HOLOTIPUS HOLOTIPONLINE US MAGAZINE ISSN 2704-7547 9 772704 754008 DOI ® 10.5281/zenodo.4500898 HOLOTIPUS ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS Published on 15 May 2021 Holotipus is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal Holotipus journal devoted to Zoology, Systematics and Taxonomy. Special issues are dedicated to editorials and scientific papers focused on Art and Biology. 2021 (Vol. 2) Submitting papers should be addressed to Publisher, Chief Editor or Managing Editor. Cite as Grasso, M. & Casadio, C.A. (2021) Taxonomic [email protected] notes on the genus Rosenbergia Ritsema, 1881 with description of a new species and subspecies Designed, published and printed in Italy by (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae). Holotipus Holotipus publisher & ActionKlavier studio, rivista di zoologia sistematica e tassonomia, II (1): Corso Peschiera 315/A, 10141 Torino. 11–46. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4500898. Holotipus rivista di zoologia sistematica e tassonomia ISSN 2704-7547 Publisher Matteo Grasso Founder & Co-Editor-in-Chief Carlo Arrigo Casadio Co-Editors-in-Chief Francesco Vitali Marco Scotini Managing Editor Pier Cacciali Sosa Complete editors list on https://www.holotipus.it/ We permanently archive all published articles on Biotaxa and Zenodo. However, you can find the latest volume available on holotipus.it/archive/. We would love to receive your manuscript. You can find all the related guidelines on holotipus.it/publication-norms/. Please do not forget to have a look at our Editorial policy. Cover photo by ActionKlavier studio Photographs © MHL (12-13), © MCC (1-11, 14-46) HT PUBLISHER Grasso, M. & Casadio, C. A. 2021. Holotipus rivista di zoologia sistematica e tassonomia II (1) 2021: 11-46 Received on 29 March 2021 / Accepted on 26 April 2021 / Published on 15 May 2021 Research Article Taxonomic notes on the genus Rosenbergia Ritsema, 1881 with description of a new species and subspecies (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) Matteo Grasso1* & Carlo Arrigo Casadio2 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A35B1ECA-DBCE-40F7-9743-9B2B5F7085F2 10.5281/zenodo.4500898 1 Holotipus Journal, Corso Peschiera 315/A, 10141, Torino, Italy. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4969-5993. http://zoobank.org/Authors/BE409F3B-A8FE-41A4-BE07-97F14B273E0F2 Via della Milana 42, 40026, Imola, Bologna, Italy Abstract. The R. dianneae species group*Corresponding of the genus Rosenbergia author: is [email protected] described and enlarged with the additional descriptions of R. cheesmanae sp. nov. and R. valentinae eki ssp. nov. Adult genitalia are depicted. The R. weiskei species group is analysed and Rosenbergia valentinae Rigout, 2004 stat. nov. is raised to species level and no longer considered a subspecies of R. dianneae Allard, 1990. The rediscovery of the holotype of Rosenbergia humeralis Gilmour, 1966 allows for the description of the male of this species. After extensive research, the holotype of R. dianneae is considered lost and a neotype has been designated. Key Words: Taxonomy, New Guinea, Batocerini, Rosenbergia, new taxa Introduction (or absent) humeral/sutural spines on elytra than those of the R. weiskei species group. We analyse In the recent years, there have been few studies on Rosenbergia humeralis Gilmour, 1966, whose holotype the genus Rosenbergia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: was considered lost (Wallin & Nylander, 2007), R. Lamiinae). After searching for holotypes, we have dianneae Allard, 1990, considered nomen dubium come to notice that name-bearing specimens are (Wallin & Nylander, 2007), and its subspecies R. often not stored in publicly accessible collections. d. valentinae Rigout, 2004. Finally, we provide a Furthermore, several species have been described description of a new species and a new subspecies based on single specimens for which there exist belonging to this group. no clear identification keys or pictures. This is complicated by the fact that species in this genus are often extremely variable. Figure 1 In this article, we review the species of the Holotype male of Rosenbergia cheesmanae Rosenbergia weiskei Heller, 1902 group, which are sp. nov. dorsal view. characterised by reddish pubescence, elytra marked with narrow longitudinal gray bands and glabrous tubercles (Wallin & Nylander, 2007). We define the R. dianneae species group by the much more robust body, longer antennae and much weaker HOLOTIPUS ARTICLE 15 Rosenbergia Taxonomic notes on the genus Ritsema, 1881 with description of a new species and subspecies Abbreviations Examined specimens. Rosenbergia rubra Gilmour, 1966: 1 male (HT), weiskei Coll. Casadio C. A., Timika, 12-2004, body This study is based on the following examined labelled Holotype male Rosenbergia rubra miki BMH specimens belonging to the R. weiskei species group R. length 51 mm, in GCC (GCR-55OKI); 1 female labelled EHP -- Eastern Bishop Museum,Highlands Honolulu, Province Hawaii, USA dianneae species group, described as below. (miihi)FMNH; Gilmour,1 male labelledPNG, N.E. Indonesia, West Irian, HumboltWest Papua, Bay IrianDistrict, Jaya, Kapiro Timika, village, 11-2006, 11-01-2000, body length body 50 lengthmm in as defined by Wallin & Nylander (2007) and the Dist.District, Mamberamo, leg. J. Kleinberg, 28 km body from lengthMarikai, 45 Van mm, Rees in 40GCC mm, (GCR-8CIKJ); in GCC (GCR-XP3I0); 1 male labelled 1 female PNG, labelled MP, WauPNG, FMNH - Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Rosenbergia cheesmanae sp. nov.: 1 male Mountains, 135 Hm. S.02.17.708°/E.137.05.401°, Wau district, Mount Amungwina, 200 m, 15-04-2005; (dissected) labelled Papua New Guinea (PNG), Morobe body length 50 mm, in GCC (GCR-V86LH); 1 female Province (MP), 02-1998, body length 45 mm, in GCC mm, in GCC (GCR-05SYI). labelled Sorong, 1-04-2005, body length 53 mm, in Illinois,FVC - Francesco United States Vitali of AmericaCollection, Luxembourg (GCR-E2865; GCR-E2865G); 1 female labelled PNG, 19/26-06-2014, leg. Bretschneider, body length 42 GCC (GCR-8TT0N); 1 female labelled PNG, MP, Wafuf, MP, Aseki subdistrict, Hiemsini village, 14-07-1998, Rosenbergia valentinae valentinae Rigout, 2004 GCC body length 56 mm, in GCC (GCR-E4T2K); 1 male stat. nov.: 1 female (HT), labelled Rosenbergia in GCC (GCR-LD9I6); 1 female labelled Goroka, 03- labelled Rosenbergia weiskei, PNG, body length 44 mm, dianneae valentinae Coll. Casadio C. A., PNG, MP, 1992,Bulolo, body Gumi length village, 55 07-07-2006, mm, in GCC body (GCR-Z8WQT); length 61 mm, 1 MHL - Grasso-Casadio Collection, Imola (BO), Italy in GCC (GCR-T2GPA); 1 female labelled Rosenbergia female labelled PNG, MP, Aseki subdistrict, 04-1999, et d’étude des collections, Lyon, France weiskei Coll. Casadio C. A., PNG, MP, Memyamya, 2004, body length 58 mm, in GCC (GCR-6W090); 1 - Musée des Confluences, Centre de conservation body length 50 mm, in GCC (GCR-37DWH); 1 female Pesea-Aseki,male (PT, dissected), 01-01-1992, labelled Holotype Rosenbergia det. dianneaeJ. Rigout labelled Rosenbergia weiskei Coll. Casadio C. A., PNG, NBC labelled Rosenbergia weiskei Coll. Casadio C.A., PNG, valentinae Coll. Casadio C. A., PNG, MP, Aya-Aseki, body length 53 mm, in GCC (GCR-IJVIM); 1 female Madang, Papua New Guinea MP Aseki, Aya, 02-1992, body length 52 mm, in GCC (GCR-LDFH0); 1 female labelled Rosenbergia weiskei - New Guinea Binatang Research Centre, (GCR-MQ57P). Coll.EHP, CasadioOkapa, 02-1991, C. A., PNG, body MP, lengthAseki, 4802-1992, mm, in body GCC JHC 02-1992, Paratype det. J. Rigout 2004, body length Rosenbergia dianneae Allard, 1990: 1 male, 52body mm, length in GCC 53 (GCR- mm, FXZYJ;in GCC GCR-FXZYJG/RWI006); (GCR-E81XE); 1 male Rosenbergia weiskei PMC - -Jean-Roch Paolo Missori Houllier Collection, Collection, Roma, Paris, Italy France designated as neotype (dissected), labelled PNG, 1(dissected) male labelled labelled PNG, RosenbergiaMP, Bulolo, Ekopa, weiskei 25-07-07, f. rubra, length 53 mm, in GCC (GCR-6LOA8); 1 male labelled PNG, MP, Aseki, 09-2005, body length 54 mm, in GCC 1 male (dissected) labelled L. Falletti Rosenbergia Det., PNG, weiskei MP, Bulolo Coll. mm, in GCC (GCR-5C32C; GCR-5C32CG); 1 female (GCR-XL4W6; GCR-XL4W6G); 1 female labelled PNG, Casadio02-1986, C. body A., West length Papua, 46 mm, Arfak in GCCMt., 07-2003,(GCR-KO7NP); body Material and Methods Easternlabelled Highland,PNG, Eastern Okapa, Highlands 08-2000, Province body length (EHP), 51 length 48 mm, in GCC (GCR-7766F; GCR-7766FG); C9Q5T). 04-2000,MP, Bulolo, body Ekopa, length 25-07-07, 57 mm, bodyin GCC length (GCR-GZ6AP); 59 mm, in 1 length 46 mm, in GCC (GCR-FA399); 1 male labelled callipers and a Zeiss stemi 305 stereomicroscope and Okapa, 04-1958, body length 57 mm, in GCC (GCR- GCCspecimen (GCR-4WA34); (sex not examined,1 female labelled photograph), PNG, MP, labelled Bulolo, 1PNG, male MP, labelled Wau district, Irian Jaya, Sandy Timika, Creek, 11-2006, 25-02-2005, body Body measurements were taken with digital Rosenbergia humeralis Gilmour, 1966: 1 female from the elytral apex to the antennal torulus. Habitus (HT), labelled Rosenbergia weiskei Heller det. E. F. PMC; 1 specimen (sex not examined, photograph), labelled Rosenbergia weiskei, PNG, MP, Wau district, illustrationsare rounded up were for habitus. made withBody alength medium is measured format Gilmour, Neu Guinea, body length 55 mm, in Musée PNG,labelled EHP, PNG, Okapa, MP, Aseki,05-2005, Aya, body 02-1998, length body 48 mm, length in Isapirobody length village, 50 04-1996, mm, in GCC body (GCR-1TUDP); length 48 mm, 1 femalein GCC camera: Hasselblad CFV 50C digital back mounted 47 mm, in PMC; 1 specimen (sex not examined, on Hasselblad 500 C/M body equipped with a 50 des collections, Lyon (47016164); 1 male labelled photograph), labelled PNG, MP, Aseki, 12-1997, mm macro tube and 150 mm lens mounted with Westdes Confluences, Papua, Arfak Centre Mts., de kab. conservation Manokwari, et d’étude Marzo leg. Missori-Ercoli, body length 61 mm, in PMC; 1 1(GCR-8AD9A); female labelled 1 femalePapua, labelledCenter Salawati EHP, Okapa, district, 04- 2006, body length 49 mm, in GCC (GCR-CE35A); 1 specimen (sex not examined, photograph), labelled 05-2007,Kampung body Kalobo, length 01-2020, 58 mm, body in GCC length (GCR-PBEQG), 51 mm, in with a three-light scheme.
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