
I " Omaha's Greatest r and Best Price c HE E I T Wesldy N,n"izpaper I ======::::-:=::===========:=,,===============;==================================--------'1 VOL. XIX OMAHA, NEBRASKA. August 3, 1923 NO. 38 1....---_-A-Fi-rie-nd_Fr_om_H_om_e_~ID HUS POLICE HE D ASKED ND _OF 0 E OR I FOR ATION A UE T OU LE Why Are Jefferson Hotel Prostitutes Not, I,,] lSo Much Sensational News Breaks, Hard Molested in Omaha? I '1 To Choose the Biggest Features. WHY ARE BOOrLEGGERS PROTECTED?I 'JI IHOSPE TRIAL TO" COME IN AUGU Why w.... the Girls Who nlliltled ~; South Sixteenth sm.,; Ord.red rI IJ. Paul X.pler Said to Be H'_g Plenty of Fun Wi;h Former Hoope to Return toO the Old Third Ward. J:)istrict If They 11, I Employee-Report Says Married Man Spends ~ortion of Time ~ l~~ I~ th.e city shatJ continue in the handsIdisehlu'ge (:;hipf Dempsey, l\'ho died . ;;i the p~inciple items of most interest. because he is not in good health now_ <-<_ p man' That m n ia Police IrecentlY'" BITTLlID CH" 'RftR'\ !,JDnUE BAU'GH HXHIBITS The unexpected turn in the prosecu- I have associated with him in a busi- C~~:;ission~r\Dan B~ Butler•.whpl WHA.~ DOF-S BL'TLER l\IEAN BY .. 'I.'AU,. I il m~ 1 FIRPO TO C'R.O"WD OF I tion of pel1ding government cases, ness and social way for many years. T~ ~ ~ospe has brought the police department I (iANG? Is it the oM Third WITH WR".EC'IIBtf'.".. I HERO 1i\'ORSHIPPERS Ithe affair. the high jinks of a If you are a friend of the young man. ~f Omaha to a:\ condition that has Ward gang that stole him into of- I . Rlll1J ! --- promment local man, high spots in you should warn him to watch hiSj pbced the ll€ople\of the city in rear nee?... 01- is it the gang that. insisted HIS on.'TAT P .' 'Vl Jimmie Baugh. pubiicity hound the affairs of Commissioner Butler. step, because he may lose out entire- of their very e:rlst~ce. This he has on him handing in his resignation 'Y'11 .11 out at Krug Park. is thel'e with bells b.razen Ch~llenge of scores of pros- lyon what hE' has planned. ~u:eceeded in doin~ in the short tQ the C'.arter Lake club?.. Or is it. Ion \vhen it comes to doing things at tItutes, domgs of the bootleggers are This is th.e position friends of the. space of throo mont~. ,-th", gang- that is supposed to have Plenty Trouble Ahead for -,pan, !,he right time and in the right waY,1 ~n given what littl: availablE'. spacp family are taking. Thus far they Just at this time there are a few! delivered to Wm, three e~tSeS of gin Omalm.' Real Tro bl"'l I Jimmie drove up to the Fonte- Lhe paper has to offer. A reVIew of have hoped the young man, who is. a ;_:, pertinent things the pe~Ie of Omaha! that IlJld boon highjaekoo at a cer- ~ak u eril IneUe hotel, grabbe.d Luis Firpo b}.· the affairs of the husband of a for- handsome, dapper young fellow, will would .like to know, Wh~h concernsItam L-u-ge down. to~ ~otel? . - er. .} the nap of the neck or some place. m.er queen of Ak-Sar-Ben is not out cut out wine, women and song anci even.Dnd"". The"" ","oulil. ...Hkf" to These are pertmen.< questIOns l" ,I hiked him out .to the park, where at order here. conduct himself in a manner that ~ • I ThE' democratic organi .... i kll..:J.w: ", which the public is entItled to have D thE' Wild Bull sho"ed himself to the will be a credit to his famil.v. ouglas countY' appears in a ' 'Why are the bootleggers ~idI in-I! :lilr. BuU",r reply to. 111 the city of way to l,)e wTecked. acc()rd gr.·~at edification of the thousands of I "The ~l,d ,~tory about h_OW "the mic~ Oue man. who is in a position ta, 1eM the cit.!t not roTf"sti'd wheh,-.. tIle'"~ Omaha, it is reliably stated there are .fsrtors. Firno wanted to meet the \1:111 pla;l' "hen the cat:; are away, know exactly what he is talkin'" some precinct and other I ... Y ... tiecm.re "''''''';11St l'tla"'-or Dahlma.n~.. I nearly ~,l}fj.} persons in the bootleg- g "Girl in Red" personaIl-.... but it 'I' ha,s_ rec,en.tl been ,r,e.hearsed .i.n .a about. had this to say: "It is the ~ .."..-~fr. ~ . I who have always handled' the ." ....y has Butler had... m't'n (}j1t I ging business. Before the country wasn't her visiting dav. so the Ar-' \I. e::.t Eun home v.nile the Wile ,IS most disgraceful thing I ever saw. ,~.. in Omaha. • ..... ~herin~ liticul inf,',.,.....••ti~ 1·......... Jwent dry there were only 450 sa- ~f'ntinian contented himself b~.' pick-I·vacanonmg. for a month at the lakes The wife tUnks the world of him", ~ ~ - ~.'~- .~~ .'" , The trouble all comes abo '" ,. ate-ad of doing .....-Jice dut... ? 'i..loon,s in oma.ha, The saloons did lng out the prettiest girl in th.e j or some other resort. Nightl~' the and he ii< n'ising a family" To des- pv~" t result of th.. action of Com I ""'by i,;; it that prostitutes art> ''busmes:i under the law, The boot- But~r. who heretofore has ncing pavilian and presented her! hushand sends for his women, who f'er::tf' tht' very bed of his ovrn wife- hn8tl .,. on the streeis wunol"""'~""" ers are doing a thri.ing busi- with a bunch of roses. II carryon theil'.ribald doings until the is a crime t1:at should not go unpun- ....,..1n =~side["ed a leading Douglas I it they make b ......·~uaria;s at the in 'Violation of and despite the Th d f tl h ear y hours of the morning, regard- i:ched. ,. "-''0{ I "........ democrat. His open- oppositi e crow was {} it' erG war-II_"" f "'--,t ~ h.-v' ". ,., - ... ..Jt4f'~ h,otel? .. ' .... aw.\ "u~JS.<1 fine howd-oyuu.do, for Jim Dahlman:. Douglas County's ~hip kind and.' followed the big fight- ·IO·I~·c:I:e~'-"·· ~1 ",s IDa) e.tut'r t.rrnk ;;";':~;~~';~;~;.l\fi~;;;~"~ff)i:liG.ilnti'elda.tobe'eteaning democratic leader and a man en- er around Ilke a bunch of sheep. The accotinting demanded by the- ~ ~~e he ~,'eIected. in-:re- U}) the ?ily. dorsed b Go 'B d ':':uch am fame A couple of years ago thrs young children of Mrs. Anton Pangle- .yu vernor rran an eveR ~. I a • d th d ~ht f . ~ to Clara. WJiite~ who f~y . Theseare b ut a tew of the th ings . ..' _ ,! ill n marne e au", er 0 one 01 Hospe from Antone Hospe Art dea.!- "" h by Woodrow Wilson, IS makmg. 10' h '., . 'tl' b . I·,·' __.....d ill "F"""'~ two houses or ,...,......te.'~ in/taat t t:... people- of the city want to, _ ,. 1.0:\1"1:1'''':~'1".:1 L.'"'''T "-"T.t:-"BT.'V .na a_ Viea.! I;l' ~ USlness men, He.. lOr, IS causmg a great deal of speeu- .....- I pumtv 01 trouble. From InsIde. """' ••-...u :>.. LX. • s t h h d f the Red Lightdistriet, but is now l;;now, concerning what many people sour;es, it is learned that Governor I "{.-\~ WHES }IR, CH.-\S. R. I: a. t.e ea 01 on.e Of. the largest! lation and no little interest. The- ~.. g..three... , o.t th.,em? . }IIaIl the high.-handed Ul;!.:et,hods of the. B' '. • I ~HER}L\.X P"<:::i-ED or lIIstltutrons of the kmd In the wholej:vetition charges about e\"errthin= ryan IS very much Interested In ~. -, .:....-,...,"> ., t Th' 0'. h • .,. Why were the girl;; WhD hustled pre-sent po11<:e comIIIlSSloner. Men ., _, I coun ry. e Jounb Vi oman. w 0, under the sun and is the forerunner d t' h ' lear:mng lust what CommISSIoner tv the wa" was an 1\k-Sar-Ben' . QQ' South Sixteenth· street ordered an women 0 taKe enoug mterestButler is doing \I.'hen Charles R. Sherman passed - 0 ',' of a bIg legal battle that WIll make- lI!> return to the old Thin! Wan! di"l-I in civic affairs to at least occasion- From other ~ources it is learnpd out for th~ long journe)'. Omaha lost ~u::n. wa~ dasslfi~~.as ~n~hof ~he the curious sit up and take notice. s g met if they Wished to oonti.nue in: ally attend council meetings can not that the g<n'ernor ha,,'seriou"ly co~- ~ valuable citizen. an upright. sPlen-! i; . son:: lYOU: a ~es I~ d~ Clt~. According to the petition, no divi.- business? I understand how it comes that ::.'lir.· sidered it hi-- duty ;s a de~ocratic did business man. He. with his I~' IS sadI s.le - al~t a. .Dve y ISPOSI- sion of money was ever made to the Why is it that 011 North 'rwenty-l Butier fights practically everything -,' - ,IOn an persona 1 v. children before tho death of Mn; "-.....h t t . ~,_= '" . ' t that an.... other commissioner sug- leader. to put the brakes on Butler. partner. 11t, 1icConneIl, established Speakin<Y of th~ matter a w 11 . ~ • • AO._' s. ree '. ev.·~ ~~. b. runmng.u . _ _ ' Just how this will be.
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