PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT RAISING OF BIG COULEE DAM PROJECT NO. I4I8 \ li '\.-./.. \ ; \ \ì 5 ( / I ) ó + BIG COULEE DAM t- BISBEE \ \ NORTH DAKOTA Fl o o'S \o STATE WATER COMMISSION E' ul E N O V. l98l F r{ PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT RAISING OF BIG COULEE DAM Sl,lC PROJECT #1418 NOVEMBER, IgSi Nont,h DakoLa State l,Iater .Commission State 0ffice Buiì_ding 900 East Boulevard Bisnarck, North Dakota 58505 PREPARED BY: GJ AssÍst.ant nvestigation neer SUBMITTED BY: ID A. SP E Director of Engineering APPROVED BY: VERNON. FAHY E State Enþineer" Prepared for the Towner County I'IaLer Resource Board TABI.E OF CONTENTS page 1. TNTRODIJCTION..,.... .,.,. rr. DtscRIPTrqN OF SITE. ;... ¡ 3 III. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Ò.¡.. ¡.. i. Baekground.:.. ¡... g . ¡............ r ¡.. ¡ - 11 ÏV. SYDROLOGT 1y......:.. 1q. St.udy Results. '...1,o..e ....f .?.....i.. 16 V. AITEmûåTI\¡ES..,.....i..¡.d.. .r... !.qri .. zz Al.t.e¡native 1 Àllernat.ive Z. r,... ALt.ennat.ive 3,... VT. SUU!..{A8T AND AECOMMENDATTÔNS. Sumary. Reeor¡r¡endatione. .,. i TABLES . TABLE 1. Routing Results, for Existing Conditions. 17 TARLE 2. Rout ing Resu1t.s proposed for ModÍfications. i, . 19 TÁBIE 3" Preliminary Cost, Est.inat.e-Aj_ternative A, . 26 TABLE 4. Prelini¡ra¡y Cost EetimaLe-Alternative 3. 2B TABLE 5. sunmary of Routing Results proposed for Art.ernat.ives... 31 1 North Dakota State Water Commission 900 EAST BOULEVARD . BISMARCK, ND SB50s-0187 . 17011224-2750 o FAX (701)224-3696 WÀTER DEVELOP}IENT DTVISION (701) 224-27s2 February L4, 1991 Honorable Margo Helgerson Mayor of I{esthope PO Box 412 Westhope, ND 58793 RE: SWC ProjecE #L267 Dear Mayor Helgerson: In considering your request for cost-sharing for the I{esthope Dam project, I have reviewed the Preliminary Engineering Report prepared by Toman Engineering. Before t,he project can be considered for cost-sharing, there are several concerns which must be addressed Às stated in the report, the dam, as proposed, would be classified as a Class fIf dam under the North Dakota Dam Design Guidelines. The freeboard requirement for a Class III dam in North Dakota is a 30 percent PMP flood. This means that the dam must be abl-e to pass a flood equal to 30 percent of the Probable Maximum Precipitation without overtopping. This would be approximately a 6 1/2-inch rainfall. The engineering report mentioned nothing about an emergency spillvray or the performance of the dam during floods. f should also point out that there are veLocity requirements for emergency spillways l-isted in the North Dakota Dam Design Guidelines as wel1. An adequate emergency spillway could vastly increase the cost of the proposed dam. The main concern is that the preliminary engineering report be sufficiently detailed to provide a good cost estimate. This cost estimate is needed to determine the level of cost-share required from each entity. Once r{e are satisfied that aII requirements have been addrelsed, your specific cost-share request wilt be submitted io the State I{ater Commission for consideration. Sincerel Yt s Lenn , P.E. ater Resources Engineer JL:ùn cc: Toman Engineering GOVEBNOR GEORGE A. SINNER DAVIO A. SPRYNCZYNATYK. P.E. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY E STAIE ENGINEER MESSÀGE DTSPLAY To Dale To Dave To Cary BC JIM LENNINGTON FTOn: JIM LENNTNGTON Postmark: Apr 30r9I 2:11 PM Delivered: Apr 30r91 2:l-1 PM Subject: I{esthope Dam Message: Ilesthope is considering constructing a multi-purpose reservoir to the south of town. They have been discussing cost sharing for this project with us. There is a big problem with this proposal in that there is a strong probability that a water use pennit application would be denied. The location they are proposing for the dam is on a tributary to the Souris. I discussed the possibility of transferring al1 or some of the appropriation the town currently has out of the refuge pool to the dam site with Gordon and Bob lùhite. They informed me that this would not be possible. I have a meeting scheduled tomorrow in Westhope and I'm wondering what f should teII them about their proposal. Àny suggestions would be welcome. RÀLEIGH DAM - S.WC--P.8.A]ECT ÀBSTRÀCT OF BIDS OPENED I:30 Pl I 7oo 53 ¿S BTDDER Dakota Dirt Àfoving Box I3l ITEM Mclaughlin, SD 57642 ri- / ?<.q I. Mobilization s7 . 200 .00 0 2- ControL and Removal of vùater LS 2,000.00 2 ,000.00 3. Stri lopsoil 60,000 sY 24 14,400.00 Excavation 1.40 15, 260.00 90 84,600.00 6. ÍIater For Compaction 2,5OO M GAL 5. 50 13 ,750.00 7. Foundat ation LS 6,840.00 6,840.00 266.OO Reinforc Steel 59 650 LB 49 29 228.5 lO. Rock Ri Pilter Beddi 700 cY 6.00 11. Rock Riprap 1,400 cY 12.00 16 800.00 L2 cel LS 3.900-oo .00 Drawdown fnstallation LS q qqfì ôô 500.00 500.00 7.5 AC. 395.00 2,962.50 TOTAL $ 290,633 .00 t,t:/\t, r,r.,t,t t,til:t;¡i. l,/\t\l , .\l!(, l,l(O,Jl:(,'l ll l(t7 I All.S'l'llA(;'l' Ol; llll)Íi Ol,t;Nt:t) 2:00 t).¡,l., l, 22, l9S3 ^tltìl *(lot'l'r'ct crl lll.l)r)t;R llo<¡ ¡'lrcit<l (lttn:;t (o 'l'irlrcr rr¡r:t i o¡t l(c. r'rr li r/ r I ¡lc . (jc¡ttlirl l:xt'trv;rt i n¡¡ (.r.r l). O. llox 87tl llrr r:¡ I llorrtc 2, ll<¡x 54 I't't'N' f). O. llt>x l(,7,1 I'loorllca<l 5 6.560 a cl crn ir I.f l) tì5 l. Clcaling lì Grubbing 3 Acrcs 2,144.00 6,432.00 .s00. 00 I ,500.00 7 3() . ()0 l, I f)0. ()0 2. Stri¡r fi S¡rrcad't'o¡rsoiL 25O,000 S'r' .27 52,500.00 .25 * 62,500.00 20 50,000.00 Dewatcring 3. t,S 48,000. 00 48, 000. 00 10,000.00 1 0,000. 00 30, 000 . 00 30, 000 . 00 4. Excavatic¡¡l 7J,265 CY r .77 83, 380 . 05 1 .00 7L,265.00 2 .00 *r42.530.00 5 . limbankmcn t 4 30, (r00 CY .97 477 ,682.O0 .7s * 322 ,9.50 . 00 95 409,070.00 6. lrn¡r. 0l:ry llla¡tkct 5(r, ll00 CY 95 53,960.00 7.25 71 , 000. 00 l.l(r 65,888.00 7 . l{ater for Compaction II,500 l'l G:r1 (r (r70. 5B , 00 4.00 46,000.00 .I0 l , l5t).00 8 . (io¡rcrc tc 375 (:Y 187.66 70,372.50 lB7.(r(r 70,372.50 2.55. r)0 f)5, (,25. r)() I . llci¡l forcirrg Stecl 64 ,443 t.t, 39 25, 133..55 39 2.5,153.55 ,1.1 28,355.,srl 10. InstalI 48" Pipe 336 t.F 15. B9 5,339.04 t.s . 89 5,339.04 37.:i5 12,5J!). (r0 ll. Dr¡ctilc Ir.on. l)ipe 100 t,t; 57.99 5,799.00 57.99 5 , 79g. 00 53.0() 5,3u().00 12. l'VC Pipc 4 50 l,¡; 11.1.3 5,008.5t) 11.13 5,00tÌ.50 l0.,.lt) 4, ()80.l)() 13. - 6'r l)crforatcd 390 Llj 9.s7 3,732.30 ^Cl) 9.s7 3,732.30 12.!)0 .5, ()31 . ()0 14. - 6t' No¡r-Pcrforatcd S2S Llr 7 .46 3,91(i.50 7 .46 3,91(r . ^Clt 50 f).50 I , !)87.50 15. [)r¿r i ¡r l;i I I l,lateri al 7(r0 CY 7!¡ .17 11,.529.20 9.00 (r,840.00 t 7 .2t, I3,II().()0 16. llock fl i 5 (r75 ¡rrap , CY 14.8(r 84,330.50 30.00 I 70, 250. 00 20.00 113,500.0(ì l7 lì i . llock pra¡r Fi I tcr Bcd I ,900 Cy 4 (')0 .02 7 ,63t\ . 10.00 1 !) , 00(). 00 l5 ,9,075.00 lB. Catc Instnllation I,S 1,873.00 1 , 873. 0t) I , B73.00 1, tì73.00 .100. 00 300. 00 19. llisccl lnrrcous l.lctals I,S 1 t ,20¡t.00 11,208.00 1 1 ,209.00 I I ,208.00 I () , l()r) . ()0 1(),200.0() 20 . Scccli rrg -50 Âct'cs 214.40 I0, 72(). ()() 1 ()0 50.00 7,5r)(ì. 2 3tr ()() ll 800 . 00 l()l'¡\1, ii1) lli L),1 . l,l , lil).I , 11J7, .;1) .)1.{tll.lll.r)tl TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT. } Pagje FIGURES FIOURE 1. GeneraL Locat.ion of Bíg eoulee Dam., FÏGU8E 2. Area CapaeÍLy Curve..... .rr.5¡¡......... 5 FIGURE 3. 25-Tear. Eydrograph.. .,. ... F'ÍGURE ¡I. Proposed Alterations to Downst.ream Enbankment.. 23 FIGURE 5. J0-Fooü l{ide Chut-e.. ... 25 PLATES PLATS 1. As-Built Damsit.e Topography. 35 Ptr,ATE 2. 'Drainage Area. ...... 36 PIATE 3. Area rnundat.ed by proposed Reservoir for ^arternatives.. 3T PIATE 4. proposed area of Downstream Ennbanknlent for !{odification 3g APPENDIX APPENDIX A. Invest.Ígation Agreement ¡1 I. INTRODUCTION Big Coulee Dam is a multi-purpose dam located in Towner County. It provides the munÍcipal water supply for the City of Bisbee, North Dakota and also is a recreational- area for the cornmunity. Since it.s init.iaL fiJ.J-ing in 1969, t,he damsit.e has required a large amount ofl maintenance.
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