nrnw twrnm THE NATAL DEPARTMENT L SINK Movement of the Cape Verde THE CRISTOBAL Plcet- DSWK tbe Chief Incident THE VESSELS WERb IN COLLISION > HWtWAfe HOUSE REFilSEDMilAillftI nn ncet Mar lie Token Xorlh 116 Re 1rciinrril lu Meet tha Enemy Ml vpi chief opiouio c j k bob itita M wBViaH Washington April 30 Special to The Post The naval board of strategy re- ¬ ceived additional advices this doming Washington April yi- concerning the departure from St 30Tod Vincent of the house svaa devoted chiefly Uki of the Spanish fleet Tho ta torpedo boats Ideratlon of the conference Rayo and Arlcto reportWt Aor collided off Cape naval epproprlatlon bill Verde Islands As n result presentedywt the Kayo day by Mr Boutelle The report and the Arloto are being towed to W1 the Jeoted after thrco hours of debatija Canaries by tho transports San Francisco furthor oonferonco will follOK Tlienoi and Otudad do Cadiz The rc3t of of the ground on which tho fight againstthe 1 tuoet which includes tho Vlzcaya Al- port made was found In the senate am mdrante Oquondo Infanta Maria Toresa mont to compensate navel officer for and Cristobal Colon followed by throe torpedo ernmeut use of their Inventions and boat destrovcrs sailed In a wester ¬ thorlilng them to ha > e their ly direction Tho abovo Is claims the sum total audi compensation adjudicated of lnfoixtaUon In the possession in of tho court of claims Mr Boutctlo navy department but tho led the up strategists aro- port of tho amendment skoptical They aro figuring and Mr Csnne on tho pos ¬ and Mr Sayors tho oppoaltlon A sibility that they aro resolu ¬ headed for this Bldo- tion Introduced by Mr of tho Atlantic for Cannon Insisting o tho purpose of citchlng eliminating tho the Oregon and amendment was adopted tho gunboat Marietta 118 to 42 and tho which Trill pass naval bill was again pr through tho channel be ¬ tented tween for conference tho Island of Trinidad and South America and plans aro being perfectod VVashlugton April 30 Mr Boutell that will amply meet any emergency Rep Mo called up tho conference may that r arise port on tho appropriation bill In the hout In today the meantime it Is the purpose of tho strategy Tho speaker board prodding nothing is announcod that the houi Immediately adjourned dlspostl- heard from tho SpanlaiUs to jesterday pending the dotach tlon of point a cumber of tho ships under Rear n of order mado by Mr CanI Admiral uon Rep Sampson and permit them to tako Hi that the conferocs haj a cruise aided position In northern watorc for tho health their by introducing lnti of their roport the crews Tho blockading squadion By a Naval Officer Abonrd the Ram Katahdln matter which was not In dlti will bo reinforced by several Tho Spanish ferenee between tho two houses Thf auxiliary fleet Is superior at tills the white squadron without spenkur cruisers that have boon trouble just costs J4000000 it is worth while by ° recognised Mr Canuon armed as tlmo to tho fljlng rquadron ¬ nn iU 8lt ° of < it is under Commo- the Mrrrlmac tame near sinking thu- mathematical V3m thc thB oruI r O t t the Plana nd nddl- Mr thought tLoy computation nnj day in T ° an Cannon eald his point will prove effective enough dore Schleys command wtolo Union fleet tho rM hHr r k le away Uon of about f7ct was based to and tho additions week to dcfctroy a J4000000 cruiser with leal i It JU tight Xk til upoii the provision maintain tho This war ship works as Indi- ¬ tlnlu jt thrro aro other ta Jnsortcd by coal blockade Most of tho which will be made to it during tfco Its name a Jl000000 lara additional tpace would weatlr ahl the res tho vessels week cates by ramming It Is literal foroea providing composing Sampsons fleet havo will mako It a hteel for additional officers a force which combined with arrow whhh Jags Its way Into tho of- Tlin ATTACK been In southern waters for two hide noncommissioned officers and 1500 men lj months tho torpedo flotilla at Capo Verde will rep- ¬ a crtileci No Indian arrow with pointed The Knlahdln works as the and It Is thought the Iirltons of old the inarluo corps cool northern breezed resent practically the total end and poisoned tip could over do tho fought faco to fnco 111 available fleet damage and it ahoit range and I can not see why Mr Boutcllo 4 braco tho sailors for hard work of Spain to n ship that this ram Katahdln this should not bo- oilgliml tuiul whloh was said ho was anxious to s later ichance docs to It 8lghta a cruiser approaches It until to Sho xtrlkcs tho orlglunlly pro euro tho earliest possible tho marine cruiser irulser at tha watt lOuil Thu height of tho counlng tow or action ou ttJ Stuff and vltbtn line at n point k- naval bill In noneuso- It Is so dcadlj In Us work that It is striking distance and then strikes whero It la positively vv viao also order to euulp and support to Increased tha utmost the forcia Waehtngton April We have In our navv one boat which almost barbarous Not oven the ancient Sho Is tlothcd with armor sufficiently usnussT- Tho vessel S50 tho country had seal UOAbout the only American dvnamitu measuna now foot to war to thei end tho Item of news nlono could fight tho whole much ever conceived anvthing qulto so strong to deflect anv projcctllo la nbaolutelv no InelioH In length nnd has an that earliest succes that came to tho navj de ¬ vaunted deadly Tho which would hiro nrolcctlle butlt extreme to our aims might bu accomplished AoJ- British navv nt ono tlmo 10 biiadth of bnm of II fi IncJics partment this morning any overvalued selfcoindcnt Spanish navy fU3ril to accept such hostllo bo llktb to strko her masslvo steel sides which can piertu tho unucr nart of an Iron- fen Whoa eordlngly hu was not Inclined to Insist fom official a Instrument toied and commissioned for service hoi otf ggsouroo told of Tbls vessel boat war ¬ of Wattle and tg sho approaches clad With nil tho technicalities that might delay thi tho depaituro of tho Span shin ram or what- would not allow ono to bo Sho has high speed our lilk about dvuamlte- mean draft will bo 15 root Her engines passago Capa ever may built rinally howevci It did nid shells wo havo tot vot gun of tha bill but was willing Verdo fleet which consisted jou call it Is the dcrlleot weapon and turned and hucIi maneuvering powers tint as- built n which aro of the verticil trlnloexpanslon td Mftorpedo of ever out tho British lronclnd Cnmpordown bufdclently iMivcrful io nlnrco tho steel mo aukit ituy rensouablo arrangement thai boats and transports invented It Is alcolutely lmprcgnn- sho dashes at un tntmv she can turn nsldo- cpcctod to kHo att Indicated givo tho houso n for the which wio much of tho sumo Bhupe al ¬ sldia of a warship about tho wwtor loisepower of 1800 fair opportunity id laCt blo to fire and even to avoid a and to develop n tspuXl- cotuider tho 1 i Merles that two of tor dvnumlto gluncui olf though It Incited manv of tho works of shell rho kuiiupi aboard the In thlo tonnoetion the leiiniiks of of amendment In question edo It as It would off a pin who Is aiming tho Kovontcen knots por lour After somo t boats were la tow ladjs hat When the Katahdln The Camocrdown crulsu at tho Kutnhdlti Chinese admiral nnglt ¬ discussion Mr Boutelle madd >m of tho big trans stripped for came In about the con Iho Katahdltis coal suptilv la 175 toiu a request irta naval notion It lies nlmcsi on the contact with the steel sides of 1lst conMlintll ilmnco his aim Tho llt duct of his Vfflnel in Hut JaiMiHseCnlnioOv- for uiiiulnioim consent that the officers rgarded 1 tho crcat Her eimlnes are In as a sign water lino and Its entlio too rigging can bittlcshlp llo ra ra appbaehlng B0 at- iiennrntn compartmonti reiort bo tejected with tho hat in tho Victoria with the result that tho modly that vui aio IntorcRiliiL- and each la wholly Indtpepdiint right to movd collision vblch theso vessels bo removel Posltivrlv the only point vis ¬ Vlctola was llro ho CT ncr mu t clung tho anglo of tho to reconsider pending which motion Instantlv sunk Tho Camp lllc lhe Iscn lulng was struck 200 times other ho that It ono Is the ro reported as having had ible Is one solltsrj timet which must be crdovvn received a blow of tho gun At tho imo tlmo ho enalno cut olf or house should proceed to tho ccgiMiMtton yestorday tlu which sent her Into must above the water lino In no fewer than 20- out of ordoi ntiothci evalled squarely HUo tho- ill 1 turn to nwthlno can bo of tho report for nn uachlhery of llt a bulls tvo or else docks for it from ildo Udo to catch 0ptojectlhs ¬ hour and hnlf tho botts Is damaged bejoud months and so tho tent was tho but her minor wao not dam- Into gsp Ibo piopollcrb which aro tbrec Mr a Ptoplo insldo would not know they had not consuleicd Katahdln feue meanwhile h driving aged bejond lloutilles request was agreed to and he possibility of repair at St Vincent successful a dent thloo leches deep Ono bludcd aro of inangiti Be bronze hen Mr Suvens leen struck Anvvhore tlso the bhcll and straight at thu enilbcr When > iDem Texas s by no it The Katahdln llko tho Canwordown bhe Ins uj shell hoivevei trurk hci below tho wutcr The which motocts shlpH- had read means a eafo undertaking to tow shot would toll oft n hlantlmr roof can proidicd to within twentv feet shu mnior tho iho fccnato nineudment directing tho sec4 f deliver a blow that will blnlc any hurls lino und sho was disabled rnrved deck has sufficient quall- torpedo boat the long A NAVAL WONDHR cruiser her weight of 2000000 pounds Iho nslitlng rctnry of llto navy to use when necessary distance between but suprloi to the CamDPrdown It at in- Ihit shown that the Clilneso
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