SL'TTON-DUDLEYS OF ENGLAND. Fro111 Hi/Hi to man. Preparinpfor Publicalioi; . \ CHTTJCAL F.Sql'JTI}' IXTO THE\" ,n1nrs STA.TE.,1.txn.; RELATIVE TO THE JIF \TH OF A:°\!l'J-: HOU.'AnT, .-\~Tl OF THJ.: LIBELS OX THE EAHL OF LEH"J-:.-:TJ:H: ,,~itli a Yindicatinu of tht• Earl by ~ir Philip 8idrn·y. A DESCRIPTJOX OF THE C.\STLE or KEXJL\\"ORTH, A }; D OF 'f H E S PL F. X J) I n 1-: S T £ R TA 1 S" ,r E X T G I Y E K T 0 <~ I" E E X E L l Z ..\. P, E T H . n Y T H I-: E .\ H L or LI l c E :-: T J: n . 1 '\" 1 5 7 j: TOGETHEH \\'JTll SfDIE ACCOl'XT OF HIS SOX, /'JR ROBERT Dl'DLEY. AXL> OF l!l'Cr!ESS Dl:J>Ll:Y. BY GEO. ADLARIJ. THE SUTTON-DUD LEYS OF ENGLAND AKD THE DUDLEYS OF MASSACHUSETTS I N N E W E N G L ..\ N D. From tlze },/orman Con1uest to tlze present time. By GEORGE ADLARD. NEW YORK: Printed for the Avtltor. MAY BE HAD OF CHAS. B. R1cHARDSON, 264 Canal Street, N e11· York; S. G. DRAKE, I 3 Broomfield Street, Boston. MDCCCLXII. Entered according to A.ct of Congre;s, in the nar 1 862, b,· GwRcr. ADLARD, in the Clerk\ Office of the District Court o( the United States for the Southern District of:\" ew York. --------------------------------- UKLY TWO lll.'?,DRE!l .-\">:D FIFTY COPIES PRIKT[D, [Vintm, Pr., .\',u.rm1 Street.] TO THE H O N BL E J A M E S S A V A G E, L. L. D., 0 f BOSTO~, MASSACHUSETTS, THIS VOLVME IS IN'SCRJBED BY THE Al'THUR. Pag-e. h-TIWDrcTOP.Y RE~r,urn:s; includin/! historical nml biog:rnpl,icnl sketches of the DrDI.EYS, Duke, of Xortl,nmber]nllCl, Earls of W nrwick anil Leicester, nnc1 of ~arl Dnuley, I to xn ScTToxs, of Sutton-upon-Trent, in ~ ottinglinm,d,ire, from anno lO'ifl, 1 St·Trnx,. Lunl" of Dudley, amio 132G. 5 SrTTOx-Drm.EYs;-Jolrn, fir"! Bnruli llntlley. wl,o n,~urnetl tl,e name of Dudley, annu H30 .. 6 Willinm Dn,llc>y, Bishop of Durkun. who <lie,] 1483, 8 Edmund (:'lir) Du,lky, tempe Hen. YIJ. 10 ,Tolin (SirJ Dudley, Vi"connt Li,k, E:1rl of W nrwick nnd Duke of Xortl,u,nlierlnn<l, 12 .1ol,n Lunl Dnclley, (known /IS Loril Quon,lnrn,) 13 Tlrnma, DnillL·y, hrntlier of tlJe al,r,Ye: nnce,tor of tl,e Dnil­ kys of ?lfo,,ncl,u,etts, 13 Llwnr<l Lore] Du,llcy, tl,e lnst oft!,e B,1ron., Du,lley, 14 Fc•rJinnn<l (;;;ir) Duclley, and ],i,- ilnn!!liter Fi-n1J1•r., \\·l,o 1nnr- 1·ie1l H unil,le W nrcl, aftern·,,ri1, ere:,k<1 Baron ""nrJ. 14 JJ11Jlc•,1, of Yennwitl,, in Cuml,erlallll, 14 ,Tolm D11rlle_,·, of Stoke X ewin!!ton. nenr London. 14 Pe,li;.rree of the Sr.:TToxs, nn,l of t!ie SeTTox-DrnLEYS. [A. " Denr.EYS, Dnke of ~01"tl,nml,erln11<l. Enrls of Warwick /l!Hl Leicestc-r, [B. " Di:nLEYS of Ye:irnYitl, .. re. Dr.:nJ.EYS of ~In,,,whn,ett,, th1:ir <'onnection wit!, tlH' Bamn, Dn<l],,_,·, n, wc:ll n, witl1 Xortl,umb('r­ la111l, \'I" nrwick and Lei rester. [D. " '' Pr;r.EFoYS of Wadky nnd of Drn:non: nncl of Cal1lecote. fE. Sutton-Dnrllr:r Arms 17 Dmlkys of ?lfa,,rtclrn,etts, some account of, by Cotton Matl,er, 1!l Life of Go,·. Tlw1nn, Dudley, J,y Cotton Mnt!,er, 24 Pnrisl, Re;.risters nt X ortliampton. nrnl at Clip,l,nm. 89 Henry Hownrd, Enrl of Nortlimnpton. 40 TABLE OF C0:XTEXTi'. Pnge. Captain Dudley, (pre,ume<l to lie Ro.!!er Dudley,) in 1503 and 1588, 41 Roger Du<llEy, presumeJ to he the fatl1er of Go,·. Thom/ls Dudley, 42 Purefoy or Purefry. family of, 43 Trn<1ition among- tlie <le,ce!l(]ant, of GoY. Dmlle:i·, 46 Thomn., and Jolm IJmlley, of St. Michnels, Cornl1ill, London, presmne<l to he the g-re,1t-p·anclfntl1c·r and tlie grancl­ fatl1er of Go\'. Tl1omas Dudley, 48 John Lord Dn,lley, (Lonl Qnoncl:m1,) elcl<:r hrotl1er of Tliomn, Dud]L·y, Citizen nncl Drnpc-r, 48 Coat of Arms of tlie Dndleys of lllussnel111,ett,, 51 Pedigrees; refert:D<T to, 52 Heralds' Record, :rn,1 Yi,itntio11•, 53 Pnrocliial and other ]!c·;.!'i,krs, 54 Wills nnd Adrnini~tratiun,. 5G Dudley Wills, 1500 to l G32; refereHCP to. 58 GoY. ,fo,eph Dudley, some tlccomJt u( 61 Fnl'c•rnl S,·r1110n on liis clentl,. l,y Be11jmnin Colman, 63 Will of Gcff. Jo,epli Dudlry, 67 Letter, to Go,. Jo,eph Tlrn]Jc.y, (liitl1erto unpnLlisliecl,) 69 From E,lw,,r,1 Hn11,lolJ1l1,-'ifillinrn Stuug:l1ton,-Jn. hnhit:mts of Braimree, X. E.-,lohn Hnywarc1.­ Daniel Goukin,-,Tol1n 1Yest,-Robert Wor,ley,­ Lorc1 Cntt,,-Lnrcl Cornbmy, (4)-Llward Soutli­ well.-Ti':uH· Ad<lington,-(~o,-: Crnnstun,-John WiJJtlirnp. (2.) Appointment of.Ju,q,li Dn<lll'y, William Stoughton, and Pe­ ter Buckley, n, n Cunrt of A<l1uirnlty, in 1G87, with the Gren! Seal of:'.\e11· Eug:lnu<l attachecl, 77 Warrant from PriBc·e (3eurge of Dcnrnnrk, ns Lord Higl1 Ad­ miral: ,Yitl1 Iii, Sc·nl, . 86 Pe,li;!l"c'l'" nf till' Jle,,·,0 1Hlanb of GoY. Thoma, l>n<lley: Gm·. Tnol!As DrDLEY, [F. 97 SAMl"EL Dn>LEY. m1cl )fary Wintl,ro)'. [G. 98 Axx Dt:DLEY nn,l Sim1111 Bra,lstreet, [IL 100 PATIE:SCE DrDLF.Y and Gen. Demii"on. [I. 103 11IEROY I>r:m.EY anc1 Hv,·. Jol,11 '\Yo11clltriclge. [K. 105 Some Account of tlw '\YooDBHIDGF. rA1111.Y, 111 GoY. JosEr11 Di·n1.EY a11<l R,,l,ekali Ty11g, [L. 113 REBECCA DrDLEY :111,l Samuel Sew:1ll. [111. 114 A:sx DunLEY a1J,l .J11l111 '\Yintlirnp, Axx W1:sTm:111· a11,l ... Miller. [.K'. 114 TABLE OF COXTEN"TS. Page. Pedigrees of- Col. W1LLIAM Di:nLEY and Elizabetl1 D,1Yenport, [O. 115 llfARY Dr;DLEY arnl Franci, ·w ninwright, MARY WAI:-.WRIGIIT nnd Josepl1 Atkin,, [P. 118 MARY W1:-.TmWP and Go,;. Joseph Wantou, [Q.. 119 CATHERl:-.E ·w1:-.Tmwr nnd Samuel Bro,n1. 0ATIIERI:-.E Buowx nm] Col. Epes Sargent, [R. 120 REBECKAH WINTHROP nnd Gurdon Saltonstall, [S. 121 :SALTO:-.STALL, of Huntwicke, nnd of Rogcrthorpe, some account of, . 123 MARGARET W1NTITROP and Jeremiah Miller, M. D. [T. 125 Jorrx STILL WrxrrrnoP nnd Jnne Borlnnu, Joux STILL W1xTHROP nnd Elizabeth Sbirreff, [G. 126 IIIXTJ!ROP FAMIL,, 132 APPEXDIX. ·will ol Edward Dudley, of Westmim:ter, 1542, [A. 135 Katherine Dudley, of tl,c• City of Lon­ don, 1563, [B. 136 " J olm Dudley. of the City of London, 1545, [C. 138 " Tlwmns Dudley, of tl,e City of London, 15-Hl, [D. 139 ·' Gov. Thonrns Dudley, of llfnssnchmetts. 1653, [E. 141 AonE:-.DA. Gov. Thomas Dll(lley and others, leaving Eng­ lund, 149 GoY. Joseph Dudley, Sketch of!,is Life hy Judire C. P. Daly, of New York, 149 Great Seal of Ne"· England, umler Andros, in 168G; historicn!Acrom1t of,* . 152 Sntton of the Charter House: some account ol: 155 "' A fac-sirnile eugraving of the Seal accompanies thi.,. ADDITIO.XS A.XD CORRECTIONS. Pngc x,. Jntrodnctory Remnrks, note at foot, insert 1°Fostar- Sir Antlwny Foster, of Cumnor Plnec·. PedipTet'_ A. Jonx Dr:nLEY, of .\sto11 :-l.ieBi<les Margaret, tl1c•re was auotl1er dangl,tL·r Jane. wl10 mnrriecl Riclwrd SrwlL of IImnpstend ~nr,lu,ll, Co. Bneb " 13. W1x1rRED, wife of Henry Duilky, was dangliter of Rooei·t, LorJ Ifah. Sir RoBEHT 1>rnLEY, (LeiCl'Ster's son,) married .first (it is pre· snt11rtl.) the si,ter of C,wemlisl1 tlie nuYi;rntor. He <liecl in l (iJ(l. 1,ot 1 G3'. 1. C,n-enilisl1 <liccl nt se11, uncl Sir Rubert took out kttc'r, uf ad1ni1Ji"tratiu11 on lii, c,,tatv.* Sir PmLIP SYDXEY, left issnv a <l,rngl,ter Elizal,ctl1, wlio mar­ rie,l R,,;.:er· ~famll'rc. fifth Enrl of Rntlnml. Slie sm·\·h·ed hi,u only two 111011tlis. t1]](1 dieJ witlwnt i,,ue. C. HoBEHT DenLEY •• iJ,ll'r111,w of N c,,·castle·\ljJOll-T_l'ue, tlied in Hl13, lint 15,G Pa;.:l' 51. Ei;.:htli lint", for 1·010,d r,·,Hl oral. •• Gfl. For F. A. (R:m,lolpli) r·ea,l L1.l;r{(rd. For }~ .A. "- rend E1l. F<1!' J. S. C. (.\d,lin;.:t"n) n•,1.J Isa. Fiftl, Jim·, Sn:PJJES IJnn.EY, (a) for Gilmonton rell(l Gi1,nanton. Il. STEl'!lE:X-. 8 Pl'l,,{ for Loll;!'C·f• r~;Hl Lon~,'.,. '' (5) for (;i/,,,or r,•:1(1 Gilman. '· JOO. Srn"x BnADSTl!EET, in,l·1·t (,'oren;111·. 1. Snrnnd Bracl,tn,~,, m. :llerc-y, <la. of Willinm Tyng, not Tinµ·. '' Hl2. Ax:-- Dt:m.EY, YII. :!\Jury. rn. in Ji;i-t. JJot 1854. ,, lO.'.i. MEJ!OY DrDLEL II. Lil('_\'. b. 1 GJ:?. 111. ht R(>\', Simor, nrnd- ,tretct. of N~,Y L"mloll. Conu .. -rn. 2rnl Dnllitl Ep]•f"', of Il'swicli. IIL Jonx. for llillin:nrnrtl, rcn,J I{i'.lling1wrtl1.t .. 110. C'nARI.Orrc 1YooomnDGE. ,1. 1 Dec. 1S31 . 1. Cl1arl()ttc· ::\fu111t'nrtl. l,. 20 ~ol'.
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