I I PART 1,HE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS ONE Eighty.Eig!Jlh Ycar - No. 1 -- ·--- .. ----·-... --- -·- -·---------- INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1947 16 PagcB - Pages 1 to B JURO~S ARt GH~SfN mR JANUARY COURT -- ----- State Unit Approves Ingham Fair Dates _ _;,~~_9)~~~ _C_?._~-~.'f..'~-~!~~~~~l,:';-!~~~~~.IF_I:I~:_t:_r~i, -~'HUIWDAY, ,IANUAHY 2, H147 CARAVAN ( CJonl!luclr•ti from Pug~ I) showturc-pmol', u U!l~;Y to ulc!lna pen, · . ' · -----· ···-·-... , ·· · . .. .. · 1 Their· MUg'gc~Lion~u~t~ oo~or mlngor mo~-/.111csh I · .. ~· ··--~-~-~-~-~·~m-m-~-;;m-m-~·~D-~~-~-~-~-;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JIOfll'lllg COVCI'Od Wil.h fl. thin Joyct• wiiich Will SH.VO lllllO fllld sf.OJlH CJ/' Stl'ILW has ll. Jll'ilUtiC!l) USC on ovor;v cloy, evel'y I'Al'lll, l•'ull lnslt•ud.lollR rtnrl/ '• . ; llti\1' In mu liOJlll oxpln.nELliO'.S hi the simple Ju"ll\1- : '. fllaughtol'lng !'or· tile liomc mrmL fallon w·l•l he given at tile earn- i 'l_f@%')( Rllpply wlll btl hut nne ne lhc VIlli, /! ~~ timely topftJ'J rov{'l'flcl Pl'upnr·ucl J~vm·.·..; l'm•nJCI' Hll'iVCH fot• fJOlllH1! /' H@~!i!:IJ )l.'f'.llic nnln;al IIIL':iJI;Il;ii'Y rlnp!ll'f:- lwalthy nnd prnfllnblc llvcstllclt, 11' mcnt, tho rii!I)Jiay nlwws HJH'r~il'i· '!'he extension vete1·1nm·iun," al: 1. eally tho propt"' IIW\.hnd J'm· It ill- Mlchlgnn Slrlfo college will offer 1: fter Inventory Sale ... lng hogB. nn ounce of pmellcnl rliHL'lWe pre- : 1 1 '!'he two-pnnel exhlillt I ells Ji.H vcntlnn at this yeni''S eni'Etvnn •1 H.L(u:y In (llllllll't;fl fmm llw time whi<:h in many l'twos l:; Lho only,/ ! tllc healthy, young, well· flniHhcd cure, , Greatly anhnniH an: ,•n:l.cdct! 11111 il I. hey A twn-punol rlispiEty will tun) I' Reduced Prices )lacon, hnm, e.hops and 1 tlw light on pont· 'l'tu•m pmetlce~ lnt:lnrkd ElJ'O.; ln:ltrucl.lmw whieh lmuJ to animal dismwo nnd • st!ddnr;, removing will explain pracl.lunl sanitation lTi , . , , npltll:ing nnd t·c- methods which r'an prevent the All Departments leaf I t wlileh con alrl Banw diseases, The semnd Jl!lllcl, wttLcn'"'Y Jn llntng rt hcll.or, castel' dculln!f entirely with 1uast!l"ls n:; : slaug111 CJ'Ing. n , hel'rl problem, will oxhilllt 1' . at!t~ hn,.;dlng ~tlld care o[ 1nctlwclll ror prevention, dciedion, - }JU:fS 1 c!tVldmld\:1, aC' .. contt·oi and curo. ' , 11 t~':ita'i~ iic1 u;1'J;~"inli,ii:H ut Cun llctLutll'y Homes .• .•ro Jll'O\'e 'llwt fll'O)Wt' fli'Cl'ilillg Two panels ric lure llowers and HOUSE ARES ::mv w;:, u,:,,t; Ul:" NA'ITVE LU!Vi!l:ER One of the pays, the ou!.olanrling recol'd of vegctEtblcs, Jlanlced by a display fe~­ . f tu!cs of the Rural Progress Caravan which will vis it ]\1/ason I'\osc Hill p~ 1 ·rcr:t.ion f'ccl'lcss of gurrltmln~; bulletins a!lll some Regulnr Price Now rJ:':l887, an arl.lfif'ial bJ'cr~rlinrr as- pointers on raising honsc plants, ?n· Friday y.ril_l be ;m exhibit showing the ust: of n:Hl·.'c lt11llhcr Chrome, Heavy Steel Step- ReiJ\IIb,, P1·ice S<>clallon bull, ,111 11 rc'""'rlr: on his w!ll illustmte the l'esults lhnL can Now m:farm bmlclmg. Here Ira Bull, extension forc~tcr, is m<tlritw · ' and cliu 1c;hl<,I';J will ilc on dis- he ncltieved thl'ouglt planning unrl Cocoa Ma.ts, 14x24 ____ -$ JlJ.jly for all 'to lll't'. Til<• figures good practJCCii. a final check of the exhibit which inclntles a cut-out minia~.m~ On Garbage Cans ____ $ 5.95 1.95 $ substantiate llwit' uwl.to: Use 1 Hnuncling out the b?auty of of, a building showing where native lurnhcr c;tn be usccl. TIH• . VVhite Ena.mel Garbage $ 3.95 AU Chrome Steel ' Sh'tJB OJ' tltllll~ Cif JH'CI\'l~IJ 1llfJ\VCl'H and Vegetables \Vllh SOlllC caravan, s~;~onsored ?Y the extension service of Michig::tn Slate . I good landscaping·, lwo farm c~llegc, wlll show 111 the road commission gar~!~C at fl!ason Cans ______________ -$ ::once g·ood sloclc ir: bred, proper lmllflels slww before n.nrl aflet· cf­ Spatt.da~ ------------$ t.os $ frflm.lO.a. m. t_o 3:30p.m. It features "The F:mn ;;nr] Hc mc" I'?' h co ] $ CD,rc ls the nr·xt "''""nlial ~lcp. fects. 11 lew clwngcs. m the place­ 1 $ 2.95 AU Chrome Steel Kit.. Since fll'llfll'l' enr,: for C'alves in-jmcnl of farm lmtlthngs, such as at?d 1s f!llecl wtth new home n:modeiing and building ideas. II't.iliC el1 ;,tOO.l!S __ - ______ . $ 3.95 Jcccping Jl""" clean nurl bnms, the !irnnnry, and garage, chera Spoons _________ $ 1.05 the ' llnilv. dl')Jill'lmenl. will /Dud a touch of lanrlscaping con- ;r•lrts the f~l'~n. "that ~ust gr~w" I· Four pn nul rlit~plnys •~nd --~: , · Kn tchen Stools _________ $ $ 5.25 $ .69 n:to an atll acttve place to live. nwrlelr: nr rn.rm land, anrl the f(Jitchen Stools .. ___ - ____ $ 2. 75 Aluminun1 Basting Pans -$ ~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I changes Jn,tdc \Viii he on exhi~t 4.95 $ 2.95. $ 1.95 Pan American Square . ?or m·cry fat'lll<'l' (o) l;CC. How a .. vVaste Baskets ---------$ 1.95 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-! farmc1· sttltlir~<l liiH fnrt~ n11rl HtJil $ 1.19 'J,. I nncl the new JH'acliccs h•· p11l into , Waste Baskets ____ -~ ___ $ ,79 Handled Grills ------$ 4.75 $ 2.95 j l!,;c will hu llllil. E T $ .49 1 Gas Plates. with Leg~ ___ -$ 9.95 By li.Sill!f land nrras !.11 hest fli]- '; . lleCtriC Casters -- - - ___ $ 4,95 ' $ 3.75 $ 7.25 Ivnntag·~,, ft>.l'I\1Ct'S ean avc.rngu " i'-liaU China Tea Pots -- --$ 1./(!9 Table Lamps, complete / 'tn.:tteJ" men me (1\'t'l' a Jong(:J' p{~l'iod U $ 1.29 · o1. yen.I'G. Th11s tlw rd.111ilt f:,tJ·m ·P._o~~..t"'"'Y Bow~s. ~ ·ii'n a set, with large shade ____ -$12.95 1, Y"'ll aJd the fil 1'111 family bv pnn\id- 1· "" .i. , '-' , $ 6.95 KROGERi 'rhat's us, : mg a grcatt:r inenmc: for crln/;a- 3 } $ 79 Pin-Up Lamp with In- Smith, i tion, l'CCt't~l.ltion Ccl1ll rd:e:ni.llll1. CQ Oil'S ---- -- - _- _ _ _ _ . Mrs. and we 0 $ .49 direct Globe ________ -$ 4.25 resolve to serve you I r Blltil<!it•g-t ,Jnrcteri;;l,, che Jit·st Breakfast Grills ---- -- --$ 3.65 $ 2.95 with an even bigger 1 unc n~·nen a 111 buiJlfjng Ol' re- $ 2.95 Electric 2-Burner Chrome- selection of .better /lllOdP!inl;' the farm l10il!~', will he ' Vniversal 2-QL Prc·essmre I tnl,en up m :1 fu:.tr-panCl ~~xhibit. foot! values I Sh•cs!:ling av~lilabJe nwLrrirt1~. or -··· · ·· CooE,....::'ll~·s · ~il2 r.;:n Top Hot Plates ------$18.50 $13.95 lumbet· fl'orn tile f'lll'lll \Vuod~:. the .h•. '(.,.& --- --- -- -- -,n- '"~'! .u'UI $ 9.95 One-Burner Hot Plates __ $ 3.95 ldisplay cent"''" armuHI the ilirrcr- .. · Cast A1umnnunn Dutch $ 1.95 , ent types of mntcl'ial n:1d lhc honing Board Pads and ' . es of nlflterinl which art: m1it- Ovens, 5-Qt., poiishecl _$ Cor rlifferenl. partH or the 9.7.5 $ 7.45. Covers -------------$ 1.45 $ .98 qoujsc. A pn rlially Cf•IISIJ'IIeted :, Chidren Fryers - - - - - - - -$ mo~ cl hotme is lL'Jed ln pnillt out · .·, 8.75 $ 6.55 Mop Heads ___________ $ .69 $ .39 Cpurotry · Clup Spot~Dght C:o·§fee J J;~ $1,03 ,,. vanouc; Pat•h f<lldl ''" ioic.i'J. 1"•1'- (:ovell'ei.:l. Sau..ce Pa.ns, tct·s _nnd fllutls. 'rhP propel' 5 Q $ 5 Bread Boxes ______ ~ ___ $ 2.95 $ 1.95 I matcrml for each is iJJdicalecl. ·:. · • Jt, ---- _-------- _ -• 8.2 STillWELL i€Pii1AT!IE.S • ~~~k $ 5.95 4 to 8 Cup Vaculators __ -$ 2.95 I . Hnl\' tn . .-i .. Sauce P"'.'lc., $ 2.25. dtspla,y on I:cmr~cldra1·m home ··:·cover""..'!<vU ..,ua .... ' 1 No. 2 13c ·Clock· B~eadJ,.-~~h~/ :2.,~:~:, llc: .. · GRWl ~EMS, Dlg "K" can . ' .. ,· ;,,J .. !m•octc:ling is slwwn. gi·cn . .,~,_ ... ,"'' · ·3 Or . $ 5 95 Aluminum Clothes Lines, ·~ ' ' . , Jllily JlQi; · hB . n.-.o_c. "'"" ,; .. • ' -~ ' , ------ - - -- - - - - - .. o 50~ WII(ILE BEH~. · •Counlry Club No. 1 Rose­ $ 4.451 Ft. _____________ -$ .85 lar 21c 'Stl:lle for .a l11'1ttcr of year·,;, the s~uce Pa.""S 3 Qt $ 6 85 $ .59 Stuffed Olives· dale : f~rm engmccm t~tr·csr; en l'ly plan- c.. '" ' - ' - - - - - - - ' $ 4.95 Automatic Electric Iron _$ 9.95 pKg, 13c • :, . I ' Ilung. Cocoa Mats, 16x26 _____ $ 2.25 $ $.25 1 'rv.lo small-scaled models, , nne $ 1.95 Steam Irons __________ .$12.95 ·.. renreeenpng ( iiwr. $ 9.95 pkg. j:hcforc."~· th~. 1 13c loaf the~~~:.~t!~~~ 2. ;~,~~ I "after",· show ti) 'lJeot :!J.rlvrtntage 5 lb. ~he chtn1~e" which can be rnaclc bag 44c I, 1n thP rn1n1 hqmc. !~mph.. 'that changes slronld · ·· Arm & Hammer pkg. Be th~: ~nU'i\·idU~'l~J\f'dmily, · · . , also·•mustdte 'impmvcd ·rlloni a.1·­ Brer Robbit 16-oz 19 TOYS Green label bolllo C ,Jl C t Rich, 14-oz 2.1 t·angement 311d location, moderni­ 0 zation oi ltitcl!cns anrl batlll'o~ms .
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