55th Veal. No. 11 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY. WASHINGTON. D.C. Friday, November 15. 1974 Grad Dean Appointed Carey's Team by Ivan Katz and Jim Colaprico New York Governor-elect Hugh Carey has ap­ pointed Georgetown Graduate School Dean Donald Herzberg to a transition committee charged with easing the transfer of power from Governor Mal­ colm Wilson's Republican administration to Demo­ cratic rule. After an all day "gpt acquainted " meeting with Carey and tho other committee members, Herzberg said that the initial focus of tho committee's work will center around a study of Gov. Wilson's current budget proposals. In a relate-d development, both Herzberg and Georgetown Govprnmpl1t Profossor Howard Penni­ man an' soon to be narnr-d as consultants to till' newly created Connecticu t Stall' Elrctiom Com­ Hugh Carey mission, according to an informed source. The commission. which was <;Pl lip earlu-r this year, is charged with overall supervision of <tate-wrde ('Ie('­ Heart Patient Dies tions, Regarding the Carey appointment. Herzberg spoke mainly in terms of tho current state of the Se~king economy and its Implications for New York State. Diagnosis (Continued on page 2) Dean Herzberg by Bill Troy and logy, Gastroenterology and Der­ George Behan matology Divisions of the Depart­ A 61-year old cardiac patient, ment of Medicine. One fifth floor Board ofZoning Adjustment arriving at 8:15 Monday morning employee stated, "I know that for a 9: 15 appointment with a this was a freak occurrence, but physician in the Kober-Cogan we still should have emergency Building, suffered a cardiac arrest facilities." Gives Final Okay for Dorm and was pronounced dead in the The emergency room personnel building shortly thereafter. who came to the aid of the The incident occurred when cardiac patient actually were not the patient, seeking a second required to respond to emer­ Between Reiss and Darnall opinion on another doctor's diag­ gencies outside the hospital, by Karen Barsohn and nosis, felt sick and was attended mainly because the emergency Bill Haneily to by office personnel until room is not staffed as an emer­ Final approval of construction of the new student living quarters on the Reiss-Darnall site by the Board of professional help could be sum­ gency transport and care service. Zoning Adjustments has been obtained, according to William Miller, vice-president for planning and physical moned. Because of the early hour, "It is a misunderstanding to plant. The BZA's decision was the last obstacle to the new construction. there were no doctors in the think that the emergency room is Construction must begin by February 1, 1975 to comply with a deadline imposed by the Department of building. the button to push when some­ Housing and Urban Development in their loan/grant. HUD's financial assistance will consist of paying any One physician from the thing like that goes wrorig," interest accrued above 3 per cent on a $3.8 million commercial loan obtained by the University. Cardiac Care Unit arrived before Emergency Services Director, Dr. "We currently have Dean Price (University Architect) working closely with the architects. He's down there the patient suffered a cardiac Milton Corn, said. 2 or 3 times a week ensuring that adequate progress is being made, and that they stay within the $4.1 million arrest and lost consciousness. budget. The architects' plans are scheduled to be completed by Subsequently, doctors from the . .!.. December 2," Miller stated. GU hospital emergency room and Advertisement for bids on the construction will begin on December DC Fire Department Rescue 20. Open bids will be accepted until January 15. The contract will be Squad also responded. awarded by January 24, with construction beginning before the end of During the last minutes before the month in accordance with the HUD deadline. death, Kober-Cogan employees Mr. Miller expressed some concern about the amount of the bids searched for a stretcher on which lI-''--pI!Ic:;.,'"'' 4It!F that will be submitted. "With the economy in its inflationary state, to transport the man to the ~ there may be some trouble in obtaining a bid low enough to meet our hospital, but they soon realized ~il!jjliii""--",'.,_ ._- . budget. On the other hand, the high price and unavailability of that the elevators in the building materials has resulted in a construction slow down everywhere. This were not wide enough to accom­ may result in a more favorable bid for us," Miller commented. modate the stretchers that could The complex will house 475 students in 96 x 2 and 3-bedroom be found. apartments, complete with kitchen, separable living-dining room area A "crash cart" containing and bathroom. Five apartments designed especially for handicapped emergency equipment was even­ ( students will be included on the first level of the complex. tually brought to the fifth floor. The front of the complex will have both steps and a ramp for After the repeated attempts by bicycles, trunk-hauling and overall moving, the ramp being designed the doctors to revive the man had wide enough for golf carts. failed, he was brought down the The aim of the planners is to keep the complex in harmony with the elevator on a wooden plank. surrounding area. Trees now standing on the hillside will be built into The Kober-Cogan Building was the complex in a courtyard-effect between apartment entrances. and originally constructed as a dormi­ the building will be of the same red brick as Darnall. tory, but converted to offices in Board of Zoning Adjustment gave final approval for proposed Construction should take approximately 15 months, according to 1970. The fifth Ooor now houses new dorms between Reiss and Darnall on November 8. (Photo by Miller. The new facility should be ready for occupation by the fall of offices of the Cardiology, Nephro- Mike Meth) 1976. Page 2 The HOYA Friday, Nov....... 15, 1974 SPLC Study Group Plans Adjudication Code Change by Richard Racine distributed equaIly among the Utilization of the Boards has The revised form of the Under­ four classes and among the dorms. increased in the last few years. In graduate Student Adjudication In the future this contmuity will 1971 a total of 65 cases were Code is currently being developed be hopefuIly retained," said considered by the boards. This and will possibly be completed by Heselov. total increased to 188 cases last January 1. A study group is Following the study group's year. The majority of these considering the changes and will submission of the alterations to hearings were in front of the submit the alterations to the the Student Life Policy Com­ Residential Board. Student Life Policy Committee. mittee which is composed of This year about three cases per The study group has estab­ faculty and students, it wiII go week have been heard by the Iished five goals in the area of into effect, pending the approval board. According to one resident changing the adjudication process. of University President Rev. assistant, "the Boards are not First, it desired to develop a Robert J. Henley, SJ. being utilized as much this year sound consistent philosophy for because they are too cumbersome, the boards. Student group memo Composing the study group legalistic, and tend to be too ber Lonnie Heselov (C'76) de­ along with Heselov is Vice Presi­ lenient." Instead some resident scribed the present mechanism dent for Student Development Dr. assistants are going to the Ad­ "way to cumbersome right now. Patricia Rueckel, Assistant Dean ministration when conflicts arise l~ It is too legalistic to operate at its for Off-Campus Affairs William within the dorm community. <I' •• best." By streamlining and making Schuerman and another student During the past summer, a Dr. Patricia Rueckel William Schuerman the procedures involved con­ member, Chris Brogen (C'76). study group researched over thirty sistent, the Boards wiII be able to Established in 1963 and re­ other colleges around the United guarantee both fairness and effi­ vamped in 1969, the Adjudica­ States which utilize an Adjudica­ cience, according to Heselov. tions Boards' purpose is to insure tion procedure. It was determined Board Will Consult In conjunction WIth these fundamental fairness to the stu­ that Georgetown has one of the changes, the group also hopes to dent. The Adjudication Com­ most complex systems while review the composition, purpose mittee is composed of three Fairfield College and Holy Cross Herzberg, Penniman and procedures for the Hearing Boards: campus, residential, and have efficient, effective means of tlle oroiected four consultants to Boards. Once this has been ac­ University. adjudication. (Continued from page 1) the State Elections Commission, complished, the study group wishes redefine the student's "The whole committee is con­ according to Steven Mednick, the to cerned that we're becoming too Commission's executive assistant. relationship with the University recession-prone regarding the "Innovative programs in both and residential life. ~ economy. This of course is going states can have an affect across Vice President for Student STUD... to have dire consequences for the country. If I have a certain Development, Dr. Patricia state and local government all expertise in these fields, it is my Rueckel said that this revision will obligation to do my share to help. be a "philosophical statement of Temple University over," he said. A Commonwealth University RO.....-~~..".. "With rising unemployment This is what education is really all the student, relative to the Uni­ and incomes down, people look to about " Herzbers said. versity. The code will guarantee the state and federal government The other two people to be Iundamentel fairness to the stu­ for help. Governor elect Carey has named to advise the Connecticut dent." SPR got things that he wants to do, commission are Professor Hugh After this role has been de­ Temple University'S College of Liberal Arts offers excep­ but I'm afraid that he'll be caught MacGiII of the University of fined, the group will consider tional study opportunity at Its campus in the heart of Rome.
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