FREE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 CountyWWW.COUNTYTIMES.NET Times ALSO INSIDE 2019 Fall FESTIVALS FAIR SCHEDULE INSIDE 4-H at the Fair 2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, September 26, 2019 ON THE COVER 20 CONTENTS Participating in last year’s 4-H Livestock Show at the Calvert County Fair. LOCAL NEWS 3 COPS & COURTS 9 COMMUNITY 10 LOCAL 8 FALL FESTIVALS PULL-OUT 13 More people enjoy Taste of the Beaches FEATURE 20 EDUCATION 29 SPORTS 32 ENTERTAINMENT 33 COPS & COURT 9 COMMUNITY 10 Fire destroys Lusby dental o ce Adopt at cat at the animal shelter OBITUARIES 34 “THREE TIMES WAS COMMUNITY CALENDAR 36 INDEED A CHARM.” SENIOR CALENDAR 37 CHESAPEAKE BEACH MAYOR PAY MAHONEY ON LIBRARY CALENDAR 37 THE SUCCESS OF TASTE OF THE BEACHES. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 38 WEEKLY FORECAST CLASSIFIEDS 39 Sell it - Buy it at Real Estate │ Business & Inventory │ Personal Property/Estates │ Farm Equipment & Machinery │ Livestock │ Storage Units │ Benefits/Fundraisers │ Certified Personal Property Appraiser EXCITINGTri County FUN ● FAST Livestock ● EFFICIENT Auction ● Eggs, Chicks,EXCITING Poultry, Rabbits, Pigs, Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Hay, Misc. Items 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month – 6 PM 9033 Glock Place (off MD Rt. 6) – Charlotte Hall, MD P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636 301-373-4125 So. Md. Fall Harvest & Estate Auction www.countytimes.net CountySt. Times Mary’s County ● Calvert County Mums, Pumpkins, Fall Produce, Handcrafted Quilts, Many New For sta listing and emails, see page 39 Items, Concrete Lawn Items, Longaberger Baskets, Fishing Poles, Lifetime Tables, Furniture/Items from Several Estates FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Thanks for supporting our local farmers, growers & producers. We will be selling with 2 auctioneers at a time. The law offices of P.A. Hotchkiss & Associates FRI – SEPT 27th @ 5 pm Providing Excellent Service For Over 20 Years Westfield Farm Arena & Auction Barn AUTO ACCIDENTS 26689 Laurel Grove Rd – Mechanicsville, MD Workers’ comp • Divorce/Separation Upcoming Auctions to include Farm Tractors, Tools • Support/Custody Equipment, Utility Vehicles, Antiques/Collectibles & More • Domestic Violence • Criminal/Traffic Call us to discuss your consignments. • DWI/MVA Hearings Scan this “Times Code” Power of Attorney www.FarrellAuctionService.com with your smart phone • Name Change • Adoption • Wills • Guardianship 301.904.3402 Accepting: 99 Smallwood Dr. Waldorf, MD • 206 Washignton Ave. LaPlata, MD OPTIONS • SOLUTIONS • RESULTS SERVING CHARLES • ST. MARY’S • PG • CALVERT (301) 932-7700 (301) 870-7111 Thursday, September 26, 2019 The Calvert County Times Local News 3 County Administrator Announces Retirement Wills to be Terry Shannon’s Replacement Calvert County Administrator Terry Shannon an- the trust and encouragement the Board of County Com- nounced Sept. 24 her plan to retire following 11 years missioners has shown me over the years. County gov- of service as county administrator and over 32 years ernment employees are hands-down the best employees of public service. In order to effect a smooth transi- out there. As a Calvert County native, and having raised tion, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) an- my family in Calvert County, it has been my absolute nounces Mark Willis as the administrator selectee to privilege to serve this beautiful community.” succeed Shannon later this year. Shannon will advise Shannon joined county government in 1987 as a staff Willis in the coming months. Shannon’s retirement will accountant. She moved through the ranks to become take effect on January 3, 2020. deputy director of what was then the Department of “Ms. Shannon has a deep and proud legacy,” said Administration and Finance in 1991, fi nance director BOCC President Thomas E. “Tim” Hutchins. “Ms. in 1999 and ultimately county administrator in 2008. Shannon was on the leadership team that brought Cal- Prior to her government service, Shannon was a comp- vert County its fi rst AAA bond rating, saving the citi- troller for a computer business in Greenbelt and corpo- zens of this county millions of dollars in interest pay- rate auditor for Suburban Bank in Bethesda. Shannon ments. She led efforts on a variety of signifi cant fi nan- was the county’s fi rst female director of Finance and cial improvements including the restructuring of the Budget, and Southern Maryland’s fi rst female county county’s employee retirement savings program, devel- administrator. oping a transparent budget process that helped improve Terry Shannon Shannon is a Certifi ed Public Accountant, member public trust and leading the Department of Finance & of the American Institute of Certifi ed Public Accoun- Budget to win numerous Government Finance Offi cers commendable leadership and the board is confi dent he tants and the Maryland Association of Certifi ed Pub- Association Distinguished Budget Awards, among oth- will lead our employees to achieve great success in the lic Accountants. She is a graduate of the Leadership er accomplishments. Our county has been lucky to have years to come.” Maryland class of 2013. She serves as a member of the such a talented and dedicated employee.” Willis will shadow Shannon in the coming months board of trustees for the Calvert County Employees Re- “We are also pleased to announce the selection of and continue to manage the Department of Planning tirement Plan, the Calvert County Sheriff’s Department Mark Willis, who currently serves as director of the & Zoning. Willis, who has served as the Planning and Pension Plan, and the Calvert County Employees De- Department of Planning & Zoning, to succeed Ms. Zoning director since 2016, is the former deputy direc- fi ned Contribution Plan. She also serves on the Finance Shannon,” Hutchins added. tor of Public Works. Willis is also a retired U.S. Marine Committee for the Local Government Insurance Trust. “Mr. Willis is a proven and respected leader who has Corps captain and former logistics offi cer. delivered strong operating results. He has demonstrated “It has been a distinct pleasure and honor to serve as Press Release from Calvert County Government county administrator,” Shannon said. “I am humbled by Bowen's Grocery Family Owned & Operated Since 1929 The Charm and Quality of the Past with the Convenience and Variety of Today USDA Choice Beef - Cut To Order “Our Own” Freshly Ground Chuck “Our Own” Frozen Hamburger Patties Steaks • Roasting Pigs Fresh Local Oysters "Our Own" Homemade Boars Head Country Sausage Deli Meats • Cheeses Loose • Links Condiments • Specialty Items Stuffed Pork Chops With our Homemade Stuffing Fresh MD Crab Meat Rotisserie Chickens Fresh Salmon Full Service Deli Otterbein's Cookies Breakfast WINE • COLD BEER * * * * * Subs • Sandwiches ICE - BAGS • BLOCKS Daily Lunch Specials Full Line of Groceries, Homemade Produce & Meats for Soups • Salads • Desserts All Your Daily Needs EXCHANGEABLE PROPANE TANKS 4300 Hunting Creek Rd • Huntingtown, Maryland 410-535-1304 follow us on facebook 410-257-2222 MON-FRI 6 AM - 9 PM • SAT-SUN 7 AM - 9 PM 4 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, September 26, 2019 T own Center Planning to Begin January, but the outreach process will start no later than Prince Frederick is ‘Guinea Pig’ November, after the new staffer is hired. Why Prince Frederick? She said, “We feel like that By Dick Myers would be the most demanding as our largest town cen- Editor ter and with the most development and community con- cern for issues like transportation and density.” During the lengthy process for updating the Calvert Once the outreach component is complete the results County Comprehensive Plan, critics urged not adopting would be turned over to Long-Range Planner Jenny any changes to the town centers until the plans for those Plummer-Welker to develop the draft plan that would town centers were completed. That didn’t happen and be presented to the planning commission and eventu- instead the Calvert County Board of County Commis- ally the BOCC. sioners (BOCC) adopted the comprehensive plan last A committee would be set up for each town center month. to oversee the outreach of each master plan. As to their Now the process to update those seven town center makeup, commission member Richard Holler wanted master plans is about to begin. And, it too will be a to know if it would be balanced to preclude any one lengthy process. Deputy Director of Planning and Zon- point of view from dominating. Waddell said they ing Brittany Waddell told the planning commission at would strive for balance but anyone who wanted to par- their Sept. 19 meeting that each town center would have the more controversial issues would be vetted prior ticipate would be encouraged to do so. a 12-15 month, three-stage process. She said the hope to it arriving at the board (BOCC) and (planning) She said, “That group would simply be a sounding is that all seven plans will be fi nished by 2024 because commission.” board for us. We would reach out to the known organi- that’s the time until the next mandated update of the Waddell said a new planner was being hired whose zations, but we would also welcome any private citizen comprehensive plan and if the town center plans aren’t responsibility would be to coordinate the outreach pro- being involved in that. Those meetings would be open done they would have to be put on hold until the overall cess for each town center. “We know that there were to the public, although it wouldn’t necessarily be a fo- process is fi nished. lots of concerns about not feeling heard and not having rum where the public would be engaged in that. They Of the 2024 deadline, she deadpanned, “It will be enough meetings, not having a style of meeting that they could attend a meeting, but the liaison group would be here in no time.” want. So, staff has taken a look at that.
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