The Ontario Numismatist 4 Official Publication of the Ontario Numismatic Association Founded 1961 Waterloo, Ontario I 1971 - 1973 0

The Ontario Numismatist 4 Official Publication of the Ontario Numismatic Association Founded 1961 Waterloo, Ontario I 1971 - 1973 0

d THE ONTARIO NUMISMATIST 4 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ONTARIO NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION FOUNDED 1961 WATERLOO, ONTARIO I 1971 - 1973 0. N. A. OFFICERS I Pust Presidents Volwne 11 January 1972 Page 1 R. R. REKOPSKI (1962-65) L. T. S- (1965-67) W. ENGLISH (1967-69) A MESSAGE FRaM YOUR 0. No A, PRESIDENT D. FLICK (1969-71) i With the end of one year and the beginning Y resident of another, this time I would like to wish CHAS.B. LAISTER you one and all a Very Happy and Prospe~ovr.~1972 First Vice-President with a ver;T special wish for a successfuL year W. E. PATLAMBEET numismati tally. Second Vice-President We in the Executive of the OoN,A, are loob KEN PROPHET ing forward to a very good and exciting year Secretary with our 10th Annual Show and Convention coming TEDTURANSKI up on April 22nd, and 33rd, hosted by the Tr&asumand Membership Niagara Falls Coin Club at the Sheraton Brock BRUCEH. RASZMANN Hotel, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Mailing Address Last year the 0,N.A. had a very good annu&. Box 33, Waterloo, Ontario convention hosted by the Nickle Belt Coin Club DIRECTORS Area 1 Howard Whitfield in Sudbury, Ontario. This was one of our most Area 2 Mel Fiske successful shows, and many thanks are due to the Area 3 J. Edward Stahley Nickle Belt Club members and their committee for Area 4 Jack Craig Area 5 Wrn. R. Gage a job well done. Area 6 Jack C. Dietrich Area 7 Charles Miller The 0. N.A. has a good hard working executiv Area 8 Paul L. Sullivan Area 9 John McKay-Clernents gratis, who are quite willing to give your club Area 10 Elliott Jephson what assistance they can on your mudl show or Historian your monthly meetings if youwould get in touch WALTERGRIGGS with your sea director and let him know your Publicity troubles and wishes, BOB VOADEN Ontario Paper Co., We haw in the O.R.A, library 29 sets of Thorold, Ont. Audio-Visual numismatic slides with recorded Librarian tapes and type written transcripts that are help BILL ENGLISH fbl, educational and entertaining, which are Box 4, Waterloo, Ont. available to any O.N.A, member club to borrow '4udio-Vis~dService for a fee of $1.00 per set to pay for postage CHAS. B. LAISTER MM No. 3 Highway and insurance. We also have one 16 colour l'illsonburg, Ont. sound, !'The Ultimate Achievementt: by the Franklin Chairman of Display CUSPS Mint for a fee of $2.00. These slides are avail- WALTERHOLST able for any O.N.A; member, through your area 4 Maple Court director, for showing at School, Church meetings Waterloo, Ont. and other clubs for the same fee, Phone: 576-7831 Speaker's Circuit Service I would like to get around to one of your KEN PROPHET meetings of every O.N.A, member club to say CFMTC CFB BORDEN, and chat, but distance and time will not Borden, Ont. permit me to do this. Editor W. E. PAT LAMBERT Nmismati caUy yours, 5 7 Emmett Road St. Catharines, Ont. , Chas, B, Laister President 0. N.A, Page 2 THE BREAD TOKENS OF ONTARIO - continued from the December issue 1 Loaf/Iliff e (Crown) I mnif ace) (unif ace) B-R-2LR-glx (unif ace) ER-24 1 Loaf/Iliffe (Crown) (Incuse) (Unif ace) W-R-23 Charles ~edword/8~5/Somerset/Se, Good for/*/loaf A-R- 2 5 Good for/l/loaf ~-~-28 Union~&ery/*/D. Lee (L.1,) (Blank) B-R-22 (Blank) C-R-22 Union Bakery/l/D, Lee, (LoI. (Blank) BhR-29 (Blank) c4+28 Union B&ery/l/D,Lee (L.1.) Pritchard & Andrews Ottawa (L-I*) BvR-28 L, G. ~arineau/~ttawa,/Canada/Boulanger Bon p~u-r/l/pain C-R-24 Bon pour/$-/pain A-R- 20 Bon pour/+/p&n ELR-20 Bon pour/*/pain C-R- 20 Bon pour/l/pain B-R-24 Bon pour/l/pain W-~-24 L, G. Mmineau/~aker/~ttawa,/Can. /288 Clarence St, Good for/l/loaf/of/bread A-R-24 L. G, Marineau/Baker/0ttawa9/Can./288 Clarence St. Good f or/l/loaf/of/bread B-R-24 Good for/l/loaf/of/bread C-R-24 Morrison-Lamothe/Good for one loaf/Bakery Limited. (Unif ace) ~-~-29 Good/for/one/loaf/morrison - Lamothe Bakery Ltd, (Unif ace) ~-~-29 Charles Pearce/Eaker/Ottawa9/ont. Good for/l/loaf of bread A- Sc8-29 E. ~enaud/32S/~larence/0ttawa/~oulanger Bon pour/.&/pain W-R-20 Bon pour/&/pain LR-20 Bon pour/vpain B-R- 20 Bon pour/l/pain c-R-~&= Bon pour/l/pain ~-&24 Aug . Roy/Good f or/*/loaf (Blank) A- 0122 Aug Roy/Good for/l/loaf (Blank) A-0-27 B. Slinn/*/loaf I 54-9 Bank St. & New Edinbor oT/Confectionery A-&25 Ot Connor St. & New Edinboro l/Confectionerg. B-0-26 Victoria./Bakery A-=S125 549 BanSr St, & New Edinborol/Confectionery ~~~-25 OfConnor St. & New Edinborot/Confectionery LR-2 5 (Information re Ontario Numismatist will be on bottom of Page 5) D , T; . ElcC cl! ,/F~~cc~.'Caj.i:e cC ond/Conf e cti~rlery/BwenSound.; Ont . A-I(-126 <i90.'l.,li ~;','DL-.? SEF~:-L~.7 - /-J-o a2 . -.. ... , 9. B, TclcC?:~:1~F~~ni::~i,'I3a~~erg~p-/&,/Confsctioncry/r5i,denSound, Onl;. Good Po:!~/cn\~mal-Z/l-o~~?of b7eerZ '- . # .. -.. -. ~~-25 pu3 JG?~ pm-7- J , I<yd'e/Le 3.cij.nq/3di:e:: y/'Pd ola~~. Goo5 fo:~/&iloaf of bread 1.-. ' ..,? ! %. 1.--...- ..,, .- pJ"--'l- . :. 1 L_L.!J -.- --...- ' .a . .2~.$$.p;1/13 &er y.r'Pzr$:is il , ;., ..:i...-. .:-,$oofJ-. fnr/ono/los:?;/6?/h~&2,j.' ... Good. f or/ome;':~caT"//of/br;-eBC j'.is . :"'.F235 .-Y"* Y S fiL1Q.J..--I.- . --- ....: .... .... .............. ,'. J ,: ?3yint/B a]ll;e;v,/Pr;i-:cy b 6ri'G.i~;4 ,-h, . y-... ..... --,:scad. fo~/+Ti.~czf of,.. .:. ..b:re ...: ..... ad .. .A .. , .! ; a.:.- ... ;A; !:;,v::-E, (jZT3 ...) ----...--,. =--=.A- A-R- 2 5 A-R-30 P~TERGCI.:~..- --,--=A '8, Ecsh 3- Sons/l"i.r:~i~-r~~Mz-iie/B~ e ad/B aker y G,30& ~3~p/~..,;'~~1:i;2~.~''~Q 22 . , T. ,, L,usii?JDa~ce~/F3i;,~t:bci~0,~0~1t. Good fc:r/'l,i'io a:!?/!~f 57.15 ad., A-S ~4-29 P3TR- OLI: - - A J, F~~EI~~(II?.cIIso) . -. Good f o?/l_/l caf ( Znsuse) ~-~-28 P3T2. CL 32; .. r7f ------ . , F'Lc3tehey ~f.,/Tr.%-.:c~:ea,,Cnt. Good fs?,~c:~:~e/?-o~/5read A-SC~-28 ----PIC T OPT , . E, Iierri,,~lgi:z~~.d C~,/Ccnf~ci;ipn.e:ry/md/5roceries/_Pit. Good f'c.:r.~i/?~o~c:: bred . G.oc+j fc.~,/~!;/';o?.f 3re26 Do 14. ~,~J~LcIc:oII.~Ts~'I~s/C:~S~FO~~.Arcthin ~~~d T-..,.~u.~,/ljloaf. of bread :-;. ,.. -T,3 (conti-nued nexk month List& below xe tho p'oposei3 cc2.n cl1;:2 ;x-m?~dshow da-tes &?c? bmcluets, CSeck, please, to , -.f my fii? iihe~efi::.-?,es ," ecr;nfi9ct, with yolnr ~1'1?k pro2-eseC da-tfi-. 9 March 13. .., Aor-l;h ::3.?:k Ci;i:-, Clilb 3307;; ;:a;: ?lourso i:~,j\:=rth, Yosk Comaunity -. - j-jgll, 92,39 Z{or!ge S-trze';? W%:i.J_c;:~~&.e?Gfit~zio from 12,00 noon to 7,0 .$I: 7,1:~.. T~f.~r;aa-?i~.n sL2-y &e obt a.5.ned frm P, O. Bor, 294, \lJilLo~$Jc:.~~..e7cZlt2~:.L?" *5 W2,+,erl03 CC)!.~ C?,i.;.i~ .~rin,~.8,1~S;.l~i~i at th~E~i:ida~ IET~ NO 8 FI~~WZY e~ 26 - ; I>e-tzi?.sye bowti-2. G+:@+ to 'd~.+-;erloc?C~in SccieDy, . :>; ++-*--, 2 PC0, Dox .' .-,.u G;ii:4rL*c?o~ kd;??:-~,, -. Apri.1 8 - !;Ji;odstc?ck Ccia Clu-17 /4i::2il22. -2:i.x~~a12 i3aq2;et i.:a CT,d St, Pa?. jsjc ptztc.i:7!.;, next; " I::>Y~ t:!-l, Apro 22- ... O.N.A, 13til Ai:;~lclaJ_ i20_r_.;rar-:;?!:>l.-i.In the Sherz,to:?.-...C,-CCFIotcl --. - 7 23 h.ssted l~yt12.:; !;lag;::i>a ?Tdi-:!-s CsLn C:I_'iiSI !i-::~i~i.rJ-e.c;re 'boirrsz, etc, t.o Chairrnc^x:~.,T~1.23. &'iskc. 7795 I;ea~je~dnnsRod r\7ia;cLTZ Fdls, F.award fill, 1. Ba.yes S'l;?:eotl St. Cat,ha~i-n_esand Ior,-.2 at.comoda.= tions t,o Mr i, iccnrge S~::ith, 5138 bdl.llmottl. S-treet;, Tilagar;;., Falls, Aug , 2-5 -- Tl1.e ,i oin%CC,P!',.A., -. rJ, P,;"\I, S, ~,3-13- be i~eld;j:t the Ihliday Inn, T~ront~(:izic Scl;uz:?e, Detdls re So-use, ctc, in rext; issue, $cicb***+** ::::::>+$:**#c :Kq: + + 4;-r *r*.-I. -I-a:I **:***:?c:!<+ .L 5- -...;-$:***** . ----. FOINTS OF --I WTFB.RST---- . .--By Mel- Fi s&e Area 2 . -A duk-at, a coin gener~-ll-~~cf gold .md of vaying value, form . iy -in us? in many Europeza coi~2t~ies,was first st~i.urkIjy irioger 11 of Sicily as We of Apula, 3nd bore m inscription "Sit tibi Christe, Datus, quem tu regis, 9ste tiu.cal_;ust~,(Lorti, Thou ~~~ilest.this duchy9 -Lo T~E)1-72 it dedicated), Zence i.t is said, 'i;h~ nzae Decaf,, Between 1289 A,D, md 1284 a,D, Ve~.icealso s-krric'r, a gold co5n lmo~mfirst as the Uxcat,, after- ~ra~d's.

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