' A auMUng.er tha Touag Dtmo. Mlaa Ruth Wickham, daughter o f McENEUrS ORCHESTRA cratlc club lym be bald tomorrow Mr. and Mra. Irving Wickham or evening st 8 o’clock at the Hotel Bridge street returned home jrertar- (Baen school audl- Jirtd-tomorrow morning at » o’clock Oloiidy foUawad by rain baatealM toriutt this nifinday afternoon at 4 at tha Health Center Sheridan. Ths guest apeaksr will day, having oompleted her three- o'clock. Haynes Mta toidghi or Tlnirsdayi SrdfW h id d u b No. 4 win meet ATTHETEMPLLE bo Miss Edna PurtsU of tha State street lag temperetnra Thimday, it « t 7:80 in the W ert Side y ^ nurM’a training courM at the Xabor department AU members woroeater a ty hoepTtaL The gradu Big Savings For The Last . T- MANCH^TER ~ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM dB memhere are requerted to This Week Friday (8-12 p. m.) are urged to attend. ' ation exercises took piscs In June. ' The advleory board of too Miss Wickham graduated from rtub wHI meet at 7 o'clock. Admiealon 35 Cents. VOL. l v ., N O . 309 w Fega 14.) Margaret B. Hood arete of King’s Manchester High school with the MANCHESTER, (X)NN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 80,198« (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE VKSTH^ Daughters Mill meet tomorrow eve­ class of 1982. • The Luther Leaiue of the Bnmn- Part Matrona of Temple Oiapter, ning St 7:80 with Mrs. RoUia H itt of Shipping Your Home Day Of l i e Mcmth '' V' ^ Lutheran church will hold a ape- O.E.8. wUl hold their flrat meeting 11 Knighton street This is the Srst rtal meettoB tonight at 8 o’clock. of the aeaaon Thursday evening at fail meeting o f the circle, and It is ADVERTISEMENT 8 o’clock in the John Mather room Important that everyone attend as AH mambera are urged to be prea- Ancbovls special at Pinehurst... (Dt. o f the Masonic Temple. work will be on tha silk patchwork South For The Winter? luilt to be presented to State Prert- Dial 4151. ient Mrs. George H. Prior of Jewett aty at the October convention In East Hartford. The quilt was start­ SETBACK ed by some of the girls who were at GIANTS LEAD YANKEES AT Camp Prior, ainton, for their sum­ Odd F bUowb Han mer vacation. Every Thursday Evening, 8:80 4 Big Prizes! $8. - $8. - 88. - $L The Epworth League of the North “ NOW, IT’S THIS W AY, BOSS- Methodist church will hold election Prizes Guaranteed. Under New LEADERS OPEN Management. Admiaslon SOo. MADRID EVAGUATES Phone 4 4 9 6 o f otricers tonight at t*e ’’Youth I Night" meeting at the parsonage, SELKIRK AND BARTELL which Is a part of the Rally week THE VALVE OF A call to this number will bringr you program, and Is open to all young people of the church. ITS CHILDREN; REBS prompt service on high grade s:': Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Hall and POUTOHEAT family have moved from 17 Strick­ W alter N , Le<:lerc Given In All Departments Of B U S T OUT HOME RUNS land street to their new colonial home on Strong street,- recently Funeral Director CONTINUE ADVANCE Roosevelt Repadiates AD completed -by Codtractor Quatave Both These Stores All Day R A N G E .Srhreiber. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mor. 289 No. Main 8L PboBe S260 Terrymen Gain 2-1 Edge When Ott Doubles in ton will occupy the flat made vacant ■H |k[Q iiiigster$ Started Toward Red Sapport, Landon Hits CONCEDEFRANC by Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Wednesday MILITARY RULE P. 0., Promising to Select Manimso Singles Him Hom e; Circuit Clouts I a n d F U E L Certainly not! But you can do the next best thing—and that la Valencia and Other Ha* DEVALUATION IS protect It with a coat of McGill’s Beat Paint; The paint that's NOW IN FORCE None Aboard; Hard Rain and Cold K eep^ow d Down JUST ARRIVED! EXCAVATING AND made In^Manchester to protect Manchester homes from the sort The J W . H A U CORK yens of Safety; Fascists Best Possible Executive. GRADING of weather Manchester has to contend'with. It’a an Individual GOOD ^ DONE Kalian Dish Gardens I^lnt—made for use right here; not like ’’canned” paints—made MAMCHESTER COMN* Polo Grounds, New York, Sept. SO. Cellars. Dug tte same whether they are to be used In Alaska or Alabama. INHOITLAND Novelty Book Ends 22 MOes from Capital — Qua Mancuso’s single In the abtth Lawns Graded Dress up your home now with a coat of this HOME-AID-PAINT. By ASSQaATTD PRESS Dishes and Novelties ’ilia graph of campaign excite­ Senators Figbt Social Fea- after Mel Ott had doubled sent the OIL Just the thing for a bridge Plowing - Harrowing SUNFAST AND WATER RESISTANT WALL PAPERS ment began to soar today as the latter acboea the plate to give the g ift Loam For Sale UJiouse^soN. By ASSOCIATED PRESS A P. War Correspondent contenders summoned up all their New York Giants a 3-1 lead over the Madrid evacuated its children to­ tores However; One Asks Also complete line of Plants Estimates Given energies (or the strenuous October New York Yankees in the opening INC. day as the Insurgent armies rolled and Cut C7'>'rers. Who Spent Two. Months days just ahead. With leas than President Horace Stonehsm and Manager Bill TTerry of the Olanto. game of toe World Series this aft- THOS. McGILL, Jr. the main h^hways to the cap- five weeks to go before the electibn If U. S. Senate Has Acted empon aa the, rivals entered S. G. BOWERS PAINTER AND DECORATOR ’The government disclosed orphans m Palestine Gives Back­ Nov. 3, s;:ecbes, statements and aevento inning. Until Mi L.T.W oodCo. PENTLAND 75 Deming St. Phone 7172 126 Cedar Street Phone 6887 arguments mulUpIled. The prellml- hit, the ecore was tied at on THE FLORIST 17 Oak St. of the Spanish civil war and children 6n Money AgreemenL o f miliUemen at the front had been nary sparring was over, the earnest toe reault of George Selkirk’s b/tmer 51 Bissell street started yesterday toward Valencia ground of Trouble. flghtlng bad commenced. for the Yanka in toe tbiro ana Bar- toll’s four-ply wallop for th* QianU and other havens of safety. <3onfllc» over such topics as Com- Paris, Sept.'SO— (AP)—A right­ The ministry of the-Interior an­ miujlsm, i^clBl a e q u rity -«id civil ifi toe ist SSiStor, Heni^ Lemery, charged nounced also, facii'tlea have been (Editor’s Note; Martial law is service drew the auction of th4 PLAY BY PLAT Ql^ GAME. ................ ..,:..MANCMESTEIl.XOMHf._____ . placed at. the.dlaposal of rtl.citizens ordered .for .the .Holy. Land, today a a .SAl.li p!w h w . m msay M w.4crjinQqjQua,d4bAta.(»^ desiring to flee tr. eastern coastal Great Britain strives to end the ter other subjects sure to follow. the government’s devaluation 'bill .............. ABEL’S“ & . Aasoolated Preaa/8porte Editor. AUTO and TRUCK BBPAIRINO Double Green Stamps Given All Day Wednesday! clUes frem the Impending, climatic rorism of the Arab’s war against President Roosevelt came back to that the General Confederation of battle of the revolution. Washington from Syracuse, N. Y., • Polo Grounds, New* York, Sept. All Work Onaranteedl Jewish immigration. Edward J. Neil, Labor has threatened a general The advancing Faacists, moving Associated Press war correspondent, where he said opponents were em­ 80.—(AP) — D ^ tte overcast skies Bear 26 Cooper Street ■trike in France If Leon Btum’a and chilly atmpnvhote, close to 48.- does your closer to Madrid while a rearguard on his way from Oovering the Italo- ploying a "red herring” and a "false Socialist administration were over­ Established 1021 Wednesday Specials in Self-Serve ’’cleansed" Toledo of the "Red’' In­ Ethloplan confllctTspent two month.i issue" when they charged thst (3om- 000 fans gaUtered today for tha munlsts supported him. thrown bn the lesue. opening ganie o f New York’ s boao' For Thrifty Shoppers At HALE’S fluence were reported.by thplr head­ in the Holy Land with both British Joining the Senate barrage of Ufted a high m e that Crosetti took - . house quarters to have reached lUescas. ball civil ytar, between the Yankees lOOK and Health Market and Arab forces, and In the follow­ Repudiating any Communist sup­ criticism against inclusion of back of third after the count reached /' DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS GIVEN IN ALL DEPTS. ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. biggest town blocking the way to ing story gives a picture of the port, he said It was the previous na­ and Ol three and two. the capital. ’’social measurea’’ ..in the monetary T h ls/^ as- at least 0,000 abort_.of No nins, one Facksge of Swans Down Arab-Jewish background as gath. tional administration which "en­ legislation, M. Lemery said de­ S H A B B Y ? Illesca.i la only 22 miles from Ma­ ered first hand.) ' couraged" Communism because it toe jmlo Grounds capacity but the left. While They Last I 120 Onyl drid and near the half-way point be­ Ignored "the Injustices, the inequali­ valuation would be neceesary every wequier failed to put a damper on three montbe to replenish the gov­ SECOND OnONO CAKE FLOUR and tween Toledo and the capital. Re­ New York, Sept. 30.— ( A P I - ties, the downright suffering out of luslasm over the flrrt Ail-New Yankees Gehrig gfo’jnded- tA Good Quality, Hand Size DRUG ports from , the insurgent radio at which revolutions come." ernment’s treasury.
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