NINTH ACCEPTS | U. S. DELEGATES VISIT MACDONALD HOUSE TO CONSIDER R1V0$A QUITS; ONCOAST NOW MEASURE TO REPEAT MINOR RIOTS LIBRARY TRUST UP IN SENATE FOUMNEWS FROMCHENEYS ^ « THE 18th AMENDMENT TydingsSays Filipinos Nearly 200 Students A n esl Small Meeting Hears Deed Shoidd Gel Independence! THREE YEAR OLI) |Hearings to Begin Feb. 12; ed as They Celebrate Res Of Trust from Local Firm to Save United States | ^ H E ^ AT FI | ^ Yme Such ignation of Dictator, Gen. and Accepts Gift With from More Serious Riots.! Course Has Been Taken Berenguer Succeeds Him. Thanks. Mother Who Puts Out Blaze. Since the Enactment of Washington, Jan. 29.— (A P )—R e-' New Castle, Ind., Jan. 29.— cent labor riots on the west coast ^ (AP)—Grant City, southwest of The Ninth school district last Madrid, Jan. 29.— (A P )— Spanish involving Filipinos were said in the ^ here, today claimed a three year Prohibition Law. night voted to accept the offer of police batUcd until a late hour this Senate-today by Senator Tydings, | old hero in litUe Bobby Lock- $50,000 by Cheney Brothers for ridge. The chUd removed his morning, with crowds of students Democrat* Maryland, to present. Washington, J#.n. 29.— (AP) ’-4- library purposes as a trust, fund. 2 year old baby brother and his boisterously celebrating in the ample grounds for toe granting of ^ i Chairman Graham of toe House Barely a legal Quorum of voters was six months old sister from dan­ r^treets of the capital the resignation Philippine independence in toe near j ger when a blaze started in toe I judiciary committee announced to- present at the special meeting held (,'f General Primo De Rivera as future. I home yesterday while the ; day that hearings would begin be- in the High school building. Conceding that Filipinos have a mother was away. Spanish premier and dictator. Resolutions Some clothing lying near a j fore his group February 12, ’‘6h Almost 200 students were ar­ Howell Cheney was named chair­ perfect right to come to the United seven measures for the repeal of toe States, Tydings said this country al­ stove caught fire, and Bobby rested. Several were wounded seri­ man of the meeting and Charles R. who was taking care of toe lit­ 18th amendment. ously and many suffered injuries of Hathaway clerk. Mr. Hatoaway ready had race Questions on its hands, and Philippine immigration tle family, realized toe danger. This will be the first time since minor nature. , i, read toe offer made by Cheney He pushed toe crib in which the Sabres were used to force oacK Brothers to the district as well as 1 would make this' problem more | the enactment of toe Eighteenth difficult as long as freedom of the | baby girl was lying into the Amendment that such a course has the manifestants in some dovm- the deed of trust conveying the Sum next room and escorted the ,wn streets. There were many fist of $50,000 to the district through j ciipppQQ of toe London naval conference, was furthered at this I islands was postponed. j been taken, by toe judiciary com­ Anglo-American accord, liriportant MacDonald of Great Britain soon after brother out, closing toe door -hts between officers and stu- toe Manchester Trust I nioglcal Policy. 1 mittee. meeung Which United States ;J«‘ »Shte3 “ d a , the right, pre- after them. Many efforts have been made by onts who shouted “Viva Rey: The resolution offered by Mr. The immigration policy imder j Bobby then ran screaming for .imera Primo," “ Long live the king. away accepting the deed of trust toe Wet Bloc in the House to have “ med“ Ms''cc;re.'Ju%s?o thelIgSsh government which Japanese and Chinese are ex-1 his mother, Mrs. Harold ^ c k - hearings opened on measures to re­ Death to Primo." Police was voted and then several other eluded and Filipinos are permitted ridge, who had gone to a peal the amendment, but heretofore suppressed shouts of “Viva motions were passed certifying toe entrance into this country, was de­ grocery. She returned hastily they have failed. lica” or “Long live the Republic. acceptance of the Cheney offer, re­ fe»gh t! Se= scribed as “absolutely illogical” by and extinguished the blaze. leasing Cheney Brothers from furth­ Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas, and Ambassador Hug _______________ _ Meanwhile General Primo De toe Mkrylander. DRY SITUATION .; Rivera, whose resignation was ac­ er liability and allowing the firm the Press accounts, Tydings said, cented by King Alfonso effective as right to examine and criticize plans show the relation between the By Associated Press for any proposed library building, of 10:15 p. m.:iast night, conferred Filipinos and whites on toe ^cific As Congress moved today toward with his successor—and perennia and lastly a resolution expressing IWOMAN PROTESTS TOWN LOSES SUIT coast are far from cordi^. consideration or laws to make prohi­ enemy— General Damaso Beren^er, the gratitude of the district to SAYS HE CONTRIBUTED the recent trouble at Watsonwle, eWef of King Alfonso XHI’s n^itag Cheney Brothers for the generous Calif, he asserted if an American bition enforcement more stringent^ household and former commander in gift. : PRESET DRT U W workman was shot in a,similar dis­ ON OAK ST. CRASH toe government continued drives Those present at the meeting Morocco. pute in toe Philippines toe Ameri- against rum conspirators, with near­ Farewell to King. were Howell Cheney. Charles R. TO THE KING CAMPAIGN can government would send the ly four hundred persons, including Hathaway, William C. Cheney, Clif­ General Primo De Rivera, bidding Army and Navy there to preserve public officials, already under indict­ ford D. Cheney, Rev. P. J. O. Cor­ fareweU to King Alfonso and to toe ment in four western states. nell, Miss Marjory Cheney, Miss Sister of Harvard’s Presi­ order. Jury Twice Disagrees and country as head of The House expenditures commit­ and explaining reasons for Ins resig Mary Cheney, Harold C. Alvord, President of Dye Corpora­ CHICAGO TO ASK VOTE ON INDEPENDENCE tee made further progress on the nation issued an official note. An Charles J. Huber, Mrs. Charles J. Huber, Warren I Keith, Watson dent Advocates “ Starting Then Awards Total of measure to transfer the prohibition Sow to rest a little to recover my Washington, Jan. A unit from toe Treasury to toe Jus­ Woodruff, Emil L. G. Hohenthal, vote in toe Senate on PhUipplne In­ health. Two thousand, three hun­ tion Declares He Gave tice Department, while toe move of dred and twenty-six days have been Jr., Chester F. Robinson, Mrs. Ches­ NEW YORK TO AID All Over Again.” dependence during toe present ses­ $2,675 to Hartford Trio. ter F. Robinson, J. B. O’Hanlon and sion of Congress appeared Uke^ to- some Congressional Wets to drive filled with /f^SJd for 2.75 per cent beer brought notice and labor. But rested, then if C^d Ronald H. Ferguson. $1,000 Check to Sena­ wlth an announcement ny Copies day from toe Drys toat toe test would he wishes, I shall return to serve Chairman Bingharp of toe Senate A copy of the offer made by Jan. 29.— (AP)—Asser- b u l l e t in only on toe Question of prohibition Cheney Brothers and secondly a Offers to Sell 54 Millions in tion^thTt tirp e o p le of Massachu-j ‘S 'n altcrnocM or no prohibition. ^^H^to°n^ expressed the belief tlmt tor’s Secretary in 1922. The jury late this copy of the deed of trust follow: setts have established a definite i pgb. 10 as possible, For toe first time since toe Eigh­ the government should have some January 21, 1930. brought In a verdict in favor of the sort of dictatorship. Warrants Which Its Own policy against prohibition was made I jt also was disclosed ^toda^^toat teenth Amendment was enacted, toe “Ninth School District of Man­ Washington, Jan. 29— (AP) defendants In the suit against the House judiciary committee announc­ He pledged his personal loyalty by Alexander Lincoln, former assist- ! senator Vandenberg of Michigan to King Alfonso and declared he chester Testimony that he gave a cam­ an administration member of the town following the Oak street cnl- ed toat hearings on resolutions for welconSd toe Incoming government. South Manchester, Conn. paign contribution of $1,000 for Banks Refuse to Buy. ant attorney general, in opening territories committee, is drafting a vert accident. Lavoie was granted its repeal would be started February “Gentlemen: ’ Pleased With Successor. Senator King, Democrat, Utah, in arguments before toe leglriative bill providing t6t Independence at $2,400. He had sued for $10,000. l2j^ SeveQ. such, resolutions in all “Under date of August 26, 1929 ^ave^been proposed. Of his successor General R^if° we made an offer to toe Ninth 1922 to Samuel Russell. King’s sec­ committee on legal affairs today on the end of ten years. Stepnowskl and Berube, the two De mvera said: “The King entrusted School District of M ^c^ster and Chicago, Jan. 29 — (AP) — The toe intttative~petition for repeal of Using Old Measure Dropping his warfare on toe pro­ ftjStlon of toe new government retary, was given before the Senate other passengers In the car were the Town^Sf Manchester disregard school board turned to New York Vandenberg is using toe measure hibition eifforcement officers for the lobby committee today by Herman toe state enforcement act. The allowed $150 and $125 respectively, moment. Senator Borah, of Idaho, a to the purchase of certain school A.
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