L —~I—J >1*1 I KXS4KUU Wtim to Cttfimtobft Market Cul Lettuce Crates Bunch- -“■' * Mr Isj Mrs

L —~I—J >1*1 I KXS4KUU Wtim to Cttfimtobft Market Cul Lettuce Crates Bunch- -“■' * Mr Isj Mrs

WSWmi lumKr In r» il: i A 41 FAVOR FOUR He’ll Keep Baby 05 OF CITY I r ■ _* COUNTY UNIT LOTS AT $150 Uuu|y i HjOJ'I Health Orfaaoatiaa To U Krrmmm CUk Today’s Radio Features Co—r Volley U SAW*b£etTo\*3e If^Tbe idea ji » ATT %z.a« iif». i»rr '*r EFT?1 m'*r, w 3ax wr: x — t'sa *mti»*wb?mcr^' W r» mm—m. *. aaa* OHk.-un *>ct '■T IFSju rr»> wt I r*j wsai uc< A'T* wet w-tou of tbe *•« iar bm ksl nan **>A KJL »TTU »HAJ W«M WTXNT W-'-C T-m WATt W» KBQ VTAl «'£» ETW VBId KM# WT IF m 13P | g WGW KFTf WOT- wtjax EPS:- «ta* woe mm m tbe —lr VCsr c—a- wtjh C7> s<rw m*x jet: soon tr with c health war ar tfe-- *tob*, KIKe ETti* X7H> ETA* EST"* ■- •** a weak! kc-a'kl wr**—k*9< Tuw»-wur cm the Rdal— a—p—tt— fcarta* T •?5—Cwn*wi«**i ©~t*. — A*k 1TJ : TB z^n* <tfQr- « ““ «t)U Coder the Sck—t p&sri \ kOOl K'JJBO K3w W~-^T^WQC ^K-CT ^WJfcX^ wmmoC be a fa2 ?~jnr jkt** n ! ***-•—»A3C i «rr—WM «C£5 CV« af n—~—i HIM—. WH—« SUir.rftf r-rem c* whs: Itt- »T!? warn vovo Starr erscrtjps a faE taw? i_ HE TORC BTXTX BT » V en l_tC F. A. Ban tr. Kt-ui C ty He. rtr Biiii,- bi w hi nic wxrrr vjetd wdst' fca each at Cameo— asd Fatal— — f-wsioam. r * — aborted th« ir -o« -* &'<«r o*# btabci wnmo am xnrr kkox an*! a dorter dmdiur ft *€&»•> f f ^ nn m-*px» wmcc KVK WXAX K-jii. DLO KUL Willarr aad Starr ratty wbica net w-i nj etr te » «• wxaq wood uoi c: TL K >L im KO« K1U EFEC s wife a matatom* ** e “be-r®<aeo K MK KOTL KFJF VU. »■■•> — OixMeat-s AJaie KaDC ; e meant from a n«c»er • HI WKJS5C WWN-- WXTZ WD&O faE-iaoe feriwtarr accM bta =tc BTincc btdae *rrT m5r55» ! WEB? WBWC KI<C J « WTAQ 'be whale grmm’jn scad .z*ten1 *eea * ana arete»<ej • XTK.Br VBSC Bl*\ WTJMi BTOVO K~ J »*T CW KMX • as tier own. one lahrmscrr rtsld do the worfc •w to* «•* V^tQ Ks>.V at: ALTA vx&x Kr TV KELP KLZ KDTL KOH KVJ +<mmm 7 — of aB loer —stars, J0—H. V. K-BWiwftawA. Bt»t A j» ! KC-flB ijf*' &?■*'■?'« Ori-«t'l — All* STaBC BTITA WK6C BTXTZ BT*f*f.. ; K1>Z kfH KFJF WI.OC* W*>'"0 flaaf—or* far Cimarron mad R* -» -to BOUQ tr-'-j K37B X BMC wiif : wjrr -teb wbssc wi*sa_ daJpo foer jr »1« were s-_rerm"r“er* »j® — **^y cf T-«_ A «• WAX*' ; KMBC KLZ WZFN KXJIA KTlL tbs rac mm btspi» vovo » -5 — f^yvr-% fci*; _ AIM WaIC Kt»K mrfer k«'ah wkbx wost eLl* £ erjJr***** ".ever*; Lu WHK BTKKC BTXTZ 1TSP1> ItJc Kin Kism wm. kup «rt*oo North Mission «l«r btobto btscaq btoto ex X WEB' KIAC KMC KBST WIF* T ruck K3C»-_KOIX CTCH PJ El#IX AVI KTA<J W! »WO KFE1 WJfAQ WT.m* ax. AI. ■ ■ I 111 I MATT |. HI ■ K*rj WJCT EMOX K>'• K1EA | j f *!1T ¥ Wf m Rf J Luit bi wajuTto1 wm WN AX XOfL KFH W’FW KrJT BEXTFTT BRIDGE a li* ... rn HMl # liiilif btp * wsrr> btw>o vhc vuc KEE KTKK KTS» W*ro KLZ narrr w" HEREBY CSV JlfeKIP A beaef.: brd— V 'mmCE~i» 1 i ■■ Markets * WW»<~ W1MV7 BT1EJC BBTAQ BTOBTO KDTL KOH KOL KFFT KOCC KHJ Givp Hntr: to .•**#** mi *nmea ar the tee of Mr* W.jlaaat BTTKM BTBS1* BTCOO ASCI BTJTT n i-—»*« * r*t<j9 — >•.-* kad; «f Hr.»?. -* mm *•■«,» * *m »tia r t C L Hcnjllaii acawarwa*1 kX X KXW CLSA BTDAT BTXaX WHK KKKf WW V WXTZ WOOD Massey on Wed=ae«t ArrE A' hevoeea ED WLaot^and _ IHWH WllMI -I 3Sf Hi»r». ,4 E^HL BTlinr KFH KFJf KKtO AT* A KRET WBRC KI4r WTAiQ WOWO tbits a tbe last of *be senes of ALZ M » 9*mt itfklJf f in niiiliwi i|f Miglb. VACX> Am. ATI KOI. KITT wm kol koto wjrr kiwx bradye parties to be the ■ frees, O. B jaforma- « *—me »K>gy-iA> » ADC KXfBC KLEA KSAX KFH KFJF F. shippoc poms rrassd prtae *u 'be freer, at this ’£'jS5*Gara*e. «*» e»sar-.*d 3*4-5—WJZ Yerk-TM twc reported Wednesday April 1: w*rL,*r jt fN EC Ck*«) tame The public is card-ally anted tor ssisiaa: consent oc tor Hus dor — — •to*. Mc-r: •“» w— aiwhka vgas • Js Or*#*.. WCMC '» Kjmn VT.V at mmmj to attend. Lover Rio Grande Valley pomes of Mart's UOL ttae «d B O WJaX wjoo WCXT WIW WJe WET WTWJ WHAS W*3f WOC — • — •rfS—T*e Je—e-e KLd. dear. WL&ae r>idl Ms BOrr»n*. in vt «* Ate wcrr WREN WJAX KPEC KOA KFTP WSB WRAP bat-ass Ml* •CfiJLI H »<« alii u* f«4M KT-K4 WLW WGAt WJAX WJOr» KTW KWK WEEN W»D WJE CAKE. EAmTFK EGG SALE Cabbage. Hi-zh moderate nfcf Mkuzcv :• Ha: M Hr*fY AT • X—s»- Cc«A-Ate KDCJ> WEST wcj« ke'a woai kgw m.mo Tbe Altar Sxe j of e: F—Ts oetota sorrac too said p*rBBBfE2S» are Will, DO vonr 1.nflp EE K WREST KOA KSL WLW WOA& WAPI S9CA ■ Lizht sire mqaary. oesssaad skrv W#B I 'ii> V* alia*1 —» I KHQ vac K C. L cv<h s 'Hi iMNii KSTR WJAX »-«•• WHA» W£M V efcarcb «x3 hold a cate and Easter too toe serened tor the sud 4 "tat mol cr*j # **. IB-Om-i m jAR WEEN tcsaray dull. Round type 17. S. X- mi pnavMtv a* 1C mm* ■ C WJ X * SMB KTH* KFEC WOAIj t » — Clara. La aaV la-Ateo WGN ezf sale a: tbe ha ld-rr formerly Waertoefc and Ha: M B-adr and m I sues: Car.OfcSS »r-4 & Mr liliBIlf I.Ilii.mini CHUM* MMI! «Bi< %*. KOW KFI KHQ KFSO KTAK W«C ; wje WGAE kwk k:ka ween occupied by tbe Edel-tem Furniture *3 jr—mAi on **M afewtafeto *t^ ss-i^q—pHc ^ ^Fbcr * — — cars terms Dt* I. mmpr'a (tec*. Ate* KWK • <5 Ca» IN Wits — AIM K1EA 2xr3 FOB usual *§-7tc; a: Miss-ob on to tar sasd C •HHCVCH V0p4<n« WREN KFAB WHAS W*1( WJIC eoKpanj Saturday too around asv to be presented CfHNti HffiHU j WGAJt Wino WEEN • tedk per *7-*„ most-y m • for mMMtJJfMMMV wse WAR WsWB WJC*X WJAX KidO—% Mr — L WtasrtsrA and Ha: M Bradr Mn G G Haflaa d caB far #*r- ia- WJE. KI Kj* *1. very lev higher. Carloads aoc WT«A wfto KOA KFL WGAK KFAB K1A ESI. WEEN AXABEOTS SOCIETY :.fWff •*" »J ji mixed cars FOB cash track—let- 7*-’j Be A«n-t«e-A KLK.I T M ww—A—a* *ar A»tf—■" t* mfAQ The Aaadnms Soctety of Altar, Wstmesi «r bands, totals tbe 21 *t qttP TAM I WJ* *TBO WREN KWK KFAB WTJfJ KSTP KWK WREN VDAF uice craves 5fc-«&c: bulk per too *§- .. was rnfiT—tet at the boose of of March, a D :m: f t*ncc—AI*e KE-K A WHA* AM WEVR WEBC WF3 7 Truckloads cash to growers most- day ..11 WC%K W WEES WLW Mrs James Stasis oc R WHAOf JR KWK VMB WJDX VXC KTHS KPSC Wednesday. *4 too. few *5 D ly per «Opes*a«»f I f ,1 |P|, ,• m* Kv i KFA B V a »—M AaVa — GEf K After tbe basineM and social hour, C* E A Hi EE/ir.. 1C mh( 0, HI »XI—S»»e* Ore*.—Ate* BUKA WJK KECA KFSI* KoaO KGW Thursday—to grower* mostly 54 KBQ dehexat refreshace:::* were tend M BR.OT Vrw'lii *-Y W . KWK wrest KFAB wgae ■JSJ-Ri!* Sr toe.* HAL tlH-IW WJE per »-f — — the hottest ld-4t -dBE -*■■-.. IK U*4**se A CnHKt Ate W VS—R<*«l»l ©rr*.—A># W'GAE by Carrots: Hayings moderate. S-3A-2-A _ Kl'EA WCCTT WEEN KFAB KTHS KFRC L slow, Light vire taqury. demand OF tMl —~i—J >1*1 i KXS4KUU WTim TO CTtfimTOBft market Cul Lettuce crates bunch- -“■' * Mr isj Mrs. Oscar Parks aid EST M*A1E E TM0TO MbceEaseon •*—r p' c ed Carloads and in mixed cars ATE or "J * L*—Sara as WJZ l*»is were daagtner Sunday gues:* FOB usual terms. *1-11C. few high BUCXJUO. * aS-POCica Dram* a: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal UCTWU % tO« — —K : —.-. J0-*1 *8. »A1~I ^sttaJBT -T« Prog. * xjz as *115. cash track Route i» btretoy gstes that ar* | I Gai-iac of Tesbco A!>r .uoumb. 7 :_TrScro* lest. •‘'-Orrttj'e* 5 «'—P* R. Uajas Betts HnWiy moderate. Light * •'—Bael It *•—VMr •» tr Jar* I a to letters terjuaonarr upon 'the _S'^asurfsj Pr .g Stef 12 they enjoyed sash: seeing trip wire demand. stow, market tgtaal UP-IO-CNNS mmnutt lucuvr* i * taquary. oe- » — Sarra WEAR *JZ and estate of Mane I_ Talent*.. as' ;—****** 25E5—WOWO if RayreoMfrlSe returned by the duS.

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