Vol. 489 Pretoria, 3 March 2006 Maart No. 28552 2 No. 28552 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 3 MARCH 2006 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Aile Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Aigemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudsopgawe inge­ weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the Gazette numbers in sluit wat dus 'n weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the righthand column: Koerantnommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: CONTENTS INHOUD and weekly Index en weeklikse Indeks Page Gazette Bladsy No. No. No. No. No. PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES R.6 Terrorist and Related Activities Act, 2004 R.6 Terroriste- en Verwante Aktiwiteite, 2004 (33/2004): Notification by President in (33/2004): Kennisgewing deur President respect of entities identified by the ten opsigte van entiteite deur Veilig­ United Nations Security Council. 3 28544 heidsraad van Verenigde Nasies R.7 Commencement of the Cross-Boundary ge"ldentifiseer .. 6 28544 Municipalities Laws Repeal and Related R.7 Wet op die Herroeping van Wette betref­ Matters Act, 2005 (Act No. 23 of 2005).. 3 28558 fende Oorgrensmunisipaliteite en Aan­ verwante Aangeleenthede, 2005 \:Net No. 23 van 2005) .. 4 28558 GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES GOEWERMENTS- EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Agriculture, Department of Arbeid, Departement van Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewings R. 153 Meat Safety Act, 2000 (40/2000): Poultry Regulations. 3 28520 R. 152 Basic Conditions of Employment Act R.162 Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (35/1984): (75/1997): Investigation into minimum Regulations: Amendment .. 65 28520 wages and conditions of employment in R.163 do.: do .. 67 28520 the Hospitality Sector: Invitation for R. 166 Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, representation. 3 28526 1996 (47/1996): Establishment of R.154 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995: Haar­ Statutory Measure and Determination of kappers en Kosmetologie Bedingings­ Guideline Prices: Levy Relating to raad, KwaZulu-Natal: Uitbreiding na Nie­ Sorghum .. 69 28520 Partye van Hoof Kollektiewe Wysigings­ ooreenkoms .. 87 28520 General Notices R. 155 do.: Intrekking van Goewerments­ 322 Agricultural Product Standards Act kennisgewing: Metaal- en Ingenieurs­ (119/1990): Standards and requirements nywerhede Bedingingsraad: Registrasie­ regarding control of the export of pears: en Administrasiefonds Kollektiewe Oor­ Amendment .. 47 28552 eenkoms .. 91 28520 323 do.: Standards and requirements regard­ R.156 do.: Metaal- en Ingenieursnywerhede ing control of the export of apples: Bedingingsraad: Uitbreiding van Regi­ Amendment .. 48 28552 strasie en Administrasiefonds: Her­ 338 Agricultural Product Standards Act bekragtigings- en Wysiging Kollektiewe (119/1990): Standards and requirements Ooreenkoms na Nie-Partye .. 91 28520 regarding control of the export of citrus R. 157 do.: Bedingingsraad vir die Seildoek­ fruit: Amendment .. 64 28552 warenywerheid (Witwatersrand en Pretoria): Hernuwing van Hoof Kollek­ Arts and Culture, Department of tiewe Ooreenkoms . 95 28520 R. 158 do.: do.: Kollektiewe Wysigingsooreen­ Government Notice koms na Nie-Partye .. 95 28520 185 Approval of official geographical names. 6 28552 175 Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130/1993): Increase Education, Department of in monthly pensions: Correction Notice. 3 28542 Government Notice 182 Basic Conditions of Employment Act (75/1997): Amendment of Sectoral 173 South African Schools Act (8411996): Determination 9: Wholesale and Retail National Guidelines on School Uniforms 3 28538 Sector, South Africa .. 3 28559 Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Department of Home Affairs, Departement van Government Notice Goewermentskennisgewings 174 Intent to designate Wetlands in accor­ 183 Films and Publications Act, 1996: Film dance with the Convention on Wetlands and Publication Board: Films restricted of International Importance especially as to adults only .. 3 28560 Waterfowl Habitat .. 3 28539 184 Films and Publications Act (65/1996): Health, Department of Film and Publication Board: Guidelines used in the classification of films, Government Notice computer games and publications. 3 28561 R. 176 Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 188 Births and Deaths Registration Act of 1974): Regulations relating to qualifi­ (51/1992): Alteration of surnames .. 9 28552 cations for registration of labora­ 189 do.: do .. 22 28552 tory assistants .. 3 28543 190 do.: Insertion of surname. 35 28552 STAATSKOERANT, 3 MAART 2006 NO.28552 3 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. Home Affairs, Department of Gesondheid, Departement van Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewing 183 Films and Publications Act, 1996: Film R.176 Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 and Publication Board: Films restricted of 1974): Regulations relating to qualifi­ to adults only .. 3 28560 cations for registration of labora­ 184 Films and Publications Act (65/1996): tory assistants .. 3 28543 Film and Publication Board: Guidelines used in the classification of films, Grondsake, Departement van computer games and publications. 3 28561 188 Births and Deaths Registration Act Goewermentskennisgewings (51/1992): Alteration of surnames.. 9 28552 319 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): 189 do.: do.. 22 28552 Claim for restitution of land rights: 190 do.: Insertion of surname. 35 28552 Various farms, Mopani District .. 38 28552 320 do.: do.: Farm Driefontein 553 KQ .. 43 28552 Independent Communications Authority of South Africa 321 do.: do.: Various farms, Vhembe District. 45 28552 General Notices 325 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): 295 Telecommunications Act (103/1996): Claim for restitution of land rights: Erven Inviting representations with regard to 361 and 364, Caledon .. 49 28552 the Satellite Licencing Framework 332 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): Discussion Document. 3 28540 Amendment of Gazette Notice 530 of 315 Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 2004. 53 28552 (153/1993): Inviting representations on 333 do.: do .. 56 28552 its intention to use Channel 65 as 334 do.: Claim for restitution of land rights: described in the Annual Terrestrial Various farms, District of Waterberg . 59 28552 Broadcasting Frequency Plan (822-830 337 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): MHz) for non-broadcasting services.. 3 28547 Claim for restitution of land rights: 316 Independent Broadcasting Authority Act, Erf 3187, Goodwood . 63 28552 1993 (153/1993): Renewal of Radio 345 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): Atlantis' broadcasting licence.. 3 28548 Claim for restitution of land rights: Erven 335 Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 110 & 111 and 317 & 319 .. 81 28552 (153/1993): Hearings for four year com­ 347 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): munity sound broadcasting licence: Claim for restitution of land rights: Applications in the Nodal Point Areas.. 3 28563 Weltevreden 26 IQ . 83 28552 Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of 348 do.: do.: Stand 53, Bethlehem .. 86 28552 349 do.: do.: Stand 592 (A), Old Location, General Notice Makweteng .. 87 28552 318 Gender Equality Act (3911996): Invitation Handel en Nywerheid, Departement van for nomination of candidates for appoint­ ment to the commission on Gender Goewermentskennisgewing Equality . 3 28562 196 Maatskappywet (61/1973): Inlywing van Labour, Department of 'n buitelandse maatskappy as 'n maatskappy in die Republiek van Suid­ Government Notices Afrika: Finisterre Holdings (Proprietary) R. 152 Basic Conditions of Employment Act Limited .. 37 28552 (75/1997): Investigation into minimum wages and conditions of employment in Algemene Kennisgewings the Hospitality Sector: Invitation for 313 Correction Notice. 2 28541 representation. 3 28526 326 Competition Tribunal: Notification of R.154 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Hairdressing decision to approve merger: Between and Cosmetology Bargaining Council, Vodafone Group PLC and Venfin Limited 50 28552 KwaZulu-Natal: Extension to Non-Parties 327 do.: do.: Between Business Venture of Main Collective Amending Investments No. 951 and Venfin Group Agreement .. 87 28520 Finance (pty) Ltd and Others .. 50 28552 R. 155 do.: Cancellation of Government Notice: 328 do.: do.: Between Barrick Gold Corpora­ Metal and Engineering Industries tion and Placer Dome Incorporated .. 50 28552 Bargaining Council: Registration and 329 do.: do.: Between Sanlam Life Insurance Administration Expenses Collective Limited and Channel Life Limited .. 51 28552 Agreement .. 91 28520 330 do.: do.: Between Combined Motor R. 156 do.: Metal and Engineering Industries Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Craig Park Bargaining Council: Extension of Regis­ Motors. 51 28552 tration and Administration Expenses Re-enacting and Amending Collective 331 do.: do.: Between Liberty Group Limited Agreement to Non-Parties .. 91 28520 and Investec Employee Benefits R. 157 do.: Bargaining Council for the Canvas Limited .. 52 28552 Goods Industry (Witwatersrand and 342 International Trade Administration Pretoria): Renewal of Period of Commission of South Africa: Rebate Operation of Main Collective Agreement 95 28520 item 460.11/60.00101.04: Used over­ R. 158 do.: do.: Extension of Main Collective coats classifiable under tariff subheading Amending Agreement to Non-Parties. 95 28520 6309.00.13 .. 65 28552 175 Compensation for Occupational Injuries 343 do.: Customs and Excise Tariff applica­ and Diseases
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