Convention 2019 Worship Leader NOVEMBER 2018 • IN THIS ISSUE Becoming Familiar Face, Voice Convention 2019 Worship Leader By Carl Stagner Becoming Familiar Face, Voice ........... 1 Servant Solutions: Seven Decades of Dedication to the Movement ..........3 Pastor Engages the Enemy in Adventure of a Lifetime ......................... 5 When Ministry Gets Messy: A Washington Church’s Incarnational Approach .......................... 8 A Sure Bet: West Virginia Pastor’s Kid Reclaims “Wasted Years” ............. 10 Black Woman Pastor Takes White Kansas Congregation to New Heights ............................................. 12 Renewed into the New Year: NIYC Gives Believers Wintertime Boost ... 14 New “Jesus is the Subject” Resources for the Local Church ....... 16 Navy Chaplain: Don’t Just Thank Me for My Service ...................................17 A Visit with the Church of God in Hungary ................................................. 19 From the Archives: Are We Thankful? (by W.E. Monk) .................... 21 JOSH EDINGTON LEADING WORSHIP AT CHOG CONVENTION 2015. This is a Season of Thanks at Church of God Ministries! ome may not recognize his there. CHOG Convention 2019 and Learn more at: name, but most are begin- General Assembly won’t be held in jesusisthesubject.org/thanks Sning to recognize the face, the Oklahoma City, but Orlando, Florida, voice, the talent, and the heart of Josh instead. Still, Josh will be there! Yet, SUBSCRIBE Edington. On staff at Crossings Com- as familiar as his excellence in worship To subscribe to this e-newsletter, e-mail munity Church for the past ten years, leadership is becoming in the Church your request to [email protected]. the pastor of contemporary worship of God, many still may not know the YOUR NEWS arts for the largest Church of God young man behind the guitar. To submit news items regarding your church, congregation in North America has Josh is the proud husband of Kiley, district, state/regional assembly, or organization for possible use in CHOGnews, send an e-mail begun to build a reputation outside with whom he leads worship in Okla- to [email protected] along with a short those walls. Beginning in 2015, at the homa, and to whom he will have been summary, including contact information. second Church of God Convention married nine years by next June. For the most up-to-date news, outside Anderson, Indiana, Josh first Together they have three children, go to www.chognews.org. strapped on his guitar and lifted his Camille, age four; Owen, age two; and voice heavenward on behalf of the Lyla, only four months old. The fam- Editorial Designer | Megan DeBruyn Movement. Then, when the traveling ily dog is a golden retriever named Regional Convention made a stop in Aspen, which makes sense when you Oklahoma City this year, Josh was consider Josh’s love for the outdoors. 1 November 2018 Convention 2019 Worship... continued from page 1 “I love everything outdoors,” Josh exclaims. “In the fall, I spend as much time as I can hunting and fish- ing. But I’d say that spending time with my family is still what I love the most. We try to sneak away to the mountains together as often as we can!” Wielding his guitar, Josh leads worship in the Crossings space known as the Venue. Each week, he leads more than three thousand people in worship at the Venue, online, and at Crossings’ newest sat- ellite site. Did you know Crossings JOSH EDINGTON WITH HIS FAMILY. has a new satellite site at a correc- tional center for men? Indeed, they but acknowledges the tremendous it is such a complete worship song. do, and it’s recently brought about responsibility of it. He challenges It clearly illustrates the gospel and some of Josh’s most meaningful worship leaders, both seasoned who Jesus is. Musically and melodi- ministry moments. and up-and-coming, to ensure their cally, it is written so beautifully and “We recently launched a cam- identities are found in Christ alone. perfectly complements the lyrics.” pus at Joseph Harp Correctional To meet the challenge himself, Josh Josh is delighted to return to lead Center,” Josh explains. “About two has found Psalm 16:5–11 to be very worship for the gathered saints of hundred men gather at the prison helpful: the Church of God at Conven- each week to worship with us. We’ve You, Lord, are all I have, and you tion 2019 and General Assembly heard some incredible stories about give me all I need; my future is in in Orlando, Florida. He sincerely life transformation, families being your hands. How wonderful are your considers the Church of God “pas- reunited, men hearing the gospel gifts to me; how good they are! I sionate worshipers” and is “inspired for the first time and trusting Jesus praise the Lord, because he guides to further seek and know God every with their lives, and so much more. me, and in the night my conscience time we gather.” For the event next I’m proud to be a part of a church warns me. I am always aware of June 27–30, Josh is bringing along that is faithful to whatever God calls the Lord’s presence; he is near, and three of his good friends: Cole us to do—a church that loves the nothing can shake me. And so I am Grubbs, another worship pastor at people that society has written off thankful and glad, and I feel com- Crossings; Aaron Woolsey, Josh’s and forgotten. Our hope was to pletely secure, because you protect bassist for the last ten years; and love and encourage these men, but me from the power of death. I have Leo Flores, worship pastor at The they’ve loved and encouraged us so served you faithfully, and you will Gathering in Muncie, Indiana. much more.” not abandon me to the world of the Hotel rooms are filling up fast! Be Concerning Crossings, Josh dead. You will show me the path sure to register for CHOG Conven- feels exceptionally blessed to be a that leads to life; your presence fills tion 2019 and General Assembly part of the team. He says that the me with joy and brings me pleasure soon, then book your accommoda- common goal is to help people find forever. (GNT) tions. All the information you’ll need and follow Jesus, and that such a Speaking of “in Christ alone,” is available at www.chogconven- vision drives everything they do. that’s a personal favorite. “‘In Christ tion.org. Specific to worship, he reflects on Alone’ has become my favorite wor- #GiveLife2019 the role as “extremely rewarding,” ship song,” Josh reflects. “Lyrically, 2 November 2018 Servant Solutions: Seven Decades of Dedication to the Movement By Carl Stagner n 1949, what was once strictly a expertise and faithfulness of today’s organization for twenty-six years. retirement program for ministers Servant Solutions. He says that the ministry got off Iof the Church of God came into Layperson, keep reading! You to a rocky start in 1949, without being. Not everyone was ready for may not interact directly with full acceptance and without a lot such a program, however, as a few Servant Solutions, but their work of strategy. Ministers would put questioned the lack of faith in God’s ultimately has an impact on you. away some money with the hope provision that allegedly accompa- Pastors already know this, but that they’d have a monthly lifetime nied enrollment. Received initially vocational ministry is nowhere payment upon retirement. “Those with mistrust, Servant Solutions has close to lucrative. Making matters contributions were pretty modest in since become one of the most worse, the complications and pecu- those days,” Jeff reflects. “Our pio- trusted partners of the Movement. liarities of IRS regulations related neers made some sacrifices and did the best they could. Today we’re so much more robust, and there are a lot better planning techniques, even as we stand on their shoulders.” One thing the pioneers had going for them was a lack of regu- lations. Today, with so many more regulations, the task of effectively assisting pastors, missionaries, educators, and churches with their finances is much more complex. Servant Solutions has adapted and kept up with the changes, however, ensuring the maximum benefit for those they serve. At the same time, the Movement’s perspective on SERVANT SOLUTIONS STAFF MEETING. money matters has also shifted. “I think the Church of God has real- With time, training, and technology, to churches and ministers can be ized over time that financial planning the former Board of Pensions of the frustrating and confounding, even is encouraged in the Bible,” Jeff Church of God has morphed into for the most seasoned pastor. With explains. “There are over two the holistic ministry of “improving Servant Solutions, pastors and thousand scriptures about money- financial security for servants of the churches, for instance, aren’t alone related issues—that’s heavy-duty! church.” As Servant Solutions nears in the fight. They’ve got someone So, now we have great participation its seventy-year mark in ministry, it’s to walk alongside them, not only through the Church of God.” clear that the endorsed agency of in saving for the future, but also in Today there are about 5,500 the Church of God looks very little dealing with financial matters now. Church of God participants in the like it did at the beginning. But that’s This frees ministers to focus less program, representing 49 of 50 more than okay with our pastors on how they’re going to make ends states. In addition to retirement and their families, our missionaries, meet, and more on loving, teaching, planning, these participants take our local churches, and our educa- and reaching people in the name of advantage of financial counsel tors.
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