Pqleosuchus lvillism E. Magnusson Departadentode Ecologia IDstitutoNacioMl de Pcsquisasda A.Eamnia Caira Postal478 690mManaus A.Erazonas Brasil ID 1950Fcdedco M€ded anived b Colombia and set about studyiag thc 6ocodilia!5 of tlat coultry. By thc time of his death in 1984Fred Mcdem had contributed sigdificantly to studies of al soeciesof South Americaa cioctdiliats (Mc(GE 19814 1983), Howevcr' he vdll probably be best r;errbered for his pioaecriag work on tbe gclr.usPaleosuchus. when I started-studying 'ta Pateosuchtls lyTg t\e gtouad work had been laid aad any basic idormatior I coarldtrot fmd h his Dublicatiors Fred Drovidedin correspondencc. Ttis paper is largely a review of thc literaturq most ;f which was writtcn by Federico Meilem. I! is udortunate that Fred could dot wdte it himself l af, also gratefirl to Andy Ross who provided much literature not aEilablc itr Brasil. The work was fioa.ucedby the tnstituto Nacional de Pesquisasda Amazonia and by grafi au,lrber 40J055/83 from tle Braziiiaa cons€lho Nacro@l de Desenvolvimento Cientifrco c Tecnologico to w E' Maglusson. NOMENCLATT]RE Biochemical atulrsas (De!&aore 1983) support tlc status of Pdteorrciut as a distinct genus within the Aligatorime. The probleds associated*ithPaleosuchus noBenclature are compl€x aid havebe€d det;ted by Mook and Mook (1940). Howel€r, sitrcc Medem's (1958) revisioa tlere has beeD almost uaiv€Nal acceptanccof lbe n mes PaleosucfuatoiSonan$ a d P paryEbrosusfor $e two South Americar specie'sof d*arf caima*. The only modem poilt of contedion i,s ihe allo<Atiol o|la.aretingarnotcrtrt€t sPir to synodyEy with one of tle speciesol Pale61lchus The woe soecrmenof J. m-oscfifet was desuoyed durbg world War tr. Hot+e\€r, the desciiption of I ^i"i*, X accompa.nied'bya figure of a croco<lilian with a snout shape similar to that of P' argrnoi*. vultt*i1ral8) coasidercdt moschiler to b€ sytrotryEouswith P Palpebmsus.basedoa th; descriptior *hich specfically mentioDs four rows of dorsal scutes b€t\r'een the hind l€gs' Mcdeo (i958) coasidercdI. motchilo to be a composite, the descdpttonbz*d on P' Palpebmsts *ith P. The anrl the iguri Uasedon a P. a8on4ars, ard so synotyaizzd I. notchifer .ttigonatus sFonomy-wortd trot be importait elrceptthat.r. mosclttlet was describedfrom Bahia, atr area which fas co"nt-ea r?orts of P. ttigonotus (Magnusson 1987). For zoogeographic reasots I agee"cverat q,ith Vaillant (1898i :Jnatt. mosciiler A a ql..oaym fot P. palpebrosus. Also, Muler (1923), a fu-iti"t o,i'tl Oi speciesofPaleosachu.r, identfied and catalogled the q?e specimenas P' palpebrosus."rt"ia;"t Medem (1983) consideredSeba's plat€ 10t Figs. 3 and 4 of th€ specimenon which Scbneider based bis descliption ofP. t8orraur, to representthe spedesvte now callp, patlabrosu, but did not suggestthat the aames of the t*! speciesbe switched. In the intercst of Domenclaturalstabiiitv it may b€ neces$ry to desiglate a neot ?e for Schneide!,sCrocodifus trigonaats . MORPHOLOGY Speciesir the g€nusPareo$r.rr6 are amorrg the smallest of the Crocodilia. Medem (1981a) elcouder€d male P. rrienat{ up to t:16 cd snout-veDtleDgth (SVL), however nrost adu.li nales are in the size rango 75-90cn SVL. Febales reacb about ?5 cm S.!4-. Few data are availablefor P. palpebrusus bltl it is gcn€raly coasid€r€d that ttrey rnatrue at smaller sizes thaa p. trigonatus. Meden (1981a) r..ods mab P. patpet'rotus up b m cm SVL and females up ro 68 cm SVL. PsleosuchusteAd to h^ve short tailE at least in conpadsotr to C4imar crocodih$ Narznl-[ arLd Co6e^s1979). Distiffti€ featurcs of tle skul arc the lack of distioct suFaremporal fossae(snall fossaeare present in j$€nile A r,'rgorurr,r), 8 teeth itr tbe premaxil4 a.rd the lack of atr interorbital ridse. Tbrc€ bones form a plate over the orbit and alnost obscureit when tle skull b viewed from aboie. shape of tlc skutl of P. tiwatus ts t\at of a getreralizedciocodiliaA p. palpebrcsus Lhe 'dog-like" bt has a high smooth sh l (Medem 1958,1981a). Some individuats harc body charicteristics ofp. pa&€ir"rur but head shapeatrd color of-P. arSpnarur, Medem (1q0, 1981a)coasidered rhesc to be hybrids. The best fcahre to distinguish betwcen skulls of the two spccicsis the rclative sizc of the e{emal mandibular forame[ Id P. nigonaa8 tlle maxillum width of the foramen (measur€d pcrpendicular to the lolg axis) is equal to or greater than the disrance froE rhe fora.oen to the inferior edge ofthe argular. The widtl of the extemal ma.ndibularforaEen is lessthar tle distancc p. from the forame! to the inferior edgeof the angulat i Wtpebr.ostlr. The skins of bolh species of Paleoflrchus are heavily ossified, the bony osteoderms of the icnl€_r,dorsuo ani tail bdry so closelyjuxtaposed that the arimal atmost app€arsto be erclosed in a shell. Al_gae_adhere to the slins of both speciasin captivity, and i! some natunl habitats (Meden 1958),giviq the auinals a greed color. Medem (1981a) giv€,sthe sizes6rd merisrics of individuals of each spociescollected i4 Colombia. The etr ol Paleotuchus arc a rich broq,tr color, Med€m (1981a) presents mary color plates of €achrp€.ies. AdrultP. psllEbrosrs ha|'e erceDsivedark pigdeDt on tli venual surfales a:rd light- brolrD 1'T4.. Ad\rlt P. trigonants have dark heads and gercraly lack pigmenr or tte ventral surface. the dorsal surfac! of the head behird the eye* is light yellow in juveniles of each species (color phologra_phs;n Meden 1981a). Other asp€cts of coloration are variable asd nor very distinctive (Meden 1958). ._Tt_e 9n! gtler crocodiliatr geDus with deep-browr eyes, heavily-armotred d.in, heavily ossified palpebrals, ajrd smal adult size is the Africat (rc{jcd,ylifLeOsteolaemrr r?tarpir. Too little is knowE of the life histories of either gedus to *?rra.nt speculation or the reasors for this morphological corvergeace but it may be significalt that the distdbutions of both seucra ue centered on areasof Eopicai raidoresl. DISTRIBUTION Poteosuchusttigonatus occurs througbout the Amazor and Orinoco &ainag€ badns and the coastal rivers of th€ fucc G|uianrtr..P. palpebmsus occurs over essentially the same range aDd extenatssouth across the Braziliatr shield to the Rio Patatra and Rio Paraquaydrainage basios lt also ocdrs i.tr th€ Rio sao Fraftisco dtairagp basitr of the Braziliatr states of Bahia a.trdMinas Gerai6. Medom (1983) givcs detailed localitt records. Tho records for P. tiSotra&r (Aruana ad Balia) soutf, of tle Amazotr Basir given by Medcd (1983) arc ptobably €rotreouri (MagBrxisotr Yaoakoshi 1986). In Vcaezuela P. tt8ota&t is largely rqstrict€d to the soutter4 forest€d and 'llanos' regions whereas P. patpebrotus occ!$ extensively over tie norttem areas of the Rio Oridoco &aimgc (Gorztia 19a7: Figs. 2 arld 3). Despite beiDg synpaEic over largp areaE the two spe.ias of Paleosa.hus te rar-elysyntoPic' In wat€r Lodies in-which they are fouad together otle specresis usually comEon and the other rare (Med€d 1967, 191a). Tte ftajot habitat for P. uigononls appea$ to be sDall forest streants itr that habitat' ilr{edeo fe7, Oixoa et at, 197, Magnussor 1985) andP-palpebrctus tat-ely occurs i! the ccntnl Amazotr Basi! l. ParPertg$a is foudd aost coEmonly in irurdation forests around the hajor rivers a.trdIales (Maglusson 1981. On the Brazilian shid4 P. palpebtutus,oc.cxtrst\ of the strea-i lioed by gatt ry forests that rua thougl sa!"tna (Rebelo aad l,ouzada 1980. Much corfixioa that lurrouads thc ecological distributio.s of the two sp€ciesstems ftom the fad that it is difrc:trlt to *ork itr small rainforest stlealos and gallery forest. Most observations(as distiact from occurrcdccs) of Paleosuchut are rnade aroond large watcr bodies with easy acccss by boat' Individuals, especiallylargp males ad dispelsingju!€dles, are often found in such sioatiins but to date there is no evidence that either specics aormally brc€ds atoutrd larye water bodies. l-alge rivers and lakes arc dormally thc major habrtats for C. cmcoililus, Melanosuchus niSer and Crocodthrs intetmediut. Meden (1980) suggestedtlat tie occurrence ot Paleosuchus,s sn,me habitats in Colombia ircr€ascd after the larger, conmercially more valuable species' h4d beer eliminat€d b'y overhuntin& Much mote work neeats to be dooe on thc ecologicrl distributions of the species of presence Paleosuchue,es{f;,cially P. Palpebtustts,b'J[ czte mustbe talen to e%luate habitats for the of both s€rcs, n;sts and juveniles, Spotlight survep from a boat as are used for most oth€r specres of cocodilians are probably of littlc tsc for evaluatitg populatioN of Paleoiuc,ur. Gorzula (198? sulcests lhat the water bodies in whic! P. tSot alrr occurs are chemically distitrct ftom those in wfch C. cracodtrt$ ocaur6,so liEnologica.l variablesnay be useful for distinguishirg habitats' FOOD As with otf,er crocodilianq Paleosuchussp€cies eat a vaiiety of vertebrate atrd iri€ttebrate prey. Medem (1981a) lsts the stomach contcrs of Pskosuchut ta\en ir a variety of habiiats itr boiombia Vaazotini aaa Gomes (1qi9) gile stomach cootents oIP. ,tSott.tur taked in Brazil' asd Ruesta (1b81) dcsoibes tle stooach co;terts of 3 P. niSonaus ftoa Petn Large males of both speciesoccasionally eat otler crocodiliaDs(Medem 1981a). In the c€ntral Amazod Basin P. nigonatus eats more tere'strial llrtebrates than 6ther cf,ocodif,',n. of similar sizqbut P. palpebtu$ls eats sinilat foods (nainly invertebrates and Iish) to c. crocodilut al.d M. niger iB the same size raDge. Mammals and soales are taken l'lainly by large P. msotrtA $/ith 6)(€dhome ralgps (Magnussotret al, L9SD T\e dLetof P.
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