Of 13 a a Aab Aab-Aab

Of 13 a a Aab Aab-Aab

Page 1 of 13 A A Aab Aab-aab (a.) n.f.: water, lustre, sharpness. (p.) adv.: ashamed , blushed. Aab-daar Aab-deedah (adj.): polished, bartender,sharp. (p.) adj.: tearful, in tears. Aab-e-aatish Aab-e-deedah (p.) n.m.: wine, liquid fire. (p.) n.m.: tears, tearful eyes. Aab-e-hayaat Aab-e-rawaan (p.) n.m.: elixir, nectar. (p.) n.m.: running water, spring. Aab-e-zar Aabgeenah (p.) n.m.: liquid gold, ink of gold. (p.) n.m.: cup, tumbler, mirror. Aab-joo Aab-o-daanah (p.) n.f.: stream, rivulet. (p.) n.m.: subsistence, daily bread. Aab-o-gil Aab-o-hawaa (p.) n.f.: water and clay, elements of universe, (p.) n.f.: climate, water and air. nature. Aab-shaar Aab-yaaree (p.) n.f.: waterfall. (p.) n.m.: irrigation, watering. Aabaadee Aabid (p.) n.m.: population, habitation. (a.) n.m.: worshipper, devotee, adorer. Aabilah Aablah-paa (p.) n.m: blister, boil. (p.) n.m.: having blisters on the feet. Page 2 of 13 A A Aabroo Aab-rood (p.) n.f.: honour, dignity, chastity. (p.) n.f.: stream, rivulet. Aabroo-rezee Aadaab (p.) n.f.: slander, vilification, disgrace. (a.) n.m.pl.: salutation, etiquette. Aadee Aadil (a.) adj.: addicted, accustomed, habituated. (a.) n.: just, equitable. Aa’een Aa’eenah (p.) n.m.: code, custom, constitution. (p.) n.m.: a mirror, human heart. Aa’eenah-roo Aa’eenah-saaz (p.) adj.: fair faced, bright faced. (p.) n.m.: maker of mirrors, God, Creator. Aafaaq Aafaaqee (a.) n.pl.: horizons, the world. (a.) adj.: universal, global. Aafat Aafat-e-jaan (a.) n.f.: calamity, disaster, misery. (p.) adj.: cruel, beloved, torturer. Aafreen Aafreenish (p.) n.: bravo, cheers, praise. (p.) n.f.: creation, universe. Aaftaab Aaftaabee (p.) n.m.: sun (p.) adj.: like the sun , golden bright. Aagaah Aagaahee (p.) adj.: informed, aware, fore-warned. (p.) n.: premonition,fore-knowledge,insight. Page 3 of 13 A A Aaghaaz Aaghosh (p.) n.: beginning, origin. (p.) n.: lap, bosom, embrace. Aahan Aahang (p.) n.m.: iron, steel. (p.) n.: melody, sound, rhythm, way. Aahoo Aajiz (p.) n.: deer, fault. (u.) adj.: humble, incapable, helpless. Aajizee Aakhir (u.) n.: humility, entreaty, helplessness. (a.) adj.: last, end, final. Aakhirat Aal (a.) n.f: end, resurrection, life after death. (a.) n.f.: progeny, offspring, dynasty. 'Aalam Aalee (a.) n.: world, condition, people, era. (a.) adj.: high, noble. 1 Aalee-jaah Aalee-shaan (a.) adj.: of high rank, your highness, excellency. (a.) adj.: majestic, magnificent, grand. Aalim Aam (a.) n.m.: learned, sage, wise, intelligent. (a.) adj.: common, public, general. Aamand Aamand-o-raft (p.) n.f.: arrival, income, earning. (n.) f.: traffic, coming and going. Aamezish Aameen (p.) n.f.: mixture, adulteration. (a.) n.f.: amen, so be it! Page 4 of 13 A A Aamil Aan (a.) n.m.: doer , operator, magician. (a.p.) n.f.: pride, honour, time, instant. Aan-baan Aanch (h. )n.f.: pomp and show, elegance, ostentation. (h.) n.f.: glare, warmth, injury. Aaqaa Aaqibat (p.) n.m.: lord, master. (a.) n.: end, ressurection, life hereafter. Aaqil 'Aar (a.) adj.: wise, sensible person. (a.) n.f.: dishonour, disgrace. Aaraaish Aaraam (p.) n.f.: decoration, adornment, dressing, make- (p.) n.m.: rest, relief, ease. up. Aaram-baagh Aaraam-gaah (p.) n.m: grave-yard, cementry. (p.) n.f.: rest house, bed-room. Aaraastah Aaree (p.) adj.: decorated, equipped. (a). adj.: naked, tired, incompetent. Aarif Aarifaanah (a.) n.: sagacious, wise, knowledgeable. (p.) adv.: full of mysticism, wisely, piously. Aariz Aarizah (a.) n.: cheek, an incident. (a.) n.m.: illness, disease, trouble. Aarsee Aarzoo (u.) n.f.: mirror, looking glass, ring studded with (p.) n.f.: desire, longing, wish. mirror. Page 5 of 13 A A Aasaaish Aasaar (p.) n.m.: rest, comfort, enjoyment, tranquility. (a.) n.pl.: (pl.of asar) traces, relics, signs, feelings, traditions, basis. Aaseb Aasee (p.) n.m.: evil spirit, demon. (a.) n.: sinner, guilty, rebel. Aashiq Aashiq-mizaaj (a.) n.: lover, paramour. (p.) n.: amorous, having the temperament of a lover. Aashiqaanah Aashuftagee (a.&p.) adj.: amorous, like a lover. (p.) n.f.: misery, consternation, confusion. Aashuftah Aashiyaana (p.) adj.: weary, perturbed. : nest, abode, residence, house. Aasmaan Aasmaan-bos (p.) n.: sky, heavens, firmament. (p.) adj.: tall, touching or kissing the sky. Aasoodah Aasraa (p.) adj.: rich, opulent, satisfied. (h.) n.m.: refuge, shelter. Aastaan Aastaanah (p.) n.: threshold, door, abode of a beloved, tomb of a saint. Aasteen Aatish (p.) n.: sleeve. (p.) n.f.: fire. Aatish-baaz Aatish-baazee (p.) n.m.: maker of fireworks, playing with fire. (n.) f.: fireworks, exhibition of fireworks 2 Page 6 of 13 A A Aatish-e-tar Aatish-fishaan (p.) n.f.: lips of the beloved, wine, ruby (p.) adj. N.m.: volcano, volcanic Aatish-kadah Aawaarah (p.) n.m: fire temple (p.) adj.: wanderer, a vagabond, homeless A’azaa Aazar (a.) n.m.pl.: (plural of ‘ Uzw) limbs, organs, parts of (p.) n.m.: fire, Prophet Abraham’s father body Aazaar Aazmaa-ish (p.) n.m.: illness, ailment, injury (p.) n.f.: trial, test, examination Aazmoodah Aazurdah (p.) adj.: tried, tested, proved (p.) adj.: dejected, fortured, gloomy, angry Abad Abadee (a.) n.: infinity, time without end (a.) adj.: eternal, endless, immortal Abadiyat ‘Abd (a.) n.: immortality, servitude (a.) n.: servant of God, devotee, slave Abr Abroo (p.) n.: clouds (p.) n.: eyebrows Abtaree Adaa (u.) n.f.: confusion, deterioration, ruin (p.) n.: charm, grace, coquetry Adaa-kaar Adaalat (p.) n.: actor, performer (a.) n.: court of law or justice Page 7 of 13 A A Adab Adam (a.) n.: etiquette, repect, courtesy, literature (a.) n.: non-existence, annihilation Adeeb Adl (a.) n.m.: writer, author, teacher of good manners (a.) n.: justice, equity Adnaa Adoo (a.) adj.: low, humble, mean (a.) n.: enemy, foe Afkaar Afroz (a.) n.: thoughts, cares, meditations (p.) adj.: shining, bright Afsaanah Afsar (p.) n.: tale, legend, story (p.) n.m.: crown, officer, captain Afshaan Afsoon (p.) adj. N.: dispersing, sprinkling of gold or silver (p.) n.: enchantment, charm, magic powder on girls hair and cheeks for adornment Afsos Afsurdagee (p.) n.: regret, sorrow, repentance (p.) n.: melancholy, dejection, gloom Afsurdah ‘Afw (p.) adj.: withered, faded, depressed (a.) n.m.: forgiveness, pardon Afwaah Afzaa (a.) n.f.: rumour (p.) suf.: increasing, adding Afzaa’ish Aghyaar (p.): increase, augmentation (p.) n.m.: strangers, rivals Page 8 of 13 A A Ahad Ahbaab (p.) n.: one, unity, unique (a.) n.: friends, lovers, dear ones ‘Ahd Ahkaam (a.) n.: pledge, treaty, period, promise (a.) n.: commands, orders, ordinances Ahle-qalam Ahl-o-‘ayaal (a.) n.: writer, literary person : family Ahliyah Ahliyat (a.) n.: wife (a.) n.: worthiness, apability, aptitude, skill Ahmaq Ahwaal (a.) n.: fool, stupid, idiot (a.) n.pl.: state of affairs, events, narrative Ajal ‘Ajam (a.) n.: end, death, destiny, fate (a.) n.m.: non-Arab, dumb people 3 ‘Ajeeb Ajnabee (a.) adj.: strange, wonderful, unique (a) n.: stranger, unknown, alien Ajr Akbar (a.) n.: fare, wages, cartage, reward (a.) adj.: greatest, big Akhbaar Akhlaaq (a.) n.m.pl.: newspaper, news, fazette (a.) n.: morals, politeness, virtues Akhlaaqiyaat Akhtar (a.) n.: ethics, code of morality (a.) n.: a star, good omen, good fortune Page 9 of 13 A A Akhtar-shumaaree 'Akkaas (a.) n.: counting stars, keeping awake at night in (a.) n.: photographer anxiety 'Aks 'Aalaa (a.) n.: reflection, photograph (a.) adj.: superior, greater, eminent 'Alaalat 'Alaamat (a.) n.f.: ailment, malady, sickness (a.) n.f.: sign, symbol 'Alaawah Alam (a.) adv.: extra, besides, in addition (a.) n.: grief, pain, torment, agony Alam-naak 'Alam (a.) adj.: painful, tragic (a.) n.: banner, spear, mark, a standard 'Alam-bardaar 'Aleem (a.) n.: leader, standard bearer, torch bearer (a.) n.: wise, learned,epithet of God Alfaaz Alhaan (a.) n.m.: (pl. of 'Lafz') words, terms (a.) n.m.pl.: (pl. of Lahn)musical notes, tones, melodies Alhamd Alhamdu-lillaah (a.) n.f.: opening chapter of Holy Quran (a.) int.: praise be to Allah Alqaab Altaaf (a.) n.m.pl.: (pl. of Laqab) titles, epithets (a.) n.: kindness, grace, favors Alwidaa Amaanat (a.) n.: good-bye, farewell (a.) n.: trust, deposits, faith Page 10 of 13 A A 'Amal Ambaar (a.) n.m.: action, practice, charm (a.) n.: heap, stock, collection Ameen Ameer (a.) n.: faithful, trustworthy (a.) n.: chieftain, wealthy, ruler Amlaak Amn (a.) n.f.pl.: estates, possesion, lands (a.) n.: peace, tranquility, safety Amr Anban (a.) n.: order, affair (u.) n.f.: discord, disagreement Anaa Anal-haqq (a.) n.f.: ego, self (a.) exp.m.: I am right, I am truth, I am God Andaam Andaaz (p.) n.: body, stature, figure (p.) n.m.: style, manner, coquetry, conjecture Andeshah 'Andaleeb (p.) n.m.: fear, possibility, suspicion (p.) n.: nightingale, lover Andoh Anees (p.) n.m.: grief, sorrow, anxiety, anguish (a.) n.: companion, friend, a famous urdu poet Angaara Anjaam (h. n.m.: a burning charcoal, spark (a.) n.: end, termination, result Anjum Anjuman (p.) n.: stars, constellation. (p.) n.: society, assembly, congregation. Page 11 of 13 A A Ansaar Anwar (a.) n.: helpers, friends, assistants. (a.) adj: shining, very bright, glittering. 4 'Aqeedat 'Aqeel (a.) n.f.: faith, firm, belief, creed. (a.) n.m.: intelligent, wise. 'Aql 'Araq (a.) n.m.: wisdom, sence, intellect, reason (a.) n.m.: juice, essence, sprit 'Araz Arbaab (a.) n.: width, subtance, qualities. (a.) n.: lords, masters, members. Armaan 'Arsah (p.) n,: wish, longing, ambition. (a.) n.m.: time, duration, period, a field. Arsh 'Arsh-o-farsh (a.) n.: sky, space. (a.) n.: heaven and earth. Arwaah Arz (a.) n.f.: (pl. of Rooh) spirits, soul. (a.) n.f.: land, earth. Arzaan Asad (p.) adj: low priced, cheap.

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