St. James Parish A Catholic Community on the Pilgrimage of Holiness Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 8, 2021 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15, 2021 Welcome Parish Clergy A Message from Msgr. Joe Today's solemnity recalls the teaching of the Church that the Blessed Virgin Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven. The teaching of the Assumption Pastor of Mary became widespread across the Christian world as early as the 5th cen- [email protected] tury. The Assumption of Mary was celebrated in the West under Pope Sergius I Rev. Daison Areepparampil in the 8th century and Pope Leo IV then confirmed the feast as official. Howev- Parochial Vicar er, theological debate about the Assumption continued, following the Refor- [email protected] mation, climaxing in 1950 when Pope Pius XII defined it as dogma for the Catho- Rev. Vicente Magdaraog lic Church, with the publication of the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Parochial Vicar Deus Pope Pius XII on 1 November. [email protected] The Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the Rev. Msgr. Eugene Rebeck course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heaven- Weekend Assistant ly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and Deacon Bryan Davis [email protected] death." The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation in her Son's Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians: In giving birth Mary kept her virginity; in her Dormition she did not leave the world, but was joined to the source of Life. Mary conceived the living God and, by her prayers, will deliver our souls from death. (see CCC #966). After speaking of the Church, her origin, mission, and destiny, we can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary. In her we contemplate what the Church already is in her mystery on her own "pilgrimage of faith," and what she will be in the homeland at the end of her journey. There, "in the glory of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity," "in the communion of all the saints," The Church is awaited by the one she venerates as Mother of her Lord and as her own (Continued on page 10) Parish Staff and Ministry Facilitators Veronica Alexander Edward Cardoza Heather Famelio Helene Kenney Office Manager Mt Olivet Cemetery Parish Accountant/Payroll Parish Secretary [email protected] 732-741-5516 [email protected] [email protected] Pam PamTaylor Taylor Diane Testa Diane Testa Fred Valentino Fred Valentino Finance Finance Office Office Music Ministry Music MinistryDirector of Facilities Director of Facilities [email protected]@sjredbank.org [email protected]@sjredbank.org Altar Servers Altar Society Contemporary Music Group Hospitality Christian Buckman Rita Kline Joe Clark Stephanie Snow Lazarus Ministry Knights of Columbus Our Daily Bread Peace of Christ Prayer Group Ann Marie Six Peter DeFazio Martha Christofili Sue Kuhar River Jordan Ministry Senior Citizens Social Concerns That Man is You MaryEllen Connelly Sr. Ethel Friedman Jim Schmitt Jack Paul Ushers Young Adults Pat Flood Colleen Owens Saint James Elementary School Parish Office Red Bank Catholic High School 10 Peters Place 94 Broad Street 112 Broad Street Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 732-741-3363 Telephone: 732-741-0500 732-747-1774 Website: mysaintjames.com Website: sjredbank.org Website: redbankcatholic.org Saint James Convent Mount Olivet Cemetery 25 Drummond Place Parish Office Hours Located: 100 Chapel Hill Rd. Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Monday to Thursday: Middletown, New Jersey 732-741-0724 8:30 am to 4:00 pm 732-741-5516 Page 2 Our Mission Worship We are here to walk with you in your relationship with God wherever you are Eucharist on life’s journey. We invite you to join with us in the celebration of the Saturday Evening Mass: 5:30 pm sacraments, prayer, learning and serving so that each person can grow in Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, discipleship and together we can witness the Kingdom of God. 10:30 am, 12:00 pm and 5:30 pm Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Saturday Mor- ing: 8:00 am Holydays and Holidays as announced This Week Reconciliation 7:30 amMass Church/Online Monday to Friday following the 8:00 9:00 am Mass Church/Online am Mass and Saturday at 4:00 pm Aug 15 10:30 am Mass Church/Online 12:00 pm Mass Church/Online Baptism SUN 1:00 pm Baptism Church The Sacrament of Baptism for infants 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Church is on Sundays at 1:00 pm. Please con- 5:30 pm Mass Church/Online tact the parish office for information on scheduling a baptism for your child. 6:30 am Mass Church Aug 16 8:00 am Mass Church/Online Marriage Ideally, couples planning to marry at St. Mon James should contact the Parish Office one year in advance so that they may 6:30 am Mass Church complete the necessary marriage prep- Aug 17 8:00 am Mass Church/Online aration process. Please set date with TUES 9:30 am Parish Staff Meeting PH Meeting Room Church before making other plans. Contact the Parish Office for an ap- pointment. 6:30 am Mass Church Aug 18 8:00 am Mass Church/Online Care of the Sick WED 6:00 pm Folk Choir/Adult Choir Practice Choir Loft Please notify the Parish Office when serious illness occurs or when the sick, aged, or incapacitated are confined to 6:30 am Mass Church Aug 19 home for an extended period. Arrange- 8:00 am Mass Church/Online ments can be made to bring commun- THURS 7:30 pm Peace of Christ Prayer Group HS Meeting Room ion to those unable to attend Mass. Please contact the Parish Office. Parish & School Offices Closed Rite of Christian Initiation Aug 20 6:30 am Mass Church of Adults FRI 8:00 am Mass Church/Online The RCIA is a process of prayer, study 5:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal Church and spiritual formation which prepares 8:00 am Mass/Miraculous Medal Novena Church/Online adults for their entrance into the Aug 21 2:45 pm Wedding Church Church. Any adult who is interested in 4:00 pm Confession Church learning about the Catholic Church is SAT invited to call the Parish Office. 5:30 pm Mass Church/Online 7:30 am Mass Church/Online Parish Registration 9:00 am Mass Church/Online You are most welcome to join as a 10:30 am Mass Church/Online member of St. James Parish. You may Aug 22 register by contacting the Parish Office 12:00 pm Mass Church/Online during business hours. If moving, SUN 1:00 pm Baptism Church please inform the parish office so that 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Church we can update your record. 5:30 pm Mass Church/Online Page 3 We Pray Mass Intentions Memorials We remember our special intentions of the week Aug 14 5:30 pm Thomas Belton / Mastriano Family Dorothy Conlan / Francis R. Lewis; Sr. M. Patricia Sat Mulcahy / Francis R. Lewis; Kathleen Tully / Mario and Amelia Flego 7:30 am Sara Wichmann / Family The Deceased of our Parish Benefactors of Jericho Homestead Deceased Parishioners, Family and Friends of St. James 9:00 am Gene Kirkman / Nancy Giles & Roy Walls Daniel J. Sharkey; Andrea O’Keefe; John Cleary; Edwina Tkaczyk Family / Mary Ellen Connolly Daley; Claire Deverin; John K. Keenan; Louise D. Aug 15 Kevin & Rita Enright / Dennis & Debbie Donleavy; Sun Curry The Sick of our Parish Ann Marie Russo / Daughter, Kristine Come to us, O risen Savior, faithful physician of our bodies 10:30am Special Remembrances of the Week and souls, and grant relief to our sick and aging who suffer 12:00pm Ellen T. & Kay Dunn / Family Walter Peterson; Rocco DiMaggio; Oddo Gunther; Tkaczyk Family / Mary Ellen Connolly Mary Beth Meehan; Wayne Gallagher; James 5:30pm People of the Parish Scarpone, Sr.; Cash McHugh; The Marks Family; David Ferguson III; Patricia Sharp; A Friend; Donna; Delores; Aug 16 6:30 am People of the Parish 8:00 am Barbara Owens / Colleen Owens Barbara Owens; Joe; Gerry Conrad; Betsy Mauro; Mon Names on the Prayers for the Sick list will be removed at the end of the Mass for the Unborn / Vincent Giordano month. Please contact the parish office if you wish someone to remain on the sick list the new month. Aug 17 6:30 am People of the Parish The Newly Baptized Tues 8:00 am Peter & Thomasina Staples / Lynn Gale Fabio Gomez / Clara Gomez We remember in prayer those we have welcomed into our community through the waters of Baptism. Wilson Joseph Wells; Ryan Cole Mercer; Aug 18 6:30 am People of the Parish Wed 8:00 am Mildred Miele / The Bonitz Family Nicholas James Mutch Dorothy Coyle / Sally Foley The Newly Married 6:30 am People of the Parish We pray for those who celebrated their wedding Aug 19 Jason Amabile and Megan Kierce Thurs 8:00 am Cecilia Terranova / Sally Foley Mary Elizabeth Fealy / Karin & Greg Duffy Wedding Banns We remember in prayer the engaged couples of our parish Aug 20 6:30 am People of the Parish who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage, Fri 8:00 am Benefactors of Jericho Homestead answering God’s call to live in His love.
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