MAY 1968 OSCAR ( Sell pa gll 1321 75 CENTS Sub:u:riptlon lote ONE YEAl $7.50 • e ,-" wn 789 PAGES: 7 'I, by 9 Inches. clothbound 211 di Cl C) rams 493 idea variations 1704 practical variations 463 supplementary variations . 3894 not •• to an variations and 439 COMPLETE GAMES! BY I. A. HOROWITZ in collaboration with Former World Champion. Dr. Max Euwe. Ernest Gruenfeld. Hans Kmoch. a nd many other noted authorit ies This latest and immense work, the rno:;t exhaustive of its ki ud, ex· plains in encyclopedic detail the fine points of all openings. It carries the reader well into the middle game, evaluates the prospects there and often gives complete exemplary games so that he is not left hanging in mid.position with the query: What happens now? A logical sequence binds the continuity in each opening. First come the moves with footnotes leading to the key position . Then fol· BIBLIOPHILES! low pertinent observations, illustrated by "Idea Variations." Finally, Glossy paper, handsome print. Practical and Supplementary Variations, weB annotated. exemplify the effective' possibilities. Each line is appraised: or = , spacious poC)inCJ and a ll the +, - The large format- 7V2 x 9 inches- is designed for ease of read· other appurtenances of exquis. ing and playing. It eliminates much tiresome shuffling of pages ite book-makinCJ combine to between the principal lines and the respective comments. Clear. make t his the handsomest of legible type, a wide margin for inserting notes and variation-id entify. ing diagrams are other plus features. • chess books! In addition,.to all else, thi·s book contains 439 complete games- a golden treasu,ry.j n itself! ORDER FROM CHESS REVIEW 1----- - - -- - - ------- - - - - ---- - ---1 I Please send me Ghell Openings : Theory and Practice at $12.50 I I Name • • • , . • , . , . , . • . •• J • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • " •• ••••••• • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • ••••• • • • • •• , •••• , • • I I Address ... .•• . •. • • • • • • •' • • • • . • • .• • • • • • .• • •. • . , . • •. ... , ... .. ... I I City & State .. • . • • • . • •• •. .. , . •.. .. • • . .. .. .. Zip Code No. ,. , . ,. , .. ,., I I Check/ Money order enclo.ed ,- - - - ------ - -- - - -- - ----- - - - -- - - • + FCA dues; lst, $15 & trophy; 2d & 3d. trophies: register latest 7 PM, May CHESS 17: inquiries 10 B Miller, 2265 SW 34 Av, Ft Lauderdale, Fla 33312. REVIEW Illlnoi. _ May 18 to 19 'If' ",nu•• eMUS IUOA"'" Austill Chesj Club Open at 5610 W Volume 36 Number ~ MAy 1968 La ke St, Chicago, III 60644: 5 Rd 55; 45 EDITED" PUBl.ISHED BY IIlovcsj 2 hou rs, dlen 30 per; EF $9 (jun. I. A. Horowitz iors $8) + USCF dues (adv 81 less); register la test 9 AM, May 18: SS lsi $100 guaranleed; 'a lso 75, 50 & 25 & trophies Table of Contents 10 lsi in A, S, C. D a nd unrated, per EFs: inquiries and adv EFs (checks to Chess Caviar .. .. .. .. .. 160 Austin Chess Club ) 10 R Meister, Illl Cheu Club Direct ory .. .. .... ... .. 155 S Scoville Av. Oak Park, Ill. 60304: phone COMIN G EVENTS IN THE U. S. Chess Quiz . .. ....• . ...... .. ..... .. 130 AND CANADA 383·6874. Game of the Month . ... .. , . ... 138 Al}ll revia.tlons-SS: Swiss System Totll"na_ New MeICico _ May 25 t o 26 Games f rom Recent Event•. ... .. , .. 146 me nt On 1st round entrie~ paired by lot or seleetlo ll: In subsequent rounds phl)'ers with AlbuQ!tuque Opel! at Albuquerque Natl ,,;mlla,· gcores paired). RR: Round RObIn On the Cover .. .. , . ....... ... 132 Bank, Washington Central NE. AI· Tournament (each man "Iay~ every Other & Palma de Mallorca .. .... , ... ... 156 mnn). KO: KIlock·ouL 'l'ournllmenl losers buq uenfll e: 5 Rd S5, 4.5 moves/ 2 hour... Postal Chess . .... .. ..... .... ... 150 or low scon:l rs ell'ninated). 5S; CMh prilles. EF: Entry fee. CC Che.ss Clull. CF: CheBs llI ostl y: EF $5 ( under IB, $1) + USCF Post_Sousse Playoff . • . ....... • , .. •• 135 Federa.tion. CAl Chess AS80~intlon. CLI dues: re~ister 9 AM: city championship P roblemart .. .. ..... .. ..... ... .. 151 Chess League. Rd: rounds. USCF du es: $10 to highest Albuquerque resident; trophies nlcmbcrship pel' yenr. to ist, 2d, top A, B, C, D, junior, medals, Secret Life of Walter Patzer .... .. .. 144 Pennsylvania _ May 11 to 12 Solitaire Chess . .. ... , .. , ' , .. ' .. 137 ullrated &. upset: inquiries to H Shube, Pmlll Stale Opell at Hetzel Union Dld g, 35th USSR Championship . , .. .. , .. 140 9800 Mesa Arriha NE, Albuquerque, New P enn 51 Uni\·. University Park. I'u. 16802 : i\"fexico 8711 L Tussle of Titans . .. ' ... , . .. ... 158 5 Rd 55; 50 moves/ 2 hours: EF 119 (86 World of Chess . ... .. ... .. .... 131 for under 21 or undergraduates ): st'arts COlo rado - May 30 to June 2 9 AM; 3 rd i\lay ll, 2, May 12: 811 lst DellVt'r Ope" at Gates Rubber Co., 999 EXECU TIVE EDIT OR $100 guaranteed; other 8$ per EFs; tro· S Broadway, Denver, Colo. 6 Rd S5, 50 Jack Straley Bauell pliies to lSi, 2d & 3d &1 to tOI»S in A, B, IOoves/ 2% hours: EF S7.50 ( under 18, MANAGING EDITOR C, unrated & women : in(IUir ies 10 D $5) + USCF d ues: SS per EFs include Byrne, 714 No Allell 5 1, 5l'ute College, lOPS 1\. C, D & unruted; litle and tro­ .A rthur B. Bla~ i er B. CON TRIBUTING EDITORS P-a 16801. phy 10 tOil residenl, sa me for top J unior : J . \V. Collina. T. A. Dun,t. Florida _ May 17 to 19 register latest 9 AM. May 30: inquir ies Svetonr GII&"orich. Hanl I(moch. / ack${JTwille Open al Heart of lackson· and adv EFs 10 P Mahoney. 4228 Grove Walter Korn and Dr. P. Tr!tunovlch. vi ll e MOlel, 901 Main 51, Jacksonville. 5 .. Denver. Colo. 8021L CORRESPONDENTS Fla 32206: 5 Rd SS; 50 movesj 2% hours: Connecticut - May 30 Ala bama E. M. Cockrell. Open, Amateur & Boosler sections with California Dr. H. RaJ'ton. M. J. HOyer. Hartford 30·30 Open at YMCA, 315 Colorado J. J. Reid. complex qualifications, EFs & pre.play Pearl SI, Hartford: 5 Rd 5S, 30 moves/ 30 Diltrict of Columbia R. S. CanlweM. arrangemenls so we suggest early inquiries Florida R. C. Eaatwood. min: EF $3 (+ $1 by May 27): SS pel' Geo rgia Braswell Deen. 10 G 5 Wren, 1707 King SI, hcksonville, EFs: inquiries and adv EFs 10 F Town. Idaho R. S. Vandenberg. Fla 32210. Illinois J. G. Warren. send, 10 Bermuda Rd, Wether field, Conn. Indiana D. C. Hills. D. E. Rhead. F lo rida - May 17 to 19 06109. Io wa J. M. Osncss. E;r()crl.~ TOllrllwl!elll a l Marina J\lotor Kansas K. R. MacDonald Ml nourl - May 30 to June 2 Louisiana J. F. Aceu, A. L. McAuley. fnn, 17 Sired Cau~eway, Ft Lnudcrdale, Missouri Open at Downtown YMCA, Maine L . Eldridge. Fla. ;) nd SS in 3 di\'i~iol1s: t'XI'CfI: EF' Maryland Charles Barneh. Dr. 'V. R. 1528 Locust 5t, 51 Louis, Mo: 6 Rd 5S; Bundick. $9 + useF & rCA dues: 5S 875, 40 & 45 movesJ 2 hours: EF $10 U5eF dues: Massachuutts S. Frymer. 25 + Irophies wil h each (lillliled, nsk re + Michigan R. Buska.er. S$ 100, 75 & 50, also to tap A, B, C, D, qualifications ); Amulwr: open 10 all be. Minnesota O. Tiers. junior (under 21) & unrated: -top Missouri Mlulnlppl E. A. Dunning. low 2000 I'aling; EF $7 + USCF & FCA Nebrnka B. E. Ellsworth . .ra Clt Spence. re!ident wins State title: 'inquiries to J B dues; S$ S4O, 20 & SlO & In)IJhies : Nevada R. L. Wheele r. Bohac, 4058 Holly Hills Dr, St Louis, Mo New Hampshire Ralph M. Gerth. ResCfH: I) I)cn to all below 1650; EF $5 New York P. Berlow. Edward Luker. J. N. 63116. Otl.s. F. Pena. Items printed for be nefit of our read.,.. North Carolina Dr. S. ·Noblin. if reported by au thorized Official' a t leall IIIlnol. _ June 1 t o 2 North Dakota D. C. Macdonald. two months in advance. and kept to brl.t II I Ohio R. B. Hayes. J . R. SChroeder. essentials. Readers: nearly nil tourney, ask Chicosoland South Suburban Open PennlOy lvanl. J. E. Arm. t ron/:. your aid hy bringing o\\,,, chen setl . board. American Legion P ost 131, 620 Halsted SI, South Oakota ?L F. Anderson. and clocks. Also. write for further detail. Cilicago Heights : 5 Rd SS, 50 moves/ 2 Tennenee Mra. Martha Hardt. J . O. SullI. for SlJ<I ce here is " ery re.stricted. bu t men· van, Jr. tion rO ll heard through Chell Review l /Contlnued on page 134) Texa lO Homer H. Hyde. Utah Harold Lundstrom. Wisconlin P earle Mann. CHESS RElV IEW Is published monthly by Subterlption Rue: One year $7.50, two Wyoming E. F. Rohllt. CHESS REVI EW. IH ,V. ad St.. New York. ~· ea. .. S!( .OO. three yean; $18. 50. world-wide. Collelliate: P. C. Jou. New York 10023. Printed In U. S. A. Re­ Change ot Addren: Six weeks' nOtice reo entered li S se<::onrt·class matter AllgU $1 1. quired. Please furnish an address stencil CANAOA 1941. at the Post Office al New York, N. "1.' .. Impre,slon from the wrapper of a tlM:ent Alberta L. Steele. under the Act or March 3. 1879. Issue. Address ehanges cannot be made with_ British Columbia Dr. N. Dlvlnlky. out the old Ilddreu as well as the new one. Milnitoba M. Stover. General Offices: ]34 West 72d Street, New Un eollclted manu,crlpts and photographs Ontario R. D. Jacques. York. N. Y. 10023. S ... le~ Dep~lI'tment Open wJII not be returned unless accompanied by Quebec l'II . .i\loss. da!ly 9:30 to 5:30 PM - Saturda.vs from retu rn ponege and selt·addressed envelope. Saskatchewan Frank Yerhott. 2 to 5 PM. Telephone; LYceum 5-1820. Di.trlbuted nationally by Eastern News.
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