·~~ -·.. MOREHEAD STATEMENT ~ A Quarterly Publication for Alunmi and Other Friends of Morehead State University ~~ Vol. 17, No. 2 Spring 1994 In the right place • • • at the right time! MSU grad Janet L. Stumbo ~ is first woman to serve on state high court Also BY PAULINE YOUNG INSIDE CCED helps Eastern Kentucky BY ]HFPREY N. EAGLIN .:::d Off-campus degrees offered through "cohorts" BY PRIDB GRAFF AND K1M HAMILTON Founders Day Convocation and Awards Ceremony PHOTOS BY ERIC SHINDEUJOWER College of Education and Behavioral Sciences maintains accreditation status BY ] UDY Y ANCY Folklorist Ron Dobler strums a ballad when he can BY GREG AlMMS U.S. Rep. Ron Lewis is first MSU grad in Congress BY PRIDE GRA.FP plus news about MSU alumnus Janet L. Stumbo of Prestonsburg •Academics has the distinction of being the first woman elected •Personnel to the Supreme Court of Kentucky • Class Notes (see story on page 3 ). ,.. ....... I I' • • ', f> <I • f • I . t • • • • • • •• • ••••• ••• ••• • .· ·.... ..- .· MOREHEAD STATF.MJENT To Our Alumni and Other Friends: Table ofGmtents Thanks to our legislative supporters, I am pleased to report that renovation of the original part of '--- Lappin Hall was approved in the 1994 special session of the General Assembly. That $6.8 million decision means we can turn our attention to our next academic priority-the Feature• renovation of Breckinridge Hall. Many of you recall when Breck was a bustling, progressive laboratory Justice Janet Stumbo 3 school for our teacher education program. That school closed in 1982 after 51 illustrious years of CCED helps Eastern Kentucky 5 service. Breckinridge Hall became the home of the Department of Communications. In addition to modern facilities for our students here, the Breck project could profoundly impact all of Eastern Ott-campus degrees ottered Kentucky. through •cohorts• 7 How and why is this true? If our plans materialize, Breck will become MSU's primary interchange on that "information highway" Founders Day Convocation and Awards Ceremony g you have been reading and hearing so much about. Much of what is being said and written about this highway of voice, data and video says that the technology will dramatically change all of our lives. In College of Education and higher education, communications technology has given birth to "distance learning". Behavioral Sciences maintains And just what is distance leaming?-simply the use of technology which doesn't require students acaedltatlon status 10 and their teacher to be in the same physical location for teaching and learning to occur. Whether by Folklorist Ron Dobler strums a satellite, microwave relay or telephone cable, students and teachers can see and talk with each other ballad when he can 11 and share the excitement of learning. For example, a professor in a specially-equipped distance-learning studio on campus could U.S. Rep. Ron Lewis is first MSU simultaneously teach groups of students at each of our centers in Ashland, Prestonsburg and West grad in Congress 24 Liberty. And those classes could interact with each other. This technology no doubt has some shortcomings but just imagine the efficiency of such instruction Academics 14 as we scramble for scarce resources to meet the needs of students seeking four-year degrees in the Personnel 16 region. Some might say that technology can never compete with a "live" teacher in the same room with "live" students. I share that view but this is 1994 and we don't have the luxury of that approach in Miscellany 17 serving all of our students, particularly those "non-traditionals" who are tied to homes. jobs and families in their hometowns. Class Notes 20 One of our admissions slogans identifies MSU as "The University of the Mountains." Distance­ W11dd/ng W•tch 21 learning technology could make that more of a reality than anyone might have dreamed. Obilu•rl.. 23 Stay tuned! Printing Production Manager Cindy Trent Publlatw Photographers Keith Kappes, Vice President Eric Shlndelbower MOREHEAD STA'JF.M4N7', for Uriverslty Advancement plblished quarterly by Morehead Tim Holbrook State University's Division of Managing Editor Contributing Wrttere University Advancement, is Mickey Morgan Russo Tami Jones, Randy Stacy, Pal.line Young, Kin Hamilton, distrbuted to alumni, faculty, staff, Pam Fooss, Gteg Adams. Jeffrey N. Eaglin, Pride Graff, Judy Yancy .- benefactors and other friends of the Director of Alumni Relational Development University. Articles may be reprinted William H. Redwine Prealdent, MSU Foundation, Inc 8. Proctor Caudill, CEO without permission. Opinions Director of lnatltutlonal Relation• Peoples Bank expressed herein do not Judth 0 . Yancy P.O. Box 707 neoessarily reffed the official Sandy Hook, KY 41171 policies of Morehe.iid State Coordinator of Alumni Acttvltlea and Ucenalng University. Tami 8. Jones Prealdent, MSU AJu.mnl AHoclatlon, Inc. Add,... co".. pondence lo: Louis(Sonny)Jones STATEll•N7' Editor General Manager, WMKY Radio 960 Hickman Hill Rd. Alumni Center Larry Netherton Frankfort, KY 40601 Morehead State University Morehead State Unlveralty la committed to providing equal opportunltlea to all peraon• regardleH of race, color, national origin, age, rellglon, Morehead, KY 40351 aex, or dlaablllty In It. educational progrmn•, aervlcH, llCtlvltlH, employment pollclea, and admlHlon of atudenta to any program of study. In this regard, the University conforms to all the laws, atatutH, and regulatlona concerning equal employment opportl.lnltlH .,,d affirmative action. Thi• Includes: 1ltl• VI and VII of the Clvll Right. Act of 1964, 11tle IX of the Educational Amendment. of 15172, Executive Orders 11246 .,,d 11375, Equal Pay Act of 15163, Vietnam Era V.terana RHdlu.tment AHlstanc• Act of 15174, Ag• Dlacrtmlnatlon In Employment Act of 15167, Ccw•r photo by Don Young Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabllltatlon Act of 15173, Americana with DlaabllltlH Act of 19i0, and Kentucky RevlHd StatutH 207.1 30 to 207.240. Any lnqulrtea should be addrHaed to: Affirmative Action Officer, Morehead State Unlveralty, 101 Howell-McDowell Admlnlatratlon Bulldlng, Morehead, KY 40351-168SI, Telephone (606) 783-2097. l MOREHEAD STATFM•Nr Spring 1994 Justice Janet L. Stumbo MSU grad on state high court IIr P.tUUNB YOUNG ll""• lll. ._) ' B eing in the right place attorney Ned PiJlersdorf, to appearances, such as speaking at the right time, a lot say "Y'all.. she will no longer at a local school's recent of luck and help and consider him a New Yorker, career day. Justk» Jan9t L. Stumbo support from my family" ... but a full-fledged Kentuckian. '"lbe secret to survival is This is how Janet L. Stumbo Looking about her education, especially in the of Prestonsburg swns up the Prestonsburg office, one formative years," she said. "I events that allowed her to notices the neat, modem work encourage students to prepare become the first woman area, which, though for their future to the best of justice elected to the organized, indicates that a their ability." She also Kentucky Supreme Court. great deal of activity takes cautions them to consider Ann Latta, former mayor of place here. The walls are career choices carefully, Prestonsburg, praises Justice covered with certificates, "Because if it doesn't suit Stumbo for her level of honors, and diplomas you, you 'U be miserable. 0 achievement. 'The people in including the degree she From her office suite on the Eastern Kentucky are very received from Morehead State fifth floor of the First proud of her as a mother and in 1976. In a place of Commonwealth Banlc as a justice. She is a prominence is the MSU Building, Justice Stumbo wonderful role model for Alumni Hall of Fame award spends three weeks each mothers with children because which she received in 1990. month reading, researching she has been able to meet the Pictures of her family, to and drafting opinions. The obligations of her family and whom she attributes her final week of each month is be.r profession with great success, are conspicuously spent sitting on the Supreme success." placed. Court in Franlcfort, where she An open, friendly and Justice Stwnbo 's is one of seven judges modest woman with a appointment book is filled listening to oral arguments dedication to her profession with meetings pertaining to and reviewing the and a good sense of humor, the legal field and peppered constitutionality of civil and Justice Stumbo makes those with notes about music criminal cases. "While I was a around her feel at ease. With a lessons and swim practices lawyer, I helpea frame tinge of dialect derived from reflecting her numerous issues," said Justice Stumbo. being raised in Eastern responsibilities not only as "Now, we (the judiciary) take Kentucky counties Aoyd and justice but as the mother of those issues already framed Pike, Justice Stumbo speaks three daughters, Sarah, and make our decisions based with clean articulation. Nancee and Samantha. on their constitutionality." Jokingly, she declares that Despite this busy schedule, Although she enjoys her when she gets her husband, she finds time to make public (see High court, pg. 4) MOREHEAD STATF.JllBN'I' Spring 1994 3 High court (cont. from pg. 3) Howard of the Kentucky more fimds is a problem in Court of Appeals. After two many areas." work. she misses the years of reviewing court While her life has been professional discussions she records, performing legal filled with many no longer has with fellow research and drafting accomplishments, she ....._ lawyers since she never preliminary opinions, she believes her greatest knows when she will be called entered private practice with achievement is a strong upon to review one of their Arnold Turner, Jr. and Eric D. marriage and three healthy cases. Hall, forming the firm of children. "Without them "Being a lawyer was the Turner, Hall and Stumbo, behind me, I would not be furthermost thing from my P.S.C.
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