Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 11-14-1997 The Daily Egyptian, November 14, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1997 Volume 83, Issue 57 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Arena rock: Less trash: Motley Crue, Cheap Recycling program ' . Tri~k thr~aten' siuc.' seeks to expand . into residence halls . ._.,.,_..., .. --·. ·-· ·-· .... - -- ·-· ·--· ~--~~---••-' -··-- .. · .. --~---··- ·- SiiUtherii~lllinOiS·:uniVersit}, ;;it cil'~ondale Vol. 83, No. 57, 20 pages: ; single copy free Officials fear SI WALK THROUGH: -pensaon SIUC Police Officer Russ . II· II Thomas points out a door sealed with revasnon lope on the bottom, which he CONTENTION: Scaff pleased said could sarve the purpose of with commission's amendment, keeping unwonted SIU president says changes odors from escop· ing into the could cost University millions. hollwoy of co KIRK MonRAM SIUCdorm. , DAILY EGYJYTIAN REfORTER DouGl»scN/ D.,ily q:yptl;,n SIUC staffer Ruth Pommier says her faith • ·· · · · · in government ha.~ been restored. t.? ,,,_., ::.,.-:'~. ,.._: _ , "'.~., ~-"~ ••. ~~~=~= Housing-:battles~ niari.iitahillS_e~: · . , • • •: :- ": ,-·" •. , , "' ,<.,. ·_ .•... ·,.~.!_ · _inequities of the 1997PcnsionBilL TREND: College students' Housing staff. However, SIU President Ted Sand:rs says Such incid:nts are not uncommon in _ the actions taken by the commission might nationwide repo.rt.more use SIUC residence halls. Since· 1993, the gougeasizableholeintheUni\'ersitybudget .. h•an fi·ve years. a· go•·. number of people written up for marijur An ongoing struggle between the staffers, " na violations has increru;ed by more than some Springfield legislators and University BRITT WILCOXSON 300 percent - from 89 dl!ting the 1993- 300 administrators 1.'0nceming the health care D.-ILY EGYPTIAN REl'ORTER 1994schoolyear, to309in the 1996-1997 j'0l item of Hou.,;e Bill 110 has resulted in a vic- year. 250 • ~~-, tory for Uni\'ersity workers who d:mand the (Editor's note: This is the final install­ . And S:eve Kirk, assistant director of t1·f·•···• . comprehen~ive health care coverage they mem of n :hree-part :seri.:s· exploring the Residence Life, said these numbers seem 200 E'. were promised be retained. pm:alence of marijuana cultfration, sale to reflect an incrca~ in the use of the drug , · Pommier, a receptionist at the Southern HB am/ 11se in Carbondale. The pmious sto­ in University Housing. 150 ti,(;~ Hills Apartment Complex opposed to rie.• can be fo11nd 011-line al ll.1111:dailye­ "I think if we look at the experience tf II0's health care line, was in Springfield dur- g;pt!an.com). that we have here in ternlS of what we're ~-.\.~.,:, ing the commission hearing. · · 100 The day before spring break began, filing reports on, !"think very.d:linitely 1:/. "I'm smiling f1om ear to ear," she said. Kim and two companions from her resi­ marijuana use (in the residence halls) . t~.:.-.·.:i "This wa.~ a J11:1jor victory because if it had d:nce hall were kicking oock. passing seems to be increa.~ing," he said. , _. l not made it through the Pension Laws around a bong :md sharing their vacation Kim, who consid:rs herself know I-· Commission. it would be very difficult to do. plan.~. edgeable about the signs of marijuana u.,;e, ,..,_ 1-. But, we did prevail by the largest margin of Then, a knock or. the! door later, a '"' •- '"' •- ,..,. any bill brought before the commission. founh person entered the room and the • ~~~~ .__"",. ''This has restored my faith in the power of lives of the three mends. This unexp..-ctcd Marijuana government. When we see good men and i~truder was a member of the Uni\·ersity in women working to redress a wrong, 11 makes Carbondale years ago," she said. "And SIUC as a us i,ce that we're being he:ird." whole is pretty closeJo the nationals." HD 110 initially was designed to boost . said use of the drug on the SIUC campus What is Housing doing to Illinois pensbn benefits ranked 48th in the . is commonplace. h nation, a goal . it readily accomp]jshcd . "You can smoke pol anywhere (on alt the marijuana use? However, in f.ugu.~t, a small group of SIUC campus)," she said. ''I walk home through When Kim was confronted by the faculty and staff members found fault with Thompson Woods every nig!:I and I caii Housing st.'lff mcmb::r, she s:.id that she the bi:I. criticizing its line requiring retirees smell it - over by. the _pavilions (by . confessed that she wa.~ smoking marijua­ with fewer than 20 years of service to assume Campu.~ Lake) and on the other side of na and was non-confrontational in the 5 percent or their health care premium costs. campus (University Park). You walk hope thr.lthe staffer would not involve the The grou{) has grown to include about 700 around Saturday night coming home from police. Kim's hope for no police involve- SIUC wi>rken; nnd other university employ­ . aparty,andyou'Ui.ceitandsmcllitgoing ment wa:; re.jistic; but she was not so ees around the stale. 'They maintain that the • on.'~ lucky....,., she wi:_c; arrested. bill undercuts the segment of workers wh, She added that in her resid:nce hall,·· University Housing's policy con.::em- . recently ·st:irtcd working for the state and ben­ thc use of the marijuana is prevalent ing marijuana is not designed to come . efit~ employees who have bt.'Cn in the system "It's just as common as people drink-. down• hard . on : those who . are caught for nlOl'C than 20 years. They also contend the . ing," she said. "And if you've ever lived smoking for the fust time. · , ,1egislation favors administrators with higher · in adonn,you know that people are going . ."I think we take.the other drugs (hard incomes because their pension benefits will to sit down and· have a beer whenever drugs) much more seriously,". Kirk said. : offset the costs incurred from paying their they want to.": . ''The stance we've adopted is that if we health care premiu~ Barb Fijolck; wellness coordinator at catch you .with just simple marijuana . The Pension Laws Commission took these · the SIUC Wellness Center, said evidence · usage, we are going to sit down with you · gri_evances , int~· consideration Wednesday CAUGHT:·. :Thomas performs ' a . hased un voluntary surveys shows that the and t:ilk llhout why we think that's a pro~ when it voted to approve an amendment routine I.D. check 011 dorm residenls number of students nationwide who .:re at : lem. · · . · : ; ··spar.sored· by Sen. Dave Luechtefeld. R­ caught smoking marijuana last week. ~~:.perimenting with marijuana is on. "Ir we ;went. in and it. sm,e.lled like ;· Okawville, '. which would allow State University Retirement System and State The situation was then turned over to . "College srudents overall :ire reporting _,. Employees Retirement System workers to ~niversity Housing offici?ls. ~re.~juana use than they did say five SEE HOUSING, PAGE 6 . :- SEE PENSION; PAGE 5 2 • FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 1997 DAILY EGl'PTIAN 14;15, 19,20,8-p.,.;j~ :~ondS~~11· , 16, 2 p.m., ~ 1hoau; $5 sti,­ "DiYcrsily in the 21st Century," a lee- ~endar • Commiaiity Blood Drives, d.inls. Conltxt Iha Bax Office cl ..tSJ. Na.ember 14, 11 a.m. lo 4 p.m., SIU, . JOOI. , ;· • .:~ · . =~~C:OOAssi~ .-- ' Sludmt Cmlcr, noon lo 6 p.m., Divmily, SIUE, NcM,mber 17, 3 ro · CAUNDAJI POLICY Tr.ioolood Ho!I, 3 lo B p.m., SIU Rec: UPCOMING· : ; '4:30 p.m:, UniYcrsity Museum Thedndllnefor Cenlo; Conltxt Vrvion OI 457·52.58. ·.Audi~um. Conloct S!uYo ot 529· c.Jm.!v 11m11 ii two • Stralegic ~ Sociel)'··-- ~ rublkalloa .i.l'I anon: • Non-nx!monal Sluclent Servia!s 5165. - the~t.Thellml · Slondord mce:ing, ~ 15, 4 mml include d ...... iu~, : lln:,wn Bog Lunch, Genesis Program p.m. lo Midnig'1t, Sludent Cenlcr • Model dlinois Govemr.ient (MJG) ria<r.aJmiHlma>tl b- single inodicrs and disploccd Mississippi Room. Ul!llod Moggie ol informotionol mecling, Novombcr. _,: aoJ •ron- of then-ml honiemol<in, NaYcmbc,- 14, no:in, , 549·3467 or SI.UC SGSOAOLcom. ·· 17, 5 p.m.; Student Center Activity SATURDAY: anJ the name and rhcoe Sludcnt Cmlcr Ol,io Room. Conlocl of the rmon ,ubmittin1 Room B. Contod Tony ot 536-6460. Flurries. · the imn. l1m11 ,houlJ Mid,dlo ot 453·57l 4. • SIUC ond Jochon <:ouity l,e&:ll.....J or maiW to Recyamg Progrom prescnb America • SPC Comedy Committee meeting, High: 35 theO.ilrl'cTrtian • ll>rory Alfan •Oring Elec:trcnic Recydcs Day, No.ember 15, 10 a.m. Mondays, 6 p.m., Student Center low: 25 Ntw1room, Resourt:es" Scmincr, NcM:mbcr 14, I 1o 5 p.m., Univmity MaD. Contact Iroquois Room. Contact [lottio of Comcuniation, lo 2 p.m., Morris Lbt,ry Room I 03D •. C'1risat453·813I. .•_.: 536-3393. · · ' ,. - - - .. ' ~ Room 12~ 7. SUNDAY: AllcalmJarilml,also Conlocl lhe Unde,groduo!e Desk ol •rr<M oo the DE W,1, ..t53·2818. • Community Blood Drive, ' ' • SPC Travel C.Ommitteo meeting, ,-.Noaltn.lu Na.-cmber 15, noon lo 5 p.rr., · Mondays, 6 p.m., Student Ce,,ter · Partly cloudy. lnlonmtlm wiD l,e • Chnese Toblo, Nc,,eir,ber 14, 3:15 University Mall. Conlod VMC111 at ' Activity Room 0. Conlad Da,o of Hign: 35 bunffl'fflherhcoe. lo 4:15 p.m., Cafe Melange. Conlocl 457-5258.
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