US 20090227533A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0227533 A1 Bader et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 10, 2009 (54) MIR-34 REGULATED GENES AND Related U.S. Application Data PATHWAYS AS TARGETS FOR THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION (60) Provisional application No. 60/942.971, filed on Jun. 8, 2007. (76) Inventors: Andreas G. Bader, Austin, TX Publication Classification (US); Lubna Patrawala, Austin, TX (US); Jason F. Wiggins, Austin, (51) Int. Cl. TX (US); Mike W. Byrom, Austin, A 6LX 3L/705 (2006.01) TX (US); Charles D. Johnson, CI2N 5/06 (2006.01) Austin, TX (US); David Brown, GOIN 33/50 (2006.01) Austin, TX (US) CI2O I/68 (2006.01) A6IP35/00 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: (52) U.S. Cl. .................. 514/44; 435/375; 436/94; 435/6 Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. 600 Congress Avenue, Suite 2400 (57) ABSTRACT Austin, TX 78701 (US) The present invention concerns methods and compositions for identifying genes or genetic pathways modulated by miR (21) Appl. No.: 12/134,932 34, using miR-34 to modulate a gene or gene pathway, using this profile in assessing the condition of a patient and/or (22) Filed: Jun. 6, 2008 treating the patient with an appropriate miRNA. 160 140 A549 H460 H522 : H596 is H1650 Calu-3 %, H226 SHCC2935 5 120 100 %Š GO %2 %.S. 60 SS %& Š ÉS 40 %.S. Š &%Š 20 3 3. Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 1 of 9 US 2009/0227533 A1 s: C O O. O. O. O. O. O. v (N C CO CO w CN 3 w v. v uOeuego. 9 Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2009/0227533 A1 s C CD i E s w c SD ld O O O. O. O. O. O O O D O N LO CN : s wres Ol. x) equinu IIeo Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 3 of 9 US 2009/0227533 A1 2 2 Ks s i uolelejo. Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 4 of 9 US 2009/0227533 A1 9202/|17?89 uo?e?noou??sodsÁed Z 009 007 009 00Z 00|| (uu) ez's Jouni Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 5 of 9 US 2009/0227533 A1 CN 3. 2. Y s w E3:3: D (5 vs. L O % Z & % O O O O O O O N. O. CO CO w CN 3 s ve ve uOelejo. 9 Patent Application Publication US 2009/0227533 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep ... 10, 2009 Sheet 8 of 9 US 2009/0227533 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 9 of 9 US 2009/0227533 A1 SON seo US 2009/0227533 A1 Sep. 10, 2009 MR-34 REGULATED GENES AND cells (22Rv1), lung cancer cells (A549), basal cell carcinoma PATHWAYS AS TARGETS FOR cells (TE354T), cervical cancer cells (HeLa), and leukemic T THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION cells (Jurkat), but miR-34a had no anti-proliferative effect on normal human T cells. Upon transformation, miR-34a increased (Jurkat) or decreased (HeLa) programmed cell 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional death (apoptosis) in cells. Uncontrolled cell proliferation is a Application Ser. No. 60/942,971 filed Jun. 8, 2007, which is hallmark of cancer. Apoptosis is a natural cellular process that incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. helps control cancer by inducing death in cells with onco genic potential. Many oncogenes function by altering induc BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tion of apoptosis. More recently, others have observed miR 0002 I. Field of the Invention 34a to be over-expressed in cancerous liver cells (Meng et al., 0003. The present invention relates to the fields of molecu 2006). lar biology and medicine. More specifically, the invention 0009 Bioinformatics analyses suggest that any given relates to methods and compositions for the treatment of miRNA may bind to and alter the expression of up to several diseases or conditions that are affected by miR-34 microR hundred different genes. In addition, a single gene may be NAS, microRNA expression, and genes and cellular pathways regulated by several miRNAs. Thus, each miRNA may regu directly and indirectly modulated by such. late a complex interaction among genes, gene pathways, and 0004 II. Background gene networks. Mis-regulation or alteration of these regula 0005. In 2001, several groups used a cloning method to tory pathways and networks, involving miRNAS, are likely to isolate and identify a large group of “microRNAs (miRNAs) contribute to the development of disorders and diseases such from C. elegans, Drosophila, and humans (Lagos-Quintana et as cancer. Although bioinformatics tools are helpful in pre al., 2001; Lau et al., 2001; Lee and Ambros, 2001). Several dicting miRNA binding targets, all have limitations. Because hundreds of miRNAs have been identified in plants and ani of the imperfect complementarity with their target binding mals—including humans—which do not appear to have sites, it is difficult to accurately predict the mRNA targets of endogenous siRNAs. Thus, while similar to siRNAs, miR miRNAs with bioinformatics tools alone. Furthermore, the NAS are distinct. complicated interactive regulatory networks among miRNAS 0006 miRNAs thus far observed have been approximately and target genes make it difficult to accurately predict which 21-22 nucleotides in length, and they arise from longer pre genes will actually be mis-regulated in response to a given cursors, which are transcribed from non-protein-encoding miRNA. genes. See review of Carrington and Ambros (2003). The 0010 Correcting gene expression errors by manipulating precursors form structures that fold back on themselves in miRNA expression or by repairing miRNA mis-regulation self-complementary regions; they are then processed by the represent promising methods to repair genetic disorders and nuclease Dicer (in animals) or DCL1 (in plants) to generate cure diseases like cancer. A current, disabling limitation of the short double-stranded miRNA. One of the miRNA strands this approach is that, as mentioned above, the details of the is incorporated into a complex of proteins and miRNA called regulatory pathways and networks that are affected by any the RNA-induced silencing complex. The miRNA guides the given miRNA, including miR-34, remain largely unknown. RISC complex to a target mRNA, which is then cleaved or This represents a significant limitation for treatment of can translationally silenced, depending on the degree of sequence cers in which miR-34 may play a role. A need exists to complementarity of the miRNA to its target mRNA. Cur identify the genes, genetic pathways, and genetic networks rently, it is believed that perfect or nearly perfect complemen that are regulated by or that may regulate hsa-miR-34 expres tarity leads to mRNA degradation, as is most commonly S1O. observed in plants. In contrast, imperfect base pairing, as is primarily found in animals, leads to translational silencing. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION However, recent data Suggest additional complexity (Bagga 0011. The present invention provides additional composi et al., 2005; Lim et al., 2005), and mechanisms of gene tions and methods by identifying genes that are direct targets silencing by miRNAS remain under intense study. for miR-34 regulation or that are indirect or downstream 0007 Recent studies have shown that changes in the targets of regulation following the miR-34-mediated modifi expression levels of numerous miRNAs are associated with cation of another gene(s) expression. Furthermore, the inven various cancers (reviewed in Esquela-Kerscher and Slack, tion describes gene, disease, and/or physiologic pathways 2006; Calin and Croce, 2006). miRNAs have also been impli and networks that are influenced by miR-34 and its family cated in regulating cell growth and cell and tissue differen members. In certain aspects, compositions of the invention tiation—cellular processes that are associated with the devel are administered to a Subject having, Suspected of having, or opment of cancer. at risk of developing a metabolic, an immunologic, an infec 0008. The inventors previously demonstrated that hsa tious, a cardiovascular, a digestive, an endocrine, an ocular, a miR-34 is involved with the regulation of numerous cell genitourinary, a blood, a musculoskeletal, a nervous system, activities that represent intervention points for cancer therapy a congenital, a respiratory, a skin, or a cancerous disease or and for therapy of other diseases and disorders (U.S. patent condition. application Ser. No. 1 1/141,707 filed May 31, 2005 and Ser. 0012. In particular aspects, a subject or patient may be No. 1 1/273,640 filed Nov. 14, 2005, each of which is incor selected for treatment based on expression and/or aberrant porated herein by reference in its entirety). In a survey of 24 expression of one or more miRNA or mRNA. In a further different humantissues, the inventors observed that miR-34 is aspect, a subject or patient may be selected for treatment preferentially or exclusively expressed in human lymph node based on aberrations in one or more biologic or physiologic tissues. When transformed into various cancer cell lines from pathway(s), including aberrant expression of one or more humans, miR-34a inhibits the proliferation of prostate cancer gene associated with a pathway, or the aberrant expression of US 2009/0227533 A1 Sep. 10, 2009 one or more protein encoded by one or more gene associated cervical, a uterine, a brain, a neuronal, a blood, a cervical, an with a pathway. In still a further aspect, a Subject or patient esophageal, a lung, a cardiovascular, a liver, a breast, a bone, may be selected based on aberrations in miRNA expression, a thyroid, a glandular, an adrenal, a pancreatic, a stomach, a or biologic and/or physiologic pathway(s).
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