Full Local Coverage Complete News, Pictures A Newspaper, Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest • And Impartially Each Week VOL. XIII—NO, 25 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, fUNE 1, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS 223 to Receive Diplomas By CHARLES 15. GREGORY At Exercises Slated I hope the Board of Educa- IM Stadium at 6:45 an on Jnne tion will heed the storm WOODEHIDGE — Two hundred i warnings. an i tvrrni V-three- Woqdbridge High * * * School seniors will receive their diplomas next Wednesday at 6:45 Confab Is Set A big blow is on the way, as F. M. at the sixty-fifth annual n I see it, and I am afraid it commencement exercises at Wood- \ will destroy the hopes so bridge High School Stadium. many of us have so long held As PTA Urges that we were approaching a In case inclement weather caus- WOODBRZDGE—Demands were who are going to pay for the new es a postponement, four blasts will | freely made in letters received by high school, and the least they are time when we could offer ade- be sounded on the fire alarm at | The Independent-Leader this week entitled to is'the confidence that New Architect quate -high school facilities five o'clock and the exercises will! that the Board of Education con- jthey are getting the best building to more than a thousand of be held the next clear night. , j suit other architects before decid- possible for their tax dollars. WOODBRIDGE—In the face of our youngsters who have pa- The complete- program is as fol- ing on plans for the new high "May we take this opportunity a mounting storm of criticism and tiently sat out our diddling lows: Processional, "War March of school. Aylin Pierson, present ar- to thank you for the many items resentment .over its methods for over less • consequential af- the Priests," Mendelssohn, Wood- chitect, has estimated his latest of public interest we1 find in your preparing for construction of a fairs. If v/e are to save this bridge Hi'gh School band; invoca- plans call for a school which will newspaper, which without your new high school, the Board of ambition we must change our tion, Rabbi Samuel Newberger, cost $3,000,000. | vigilance we should never know. Education has* set June 5 for pre- Congregation Adath Israel, Wood- Dus to the holiday. The Inde- Mrs. John S. Andereg-g- senting: its $3,000,000 proposal to course, admit the errors in bridge; "Star Spangled Banner," pendent-Leader is not able to Mrs. Edward K. Cone the State Commissioner of Educa- our navigation and check audience, accompanied by Wood- print all the letters which have tion. our calculations. The rocks bridge High School band; address arrived on this subject, but is pub- "Here is an o&en letter to the Although an estimated cost of of disaster are the only other of welcome, Kenneth Kaae Ander- Dr. John P. Lczo, principal of Wotfdbiidge High awards. Both were presented with checks of S100 lishing herewith some of them. people of Woodbridge Township. $1,000,000 for the school in 1947 certain alternative.' sen. School, is shawn congrs-tulpting Sarah Jane Peter- each by Charles 3S. Gregory, publisher of the There seems to be quite a bit of was avowedly "informal," the cost "Ode to America,'' girls of the son, Fords, and Donald Kline, Woodbridge, win- Independent-Leader, at Class Bay exercises held "The gigantic proportions sud- furor about the new proposed high was fixed as late as a few weeks class; "O Sing Your Songs," entire ners of the Woodbridgre Independent-Leader oj the Senior Class Tuesday morning. denly, assumed by the financial as- school. ago at $2,000,000. The final esti- Anyone could see the Board, pect of the proposed new high content with its own counsel, was class; "The Old Road," entire "Why does the architect get mate, given the board on May 22 class; farewell address, Ida Lillian school must be interesting to. $42,300 for- the blue" prints or by Ay,lin Pierson, architect, was losing the confidence of its crew— everyone in the community, and the taxpayers who will pay lor the Bertolozzi; presentation of the sketches that can't be used? $3,000,000. class to Board of Education, Su- alarming to the taxpayers. The "Why does the township retain voyage. It was unwilling to open pervising Principal Victor C. Nick- nead for a new high school is rec- Mr. Pierson, and the board's re- up its deliberations so that others the-.!- same architect? , Cannot a fusal up to now to consider the las; class roster, Dr. John P. Lozo, ognized by everyone, but surely cheaper man be found? might offer the benefit of then- high school principal; class song, the need for efficient planning is plans of any other architect save experience and their deep inter- words by Eleanor Elizabeth Lite- WOODBRIDGE—Miss Sara Jane Peterson, daughter of necessary also. Is it the custom of "Why is it taking so long for him, were the targets of a welter est. Meeting after meeting came New Jersey school boards to have these things to be, ironed out be- of letters received by The Inde- and went without the subject of rate, music by Elaine Frances Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson, 40 William Street, Fords, and RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Ar- fore 'the referendum can be put Ramberg; recessional, "University Donald Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kline, 556 Linden AN architect, or rather, when a pendent-Leader. C. C. Bangert, the new high school even getting a Grand March," Woodbridge High rangements and schedules for a public building is to be construct- before the peopleof the township? chairman of the United P.T.A. Co- mention publicly—and all the School band. Avenue, Woodbridge, members of the graduating class at new Township-wide youth pro- ed is it not the usual procedure to "We all have to listen to- these operative Committee of Wood- time it was developing from a Wcodbridge High School were presented the Woodbridge gram, to be sponsored by the Clara publish the requirements and in- 'why's,' but nobody seems to know bridge Township, issued a state- $1,000,000 undertaking in 1947 to The graduating class is as fol- the answers. Independent-Leader Awards .at the annual Class Day Barton Woman's Club, were dis- vite architects to submit plans, ment late Tuesday in which it was a $3,000,000 project in 1951. lows: exercises Tuesday morning in the from which a competent group se- "We, as citizens _and taxpayers, "recommended that the firm of 11 e cussed at -a meting of the Com- It is little wonder, now that the James Michael Abraham, Betty school auditorium. 'j lects the most feasible? are entitled to an explanation." Pierson and MacWilliam, Archi- sad news has been told, that the Alice Allison, Edward Ambrose, munity Service Council held in the A Citizen and Ttaxpayer, tects, be relieved of any further Kenneth Kaae Andersen, John The awards, $100 each, are pre-j "As v/e remember the situation Georgre H. Henderson planning as may be required by people who. must foot the bills are sentsd annually to the boy and municipal building with Mrs. Lil- when the new Colonia school was growing antagonistic — and James Annesi, Francis E. Arny, lian Cicio presiding. Harrell Ave., Woodbridge the Woodbridge Township school Jean Eleanor Austin, Robert John girl whose school careers have! built, the parents who worked system in the future." threaten mutiny. They are asking demonstrated the following: j culler The plans were outlined by Mrs. hardest to accomplish, the project "I have been told that there has very reasonably why it is that Baduske, Phyllis Ann Bagdi, Helen Other correspondents urged that Julia Balasz, Robert Allen Barbour, 1. An appreciation of the oppor- John Falkiewicz and Mrs. L. H.: reached- a point of frustration finally arisen among the citizens alternate plans are not being pre- WOODBRIDGE — Two persons \ Tyler of the woman's club, and where they felt they either had_£p of Woodbridge Township a feeling the board, at least, consult other pared in the offices of other archi- Helen Margaret Barna, Lois Ann tunities existing in a." system of were injured Sunday in an auto- architects—on the grounds that a Behringer, Roger Andrew Bencsko, free public education. in-clude a bi-monthly program of accept the school board's architect of deep concern about the archi- tects, and why it is that the Board mobile accident evidently caused block dances to be held in the proposal might be devised which Marie Ann Benyola, Paul Richard when a car skidded on the wet or do without a new school..Is the \tectural aspects of the new high of Education stubbornly refuses to 2. An exemplification of this ap- Clara Barton section for all Town- entire township now to be placed I school and also the rather com- would lower the cost of the much- entertain such a suggestion. They Bergmueller, Ida Lillian Bertolozzi, preciation to the extent that other pavement. ' ' ' ' . needed high school. It is under- Stephen Borri, Alexander Both- ship youth- between the ages of 15 in a similar plight? plete hold Mr. Aylin Pierson has want to know why it is, too, that students were made consciously j According to Patrolmen Martin and 19, beginning next month. "It is the people of the township! (Continued on Page 6) stood, however, that a majority of the Board now requires an archi- well, Ann Patricia Brennan, John aware of the opportunities avail- j Thullesen and Edward.
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