Half Million Rtrtabh Drop A decrease in ratabies for Hoboken for die year of 1961 has been reported by Tax As- sessor Dominlck S p I n e 11 o. Mrs. Margaret Hilke of 112 The drop amounts to $542, Garden St., will celebrate Woman's Club will meet at HOBOKEN'S TAX RATABLES500. her 90th birthday at a dinner 8 p.m. Tuesday in UnionClub A report submitted to City tonight at Charles Restau - to make plans for their dance Admisistrator JamesF. rant, Union City. to be held in February. REPORTED TO BE DOWN Quinn, showed the drop was r Mrs. LorettaSzalankiewicz A na ive of Stuttgart, Ger- is president. attributed In part to the city many, Mrs. Hilke until a few For lo, too many years, now, the residents of Hoboken acquiring title to Pier 16 years ago, engaged in her • • • and the people passing through It —even those who never property, assessed at $639, favorite hobby of deep sea Mothers' Guild of Our Lady have set foot within die Mile SquareCiry—have been vi- 300. fishing. of Grace School will hold a ciously critical of the 221 taverns which pock the mun- Records also show that an card party and fur fashion icipal map. Little do these carping detractors know Mrs. Hilke is the mother of estimated 30 per cent of Ho- Harry Hilke who arranged show 8 p.m., Jan. 31, in the what value they are to the city treasury and ultimately boken's properties are tax Union Club. to the residents of die community. the dinner in her honor., exempt, amounting to $47, Her two grandchildren and Mrs. John Gilbarty is chair- For instance, last year total of $110,500 in license fees 539,400 in assessment valu- 4 great-grandchildren will man assisted by Mrs.Joseph from the taverns was realized by the City of Hoboken. ation. These properties in- Lisa. Mrs. WilliamMcCor- A sum of $17,000 was received by the municipal trea- clude all of Steven's Tech also attend die affair. mack is awards chairman. sury from die packaged goods stores whose provender buildings, public parks, • • • Members of die guild will is liquor and die like and another $1,875 was taken in schools, churches and all City's Acting Police Chief model the furs. Mrs.William from dob licenses. charitable institutions. Edward J. Kearins was feted Matthews is president. This is without consideration whatever of die livings Also attributable to the drop at a surprise birthday party • • • being made for families of bartenders, waitresses and in ratabies is die city's hav- Monday by 25 friends at a Episcopal Church Women, such other employes who work in the field. The $129,000 ing acquired the land at Clin- dinner in Clam Brodi House, Trinity Episcopal Church,at •plus surely was an important cog in the wheels of high ton Street and Nintfi where arranged by Louis A. Carol - 5:30 p.m., Jan. 19, inChurchj finance that are providing educations for children of die new city high school will uzzo. The 54-year-old Kear- Hall, 7th and Washington Sts the city—both la elementary and high school classes. be erected. ins,appointed to the force in will hold a catered chicken! Let's be a bit more considerate die next time we are Splnetto said the estimated 1931, has been acting head dinner. Affair is open totha) prone to say something uncharitable about our tavern drop in ratabies would have of the department since Jan. public. • businesses. If there wasn't a demand for them of course little effect on the tax rate, 1 last year. He was present- Card party will take plac they would be out Of business. But while they are in which in 1960 was $109.29 ed a gift of fishing tackle 8 p.m.,Jan.24,tn church hall operation, they can and do perform worthy function for per $1,000 of valuation. His equipment. Prizes will be awarded the eittseary. Abuse of die product, in any business, report for 1960 and 1961 • • • refreshments will be served is where mistakes are made and criticism applicable. shows ratabies being $82, Hoboken Police Department . There will be a p a r i s 190,390 and $81,647,890 or a Auxiliary's second annua 1 meeting 4 p.m., Jan. 29, i net loss of $542,500. dance, for die benefit of the church hall/'SunshineClub' WHO SAID SALOONS ARE The 1961 ratabies figure in- widow's fund, will take place reported tfiat Mrs. Ivy Hick cludes $61,634,800 in real at 8 p.m., Feb. 10, in club- president,bought plants fo NOT WORTH WHILE? property and $9,718,890 se- rooms, Union Club. Mrs. Lee old and retired member cond class railroad proper- Serino is chairman. who ai e shut-Ins. Will die recurrent rumors diat Rep. Frank Thompson ties as assessed by die state At a meeting Monday, dark • • • of Trenton will be President-elect John F. Kennedy's and collected as local rates, horse prizes were awarded Mr. and Mrs. John F. Er persons! choice far the democratic gubernatorial can- estimated on last year's fig- to Mrs. Vera Ricciardi,Mrs. beck, 1202 Hudson St. an didacy affect the aspirations of Hoboken Mayor John J. ures. Jeanette Costello and Mrs. nounce die engagement Grogan in the statewide 'top executive's party race for Pauline Bach. their daughter, MissVlrgiri Grogan in die statewide top executive's party race that Next meeting is8p.m.,Feb. ia Erbeck, to David J. Vezj looms In the immediate off big? Frankly, yes. At SON IA HOLDS 6, in clubrooms. Mrs. Bach zetti, son of Mr. and MH But Thompson, whose younger brother, Dawes, is known is president. Albert Vezzetti,1127 Wast to Hoboken readers and politicians alike - - - from his 23rd.DINNER * * * ington St. days as Hudson County reporter for die Newark Evening Mr.and Mrs.Thomas J.Earl Miss Erbeck, a graduate News has several obstacles to overcome to gain the The 23rd Annual Installation of 25 Willow Terr.,announce St. Dominic Academy,Jers<| Dinner-Dance of the Ausonia the engagement of their nomination. City, is a senior at Hol| First of all, diere is die overwhelming popularity of Professional Society and its daughter, Miss Ann Earl.to Auxiliary w i 1 1 be held in Domioick Costanzo, son of Miss Erbeck,a graduate * Grogan which can scarcely be denied. Then diere is St. Dominic Academy,Jerse die cold regard which Gov. Robert B. Meyner possesses Union Club, Hoboken, Sat- Mr. am*. Mrs. Frank Cos - urday, February 11, 1961. tanzo, 455 9th St.,Hoboken. City is a senior at Holy Nam s for the standoff-ish Thompson. For years, now, they have Hospital School of Nursing feuded unnoticed in the internecine warfare diat ts fami- Hon. John Armelllno, Ma- Miss Earl attended Dem- yor of West New York, will arest High School and is liar to any top-level political organization such as New Her fiance, a graduate Jersey's democratic party's set-up. be the Installing officer. Rev. employed by Eskind Bros., Crispin Fuino, Pastor, St. Union City. Demareat High School arc Then there is the all-out campaign being waged by Hud- studying f< son County's powerful voting electorate for the affable Francis R C. Chruch, Ho- Her fiance is currently ser- Stevens Tech is lT 1 at the favorite son, Johnny" Grogan, Not to be passed over is boken, will give invocation ving with the U.S. Air Force, a master's degree die Strength Grogaa is sure to obtain once again from die *nd benediction, stationed in Montana. latter institute. labor organizations die length and breadth of union-con- To be installed respective Wedding date has not been The bride-elect's fat he scious New Jersey, particularly is the Hudson and Cam- Presidents o f Society and set. has been comptroller, City den county areas, where large concentrations of voters Auxiliary are Dr. Henry Ri- • • • Haboken, for five years. T1 reside. „ T naldl and Mrs. Juliet Cozzi. Ladies Aid. Society, First elder Mr. Vezzetti is hei Senator Kennedy may be grateful for die support which Ausonia is noted for its Presbyterian Church, will of Vezzetti & Sons, buildii Thompson gave him by heading up die national "Regis- great work in die Anti-Com- meet 8 p.m., Feb. 7, in the contractors. tration of Voters" drive that helped to elect JFK as the munist Field and particu- Church Community Center, Wedding date has not be$ nation's Chief Executive, but there is solid belief diat larly in promoting scholar- 605 Hudson St. set. • * • Thompson's selection for diat post was made out of Ken- ships for needy students. Mrs.Walter Lee.president, David E. Rue PTA will i nedy's friendship with Thompson from dielr days In Con- The names of die officers Mrs. Fannie Hamilton, and 8 p.m. Tuesday in diesch^cl gress and that reason alone. are as follows: Mrs. Walter Gibb will attend auditorium. Men: president Dr. Henry a Presbyterial meeting 10 Guest speaker will be Rinaldi; vice president Hon. a.m., Jan. 20, inUnited Pre- Aronsberg, a resident of #;e Charles De Fazio, Jr.; sec- sbyterian Church, Fairview. city, and former membe-r]ot Uproar Arises WARNING r Mary M. Edward De Fazio; Hoboken Board of Educav • * * Long active in fire pre treasurer Joseph De Ben- Joseph F. Brandt PTA's ON CAR PARKING edict Is; squire Thomas Mon- tion, Mr. Aronsberg :s In City next meeting will take place honorary member of the In- temurro; trustees Dr.
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