irr'"T ^ IE wailft r^\^lli!|| — .••Ml ^ ty •iMiiii r.wUfil Hsirif i'!':" 1 ' shr. • • .v. 'F'.i: Wfeil ;}. ; pfmrm Wi^m M,I ; ****.» •Wi a ', !!'"•<, i 'iiili : |i •liSiPlI HlWWrlS' ••iiw •la if yV :r,i,v!'V ii-J. •-I'c.i-'.ri • Ilfsiilillii mmmi(ffilW«SP|ii P 'Wi'! •si liil fl I K'S xMraw MnMH illiSilP •• fj RibWiBtl The Rice Institute mmm Student Weekly Publication IHIfit-if • !'• |j 4--.- Volume XXIV 55-738. HOUSTON, TEXAS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1938 Number 1 -c~r: Mill Summer Is Cooled Girls Break Loose * * * * * # ****** P; At Baptist Retreat K WITH REGULAR - By Obliging Atom SB III ****** Cracking Machine At Casa Del Mar SATURDAY NIGHT AFFAIR John C. Martin, Senior 1 ! 1 11 1 The Riep Baptist Student Union j, Ij'.viii.'? ^j.'-V! ' ' i ' . •;' ••••• •" V ". ,v . Air conditioned down to 75 degrees Mechanical Engineer, - Five Others On Honorable Mention List For for scientific purposes, the Institute elided its fall retreat yesterday at Fahy Godfrey's Orchestra to Play From 9 to mm atom bombarding machine has turned Receives Award noon, after spending two days at M- , j Graham Baker Studentship; Two Hundred out to be a very convenient experi- Casa del Mar. Pastors of four church- 12 at Arabia Temple; Committee Sets Nine Undergraduates on Honor Roll ment, for Dr. R. A. Wilson, professor As evidence of their continued in- es brought the principle messages in Dates Through January 7 of physics, admits that that tempera- terest iii engineering education at the morning and evening sessions. Harold Marsh, Jr., junior student from Tyler, last June was ture was nice to work in during the Opening- the season wu'ly with a matriculation dance next Sat- Rice Institute, the engineering alum- The girls staged a minor revolu- summer months. awarded the highest scholastic honor that a Rice undergraduate ni are awarding an annual stipend of tion Tuesday evening, in revenge on urday night, the dance conimitee has energeticrtlly jjone about Because dry air is needed in the may win, the Graham Baker Studentship, given annually to "that 300 to that engineering! student,: of the boys who have placed crabs and planning both Saturday night and organization dances for the en- s experiments which will bo conducted member of the student body earning the highest record in scholar- other unlikely, objects In their rooms tire year.' when the huge machine, housed in a good character and personality, en- at previous? retreats. The girls, how- ship for the year." green frame building behind the tering his senior year, >vho shows by The first dance, like most of the following Saturday night af- ever, hail some difficulty, for they The first award of the scholarship, which was established by Physics Amphitheater, is' completed; his scholastic record and his interest fairs, will be held from }>' to, 12 at the Arabia Tcmiile, with Fahy iwi Were caught red-handed. Captain and the late Mrs. James A. Baker, of Houston, in memory a thormostatically-controlled unit and participation in student affairs Godfrey conducting the orchestra, Hosts will introduce new -tu-. Two of the most daring .if them ! of their eldest son, Frank Graham Baker, was made for the aca- was installed this summer to keep that he gives promise of being a dents to the regular patrons. j the temperature constant within one- eased out of the back door during the credit to the engineering profession. p Dates have Ven set for all ,Un-- demic year 1918-1919. fourth of a degree. candlelight service, bearing ,ii sack ADTIIITD D fOHM _ • Consideration: Si to be giyeti to the containing garlic, sugar, 'crackers, ees up to .iamiary,, Albert Ski ling, j /*,!» llUJIV 0« LUIlil • i» 'jf Five other students, Willoughby The vacuum tube of the machine Vl"i .president of. thc' Siui.lent: y,'N,'iit|uc,i,.!,','.!,iii-.,j Williams and Leah Miny Woodward, has now been completed, and Dr. Wil- financial circumstances of .the stu- arid bran, They cautiously stoic over ; ! wlR niiunee<l, and by October I the rest! juniors, and Inez Mary Baunigartnor, son is now working, ,on the only ' re- dent and the award is to be contingent to the cabin occupied by the boys and WILLS $100,000 - s. the preachers (remember the preach- (d' the dance- til rough Mii\ a ill be' siiiw John Smith, and Albert Wilson, maining requirement, the ion source, on his continuing his work at the i BONNER ABSENT er.) They removed their shoes and en- scheduled. i :« • ( sophomores, received 'honorable, men- lie will use the same method that Rice Institute. tered the cabin. They turned the top ESTATE TO RICE i'l " tion for the Graham Baker Student- similar machines employ all over the liesides the danre 111 j.- Saturday, The first award of the Engineering' 1 country, passing a stream of elee- sheets on the beds down and sprink- two more remilar afaiis: are ' f.O'i- ship. Alumni Scholarship has been made to Tuin to. Page 4, umber <i Turn to Page 2, Number S Sept.elidier 2-1 "and (letober ! .('he Business Manager Had Other Scholarships John. Calhoun Martin, of Cameron, o next date, t H tober S', I II,- day o'i tbe II Dr. W. E. Bennett Joins ^0- p| Texas, a senior student in mechanical Served Institute The six Ilohenthal Scholarships Louisiana ,Stai.e t'.'i.tiversjjty engineering. Staff; Will Teach were awarded to William Alvarez, ganti, no .dance w ill bi ,he|<!>!:',;,. Most of Life Corporation Formed Physics 310 .John Martin, Henry M. Morris, Jr., FACULTY HAS STAFF CHANGES Special lc\a> Dance Willoughby Williams, Thomas Glass, For the purpose of raising,' from, ,\ !'t\'i- aiVi!:ij-etOh'< ,of si ry•• l.e year to year, and ultimately endow- !•'« 111. ing anotln-i reguhn iau'ci A partially reorganized Physics Jr., and Kenneth Klindw-orth; the !nl,u'->l- ol William Mar-.. Rie, . VARIED TASTE ing, this ^scholarship, the alumni have FOR THIS YEAR t)ctot)i-i 1.5, a special 'affair h Department will await science stu- John McKnitt Alexander Chapter of the Rice--lr.ist-it-.ito. Ai'hiir IVr -iciiii formed an incorporated organiza- pla 111K-<l al the Rice 'rcrraci' f<.r l)c- WW.: i. -8 dents returning to Rice this year— the Daughters of the American Rev- IN VACATIONS tion, of which (,'arl jVI. Knapp is presi- ARE ANNOUNCED toi.ier 22. afb-r the Texa- ganir. ('o)oi-, wlln liw.-l it ISaltilii M-i.. two instructors will be absent, one olution : Scholarship to Marguerite dent, Frank Dawson vice-preside^, Oc|»l it) the first Ml' .the oiganir- land. July LIT, :• e.ial'n.ia e a.'-; I: resigned from the Institute and one Bailey; the Ellen Axson Wilson F: F. Reynolds secretary-treasurer, •/.ation danccs, The Kne.inoor. annua! 1 on leave, .and a new member of the Scholarship to Margaret Ellen Wil- Fiom seaside vacations to compos- The Office of the President Tires' ^ri|k™|iii| tPBj bo • I n) Francis Berleth assistant, secretary- ball K'ivei! by toe Kiteinoei in;; So'-'; faculty will enter upon his duties. liams; the Elizabeth Baldwin Liter- ing textbooks, Rice faculty members day announced changes in the faculty | lilm |)|! jj|ilnfiraHH |||. , mM '• f. treasurer; with whom arc associated of 'the Institute for the t weiity-sev- ! ''i'-'ty. w'iTl be .held. Two more uvular Dr. T. W. Bonner, promoted this ary Society Scholarship to J. R. have spent Hhe summer months in as directors: R. E. Tuirentiiie, Doug- enth academic session. .Saturday night danc* • |sfev,iciiibe.r year from instructor, to assistant Green; the Pallas Athene Literary a variety of : ways. las Ragland, F. ,J. Staucliff, L. C. Oiii'd |||l. NvilI pi:ei,;cile "tii<.:' »:0- professor, will B§ absent on leaVe Society Scholarship to A tints Irene Fred Vernon Shelton, instructor in Pro'inotions in the faculty; Dr 11, Waterman, J. S. Waters, J, K. Yiu'i- ; sofeii .jointly, 'by,, '..til'f;,,,Vi'isfor at Cambridge, where-, as a holder of Sinclair; the Daniel Ripley Scholar- French, completed a French gram- K. Pray, pnd'essor of nial,h(.'niatics; Cey,, G. E. Nevill, and •('!. F. Ufner. 1'r. T, W. Uonmjr, assistant profes-, LrU-rary Socit'ly an,! ; tin'- IJand on | ^ a Guggenheim Fellowship he will con- ships to Alan A Buster and Eugene mar, to be used at Rice in French 200 1,1' , I M LJfiii j !J |1':.: i' - Coll!! sor .of -physics; Dr. II. (). Nicholas, Novelldn;: ' :• -L B| U; 0,1 (I. I III 1 !'o.l I r..., , oh IJ,. ,W,. |I,. tinue his .researches, in nuclear phys- Harding, .Jr.; the Junior Engineer- courses, Dr. George H. llichter, as- After the , engineering "alumni re- , his Willi:; -1 luiye'i,ievv!l,:(i;'a s. assistant piofess® of cWmiitiy; 1 )i Du). aA&gil|ka' 'K ies. ing Scholarship to Robert Pureell; sistant professor of.! organic chemis- Turn to Page 4, Number 1 -ill. Of the approximately fifty Gug- try, had published a book he com- (Jeorge, Richie)', assistant professor Ni'Vi iiibel I'O. the fol|o\eiag wi-ek- the Edith Ripley 'Scholarships to Inez : Itieip-.v-Iioi'titu; tlie ..piist.' ,!'> genheim Fellowship awards for this pleted last summer. His'book', a text- of organic chemistry, end, the Saturiiiiy night dance- will 1 Mary Baunigartner, Reba Alice Beel- .ij-ihtesH-' ''Ijtr'ti-'ri' 'ii'fct.iy eijy:.: as sor is. t year by Cambridge, two of the throe resume, and another will be held ||er 1 er, and Dorothy Elizabeth Lehmaim; book of organic chemistry, will be SCIENCE WORK Absent oil leave: Dr.
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