (Regional) . 196 2 Fall 21 Link, Edwin A. 196 9 Dec. 8 1963 Bismarck, N. Dakota . 1963 Sum.Supp. Long, Earl W. 1961 Sum. 5 1964 Buffalo, N. Y. 1964 Sum. Supp. MacOain, Leonard . 196 2 Fall 4 1964 Portland , Ore. (Regional) .......... (B) 1964 Aug. 19 Madin, John ...................... (T) 1957 Win. 15 1965 Chicago, Ill. 1965 Sum. 3 Marr, David J.. 1963 Spr. 18 1965 San Francisco, Cal. (Regional) ....... (B) 1965 Sep. 3 May, Edward C. 1966 Sum. 20 1966 Portland, Ore. 1966 Sum. Su pp. McPherson, Sandy . 1964 Win. 7 1966 Richmond, Va. (Regional) . 1966 Oct. 38 Miller, Ashley . 1969 Jun e 12 196 7 Detroit, Mich. 196 7 Aug. 26 Miller, Don (Part 1) . 196 8 June 5 196 8 Los Angeles, Cal. 196 8 Aug. 5 Miller, Don (Part 2) . 196 8 Aug. 23 1969 Chicago, Ill. 1969 Aug. 19 Miller, Mary Jean. 1969 Apr. 6 1970 Tulsa, Okla. (Regional) . 1970 Apr. 36 Mitchell, John . 196 7 Apr. 4 1970 New York, N. Y. 1970 Aug. 26 Murtagh, Henry B. 1970 Aug. 14 1971 Seattle, Wash. 1971 Aug. 21 Orcutt, Jim . 196 7 Aug. 6 DECEMBER, 1972 THEATRE ORGAN SUPPLEMENT Year Issue Page Year Issue Page Page, Milton ..... 1963 Spr. 23 The Kilgen Wonder Organ (Part 1) . 1970 Aug. 5 Parmentier, C.A.J. (Dr) 1966 Sum. 12 The Kilgen Wonder Organ (Part 2) . 1971 Feb. 4 Pomerat, Roland ... 1968 Oct. 17 Of Kimballs and Diaphones ..... 1966 Sum. 6 Rhodes, Dusty .... 1961 Sum. 11 When Ann Leaf Dedicated the WHEC Wurlitzer 1962 Sum. 23 Richardson, Alexander . 1971 Feb. 32 The Link Organs and Pilot Trainers Rio, Rosa .... 1970 Feb. 8 (With Inst. List) ............ 1962 Win. 10 Rodwell, Bryan . (T) 1957 Spr. 15 David J. Marr & The Marr & Colton Co. Sauls, Randy . (T)1957 Spr. 6 (With Inst. List) ........... 1963 Spr. 18 Sauls, Randy .. 1967 Apr. 4 7 Miami's Olympia Theatre ..... 1967 Apr. 11 Sauls, Randy .. 1970 Dec. 12 Moller Theatre Organs (With List) 1965 Win. 4 Siegel, Arsene .. 1966 Oct. 2 Moller Theatre Organs (With List) 1966 Spr. 14 Spring, Goe Gibbs 1964 Win. 25 Moller Theatre Organs (List 3) .. 1966 Sum. 42 Stayner, Esther McDonald 1970 Aug. 21 Robert Morton Goes On and On 1966 Sum. 33 Steele, Edith ....... 1966 Sum. 18 New Haven Paramount's Final Curtain .. 1970 Dec. 8 Street, Emma ... 1965 Spr. 27 New York Paramount's Farewell ..... 1964 Fall 4 Thomas, Jack ... ( T) 1 9 5 5 Fall 1 5 New York Paramount Wurlitzer Damaged 1968 Apr. 5 Van Camp, Bob .. 1968 Feb. 13 New York Roxy Requiem ...... 1970 Oct. 5 Weaver, Eddie .... 1960 Win. 9 Old-Time Organists' Comparisons .. 1970 Oct. 27 Weber, Horace (Part 1) 1964 Spr. 12 Portland, Oregon Installation List .. 1964 Sum. 7 Weber, Horace (Part 2) 1964 Sum. 12 Radio Station Pipe Organ List .... 1962 Sum. 13 Wright, George ... (T) 1956 Sum. 8 Radio Station Pipe Organ List Additions and Changes .............. 1962 Fall 24 Off the Record ............... 1970 Oct. 19 BOOK REVIEWS The Reuter Theatre Organ (With Shipping List) 1962 Sum. 4 Richmond's Theatre Organs ........... Application of Modern Harmony .. 1966 Apr. 18 1960 Win. 9 Best Remaining Sea ts . .. 1961 Win. 15 Rochester's First Wurlitzer ............ 1966 Oct. 33 Rochester Theatre Organists List .... The Cinema Organ ........... 1970 Oct. 33 1967 Oct. 10 Collection of Original Compositions .. 1969 Apr. 31 Rochester Theatre Organ Society Denver's Old Theatre Row ...... 1971 Feb. 16 Saves a Wurlitzer ...... 1967 Feb. 6 Dictionary of Electronic Organ Stops 1970 June 24 San Francisco Bids Farewell to the Fox . 1963 Spr. 11 Seattle Bids Farewell to Music Hall Theatre From Piano to Pipe Organ ...... 1971 Dec. 37 1963 Win. 31 Music For Millions ........... 1966 Apr. 18 Smith Unit Organs (With Installation List) .. 1960 Win. 5 Put Another Nickel In ........ 1966 Spr. 19 Syracuse's Theatre Organ Days ........ 1971 Dec. 32 Recent Revolution in Organ Building. 1969 Aug. 47 A Theatre Organ's Birth (By Dan Barton) .. (B) 1964 Dec. 8 Thinking Musicians' Circle of Fifths . (B) 196 5 Sum. 22 The Theatre Organ in American Culture . 1969 Oct. 18 World's Greatest Achievement in Music A Trip to Yesteryear ............. 1959 Win. 14 For Theatres ............. (B) 1964 Dec. 13 Tulsa's Theatre Organs ........... 1969 Oct. 20 The U.S. Organ (From Fortune Magazine) 1962 Sum. 8 Woman's Place in the Theatre ...... 1971 June 25 Wood Pipe Organ Co. (With List) .... 1963 Win. 28 HISTORICAL The Wurlitzer Factory (Picture Montage) 1963 Spr. 16 AGO's First Theatre Organ Adventure 1966 Oct. 35 The "Anglicised Wurlitzer" Myth .. (T) 1957 Spr. 18 HOME AND STUDIO INSTALLATIONS The Austin Premier Quadruplex ... 1969 Feb. 8 Where the Bartons Were (With Li t 1) 1968 Feb. 19 Dr. Paul Abcrncthy's Wurlitzer ...... 1964 Win. 21 Where the Bartons Were (With List 2) 1968 Apr. 19 Duane Arcy's Link ........... 1962 Win. 11 Where the Bartons Were (List 3) 1968 Oct. 37 Lowell Ayars' Wurlitzer . ..... 1965 Win. 19 Where the Bartons Were (List 4) 1969 Feb. 25 Lee Bauscher's Wurlitzer ... 1968 Dec. 5 Where the Bartons were (List 5) 1970 Dec. 22 Fred Beck's Smith-Wurlitzer 1967 Feb. 24 Alice Blue, 30 Years Ago ..... 1963 Win. 13 Blake Bralcy's Wurlitzer 1965 Fall 9 Bouncing Ball and Saga of Koko 1969 Oct. 6 Larry Bray's Organ Loft .. 1959 Win. 5 Theatre Organ in Britain (Part 1) . (T) 1956 Fall 15 Ben Brown's Wurlitzer ... 1964 Sum. 8 Theatre Organ in Britain (Part 2) . (T) 1957 Win. 18 Ray Brubacher's Newcomer 1968 Apr. 17 Theatre Organ in Britain (Part 3) . (T) 1957 Spr. 14 Robert Burke's Wurlitzer .. 1966 Oct. 10 Buffalo's Larkin Building and Its Organ 1970 Oct. 22 Jim Carter's Wurlitzer .... 1971 Apr. 10 Chicago, Circa 1926 ........... 1969 June 15 Joe Chadbourne's Wurlitzer .. ... (T) 1957 Sum. 11 Chicago's Radio Theatre Organs (Part 1) 1969 June 16 Ralph Charles' Robert Morton .. 1967 June 32 Chicago's Radio Theatre Organs (Part 2) 1969 Aug. 15 John Clancy's Wurlitzer .. 1961 Win. 14 Church-Theatre Organs .......... 1962 Spr. l 0 Buddy Cole's Wurlitzer 1966 Dec. 32 Columbus' Loew's Ohio Theatre Saved .. 1969 Dec. 42 Peter Crotty's Landon . (B) 1966 Apr. 7 Jesse Crawford, Ace of the Photoplay Organ Rciny Dclzcr's Wurlitzer 1961 Fall 8 (Technique) .............. 1967 Feb. 12 Clyde Derby's Wurlitzer 1966 Oct. 16 Jesse Crawford At the Chicago Theatre .. 196 8 Oct. 20 Roy Emison's Wurlitzer 1967 June 21 John Deagan's Work in a Novel Field ... 1966 Dec. 3 Ken Ensele 's Wurlitzer .. 1971 Aug. 41 Robert Hope-Jones, A Genius Who Failed. Weldon Flanagan's Wurlitzer ... 1964 Spr. 16 Why? .................... (B) 1966 Apr. 3 Reginald Foort's Moller 1963 Win. 14 Robert Hope-Jones and His Contributions Thomas Ford's Wurlitzer 1968 Feb.

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