> Software Security > Wearable Computing > Gaming Software > Robotics and Analytics JUNE 2018 www.computer.org IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY: Be at the Center of It All IEEE Computer Society membership puts you at the heart of the technology profession—and helps you grow with it. Here are 10 reasons why you need to belong. A robust jobs board, Training that plus videos, articles sharpens your edge and presentations to in Cisco, IT security, help you land that next MS Enterprise, Oracle opportunity. and more. Scholarships awarded to computer science Certifi cations and engineering student and exam preparation members each year. that set you apart. Opportunities to Industry intelligence, get involved through including Computer, myCS, speaking, publishing and Computing Now, and volunteering opportunities. myComputer. Deep discounts Over 200 annual on magazines, journals, conferences and technical conferences, symposia events held worldwide. and workshops. Access to 300-plus chapters hundreds of and more than 30 books, 13 technical technical committees magazines and keep you 20 research journals. connected. IEEE Computer Society—keeping you ahead of the game. Get involved today. www.computer.org/membership IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY computer.org • +1 714 821 8380 STAFF Editor Managers, Editorial Content Meghan O’Dell Brian Brannon, Carrie Clark Contributing Staff Publisher Christine Anthony, Lori Cameron, Cathy Martin, Chris Nelson, Robin Baldwin Dennis Taylor, Rebecca Torres, Bonnie Wylie Director, Products and Services Production & Design Evan Butterfield Carmen Flores-Garvey Senior Advertising Coordinator Debbie Sims Circulation: ComputingEdge (ISSN 2469-7087) is published monthly by the IEEE Computer Society. 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For more information, visit www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. IEEE Computer Society Magazine Editors in Chief Computer IEEE Micro IEEE Intelligent Systems Sumi Helal, Lancaster University Lieven Eeckhout, Ghent V.S. Subrahmanian, Dartmouth University College IEEE Software IEEE MultiMedia Diomidis Spinellis, Athens IEEE Computer Graphics Shu-Ching Chen, Florida University of Economics and and Applications International University Business Torsten Möller, University of Vienna IEEE Annals of the History IEEE Internet Computing of Computing M. Brian Blake, Drexel University IEEE Pervasive Computing Nathan Ensmenger, Indiana Marc Langheinrich, Università University Bloomington IT Professional della Svizzera Italiana Irena Bojanova, NIST IEEE Cloud Computing Computing in Science Mazin Yousif, T-Systems IEEE Security & Privacy & Engineering International David M. Nicol, University of Jim X. Chen, George Mason Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University www.computer.org/computingedge 1 JUNE 2018 • VOLUME 4, NUMBER 6 THEME HERE 10 32 39 The New Killer Practices and Emerging White- App for Security: Technologies Collar Robotics: Software in Computer The Case of Inventory Game Software Watson Analytics Engineering Software 10 The New Killer App for Security: Software Inventory GARY MCGRAW 13 Publish Your Software: Introducing the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) DANIEL S. KATZ, KYLE E. NIEMEYER, AND ARFON M. SMITH Wearables 18 How Wearable Computing Is Shaping Digital Health OLIVER AMFT 26 What Will We Wear After Smartphones? OLIVER AMFT AND KRISTOF VAN LAERHOVEN Gaming 32 Practices and Technologies in Computer Game Software Engineering WALT SCACCHI Robotics 39 Emerging White-Collar Robotics: The Case of Watson Analytics DANIEL E. O’LEARY Data and Analytics 44 Different Databases for Different Strokes GREGORY VIAL 50 The Role of a Customer Data Platform SETH EARLEY Departments 4 Magazine Roundup 50 8 Editor’s Note: Software, Software Everywhere The Role of a Customer Data Platform Subscribe to ComputingEdge for free at www.computer.org/computingedge. CS FOCUS Magazine Roundup Editor: Lori Cameron the authors of this article from the April 2018 issue of Com- puter envision the co-location of open data repositories in stan- dardized formats together with high-performance computing hardware utilizing open source optimized analysis codes. Computing in Science & Engineering A Cyberplatform for he IEEE Computer Computer Sharing Scientifi c Research Society’s lineup of 13 Data at DataCenterHub T peer-reviewed techni- International Neuroscience In this article from the May/ cal magazines covers cutting- Initiatives through the June 2018 issue of Comput- edge topics ranging from soft- Lens of High-Performance ing in Science & Engineering, ware design and computer Computing the authors introduce Data- graphics to Internet comput- Neuroscience initiatives aim to CenterHub, a new solution for ing and security, from scien- develop new technologies and preserving, sharing, and dis- tifi c applications and machine tools to measure and manipu- covering data produced by sci- intelligence to cloud migration late neuronal circuits. To deal entifi c research. Datasets are and microchip design. Here are with the massive amounts of organized by experiments, with highlights from recent issues. data generated by these tools, a simple common structure for 4 June 2018 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 2469-7087/18/$33.00 © 2018 IEEE metadata, fi le collections, and key IEEE Cloud Computing the suggested clothes could help parameters. Researchers associate you decide quickly what to wear, annotations, reports, media, and Privacy-Preserving Image keep you warm or cool, and con- measurements to each experiment, Processing in the Cloud tribute to your health. Read more and interactive viewers interpret Millions of private images are gen- in this article from the March/ data by type and use so that they erated in various digital devices April 2018 issue of IEEE Computer can be investigated before down- every day. The consequent massive Graphics and Applications. loading. Parameters are extracted computational workload means for discovery of key data otherwise more people are turning to cloud IEEE Intelligent Systems hidden in fi les. DataCenterHub computing platforms for their eco- provides an alternative discipline- nomical computation resources. Investigative Knowledge neutral solution, with the goal of Meanwhile, privacy concerns arise Discovery for Combating helping researchers classify and over the sensitive information con- Illicit Activities share data for easy discovery and tained in outsourced image data. Developing scalable, semi-automatic exploration. Lack of security and privacy guar- approaches to derive insights from antees becomes the main barrier a domain-specifi c Web corpus is IEEE Annals of the History to further deployment of cloud- a longstanding research problem of Computing based image processing systems. in the knowledge discovery com- This article from the March/April munity. The problem is particu- The Origins of the 2018 issue of IEEE Cloud Comput- larly challenging
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