ތވލ : އޤތޞދ މސއކތގ ގތނ 151515 އހރނމތގ ދވހނގ އބދ، އދ ޖނސއ އމރފރ، ހޔސ 2009/2010 Table 5.1 : LOCAL POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY, CROSS CLASSIFIED BY AGE AND LOCALITY, HIES 2009/2010 (with unemployed as per ILO definition of seeking and available of work) cnegiSefcnurwhwacnegiSefcnurwhwa 1515 Activity Status ctogWviretctWkwrwHctogWviretctWkwrwH IdWbWaIdWbWa egItwmegItwm WviretctWkwrwH cnutogIdWBitcqia cnutogIdWBitcqia cnutogcnutog eguscnijeguscnij iaWrumuaiaWrumua ibitiawfiten WfIzwv WrufurumuAWrufurumuA ރކނނޔބރކނނޔބ Age group Economically Active WvuniretctWkwrwH urwvcnimurwvcnim WviretctWkwrwhWviretctWkwrwh ctwbcsinctwbcsin egcnuhImegcnuhIm Total 15 years of WvuniretctWkwrwH Not Economically Age specific Unemployment age and over wlcmujwlcmuj iawfibilctwkcawswmiawfibilctwkcawswm iawfitenctwkcawswmiawfitenctwkcawswm Not Stated Total Employed Unemployed Active activity rate Rate Republic 213,872 111,426 98,393 13,033 100,617 1,829 52.1 11.7 15-19 38,443 8,528 5,530 2,998 29,580 335 22.2 35.2 20-24 34,248 21,905 17,172 4,733 12,122 221 64.0 21.6 25-29 27,600 16,836 15,239 1,597 10,350 413 61.0 9.5 30-34 21,387 13,273 12,348 926 7,924 189 62.1 7.0 35-39 19,725 13,243 12,248 995 6,421 61 67.1 7.5 40-44 18,950 12,858 12,090 768 6,037 54 67.9 6.0 45-49 14,537 9,433 9,072 362 4,967 136 64.9 3.8 50-54 11,915 7,877 7,560 317 3,939 99 66.1 4.0 55-59 6,483 3,312 3,141 171 3,151 20 51.1 5.2 60-64 4,678 2,036 1,986 50 2,610 33 43.5 2.5 65+ 15,520 2,030 1,913 117 13,305 186 13.1 5.8 WvunufWs urumuA 387 95 95 0 211 81 0.0 0.0 Age not stated Male' 82,289 43,782 39,775 4,006 37,849 658 53.2 9.2 15-19 15,920 3,825 2,655 1,170 11,973 122 24.0 30.6 20-24 15,831 10,251 8,751 1,500 5,447 133 64.8 14.6 25-29 11,459 7,412 6,940 472 3,940 108 64.7 6.4 30-34 8,262 5,419 5,214 204 2,807 36 65.6 3.8 35-39 7,031 4,442 4,099 343 2,556 33 63.2 7.7 40-44 7,464 4,977 4,904 73 2,487 0 66.7 1.5 45-49 4,576 2,953 2,953 0 1,594 29 64.5 0.0 50-54 4,323 2,536 2,404 132 1,707 80 58.7 5.2 55-59 2,432 1,060 977 83 1,371 0 43.6 7.8 60-64 1,433 551 522 29 882 0 38.4 5.3 65+ 3,295 283 283 0 2,975 36 8.6 0.0 WvunufWs urumuA 263 71 71 0 111 81 27 0 Age not stated Atolls 131,584 67,645 58,618 9,027 62,767 1,172 51.4 13.3 15-19 22,523 4,702 2,875 1,828 17,607 213 20.9 38.9 20-24 18,417 11,654 8,421 3,233 6,675 89 63.3 27.7 25-29 16,140 9,424 8,299 1,125 6,411 306 58.4 11.9 30-34 13,125 7,855 7,133 722 5,117 153 59.8 9.2 35-39 12,694 8,801 8,148 652 3,865 28 69.3 7.4 40-44 11,486 7,881 7,186 695 3,551 54 68.6 8.8 45-49 9,961 6,480 6,119 362 3,373 107 65.1 5.6 50-54 7,592 5,341 5,156 185 2,232 19 70.3 3.5 55-59 4,051 2,252 2,164 88 1,779 20 55.6 3.9 60-64 3,245 1,485 1,464 21 1,728 33 45.8 1.4 65+ 12,226 1,747 1,630 117 10,329 150 14.3 6.7 WvunufWs urumuA 124 24 24 0 100 0 19.3 0.0 Age not stated Note: Includs only the local population ނހވދ ނކއމހ ނނމހ :ޓނ މޢލމތ ދއވ ފރތ: ގބސގ އމދނ އއ ޚރދކރނ ހރ ގތގ ސރވ، (ހޔސ Source : Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES 2009/2010) (2010/2009 Department of National Planning ގނނލޕ ލނޝނ ފއ ޓނމޓޕޑ Figure 5.1: Unemployment Rates (ILO and broad definition) by location, 2010 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Republic Male' Atolls 2010 ILO definition 12% 9% 13% 2010 Broad definition 28% 24% 31% ތވލ : އޤތޞދ މސއކތގ ގތނ 151515 އހރނމތގ އބދ، އމރފރގގތނ ހޔސ 2009/2010 Table 5.2 : POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY, CROSS CLASSIFIED BY REGION, HIES 2009/2010 (with unemployed including discouraged workers) Activity Status ctogWviretctWkwrwHctogWviretctWkwrwH WrufurumuAWrufurumuA cnegiSefcnurwhwacnegiSefcnurwhwa 1515 WviretctWkwrwH cnutogIdWBitcqia cnutogIdWBitcqia ރކނނޔބރކނނޔބ cnutogcnutog eguscnijeguscnij iaWrumuaiaWrumua ibitiawfiten WfIzwv Age group IdWbWaIdWbWa egItwmegItwm Economically Active WvuniretctWkwrwH urwvcnimurwvcnim WviretctWkwrwhWviretctWkwrwh ctwbcsinctwbcsin egcnuhImegcnuhIm Not Stated Total 15 years of wlcmujwlcmuj iawfibilctwkcawswmiawfibilctwkcawswm iawfitenctwkcawswmiawfitenctwkcawswm Not Economically Age specific Unemployment age and over Total Employed Unemployed Active activity rate Rate Republic 213,872 136,886 98,393 38,493 75,157 1,829 64.0 28.1 15-19 38,443 13,588 5,530 8,057 24,520 335 35.3 59.3 20-24 34,248 26,198 17,172 9,026 7,829 221 76.5 34.5 25-29 27,600 21,053 15,239 5,814 6,133 413 76.3 27.6 30-34 21,387 15,973 12,348 3,625 5,225 189 74.7 22.7 35-39 19,725 15,084 12,248 2,836 4,579 61 76.5 18.8 40-44 18,950 15,178 12,090 3,088 3,718 54 80.1 20.3 45-49 14,537 11,425 9,072 2,353 2,976 136 78.6 20.6 50-54 11,915 9,037 7,560 1,477 2,778 99 75.8 16.3 55-59 6,483 4,311 3,141 1,169 2,152 20 66.5 27.1 60-64 4,678 2,311 1,986 325 2,334 33 49.4 14.1 65+ 15,520 2,523 1,913 610 12,812 186 16.3 24.2 WvunufWs urumuA 387 206 95 111 100 81 0.0 0.0 Age not stated Male' 82,289 52,153 39,775 12,378 29,478 658 63.4 23.7 15-19 15,920 5,404 2,655 2,749 10,394 122 33.9 50.9 20-24 15,831 11,868 8,751 3,117 3,830 133 75.0 26.3 25-29 11,459 8,784 6,940 1,844 2,567 108 76.7 21.0 30-34 8,262 6,160 5,214 946 2,065 36 74.6 15.4 35-39 7,031 5,112 4,099 1,013 1,886 33 72.7 19.8 40-44 7,464 5,764 4,904 860 1,700 0 77.2 14.9 45-49 4,576 3,503 2,953 550 1,044 29 76.6 15.7 50-54 4,323 3,043 2,404 639 1,200 80 70.4 21.0 55-59 2,432 1,327 977 350 1,105 0 54.6 26.3 60-64 1,433 649 522 127 784 0 45.3 19.6 65+ 3,295 355 283 72 2,903 36 10.8 20.3 WvunufWs urumuA 263 182 71 111 0 81 69.1 60.8 Age not stated Atolls 131,584 84,733 58,618 26,115 45,679 1,172 64.4 30.8 15-19 22,523 8,183 2,875 5,308 14,127 213 36.3 64.9 20-24 18,417 14,329 8,421 5,909 3,999 89 77.8 41.2 25-29 16,140 12,269 8,299 3,970 3,566 306 76.0 32.4 30-34 13,125 9,813 7,133 2,680 3,159 153 74.8 27.3 35-39 12,694 9,972 8,148 1,824 2,693 28 78.6 18.3 40-44 11,486 9,414 7,186 2,228 2,018 54 82.0 23.7 45-49 9,961 7,921 6,119 1,803 1,932 107 79.5 22.8 50-54 7,592 5,994 5,156 838 1,579 19 79.0 14.0 55-59 4,051 2,984 2,164 820 1,047 20 73.7 27.5 60-64 3,245 1,662 1,464 198 1,550 33 51.2 11.9 65+ 12,226 2,167 1,630 538 9,909 150 17.7 24.8 WvunufWs urumuA 124 0 24 0 100 0 0.0 0.0 Age not stated Note: Includes only the local population but excludes those locals working in resorts and industrial islands .ވއނނމހނ އނނހވދ ރކތކއސމ އގށރށރ އނސ އކތޓސރ ސވމނ .ވނނހވދ ނކއމހ ނނމހ :ޓނ މޢލމތ ދއވ ފރތ: ގބސގ އމދނ އއ ޚރދކރނ ހރ ގތގ ސރވ، (ހޔސ Source : Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES 2009/2010) (2010/2009 Department of National Planning ގނނލޕ ލނޝނ ފއ ޓނމޓޕޑ Figure: 5.2: working age and not economically active (NEA) population by locality, 2009/2010 250,000 Republic Male' Atolls 200,000 15+ population 213,872 82,289 131,584 NEA's 75,157 29,478 45,679 150,000 100,000 Population 50,000 0 Republic Male' Atolls 15+ population 213,872 82,289 131,584 NEA's 75,157 29,478 45,679 ތވލ 5.75.7: : މސއކތ ހނގތނތނއ މސއކތކރ މވއޒފނގ އދދ، 2007 Table 5.7 : NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS AND EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY AND EMPLOYMENT SIZE, 2007 Establishment Employment ނތނތނތނތ ރކތކއސމރކތކއސމ ނހމނހމ ރކތކއސމރކތކއސމ Industry Establishment size Employment size ރއދރއދ ރކތކއސމރކތކއސމ ޒއސޒއސ ގނތނތގނތނތ ރކތކއސމރކތކއސމ ދދއދދއ ގނހމގނހމ ރކތކއސމރކތކއސމ Total 0-5 6-30 31-99 100+ Total 0-5 6-30 31-99 100+ Republic 41,550 11,169 17,490 12,325 566 191,515 7,455 35,563 42,391 106,107 ޖއރޅމޖއރޅމ Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry 4,506 324 1,496 2,686 0 9,940 387 1,691 2,636 5,226 cnwkirevuDnwd Fishing 2,355 229 862 1,118 145 13,648 170 1,194 2,778 9,507 cnwkirevcswm Mining and Quarrying 117 19 21 77 0 271 41 69 35 126 cnugen ileviaWlwg Manufacturing 15,881 2,666 7,241 5,973 0 35,018 2,000 10,281 12,180 10,557 cnudcaefuaitekwt Electricity, Gas and Water suppy 128 54 74 0 0 1,638 31 130 229 1,248 cnef idwa csEgiaWTcnwrwk Construction 1,638 391 596 651 0 18,500 176 1,604 3,714 13,006 cnurukctWrWmiA Wholesale and retail trade 9,334 2,835 5,361 1,033 105 37,151 1,200 12,970 13,448 9,533 cnukcaivWdum cnikwv idwa cSokuDnwg Hotels and Restaurants 707 462 245 0 0 31,108 134 1,831 2,450 26,693 cTcnerOTcser idwa WToh Transport, Storage and Communication 1,988 733 685 254 316 20,805 529 1,492 2,007 16,778 cSokWkcawrWdum ,iaWrutwfurutwd Financial intermediation 24 24 0 0 0 1,122 0 141 89 892 irWfwyiv cscnerwauxcnia iaWaWsiawf Real estate, Renting and Business activities 2,511 2,431 80 0 0 5,964 2,226 1,246 691 1,802 cnukcaivWdum cnikwv idwa cSokuDnwg Other Business activities 7 0 7 0 0 357 0 0 0 357 ރފޔވ ނހނހއ Education 1,131 436 450 245 0 4,387 328 1,231 886 1,942 umIluAwt Health and Social work 163 131 32 0 0 1,877 50 395 345 1,087 ޢމތޖއ ދއ ޚއސ Other Community, Social and Personal service activities 1,057 430 339 288 0 9,686 177 1,288 868 7,353 ctwmcdiK ItWz idwa IaWmitcjia Private households with employed persons 4 4 0 0 0 42 6 0 36 0 ނހމރކ ތކއސމ އގގގ ލއމއ Male' 8,035 6,022 2,014 0 0 70,580 3,523 12,495 15,303 39,259 ލމލމލމލމ Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry 6 6 0 0 0 21 3 18 0 0 cnwkirevuDnwd Fishing 17 17 0 0 0 330 4 26 156 144 cnwkirevcswm Mining and Quarrying 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cnugen ileviaWlwg Manufacturing 1,224 1,224 0 0 0 7,662 715 2,079 2,001 2,867 cnudcaefuaitekwt Electricity, Gas and Water suppy 2 2 0 0 0 915 0 0 0 915 cnef idwa csEgiaWTcnwrwk Construction 173 151 22 0 0 7,714 7 399 1,994 5,313 cnurukctWrWmiA Wholesale and retail trade 2,800 1,060 1,740 0 0 17,155 313 5,765 5,985 5,092 cnukcaivWdum cnikwv idwa cSokuDnwg Hotels and Restaurants 455 210 245 0 0 7,460 9 1,045 2,286 4,120 cTcnerOTcser idwa WToh Transport, Storage and Communication 549 549 0 0 0 16,757 304 648 818 14,987 cSokWkcawrWdum ,iaWrutwfurutwd Financial intermediation 24 24 0 0 0 1,122 0 141 89 892 irWfwyiv cscnerwauxcnia
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