1908. CONGRESSIONAL l{ECORD-SE~ATE .. 629 Also, petition of W. N. Haywood, for the Littlefield bill-to SENATE. the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By 1\Ir. HINSHA.W: Petition of Grand Island Council, No. 1\foNDAY, January 13, 1908. 13-!, United Commercial Travelers, of Nebra_ska, against a parcels-post law-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Enw ARD E. HALE. Roads. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ .Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Henry H. Martin­ ings of Thursday last, when, on request of Mr. KEAN, and by to the Committee on Inyalid Pensions. unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. By Mr. HARDWICK: Memorial of mayor and council of The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal stands appro\ed. Brunswick, Ga., for survey of Atlantic and Great Western SENATOR FROM ALABAMA. Canal-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, my colleague, Mr. Bank­ By Mr. HOWELL of New Jersey: Petition of Capt. J. W. head, whose credentials have been heretofore presented, is pres­ Conover Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of .Freehold, N. J., ent, and I ask that the oath be administered to him. for the Lafean pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect from the State sions. of .Alabama will present himself at the' Vice-President's desk By Mr. HUMPHREY of Washington: Paper to accompany and take the oath prescribed by law. 1 bill for relief of the estate of Harris Barnes-to the Committee Mr. Bankhead was escorted to the Vice-President's desk tiy on 1Yar Claims. l\.Ir. JoHNSTON, and the oath prescribed by law having been ad­ By Mr. JAMES: Petition of citizens of Murray and Calloway ministered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. counties, Ky., for legislation making all liquors shipped into any State subject to operation of the State law-to the Committee TRADE CONDITIONS IN COLOMBIA. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. · The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ By Mr. LEE: Papers to accompany bills for relief of Noah tion from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting, Hugate and John W. Gillian-=-to the Committee on War Claims. pursuant to law, the report of Special Agent Charles M. Pepper Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of John Laugh­ on trade conditions in Colombia, which, with the accompanying miller-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. paper, was referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered .Also, papers to accompany bills for relief of Damascus Bap­ to be printed. · tist Church and Calhoun Baptist Church, of Georgia-to the IMMIGRATION STATIONS. AT BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA, Committee on War Claims. T:b.e VICE-PRESIDEJ'o.'T laid before the Senate a communi­ By Mr. LEVER: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Carrie cation from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmit­ C. Nunn-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ting, ip. response to a resolution of the 7th instant, certain in­ By Mr. MACON: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Frank formation relative to the cost of construction of new immigrant H. Wells-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. stations and suitable buildings therewith at the ports of Boston By Mr. OVERSTREET: Petition of deaf soldiers of the dif­ and Philadelphia, which was referred to the Committee on ferent companies and regiments, for a pension of $50 per month Appropriations and ordered to be printed. for soldiers totally deaf-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY. Also, petitions of Woman's Home Missionary Society; Fletcher Place Methodist Episcopal Church, of Indianapolis, The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual and Womanrs Home Missionary Society of Roberts Park report of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, of Church, for the Littlefield bill (H. R. 13655)-to the Committee the District of Columbia, for the fiscal year ended December 31, on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1907, which was referred to the Committee on the District of By Mr. RAUCH: Petition of Local No.7, Commercial Teleg­ Columbia and ordered to be printed. raphers' Union of America, for Congressional investigation of GEORGETOWN BARGE, DOCK, AND ELEVATOR RAILWAY COMPANY, the methods of telegraph companies in the United States-to The VICE-PESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual re­ the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. port of the Georgetown Barge, Dock, and Elevator Railway By Mr. REYNOLDS: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Company for the fiscal year ended Decemeber 31, 1907, which Blair W. Peck-to the Committee on Pensions. was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and Also, papers to accompany bills for relief of Annie E. Lin­ ordered to be printed. ton and Annie S. Jones-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIM, By Mr. RIORDAN: Petition of Grand Army of the He­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ public Post No. 67, of Erie, Pa., for increase of pay of officers tion from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans­ and men of Army and Navy-to the Committee on Military mitting the findings of fact and the conclusions of law filed Affairs. under the act of January 20, 1885, in the French spoliation By Mr. ROBINSON: Paper to accompany bill for relief of claims set out in the annexed findings by the court relating to Katie B. Whitmore, heir of Charles W. Belknap-to the Com­ the vessel schooner Fortune, William Hubbard, master, ·which. mittee on War Claims. with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee By Mr. SHACKLEFORD: Petition of merchants' associa­ on Claims and ordered to be printed. tions of different Missouri cities, against parcels-post law-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. Also, petition of California Saengerbund, against H. R. 0086, The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica­ to prohibit manufacture and sale· of liquor in the District of tions .from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans­ Columbia-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. mitting certified copies of the findings of fact filed by the court By Mr. SHERMAN: Paper to accompany bill for relief of in the following causes: James H. Berry-to the Committee on Military Affairs. In the cause of the trustees of the Christian Church of Har­ By Mr. SMITH of Arizona : Paper to accompany bill for risonville, 1\fo., v. United States; relief of Nestor Jarmillo-to the Committee on Military Af­ In the cause of the trustees of the Cumberland Presbyterian. fairs. Church of Waverly, Tenn., v. United States; and AJ so, papers to accompany bills for relief of Cornelia H. In the cause of the Christian Church of Atlanta, Ga., v, United Keyes, Bert 0. Brown, George W. Karter, John LoYe, Elbert W. States. McLaughlin, and Alice I. Simpson-to the Committee on Invalid The foregoing findings were, with the accompanying papers, Pensions. referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. By Mr. STERLING: Papers to accompany bills for relief of MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Henry Lucas and James H. Arrowsmith-to the Committee on A message from the House. of Rep-resentatives by 1\Ir. W. J. lnYalid Pensions. BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announceU. that the House had By eMr. TIRRELL: Paper to accompany bill for relief of passed the joint resolution (S. R. 14) extending the time al­ Charles Joy-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. lowed the organized militia of the several States and Terri­ Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Martin V. B. tories and the District of Columbia to conform to the provisions Da Yis-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of section 3 of the act approved January 21, 1903. By 1\I.r. WALLACE: Petition of Mound Prairie Presbytery of The message also announced that the House had passed the Presbyterian Church, of Foreman, Ark., against the National joint resolution (S. R. 1) amending an act relative to the public Goyernment permitting retail liquor dealers in dry territory to printing and binding, approved March 1, 1907, with an amend­ pay special tax-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign ment, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. Commerce. The message· further announced that the House had passed 630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN·ATE. J.A.NU ARY .1 3, the following bills, in which it requested the concurrenc~ of the He also presented a resolution adopted by the North Wash­ Senate: . ington Citizens' Association, of Washington, D. C., favoring the H. R . 3923. An act to fix the limitation applicable in cer- action of the board of education in its dismissal of Doctor tain cases; . Chancellor as superintendent of the public schools in the Dis­ H . R. 4777. An act restricting in certain_ cases the right of trict of Columbia, which was referred to the Committee on the appeal to the Supreme Court in habeas corpus proceedings; District of Columbia. H. R. 4891 . .An act to authorize the city of Burlington, Iowa, He also presented a petition of the Takoma Park Citizens' to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River ; Association, of the District of Columbia, praying for the enact­ 1I. R. 6231 . .An act to attach Shelby County, in the State of ment of legislation providing for the regulation and control of Texas, to the Beaumont division of the eastern judicial district street railway companies by the Commissioners of the District of said State and to detach it from the Tyler division of said of Columbia,.
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