Index to Geophysical Abstracts 188-191 1962 By JAMES W. CLARKE, DOROTHY B. VITALIANO, VIRGINIA S. NEUSCHEL, and others GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN '1166-E Abstracts of current literature pertaining to the physics of the solid earth and to geophysical exploration UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1963 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: $0.00 a year; 00 cents additional for foreign mailing. Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget. INDEX TO GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 188-191, 1962 By James W. Clarke and others AUTHOR INDEX A Abstract Abdullayev, R. A. Composition of normal traveltime curves and de­ termination of mean velocity to refracting boundaries with the aid of nomograms---------------------------------------------- 190-557 Abdullayev, R. N. Tectonics of the deep horizons of Lokbatan and the Khudat-Khachmas area of the cis-Caspian region from seis- mic prospecting data---------------------------------------- 189-581 Abe, Siro. See Fukushima, Naoshi. Abel, J. F., Jr. Ice tunnel closure phenomena------------------ 191-681 Abelson, F. H. See Haering, T. C. Abubaker, Iya. Disturbance due to a line source in a semi-infinite transversely isotropic elastic medium------------------------ 191-154 --Scattering of plane elastic waves at rough surfaces. I. -------- 188-200 Academia Sinica. A direct current amplifier of the modulation type for the telluric current method of geophysical prospecting 188-146 Ackerman, R. K. See Ralph, E. K. Ackerman, W. See Urbach, W. Acta Geophysica Sinica. A supersonic impulse well-logging instru- ment ------------------------------------------------------ 188-542 Adams, E. W., and Huffaker, R. M. Parent body hypothesis for origin of tektites-------------------------------------------- 191-67 Adams, J. A. S., and Rogers, J. J. W. Bentonites as absolute time-stratigraphic calibration points-------------------------- 188-41 Adams, R. D. Thickness of the earth's crust beneath the Campbell Plateau---------------------------------------------------- 189-351 -- Total magnetic field surveys between New Zealand and the Ross Sea ------------------------------------------------------- 188-467 Adams, W. M., and Allen, D. C. Seismic decoupling for explo- sions in spherical underground cavities ----------------------- 188-221 Adams, W. M., and Swift, L. M. The effect of shotpoint medium on seismic coupling----------------------------------------- 188-220 Adler, Isidore, and Dwornik E. J. Electronprobe analysis of schreibersite (rhabdite) in the Canyon Diablo meteorite--------- 188-109 Afanas'yev, G. D. The petrographic interpretat[on of geophysical data on the structure of the earth's crust---------------------- 189-352 Afanas'yev, G. D., Borisevich, I. V., and Shanin, L. L. On the geologic interpretation of radiological data according to determ- inations of the absolute age of rocks -------------------------- 191-1 Afanas'yev, G. D., Shanin, L. L., Gol'tsman, Yu. V., and Nosko- va, V. G. Tie points for the absolute time scale and some prin- ciples of its establishment----------------------------------- 188-4 Afanas 'yev, N. L. Determination of the center of a disturbing body from gravity anomalies-------------------------------------- 188-331 --Interpretation of Vsz anomalies by the direct method---------- 191-.337 Afanas 'yeva, V. I. Preliminary results of investigation of magnetic storms for the first half of the IGY --------------------------- 189-391 651 652 INDEX TO GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACT 188-191, 1962 Abstract Agamaliyev, G. M. See Logovskaya, G. K. Agarwal, R. G. Earthquake of May 15, 1909--------------------- 190-116 -- Interpretation of aeromagnetic data in west central Saskatche- wan and east central Alberta--------------------------------- 190-479 Agostinelli, Cataldo. On the movement of a glacier. New hypothe- sis on the determination of the profile of a right angle section--- 189-274 Aguirre, Luis. See Ruiz, Carlos. Ahrens, T. J., and Katz, Samuel. An ultrasonic interferometer for high-pressure research ------------------------------------- 191-205 Airinei, 9tefan. Gravimetric and geomagnetic investigations in the zone of bend of the eastern Carpathians and the Tara Birsei ----- 188-357 See also ~tefanescu, S. S. Akamatsu, H. See Uyeda, Seiya. Akasofu, Syun-Ichi. On a self-consistent calculation of the ring current field ----------------------------------------------- 191-429 Akasofu, Syun-Ichi, Cain, J. C., and Chapman, Sydney. The mag- netic field of a model radiation belt, numerically computed------ 188-392 --The magnetic field of the quiet-time proton belt--------------- 191-452 Akasofu, Syun-Ichi, and Chapman, Sydney. The ring current and a neutral line discharge theory of the Aurora Polaris------------- 190-426 Aki, Keiiti. Revision of some results obtained in the study of the source function of Rayleigh waves ---------------------------- 191-105 -- The use of long-period surface waves in the study of earthquake mechanism ------------------------------------------------ 189-109 Aki, Keiiti, and Press, Frank. Upper mantle structure under oceans and continents from Rayleigh waves-------------------- 188-373 See also Miyamura, Setumi. Akopyan, Ts. G. Paleomagnetism of effusive rocks of the Armenian SSR, and the migration of the earth's poles during the Ceno2' oic era ------------------------------------------------------- 190-464 Akrabova, A. Applying the method of refracted waves to the areas of fault tectonics in the Kamchia foredeep--------------------- 191-630 Aksel'rod, S. M. On the scale of the curves of induction logging--- 190-224 -- Water-oil contact determination by the method of induced sodi- um activation under the conditions of the oil fields of Azerbaijan - 189-522 Aksel 'rod, S. M., and Putkaradze, L. A. Application of radio- active methods for investigation of drill holes in the oil industry of the Azerbaijan SSR --------------------------------------- 189-537 -- Concerning the question of calibration of radioactivity logging apparatus (RK) --------------------------------------------- 191-598 Aksin, Vladimir. Recent work in investigation of oil and gas in the territory of Serbia------------------------------------------ 188-289 Alcaraz, Arturo. Tilt measurements in Philippine volcanic areas-- 190-628 Aldrich, L. T., Hart, S. R., Wetherill, G. W., Davis, G. L., Tilton, G. R., and Doe, B. R. The earth's crust-radioactive ages of rocks----------------------------------------------- 189-2 See also Asada, Toshi, and Davis, G. L. Aleksandrov, K. S., and Ryzhova, T. V. Elastic properties of the rock-making minerals. Pt. 2. Phyllosilicates ---------------- 191-201 - Elastic properties of the rock-making minerals. Pt. 3. Feld- spars------------------------------------------------------ 191-202 Aleksandrov, S. Ye., Sukhodol'skiy, V. V., and Izmaylov, Y. P. New pendulum device for gravity determination at sea---------- 191-358 Alekseyev, A. S., Babich, V. M., and Gel 'chinskiy, B. Ya. The ray method of calculation of intensity of wave fronts------------ 191-174 AUTHOR INDEX 653 Abstract Alekseyev, A. S., and Gel'chinskiy, B. Ya. The ray method of calculation of head wave intensities--------------------------- 191-178 Alekseyev, F. A. Radiometric method of direct exploration for oil and gas---------------------------------------------------- 190-515 Alekseyev, F. A., and Denisik, S. Ts. Radioactivity methods of control of exploitation of oilfields-/---------------------------- 189-507 Alekseyev, F. A., Denisik, S. Ts., Miller, V. V., and Odinokov, V. P. Application of the method of gamma-radiation spectros- copy in borehole investigations------------------------------- 189-510 Alekseyev, F. A., Grumbkov, A.' P., and Gottikh, R. P. Radiom- etry and radiogeochemistry in direct search of oil and gas ------ 189-495 Alekseyev, F. A., Odinokov, V. P., and Shimelevich, Yu. S. Ac- tivation analysis of rocks under borehole conditions, and its ap­ plication to locating oil-bearing and water-bearing strata ------- 189-521 Alekseyev, F. A., Yerozolimskiy, B. G., Bespalov, D. F., Bondarenko, L. N., Voytsik, L. P., Popov, N. V., Khaustov, A. I., Romanovskiy, V. F., Shimelevich, Yu. S., Shkolnikov, A. S. , and Yudin, L. I. On the results of application of neutron pulse methods and instrumentation for investigation of sections of wells ----------------------------------------------------- 189-516 Alekseyeva, K. N., and Tovarenko, K. A. The dielectric constant of stone meteorites----------------------------------------- 191-47 See also Burkser, Ye. S. Aleksic, D. See Peric, M. Alessio, Maris a, Allegri, Lucia, and Bella, Francesco. A C02- proportional counter of small volume and high efficiency for low level ~-counting ------------------------------------------- 189-8 Alexander, I. H. Horizontal earth movement in the Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles area------------------------------------------- 190-287 Alexandrov, V. A., Pudovkin, M. I., and Yanovsky, V. M. The field of magnetic disturbances in the Artie and Antarctic-------- 189-395 Alfano, Luigi. Geoelectrical explorations for natural steam near "Monte Amiata" -------------------------------------------- 188-253 Alferov, B. A. , Purtova, S. I. , Serabryakova, Z. D. , and Yastrebova, T. A. Research drill holes of the U.S. S. R. Uvat research drill hole (Tyumen
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