PLANNING JUSTIFICATION REPORT 1085 CLEARVIEW AND 1082, 1086 & 1090 ST. MATTHEWS AVENUE Burlington Date: December 2018 Prepared for: LIV Communities Prepared by: MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (MHBC) 442 Brant Street, Suite 204 Burlington, ON L7R 2G4 T: 905 639 8686 x 226 F: 905 761 5589 Our File 15226D EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Liv Communities have consolidated the properties located at 1085 Clearview Avenue and 1082, 1086 & 1090 St. Matthews Avenue (the Subject Lands) in the City of Burlington. The Subject Lands are located 200 metres from the Aldershot GO Station, which is considered a Major Transit Station. The location benefits from being in close proximity to a number of existing and planned public transit routes, including GO Transit, Burlington Transit, Hamilton Street Railway and VIA Rail, as well as nearby commercial and employment areas. These qualities, among others, make the Subject Lands a prime location for intensification. The lands are also located on the periphery of an existing low density residential neighbourhood which requires a careful approach to design in order to ensure that a compatible built form and site layout is achieved. Liv have undertaken considerable review and analysis of the redevelopment options for the Subject Lands to address the physical and policy context. The proposed redevelopment provides for six storey, mid-rise building containing 160 residential condominium units. A total of 203 parking spaces are provided with 49 located on the surface and 154 located in a below grade parking level. The Subject Lands will be accessed via two driveways on either side of the building connecting to Masonry Court. The proposed built form provides a transition in height to the surrounding neighbourhood through the use of appropriate building setbacks and stepbacks such that the building fits with the 45 degree angular plane measured from the rear lot line. An accompanying shadow study also shows that there are minimal shadowing impacts caused by the building (and predominantly directed away from existing residential areas). Furthermore, the proposal will enhance the public realm and streetscape along Masonry Court by creating ground level residential patios which serve to provide street-level activity and natural surveillance. Amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law are required to facilitate the proposal. The current land use designation and zoning for the Subject Lands are inconsistent with and do not conform with provincial and regional policy documents, in particular, with those policies which direct local municipalities to focus growth in intensification areas, achieve densities that support public transit, increase transit ridership and promote appropriate development standards. The proposed amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law implement appropriate policy and development standards that allow the achievement of the level of intensification required by provincial and regional policies. The proposed redevelopment and planning instruments are supported by a series of plans and studies related to functional servicing, stormwater management, transportation, noise, urban design and geotechnical. All of these studies have been undertaken in accordance with the City’s requirements and provide a full assessment and justification for the proposed redevelopment. Based on the existing physical context and surrounding neighbourhood, the technical assessment of the proposal and our analysis of the proposal within the current policy and regulatory context, the proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014, conforms with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017 and conforms with the Halton Region Official Plan, 2015 and the in-force City of Burlington Official Plan, except those sections proposed to be amended. The proposal can be adequately serviced and does not create any impacts to the surrounding area. The proposal is keeping with the character of the neighbourhood and provides an opportunity for intensification within the Built-up Area that is appropriate and represents good planning in the public interest. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND SURROUNDING LAND USES ......................................................................... 3 3.0 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................... 10 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL ................................................................................................................. 11 5.0 POLICY CONTEXT OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 20 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 66 APPENDICES Appendix 1 – Development Application Pre-Consultation Forms Appendix 2 – Comment Letters Regarding Official Plan, Mobility Hubs and Mid-Rise Design Guidelines Appendix 3 – Photo Record Appendix 4 – Draft Official Plan Amendment for In-Effect Official Plan Appendix 5 – Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Appendix 6 – Zoning Compliance Table Appendix 7 – Assessment of Sustainable Development Principles and Objectives Appendix 8 – Region’s Notice of Subsection 17 (40.2) Opinion FIGURES Figure 1 – Location Map Figure 2 – Surrounding Uses Figure 3 – Burlington Transit Routes Figure 4 – Surrounding Developments Figure 5A – Proposed Site Plan Figure 5B – Proposed Elevations Figure 6 – Regional Structure – Halton ROP Figure 7 – Settlement Pattern Figure 8 – Comprehensive Land Use Plan Figure 9 – Long Term Transit Service Network Figure 10 – May 2018 Precinct Plan Figure 11 – Zoning By-law No. 2020 TABLES Table 1 – Proximity to Nearby Destinations Table 2 – Surrounding Development Applications Table 3 – Unit Breakdown Table 4 – Themes Expressed at Open House Table 5 - Healthy Community Guidelines Compliance Table 6 – Justification for Parent Zone Modifications ABBREVIATIONS BUD Burlington Urban Design Advisory Panel FSR Functional Servicing Report MTSA Major Transit Station Area LOS Level of Service OP Official Plan OPA Official Plan Amendment PJR Planning Justification Report PPS Provincial Policy Statement (2014) ROP Halton Region Official Plan ROW Right-of-way SWM Stormwater Management TDM Transportation Demand Management TIS Traffic Impact Study UDB Urban Design Brief uph Units per hectare ZBA Zoning By-law Amendment 1.0 INTRODUCTION MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (“MHBC”) has been retained by LIV Communities (the “Owner”) to assist with planning applications to redevelop the property municipally known as 1085 Clearview Avenue and 1082, 1086 & 1090 St. Matthews Avenue in the City of Burlington (the “Subject Lands”). This report has been prepared in support of proposed amendments to the City of Burlington Official Plan and Zoning By-law (the “Applications”) to facilitate the redevelopment of the Subject Lands with a 6 storey, mid-rise apartment building containing 160 dwelling units and 203 parking spaces. This PJR provides the following: A general description of the Subject Lands and surrounding uses as well as the current physical conditions to provide an understanding of the locational context; A description of the proposed development and its design elements; A summary of the technical reports prepared to support the proposal; A description of the proposed planning instruments to amend the OP and Zoning By- law to implement the redevelopment; A review of the existing and evolving policy and regulatory framework and an assessment of the proposed development’s consistency and conformity with Provincial, Regional and City policies and regulations; An assessment of the impacts of the redevelopment and how they are addressed as well as how the proposal is compatible; and, A summary of key conclusions and recommendations related to the proposed development. Over the past three years, the Owner has brought together a team of consultants to develop and prepare a concept plan for the redevelopment of the Subject Lands. During this time, the project team and Owner have met with City and Regional staff at a number of meetings to discuss the proposal. Formal pre-consultation meetings were also held on January 11, 2017 and May 16, 2018. A record of the pre-consultation minutes is attached to this report as Appendix 1. The project was reviewed by the BUD panel on September 18, 2018 and a public open house was held of October 29, 2018. A summary of the BUD feedback is provided in the accompanying UDB and summary of the public open house is provided in Section 4.2 of this report. Feedback from staff, the BUD panel and the public were incorporated into the final plans for the redevelopment. In addition to the pre-consultation meetings, on behalf of LIV Communities, MHBC has been actively involved in the draft OP, Mobility Hub and Mid-Rise Guidelines process undertake by the City. Multiple letters have been submitted providing comments and expressing concern with various issues as they relate to the Subject Lands. These letters have been included in Appendix 2. The following reports and materials were identified as required for a ‘complete application’ through the pre-consultation process and are included as
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