I ~-- . -r---1---;:c~:.~:---Case 3:77-cv-00221-ECR-RAMFilinq Date Document 818 Filed 02/06/06 Page 1OL of 40j Docket I Nature j R J""' ~?istr~~~--+~~r. f':::Jmber _r:~ Mo. Day Yr. I J Sua 23 Judge Mag. o~.Jl ARB I Do"" cket Yr./Jwt!l Number I l-Ite ---r----+-l--r -E€-R-H'HA)• I \ 4 550 ~.<387'"- ~8BB 00221 ~9 7L_l_.2__ l:'ili o 2 21 :11 123 177 I 3 13 I lll- . 1 CAUSE: 42 lJSC 1983 Prisioner Civil Rights CLASS ACTION 8/10/ 8 2 !]____~~/ i PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS ENGI.I\1-'D, WILLIAM; MILLER, ROBERT A. CREW, NORM.--:.N and MARTIN;~:·, JUAN 3:77-cv-00221 ASSIGNED TO PHA ALL FUR PRETRIAL PROCDNGS/HRGS #258 12/1/81 ·[NqTE:··.• DUPLICATE ;DOCKET"SHEE-T'-'cas~C6f:i;l{)18:19l"':!f!i:S.e~tg:i;'tl;!r_'!'1'P~9"E:ti~l1'1lttaeh~lit:• • . - r ,_,,-, NOT EXEMPT FRCP 16(b) -------·----------------------- ATTORNEYS ~ FOR PLAINTIFFS: FOR DEEENDANTS: ' 1J-!;?J m.o../l./)x tlJUJ_./ ~~·. SINGLE'1'9N 1 eEe-, "-OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ~ile..s:l:.--Li-he r t y S L • , il f1 a F 1 B M l,f '"\ \)'\) Criminal Justice Division Reno, NV ll-.I>.;;.G..± li'')5<:30~ JI Cl Heroes' Memorial Building (-762) J;~n-6 -< 3 --r 5 r'1 Capitol Complex By: Charles Zeh, Esquire Carson City, NV 89710 and (702) 687-3531 7~!:J7 WASHOE LEG],L SERVICES A/G By: ~;f."'<%~/ DEputy 650 Tahoe St. Reno, NV 89509 (70;!) 329-2727 By: Er~est K. Nielsen, Esq. and NA.TIONA.L PRISON PROJECT 1875 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite 410 Prison Monitors: Washington, D.C. 20009 Pat McManus By: Alexa F'reeman, Esq. 'VP fld 8/25/86 7768 Knollwoods Dr. Moundview, Minnesota 55112 ( 202) 234-4830 ~U:-· f- .;(~ 'f P ~_ljj to/<! llP1?./7Z'i-17'6CJ COURT A TOR: -r - r ('" - SEE PG la. for 1988 Jerry Enomoto- I"\'~ appeal cnsl 7 6917 Gre~nhaven Drive Sa 9524~aer<i"mento, CA 95831 / ~ D. HIGH '~'\S\~~\\~"''~ ' p 1119068 'S ()_ t• ';'\ (\,_ N---~. .~~~ c1 ~t I, \ PRO PER I I t\ FILING FEES PAID (CJJ&,) 3ci2-S i8 {q. STATISTICAL REPORTS • Box 1989, ESf' .. ~ ~~~\1\ q PROCESSED , NV RECEIPT NUMBER C. D. NUMBER 89301-198'9 Filing ~------- rrLCUII'I Termination __ FORMA 1=---- .-- Change ________ PAUPEFIS - ------ -- JNITED STATES DISTRICl COURT DOCKET DC-111 S 17/85) - -----~--------:-------------,-~ J>t.JI{ NR. Case 3:77-cv-00221-ECR-RAM DocumentPROCEEDINGS 818 Filed 02/06/06 Page 2 of 40 WILLIAM ENGLAND V ROBERT A MJT,T.EB CV-N-77-221_-:::Ee:R(PHA) =; FOR PLAINTIFFS: APPEAl, FLO 6/15/8,~ i666 ONLY Gregory Richard Hogan #21512 and Albert Roman H--2-6&8- IN PRO PER ~ -P-:-e-;- Box 687 Cs rs.QJ:l.-.G.,ity, WV JAMES E. PHILLIPS ELY STATE PRISON P. 0. BOX 1989 ELY, NV 89301 #788 ~]---~---------------- n~sr/cr-~Jc~:! _Yl.:~:2;~Case.... ~sER 3:77-cv-00221-ECR-RAM B''· ~·~·;v...... ~~7:...R J Document 818 Filed 02/06/06 Page 3 of 40 ~;;:~"] ~: I 0221 11 23 77 3 PLAJ_NTIFF~J:JIBS PHILLIPS: et.al. l.ll]:T,k~~ _:..ifiB't~&fr'i!:1_ ~--ET AI,., * DELLARA, Marlo I .~rt..7:rn:.\.u .r:'i':tt'Y"::'·:.r~, rL-. a.L. ~INf'IE; HSQER3?, tJih&MI) LIM±, -'()! Q71 T T ?\£ILTIJ'I I H±CIP'H:.T and PRIIJ~IPS, JANES. Individually A:.IST, ROBERT , and on tehalf of all other persons #CKHN1ER, WILLIA'1, si;nilary1 situated at the Nevada· ..WOLFF, CHA.BLES R. , State Prison l'~ud.mum Security .-MARSING, BOYD, Faci.1ity .. .A')ATSON, DAVID NEW P s " : ENGLAND, WILLIAM; * REVISED i:• - per Ord i/29 5/31/Sl CREW, NORMAN; MA.'1TINEZ I JUAN. (per Ord ·-P29 5/3l/9l) ~L!l?AJEB _l{/C!Y:Z§ 47, ?B 94 & 77 242 7/25/Btj. COUNTK'2LA.ll1 fld .ll/24/81 #247 -cW~~!ichael J. , and LAI~GE, Curtis - Added tn actn as narred party Ps J /21 IBA / CASE <;ONSOLIDATED w/CV-R-76-193 & .CAUSE 77 2 Th :Ls.. 1s· an act.1on· b rough t,cv.,.~ ~o1 atiElM y, a nd as a c 1 ass o f a 11 1nmates· currently confmed,· · or who might bE confined in the Max:innnn Prison of the Nevada State Prison, un:ler 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983, to redress, inter-alia, the violations of their First, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights under the United States Constitution. ATTORNEYS ESQ. I. For all_Qe:fendants: sh Avenue DRI/tN Hcl<AY: Reno1 N'\ 89509 Attorney General (702) 323-4 :fo( /tpfea..-\ '. HARC P. CARDINALLI 0 Deputy Attorney General 't-"1-41~+ '!<41- 6CE!Ojo<1e'civ<rJ..Ik:f~ Heroes' Nemorial Building -~- ~ ~ _ _ ~~I '5'12.- . · Capitur Complex--- - - - • ---· --- --~-- ~\~{£tt»""'G;;.rci«- Carson City, Nevada 89710 ERNEST 1<. NIELSEN ~. </<;2-'l.f.l.U. (702) 687-'4-H-& 41-/t)(}.._ i\ttorney At Law . ~-,'{?ct_"f,-:Jl"f) & lias hoe Legal Serv1ces h5'oT4HOitSTt£ET o-z.... :~_~_:t~ ~'zrj~yi -~~fe /o/ J!!_£1<;::~:7:~cq hoi) 33·1-59'60 I ~c:_ I i (S•o:e C::t-F.-82-51-ECR for - Crininal Contempt Proceedings against Charles Zeh) NATIONA:C, PRISON PROJECT 18 7'i Connecticut Avenue N.W. Suite 410 Washington, DC 20009 ( 20.2) 331-0500 ANiYA.LV:tN J. BRONS'rEIN ~-l'.Jdf,iffi ..l'REEMAN .II• P. .I't.J 14~ 0 ACLU OF NEVADA 1, \~ ~ ER IF CASEHERE WAS ·~· DATE ~ 557 B. 6alHH3 ll"9 '- "- _ <:'.. - ==="'i CARD FILED IN ·· -·--- ---+- Las Vegas, Nv 8-9+{)4 """''" Lt -----! JS-5 FOHMA ( 7 0 2 ) 7 8 6- 8 2 6 0 "6'\\. ~ \ \J JS-6 1 P_I\,:i,~ERIS . - - NJTE:D ~iTATE:S OIST:r\ICT COURT DOCK ~r ~" DC~11l(~· Case 3:77-cv-00221-ECR-RAM Document 818 Filed 02/06/06 Page 4 of 40 DC lllA PID PER APPEARANCES : :Rev. l/75) CIVIL DOCKET ---------- CONTINUATION SHEET Pc_A;NTIFJA!-tEoo PHILLIPS-, -e_t .a:l. DEFENDANT CV-R-77-2217~ DOCKET NO. ______ BTiiBY EJih'Rtt nu± , Vi' o tll'IE RICHARD BRYAN, et.al. _ FGDZFSP ~NIE 1 ot. al: MIKE O'CALLAGHAN, et. al. PAGE --~'~OF ___ PAGES ( ALLEN F. BREED ) KENNETH CARLISLE ( COURI' ADpiTOR ) P.O. BOX 607 N.S.P. ( P. 0. Box 698 ) C'.AR30N CITY, NEVADA" ( San An<fre2.s , Ci\ 95249) // ( (209) 754-1352 ) / BAPNELL BISHQP P.O. BOX 607'N.S.P. / CARSON CITY, NEVADA / JAMES ~AMS, JR. P.O.LBOX 607, N.S.P. CAF;SON CITY, NEVADA 89702 I T YET APPROVED TO~t~DDED: CHAR S HARRY COL~ ? P.O. X 607\Q N.S.P. r61" Carson~i NV 89702 ROB~~~ORDON OHNSTONE ~ 0o;_ll3ox 607 ~~:~ City, NV 8 02 i)CiJ/1 . ' C:lV.LlJ tiC>.Case R- /7-0221-~ 3:77-cv-00221-ECR-RAM - -~<ER'l' l•li'ti3lll!'<'I3~ Document Yl" .• 818 ··:. Filed·· 02/06/06. i Page 5 of 40 --~-·--·--,·-~--------- ~ -li?Tj-.pr srf?.tFES.Y, it. ai·~ ~ __-_- _ .,..·,..,""""" ' i tfti'~MES PHILLIPS ,n'-. al · RICHARD BRY1UT;-e·C3 L ;:.,:'_.:E i ~.:.~' 1 - - <=l- f-F,oC:::r:::;:: :=.:: I ' l~:~;:~:r~: 1 ~a:t~f ~~liy <~~~ie~~ver sheet) " • 3!1 Aff. of James Phillips. " 4.. Aff. of Robert Maginnis. ll-25-77 5.. Req. and Ord. for Serv. of Process by Other than the U. S. Marshal. II Iss. sumns. 12-l-77 6., • Surrms. Eng. rets. Srvd. all defts. on ll-28-77. · 12-6-77 7.jxMtn for Enlargerrent of Time and P/A in Supp. obo Defts. Ord. defts. allawed to and j incl. l-9-78 to ans. pltfs. canpl. (BRT) 12-9-77 , 8. r· Mtn to authorize a view by the ct. of the Maximum Security Facility of Nswcda State Prison. · " 9. P/A in supp. of Mtn to auth. a view by the ct. of the Max. Security !;"acility of the 1 Nevada State Prison. " 10. 1 Ex-Par~e Mtn to shorten time to 12-9-77 to resp. to req. of pltf. to inspect the 1 prrnnses. · " ll.:f<"Req. to Inspect Premises. " 12. · Stip. to ext. t:irne to 12-14-77 for deft. to resp. to pltfs mtns re inspection of premises. 12-13-77 13. Oppos. to Mtn Req. the Ct. to Auth. a view and Resp. and Objection to Req. to Inspect Premises. l-4-78 14. Reply to the Oppos. to Mtn Req. the Ct. Auth. a Vie,;, of the Premises and 11tn to Inspect the Premises. 1--5--78 15. Ord. Ord. that pltfs. mtn to inspect premises known as the Max. Security Prison . at Carson City, Nv. and to make photos of same is granted. Defts. shall permit­ such inspection and photo to take place on 1-9-78 at 9:30 a.m. until completed under proper security for the protection of the inspectors and photographers Emc! majntenance of prison integrity or, alterna!:ively, at such other time or t:irnes as shall be agreed upon by the parties. cpys dist. 1-6-78 16., Ord. vacating time for inspection of Maximum Security Prison at Cars::m Cit:y, Nv. 1-9-78 17. '>(11tn for S/J or in j::he Alt. to Dismiss the Carpl. Deft. "''' , .''! " 18. ' P/A in Supp. of Mtn for S/J or in the Alt. to Dismiss the Campl. Deft. " 19 . ./Mtn1 to Dismiss obo Defts.
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