EXTERNAL INTERVENTIONS AND CIVIL WARS: THE CASE OF LEBANON (1975-1990) A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY SELÇUK SUNAY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES JANUARY 2020 1 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Yaşar Kondakçı Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assist. Prof. Dr. Derya Göçer Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Haldun Yalçınkaya (TOBB ETÜ, SBUİ) Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur (METU, HIST) Prof. Dr. Özlem Tür (METU, IR) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Selçuk Sunay Signature : iii ABSTRACT EXTERNAL INTERVENTIONS AND CIVIL WARS: THE CASE OF LEBANON (1975-1990) Sunay, Selçuk M.Sc., Department of Middle East Studies Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur January 2020, 189 pages This thesis analyzes the impact of Syria, Israel and Iran to the Lebanese Civil War in the years of 1975-1990 and investigates the civil war based on foreign intervention point of view. It considers the developments from regional perspective and argues that although the Civil War emerged due to political and social structure of Lebanon, it became more complicated and chaotic as a result of the intervention of the regional countries for more power in the region. These countries realized Lebanon as strategic for their interests and they used the Civil War emerged in Lebanon as an opportunity. They penetrated into the Lebanese domestic politics by generating alliances with different groups in Lebanon. Israel was concerned about the fact that Palestinians used Lebanese land as base for their organization and it wanted to secure its northern borders, south Lebanon. For Syria, Lebanon was strategically important in its regional predominance and it always wanted to keep control of Lebanon. Iran increased its attention especially in the 1980s to Lebanon to spread its Islamic revolution and influence Shiite population in the country. The Civil War ended after the Taif Agreement in 1989 as iv a result of the effort of Syria, after years of witnessing the power struggle of these two countries in Lebanon. Keywords: Lebanese Civil War, Foreign Intervention, Israel, Syria, Interest v ÖZ DIŞ MÜDAHALELER VE İÇ SAVAŞLAR: LÜBNAN VAKASI (1975-1990) Sunay, Selçuk Yüksek Lisans, Orta Doğu Çalışmaları Bölümü Danışman: Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur Ocak 2020, 189 sayfa Bu çalışma, 1975 ile 1990 yılları arasında vuku bulan Lübnan İç Savaşı’na Suriye, İsrail ve İran’ın müdahalelerini analiz etmekte ve iç savaşı dış müdahaleler bağlamında incelemektedir. Gelişmeleri bölgesel açıdan ele alan çalışma, iç savaşın çıkma sebeplerinin Lübnan’ın siyasi ve toplumsal yapısından kaynaklansa da uzayıp karmaşık bir hal almasını, Suriye ve İsrail’in bölgesel anlamda güç mücadelesi sebebiyle müdahalelerinden kaynaklandığını savunmaktadır. Suriye ve İsrail, Lübnan’ı stratejik çıkarları açısından hayati görmüşler ve İç Savaşı bu çıkarları korumak için bir fırsata dönüştürmüşlerdir. Lübnan iç siyasetine, ülkedeki farklı gruplarla ittifak kurmak suretiyle müdahale etmişlerdir. İsrail, Lübnan’daki Filistinli varlığını, bu ülkeyi örgütlenmede bir üs olarak kullanmalarından dolayı güvenlik problemi olarak görmüş ve kuzey sınırları olan güney Lübnan’ı kontrol altına almak istemiştir. Suriye ise bölgesel üstünlük mücadelesinde Lübnan’ı hayati olarak görmüş ve kontrol altında tutmayı amaçlamıştır. İran ise özellikle 1980’lerden itibaren Lübnan’a ilgisini artırarak İslam devriminin etkisini artırmayı ve ülkedeki Şiiler üzerinde etki kurmayı amaçlamıştır. Nitekim, İç Savaş, bu iki ülkenin etkisini artırdığı yıllara tanık vi olduktan sonra, 1989 yılında Suriye’nin ve girişimiyle Taif Antlaşması’nın imzalanmasının ardından sona ermiştir ve ülkede Suriye’nin etkisi devam etmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Lübnan İç Savaşı, Dış Müdahale, İsrail, Suriye, Çıkar vii To My Family viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my immense gratitude to my advisor Prof. Recep Boztemur for his guidance and contribution during the preparation of this thesis. I would also like to thank Prof. Özlem Tür and Prof. Haldun Yalçınkaya for their contributions. I am appreciative of the support from my family, my grandmother, Fehime Sunay who has always been with me since my childhood, my parents, Hatice and Hayrettin Sunay, my sister Elif Sunay Özarpacı and her husband Kerem Özarpacı for their endless support during the writing process of this thesis. I appreciate the devotion of my dear Professor Moulay Ali Bouanani for supporting my academic works and extending my life vision. I am thankful to my cousin Hulya Tanyolacar for reading my papers and correcting my grammer mistakes since my undergraduate years. Her patience, support and interest in my works helped me improve my language skills to high level significantly. I am grateful for the ideas and advise from Dr. Taner Zorbay during my studies. I extend a special thanks to the Turkish national poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy, who became a model for me and had a great contribution in the generation of my thoughts and ideas with his poems. His dedication, determination and modesty impressed me considerably. I would like to say a special thanks to my friends, Munteha Shafiq, Nihal Yerli, Kathryn Knibbs, Aykut Aydeniz, Berkay Paşaoğulları, Alihan Özhamaratlı, Husain Hadi, Cem Iskir, Nebi Bulut, and Christophe Bertero for their continuous support. I extend my deep appreciation to all mentioned and not mentioned for always being with me. You do not know what the life brings, sometimes happiness and sometimes hardship. Despite the hardships of life, with loved ones life is content. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM………………………………………………………………..….....iii ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................iv ÖZ .............................................................................................................................. vi DEDICATION………………………………………………………...……..........viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. xii LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................xiv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 2. PRE-CIVIL WAR PERIOD IN LEBANON: POLITICAL TURMOIL LEADING TO CIVIL WAR ..................................................................................... 20 2.1. Marginalizing Opposition: Beginning of Conflict between Groups (From 1943 to 1958 Civil War) ...................................................................................... 21 2.2. 1958 Civil War: Inhibiting Further Conflict After the Intervention of the US .................................................................................................................. 25 2.3. Period of Stability (1958-1970): Efforts to Restore the Country after the 1958 Civil War .................................................................................................... 28 2.4. 1967 Arab-Israeli War and Impact of Palestinian Issue ............................... 30 2.5. Rise of PLO’s to Power and Israel’s Intervention ........................................ 34 3. THE CIVIL WAR (1975-1990) ........................................................................... 42 3.1. Developments towards Civil War ................................................................. 42 3.2. Actors of Civil War and Their Sides ............................................................ 47 3.3. Syrian Influence in the Beginning of the Civil War: The Syrian-Maronite Cooperation.......................................................................................................... 48 3.4. Syria-Israel Agreement on the Litani Border ............................................... 54 x 3.5. Israeli Occupation in Lebanon ..................................................................... 57 3.6. Developments Between 1978-1982 .............................................................. 60 3.7. Israel’s Effort to be Permanent in Lebanon: Second Occupation ................ 61 3.8. Sabra and Shatila Massacre and Gamayel’s Assassination .......................... 65 3.9. Agreement Between Israel and Lebanon, and Its Repercussions ................. 70 3.10. Towards the End of the Civil War: Taif Agreement .................................. 72 4. SYRIAN AND ISRAELI FOREIGN POLICY ON LEBANON ........................ 83 4.1. First Phase of the Civil War (1975-1976) ...................................................
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