VOLUME XXXIV.—NO. 45. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1896. WHOLE NUMBER, 1845. FOR SPEAKER, MR. SAWYER. How to Hold it— High School Notes— WHERE THE HONOR BELONGS. The republicans in this county won A mandolin club is being organized Now that the republicans of the state a greater victory Nov. :>>, than they imong the students. Xow that the battle is over, and the are casting about for a competent man to did in 1894. Then they had only The High School team played the All smoke cleared from the field, and the occupy the speaker's chair at Lansing; their old enemy the democratic par- reshmen team at the Athletic Field xcitement sufficiently abated so that a it seenies but proper that the name of ty, to fi'gh/t. Tliis time they had a Saturday afternoon. It resulted in •aim and considerate view can be taken Hon. Andrew J Sawyer, of this county, combination that was powerful. The leither side being able to 'core. Al- of the past campaign and its work, it is should be placed before them. prohibition party almost to a man hough the High School had the advan- mt right that praise should be given to Mr. Sawyer's name is not a new one voted 1 ho silver ticket from top to age in the first half and had the ball hose who bore the frunt of the fight, IT IS to Michigan republicans. He is known ,iottom this year, as aJeo did the pop- in their opponent 5 yard line many and who ably conducted the work. in every nook and corner of the state. ilist or people's party, so-called, mat iines. In this county the campaign was in His ability has brought him to the front, Ing a gain for them of not less than The High School team plays the win- he hands of two of our young men, and it is because of his ability that his four hundred votes. In 1894 there ners of the '98 and '99 game Wednesday Vlessrs. W. W. Wedeineyer, who was friends are urging him for this position. were 800 electors itti the democratic hair man of the committee, and Orla E. ii GREAT SALE afternoon at the Athletic Field. This For two terms Mr. Sawyer served his party who did not vote at all, as s in the class series. Sutterfield, secretary. These two gen- And the Secret of our Cloak Success is state in the capacity of a legislator, and lenien can be put down in the class compared with 1892. This year not during that service he was chairman of The foot ball team plays the Detroit tnown as hustlers. From the time the only 0. full vote was polled but a QUALITY, STYLE AND LOW PRICE. the judiciary committee. To his great Ii<_'h School team at Detroit one week ampaign opened up to election dav, honor be it said that while he was iarger vote than was ever before win this Friday, and on Saturday they hey were "in the saddle." The plac- I known in the history of the county. ;o to Cleveland to play, and will return chairman of that committee no bill was ng of speakers, the sending out of doc- lome Saturday evening. passed by the legislature that was ever That the republicans have carried the uments and newspapers, the organiz- This Week Extra Values in declared invalid or unconstitutional in >ounty in the face of all these facts The Arena and Clematis, debating ng of clubs, the securing- of a canvass, whole or in part, by any court of the shows that- they have won a victory, societies, will probably hold a joint de- he deciding upon ways, means, plans, Ladies' Jackets at $5.00, $7.60, state. He not only saved the people beside which that of 1894 was a )ate in the near future. md methods, were all in their hands, $10.00 and $12.00. litigation in that line, but in many other small one. The S. C. A. meets Friday afternoon md were all promptly attended to. Aside ways,, for he is a man who never takes a Xow by wise management the re-4:15. rom that both gentlemen made many In Rough and Plain Cloths, Hand- This Week speeches, Mr. Wedeineyer being called step until tie knows he is right, then all publicans can hold Washtenaw coun- The debating societies hold their reg- ,o different parts of the state and put- some Silk Lining, New Sleeves Saturday, Nov. 14. the powers can not swerve him. ty, i i llar meetings Friday evening. ting in all of his time for the good cause, an:'. Collar. 200 Cloth Capes, His candidacy for speaker is urged Congress must pass a tariff bill because of his peculiar fitness both in A Valuable Publication— uid Mr. Butterfield filling many dates Double and Single at $3.50 that will protect our farmers and n the county. and $5.00. Beautiful Grysanthemum Display. ability and experience. our manufacturers; wool must be M. M. Dickson & Co. have published Brainy, active, of mature judgment, i little handy book that should bring The republican party as well as the Slpendid Souvenirs Given Away placed back where it was. This may >0 Misses' Jackets from 6 to 14 of earnest convictions, a man whonot afford any immediate help for the hem not only rich remuneration, but successful candidates, owe a debt of he gratitude of every business man With every ^ 1.00 sale your choice of stands in the front rank whether at the wooliv.1 manufacturers wi'.l purchase gratitude to these gentlemen, in inak- years at $2.75 and $3.50. bar, on the hustings, or among states- md fanner, and every one who has any ng this statement we reflect the ex- 4 articles, immense amounts, enough to last men, we honestly believe that Mr. nterest in the county. It is a Town- jressed sentiment of many people who 3 Dozen More Ladies' Plaid Waists SOLID STERLING SU,VI:U SPOONS. them two or three years, if they see Sawyer can serve the people of this ship and Sectional Pocket Map ofrelieve in letting good workers know- SILVER NAIL FILE. that a tariff bill is to be passed, but the newest Wool Fabrics, in state to better advantage than any of Washtenaw Comity, Mich., aecom- that their services have been appre- SILVER CUTICLE KNIFE OR Dark Rich Colorings a $3.00 the several eminent gentlemen who are in the end it will bring that product >anied by a list of county officers, cen- iated. A BEAUTIFUL POTTED CHRYSANTHEMUM Waist for $1.75. named for the position by other locali- up where it belongs. Then do away sus tables, directory of resident farmers The committee lwvs been aided by IN BLOOM. ties. with ad valorem duties. who own the land they ocupy, showing such war horses.as John F. Lawrence, Washtenaw county has never been Another thing. Congress must take ocation of farm and giving post office A. J. Sawyer, Wm. Judson, Col. Dean, Fine Heavy Corduroy Velvet 7 DAYS' SALE---7. recognized by the republican party in action looking to an international addresses. Frank Jones, H. W. NewKirk, George Waists, Elegant Quality at Commencing on our opening day, prominent positions, although she hasagreement in regard to silver. Hun- The special features of this publica- Rawson, John K. Campbell, and hosts $4.75. Saturday, this week, Nov. 14, Nothing often presented able men, and now that dreds of earnest bimetalists voted tion are the locating of incorporated of others, many who have not attracted in the History of she has taken her place in the ranks, we with the republicans this v_eaj- be- towns, villages, and post offices, rail- public attention, but who have quietly Ladies' Satin Striped Silk Skirts PRICE MAKING OR VALUE GIVING ask of the republicans of this state rec- cause the believed in the promise of roads, streets, and highways, bicycle set down at the fireside of their neighbor Taffeta Lined, Velvet Bound. ognition and aid in keeping her where the republican platform looking to roads, schools, churches, cemeteries, and convinced him that the policy of ever paralleled the offering we make. A Great Bargain at $5.00. she belongs. that end. This nation needs both and streams, as well as subdivision of the republican party was the right policy Give us Mr. Sawyer for speaker and gold and silver and the republican land into farms, with owner's name and for himself, and the only safe one for the location of residences. nation. Brocade Silk Skirts Well' Made 367 Sample Goats and Gapes he will give you a record to be proud of, leaders if they are wise, will see that and Lined. A $10 Skirt for and this county will stand firm in the the people have what they want. This is invaluable. The information The battle was an up-hill fight at the Representing 4 of America's best man- uture, as she stands to-day, for honesty, Tlie;ie are things, that if attended given is found no where else. The map start. This county was for silver when $6.50. ufacturers of outer garments, selling at irosperity and republican principles. s minute in detail, and accurate. Mr. Bryan was first nominated, but as to, will save Washtenaw county to 25 Dozen Stylish House Wrappers 2-3 VALUE. 1-3 LESS the republicans. What is true of Every wheelman, every farmer, every the thinking, reasoning people began to A Northside Church— man in any kind of business, every law- digest the arguments given them on this county is true of every county in Fleeced Back, Persian Cloth, than those garments could be sold for The citizens of the Northside have for yer, doctor, editor, and professor needs both sides, they decided for the right.
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