Pt. 319 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–21 Edition) United States and which are not in- Subpart C—Controlled Import Permits tended to be landed thereat, when evi- 319.6 Controlled import permits. dence is presented satisfactory to the inspector of the Plant Protection and Subpart D—Permits: Allocation, Issuance, Quarantine Programs of the Depart- Denial, and Revocation ment of Agriculture that such sand, soil, or earth has been so processed or 319.7 Definitions. is of such nature that no pest risk is in- 319.7–1 Applying for a permit. 319.7–2 Issuance of permits and labels. volved, or that the plants with sand, 319.7–3 Denial of permits. soil, or earth around them are main- 319.7–4 Withdrawal, cancellation, and rev- tained on board under such safeguards ocation of permits. as will preclude pest escape: And pro- 319.7–5 Appeal of denial or revocation. vided further, That such prohibitions shall not prohibit the movement of Subpart E—Foreign Cotton and Covers plant cuttings or plants that have QUARANTINE been— 319.8 Notice of quarantine. (1) Freed from sand, soil, and earth; 319.8a Administrative instructions relating (2) Subsequently potted and estab- to the entry of cotton and covers into lished in sphagnum moss or other Guam. packing material approved under REGULATIONS; GENERAL § 319.37–11 of this chapter that had been stored under shelter and had not been 319.8–1 Definitions. previously used for growing or packing CONDITIONS OF IMPORTATION AND ENTRY OF plants; COTTON AND COVERS (3) Grown thereafter in a manner sat- 319.8–2 Permit procedure. isfactory to an inspector of the Plant 319.8–3 Refusal and cancellation of permits. Protection and Quarantine Programs 319.8–4 Notice of arrival. to prevent infestation through contact 319.8–5 Marking of containers. with sand, soil, or earth; and 319.8–6 Cottonseed cake and cottonseed (4) Certified by an inspector of the meal. 319.8–7 Processed lint, linters, and waste. Plant Protection and Quarantine Pro- 319.8–8 Lint, linters, and waste. grams as meeting the requirements of 319.8–9 Hull fiber and gin trash. paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this 319.8–10 Covers. section. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE ENTRY OF (d) As used in this section, the term COTTON AND COVERS FROM MEXICO State, Territory, or District of the United States means ‘‘Guam, Hawaii, Puerto 319.8–11 From approved areas of Mexico. 319.8–12 From the West Coast of Mexico. Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United 319.8–13 From Northwest Mexico. States, or the continental United 319.8–14 Mexican cotton and covers not oth- States.’’ erwise enterable. [24 FR 10777, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 66 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS FR 21054, Apr. 27, 2001; 83 FR 11855, Mar. 19, 319.8–16 Importation into United States of 2018; 84 FR 29957, June 25, 2019] cotton and covers exported therefrom. 319.8–17 Importation for exportation, and PART 319—FOREIGN QUARANTINE importation for transportation and ex- NOTICES portation; storage. 319.8–18 Samples. 319.8–19–20 [Reserved] Subpart A—Preemption 319.8–21 Release of cotton and covers after 18 months’ storage. Sec. 319.8–22 Ports of entry or export. 319.1 Preemption of State and local laws. 319.8–23 Treatment. 319.8–24 Collection and disposal of waste. Subpart B—Requests To Amend The 319.8–25 Costs and charges. Regulations 319.8–26 Material refused entry. 319.5 Requirements for submitting requests Subpart F—Sugarcane to change the regulations in 7 CFR part 319. 319.15 Notice of quarantine. 198 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:46 Jul 09, 2021 Jkt 253016 PO 00000 Frm 00208 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253016.XXX 253016 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA Pt. 319 319.15a Administrative instructions and in- 319.40–6 Universal importation options. terpretation relating to entry into Guam 319.40–7 Treatments and safeguards. of bagasse and related sugarcane prod- 319.40–8 Processing at facilities operating ucts. under compliance agreements. 319.40–9 Inspection and other requirements Subpart G—Corn Diseases at port of first arrival. 319.40–10 Costs and charges. QUARANTINE 319.40–11 Plant pest risk assessment stand- 319.24 Notice of quarantine. ards. 319.24a Administrative instructions relating to entry of corn into Guam. Subpart J—Indian Corn or Maize, Broomcorn, and Related Plants REGULATIONS GOVERNING ENTRY OF INDIAN CORN OR MAIZE QUARANTINE 319.24–1 Applications for permits for impor- 319.41 Notice of quarantine. tation of corn. 319.41a Administrative instructions relating 319.24–2 [Reserved] to entry into Guam of broomcorn, 319.24–3 Marking as condition of entry. brooms, and similar articles. 319.24–4 [Reserved] 319.41b Administrative instructions pre- 319.24–5 Condition of entry. scribing conditions for entry of broomstraw without treatment. Subpart H—Plants for Planting RULES AND REGULATIONS 319.37–1 Notice of quarantine. 319.41–1 Plant products permitted entry. 319.37–2 Definitions. 319.37–3 General restrictions on the impor- 319.41–2 Application for permits. 319.41–3 Issuance of permits. tation of plants for planting. 319.37–4 Taxa of plants for planting whose 319.41–4 Notice of arrival by permittee. 319.41–5 Condition of entry. importation is not authorized pending 319.41–6 Importations by mail. pest risk analysis. 319.37–5 Permits. 319.37–6 Phytosanitary certificates. Subpart K—Rice 319.37–7 Marking and identity. QUARANTINE 319.37–8 Ports of entry: Approved ports, no- tification of arrival, inspection, and re- 319.55 Notice of quarantine. fusal of entry. 319.55a Administrative instructions relating 319.37–9 Treatment of plants for planting; to entry of rice straw and rice hulls into costs and charges for inspection and Guam. treatment; treatments applied outside the United States. RULES AND REGULATIONS 319.37–10 Growing media. 319.55–1 Definitions. 319.37–11 Packing and approved packing ma- 319.55–2 Application for permit. terial. 319.55–3 Ports of entry. 319.37–12 through 319.37–19 [Reserved] 319.55–4 [Reserved] 319.37–20 Restrictions on the importation of 319.55–5 Notice of arrival by permittee. specific types of plants for planting. 319.55–6 Inspection and disinfection at port 319.37–21 Integrated pest risk management of arrival. measures. 319.55–7 Importations by mail. 319.37–22 Trust fund agreements. 319.37–23 Postentry quarantine. Subpart L—Fruits and Vegetables Subpart I—Logs, Lumber, and Other Wood 319.56–1 Notice of quarantine. Articles 319.56–2 Definitions. 319.56–3 General requirements for all im- 319.40–1 Definitions. ported fruits and vegetables. 319.40–2 General prohibitions and restric- 319.56–4 Authorization of certain fruits and tions; relation to other regulations. vegetables for importation. 319.40–3 General permits; articles that may 319.56–5 Pest-free areas. be imported without a specific permit; 319.56–6 Trust fund agreements. articles that may be imported without 319.56–7 Territorial applicability and excep- either a specific permit or an importer tions. document. 319.56–8–319.56–9 [Reserved] 319.40–4 Application for a permit to import 319.56–10 Importation of fruits and vegeta- regulated articles; issuance and with- bles from Canada. drawal of permits. 319.56–11 Importation of dried, cured, or 319.40–5 Importation and entry require- processed fruits, vegetables, nuts, and ments for specified articles. legumes. 199 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:46 Jul 09, 2021 Jkt 253016 PO 00000 Frm 00209 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253016.XXX 253016 § 319.1 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–21 Edition) 319.56–12 Importation of frozen fruits and Subpart R—Gypsy Moth Host Material from vegetables. Canada Subpart M—Wheat Diseases 319.77–1 Definitions. 319.77–2 Regulated articles. 319.59 Prohibitions on importation; disposal 319.77–3 Gypsy moth infested areas in Can- of articles refused importation. ada. 319.59–1 Definitions. 319.77–4 Conditions for the importation of 319.59–2 General import prohibitions; excep- regulated articles. tions. 319.77–5 Disposition of regulated articles de- 319.59–3 Articles prohibited importation nied entry. pending risk evaluation. 319.59–4 Karnal bunt. AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 1633, 7701–7772, and 7781–7786; 21 U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 7 CFR 2.22, Subpart N—Packing Materials 2.80, and 371.3. SOURCE: 24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, unless QUARANTINE otherwise noted. 319.69 Notice of quarantine. 319.69a Administrative instructions and in- Subpart A—Preemption terpretation relating to the entry into Guam of plant materials specified in § 319.69. SOURCE: 75 FR 17292, Apr. 6, 2010, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 84 FR 2428, RULES AND REGULATIONS Feb. 7, 2019. 319.69–1 Definitions. § 319.1 Preemption of State and local 319.69–2 Freedom from pests. laws. 319.69–3 Entry inspection. 319.69–4 Disposition of materials found in (a) Under section 436 of the Plant violation. Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7756), a State 319.69–5 Types of organic decaying vegeta- or political subdivision of a State may tive matter authorized for packing. not regulate in foreign commerce any plant or plant product in order to con- Subpart O—Coffee trol, eradicate, or prevent the intro- 319.73–1 Definitions. duction or dissemination of a biologi- 319.73–2 Products prohibited importation. cal control organism, plant pest, or 319.73–3 Conditions for transit movement of noxious weed within the United States. certain products through Puerto Rico or (b) Therefore, in accordance with sec- Hawaii.
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