4712 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 4 April 1, 2008 CONGRATULATING THE MASSENA good luck in the next 4 years, along with con- fellowship. The college and its graduates have RED RAIDERS UPON WINNING tinuing economic success and meaningful po- not only made a positive impact within the THE 2008 NEW YORK STATE DIVI- litical reforms. greater Kalamazoo community and the State SION I BOYS HOCKEY CHAMPION- Since President-elect Ma’s victory on March of Michigan, but throughout the entire Nation SHIP 22, he has made many gestures of good will, and the world at large. which include encouraging Beijing to start f HON. JOHN M. McHUGH meaningful dialogue between Taiwan and Chi- nese mainland on the issues separating them. TRIBUTE TO FORMER CONGRESS- OF NEW YORK MAN WILLIAM L. DICKINSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is my sincere hope that both Taipei and Bei- jing will soon resume dialogue on the issues Tuesday, April 1, 2008 of mutual interest, leading to the peace and HON. TERRY EVERETT Mr. MCHUGH. Madam Speaker, I rise today stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Also, Presi- OF ALABAMA to congratulate the Massena Red Raiders dent-elect Ma has indicated his willingness to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES upon winning the New York State Division I strengthen Taiwan’s good relations with the Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Boys Hockey Championship. I am proud to United States. I hope that he will be able to represent Massena and note that this is the visit Washington before his inauguration on Mr. EVERETT. Madam Speaker, I rise today fifth hockey championship the Red Raiders May 20. Even though our two countries do not to honor the memory of former Alabama Re- have won since 1980. have official ties, our ties are strong and grow- publican Congressman Bill Dickinson who On March 9, 2008, the Massena Red Raid- ing. The issues between us and Taiwan in- passed away last night at the age of 82 after ers won the New York State Division I Boys clude our defense commitments to Taiwan, an extended illness. As many of my col- Hockey State Championship when they de- trade with Taiwan, our support of Taiwan’s leagues will remember, Bill Dickinson rep- feated the West Genesee Wildcats by a score participation in international affairs, and lifting resented Alabama’s Second Congressional of 3 to 2 in triple overtime. Joe Laffin gave the of outdated restrictions imposed on high-rank- District for 28 years. Barbara and I send our Red Raiders the lead at 4:44 into the first pe- ing officials from Taiwan to visit the United heartfelt condolences to Bill’s wife, Barbara, riod and Massena maintained that lead until States. As our friend, Taiwan wants to see us their children, Christopher, Michael, Tara and 3:13 into the third period, when West Genesee fully committed to the letter and spirit of the Bill, Jr. and the entire Dickinson family at this tied the game. Massena regained the lead Taiwan Relations Act, enacted on April 10, time of personal loss. with 4:54 left in regulation when Nathan 1979. A native of Opelika, Alabama, and a former Pichette scored a goal, which was assisted by Again, my best wishes to President-elect Ma city, county and state judge before coming to Antonio O’Geen and Laffin. However, with and the people of Taiwan. And that’s just the Congress, Bill Dickinson was a Republican in 1:07 to play in the third period, West Genesee way it is. the Deep South when being a Republican was tied the score again and the game went into f not popular. Bill Dickinson came to Wash- overtime. After nearly three periods of over- ington in 1964 as part of the Goldwater sweep time and 22 saves by Massena goalie Kyle 175TH ANNIVERSARY OF of the Deep South and gained a reputation as Anderson, Captain Mike Mailhot scored to give KALAMAZOO COLLEGE a formidable legislator and a strong conserv- the Red Raiders the game and the state ative voice for southeast Alabama. He served championship. HON. FRED UPTON during a time of momentous change in this The Massena Red Raiders finished the sea- OF MICHIGAN House, from civil rights movements and polit- son with a 23–4–1 record. In addition, Coach IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical upheavals of the 1960s, through Vietnam, Watergate, and the Reagan Revolution. Joe Phillips was named the New York State Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Division I Boys Hockey Coach of the Year. A Navy veteran, Bill Dickinson was a stal- The Red Raiders were also coached by as- Mr. UPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today in wart in national defense and was Ronald Rea- sistant coach Tim Hayes; Bob Belile, Tim honor of Kalamazoo College on the occasion gan’s point man on the House Armed Services Belile and Louie Trevino were team managers of its 175th anniversary. Established in Kala- Committee where he was ranking member for and Anthony Viskovich was the statistician. mazoo, Michigan in 1833, Kalamazoo Col- over a decade. As the committee’s leading Other team members include Clay Allen, lege—affectionately known as K College—has Republican he gave his support to President Remy Boprey, Allen Bourdon, Tim Doud, Pat distinguished itself as one of the Nation’s old- Reagan’s defense build-up of the 1980s which George, Captain and First Team All State se- est and most respected institutions of higher made America more secure. Upon his retire- lection Matt Hatch, David Henrie, Brian Hol- education devoted to the study of the liberal ment after 14 terms on the Hill, Congressman comb, Josh Holmes, Alex Kormanyos, Mike arts. Dickinson listed his greatest accomplishments. Lashomb, William Lint, John-Paul Mailhot, In addition to being nationally recognized for After nearly three decades in office you can Kevin Morris, Evan Raymo, Conor Riley, Matt its high standards of academic excellence, K be sure the list is long, but here are some of Supernault, Dan Tyo, Dustin Vice, Matt College has been a pioneer in the field of the things he was proudest of. He saw avia- Viskovich, Captain and Honorable Mention All overseas studies, offering global learning op- tion become a permanent full-fledged branch State selection Jacob Witkop, and Taylor portunities to its students for the past 50 of the Army and Fort Rucker become the per- Zappia. Accordingly, Madam Speaker, I ask years. Over 80 percent of all K College stu- manent home of Army Aviation. Furthermore, my colleagues to join with me to recognize the dents spend a portion of their undergraduate he secured Federal funding to help construct Massena Red Raiders for their significant ac- education abroad, partnering with over 50 for- the U.S. Army Aviation Museum at Fort complishment. eign universities on 6 continents. Rucker which bears his name. He was cred- f As a global champion of lifelong learning, ited with getting Pentagon approval for the use Kalamazoo College also produces, per capita, of the Apache attack helicopter in the first gulf TAIWAN ELECTIONS more students who go on to earn a doctorate war. The Apache fired the first shot in the war. than any other American college or university. He oversaw the transformation of Gunter Air HON. TED POE K College graduates also rank nationally Force Station in Montgomery to an Air Force OF TEXAS amongst those who are accepted in the Peace base before merging it with Maxwell to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Corps, Teach For America, and the Fulbright strengthen it. He also saw Maxwell restored to Scholar Program. a major 3 star command and the establish- Tuesday, April 1, 2008 With new challenges emerging at home and ment of the Air Force School of Law and the Mr. POE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to around the world, it is comforting to know that Senior NCO Academy for the entire Air Force congratulate Taiwan for having successfully Kalamazoo College continues to maintain its at Maxwell-Gunter. completed its 4th direct presidential election longstanding tradition of producing globally- Bill Dickinson also took pride in securing the on March 22, 2008. Dr. Ma Ying-jeou, a Har- minded leaders. initial funding for the ongoing Outer Loop vard-educated attorney and former mayor of Again, it is my honor to stand today in rec- Interstate Connector south of Montgomery Taipei, won with a convincing margin. I wish ognition of Kalamazoo College for its 175 year linking I–65 to I–85. This project is still under- President-elect Ma and the people of Taiwan history as well as its 50 years of international way. With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:50 Oct 25, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E01AP8.000 E01AP8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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